Head of Laboratory

Geras'kin, Stanislav A

DSc in Biological/biomedical sciences, Professor
Authorization required.
  1. High performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS)
  2. Molecular biology of plants (Plant Molecular Biology)
  3. Determination of biochemical markers of oxidative stress
Geras'kin, Stanislav A
Stanislav Geras'kin
Head of Laboratory
Alexander Prazyan 🤝

Research directions

Work in the field of radiobiology and ecotoxicology of agricultural plants

The use of high-performance methods of molecular biology and bioinformatics to study the mechanisms of adaptation of plant populations to the levels of anthropogenic pollution actually present in the biosphere. The use of ionizing radiation and high-performance methods of molecular biology to identify genes that affect the yield and stress resistance of cultivated plants. The study of plant responses to ionizing radiation, heavy metals and pesticides. To study the patterns of formation of biological effects of low doses and ionizing radiation capacities. Development of theoretical foundations and practical methods of bioindication and biotesting of anthropogenic pollution using plants.

Publications and patents

Lab address

109-й км, шоссе Киевское, г. Обнинск, Калужская обл.
Authorization required.