Shirokov, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich

PhD in Engineering
Torgonin K., Shirokov V.V.
2022-02-03 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
In recent years, the oil and gas industries have been developing significantly. In this regard, there was a great need for the construction of main pipelines, which consist of pipes and connecting parts. The production of connecting parts of pipeline has not been studied enough to date. This article describes the process of stamping halves of stamped-welded elbows. During the stamping operation, the workpiece wall is thinned. The process of modeling this operation in a software of modeling by finite element method Deform-3D is described. The place of the greatest thinning of the wall was determined with the help of Deform-3D. The results of modeling and experimental production coincided. The main factors that may influence the degree of thinning were identified. Experimental calculations were performed in Deform-3D with a variation of these factors. As a result of the experiments carried out, the most significant factor was determined and an option was proposed to solve the problem of wall thinning. Solving this problem will help reduce the cost of production by 1.5 times.
Al-Khuzaie A.S., Vydrin A.V., Shirokov V.V.
2020-01-01 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
The article is dedicated to the research of a regular pattern of the change of metal plastic deformation following deformation stress elimination. The peculiarity of the research is that it was performed with a single method for an entire temperature range: from room temperature value to values close to the melting temperature. For the first time the fact of metal softening at temperatures close to 600 °C was discovered. Physical explanation of the phenomenon is provided within the article. It must be emphasized that this result can be applied during determination of technological parameters of pipe calibration and straightening in thermal departments of pipe-rolling workshops.
Chaplygin B.A., Shirokov V.V., Lisovskaya T.A., Lisovskiy R.A.
2019-02-26 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The strength of abrasive wheels is one of the key factors affecting the performance of abrasive machining. The paper discusses ways to improve the strength of abrasive wheels. The stress-state mathematical model presented herein is a generalization of the existing models. It is used herein to find for the first time that there are numerous optimal combinations of the elastic modulus and reinforcing material density, which result in the same minimum value of the objective function. It is found out that increasing the radius of the reinforcing component while also optimizing the mechanical properties of its material may increase the permissible breaking speed of the wheel several times. We herein present a regression equation and a nomogram for finding the optimal combination of control factors. Conventional methods for testing the mechanical properties of materials, which have been proven reliable for testing metals and alloys, are not as reliable for testing abrasive materials, as the test results they generate are not sufficiently stable or accurate. We therefore propose an alternative method that does not require any special equipment or special studies.
Radionova L.V., Shirokov V.V., Faizov S.R., Zhludov M.A.
2019-02-26 citations by CoLab: 7 Abstract  
This article presents the results of the effect of drawing speed on the strain rate and resistance to plastic deformation. The wire drawing on modern high speed wire drawing machines significantly increases the required amount of drawing dies. The influence of the technological parameters: speed drawing, half-angle of the die, wire diameter and a single strain on the rate of deformation of the metal. The influence of the technological parameters: speed drawing, half-angle of the die, wire diameter and a single strain on the rate of deformation of the metal. It is found that increasing the resistance to drawing dies and achieve passport velocities drawing, when selecting process parameters drawing guided by the principle of uniform strain over the cross section of the wire by matching the single strain with half-angle dies and friction coefficient on the formula given in the article.
Alyutin M.D., Shirokov V.V.
Metallurgist scimago Q3 wos Q4
2019-01-31 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
At present, push benches are not currently used in Russia because the experience of their operation in the USSR gave negative results. The history of application of push benches and the possibility of extension of the assortment of produced pipes are discussed. We present the analysis of the available data on the productivity and assortment of contemporary push benches. The advantages and disadvantages of modern pipe-rolling plants with push benches in the current economic situation are considered. The comparison of the characteristics of reeling mills reveals numerous significant advantages of push benches over the continuous reeling mills.
Vydrin A.V., Shirokov V.V.
Steel in Translation scimago Q4
2011-02-01 citations by CoLab: 1
Vydrin A.V., Krasikov A.V., Korsakov A.A., Geim E.A.
2024-11-20 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
The resistance of metals and alloys to plastic deformation has functional properties, since it depends on the history of the development of deformation over time. This is especially true for hot deformation processes. At the same time, complexity of the mathematical description and lack of the necessary experimental equipment for a long time did not allow us to design functionals of this type. Currently, due to the emergence of multifunctional research complexes like Gleeble, such an opportunity has appeared. Accordingly, a methodology was developed to study the functional properties of the resistance of metals and alloys of plastic deformation, which was applied to the study of 12Kh18N10T steel. The choice of steel grade is due to the fact that the behavior of austenitic stainless steel during plastic deformation differs significantly from carbon steels. On the other hand, at present, more and more attention is being paid to the production of metal products from stainless steels. This is due, on the one hand, to the tighte­ning of the operating conditions of metal products, the development of new areas of their application and, on the other hand, a fairly high share of imports in the market of products made of austenitic stainless steels. Therefore, the study of the technological properties of such metals and alloys is relevant. At the same time, it should be noted that the most significant functional properties of the metal resistance to plastic deformation are manifested during hot deformation under continuous rolling conditions. Therefore, in this paper, the temperature range of hot plastic deformation is investigated. The results obtained can be used to determine the energy-power parameters in such processes as continuous rolling of strips in the finishing groups of strands and continuous rolling of sleeves in the lines of modern pipe rolling units.
Toporov V.A., Ibragimov P.A., Panasenko O.A., Nukhov D.S., Khalezov A.O.
Steel in Translation scimago Q4
2023-11-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
In order to study the influence of technological factors on the nature of forming and the risk of metal fracture, problems of computer modeling of the process of continuous pipe rolling on the Fine Quality Mill (FQM) are formulated and solved. The solution of the problems has made it possible to assess the nature of the influence of deviation of rolling axes of the continuous mill and the extracting mill. The results of the research have made it possible to formulate and propose technical solutions to minimize the probability of risk defect.
Radionova L.V., Lisovskiy R.A., Sarafanov A.E., Faizov S.R., Erdakov I.N.
2023-07-27 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 1
The article presents the study results of the deformation resistance of titanium alloys VT1-00 (grade 1), VT1-0 (grade 2), VT3-1 (Ti-6.7Al-2.5Mo-1.8Cr-0.5Fe-0.25Si), VT6 (Ti-6Al-4V), VT5-1 (Ti-5Al-2.5Sn), VT16 (Ti-2.5Al-5Mo-5V), VT22 (Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Fe-1Cr), PT-7M (Ti-2.3Al-2.5Zr) depending on the deformation temperature, strain rate and degree of deformation. Studies of deformation resistance to were carried out on a CPI-SUSU cam plastometer. With an increase in the deformation temperature, the deformation resistance decreases, and at the expected strain rate, the deformation resistance increases. The degree of deformation affects the deformation resistance insignificantly. The dependences given in the article can be useful for researchers in the simulation and mathematical modeling of metal forming processes, the development of new and improvement of existing technologies, and the choice of the required technological equipment power.
Radionova L.V., Gromov D.V., Lisovskiy R.A., Erdakov I.N.
Machines scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2023-02-08 citations by CoLab: 4 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
In this article, a mathematical model has been developed for calculating the energy-power parameters of the drawing process in monolithic dies on straight-line drawing machines, and its adequacy has been validated in experimental wire drawing on a laboratory automated drawing machine. The program allows us to calculate drawing stress, drawing force, tensile strength and yield strength of the alloy after wire drawing, safety factor, and drawing power. The developed mathematical model differs in that it allows us to evaluate the uniformity of deformation over the wire section, depending on the technological parameters of the deformation zone, namely, the semi-angular die, the coefficient of friction and the degree of deformation. To select the technological parameters of the deformation zone, which ensure uniform deformation over the wire cross-section, a nomogram was compiled. The equations of hardening during nickel NP2 wire drawing are obtained. The calculation of energy-power parameters of drawing nickel NP2 (Ni 99.6) wire ∅1.8 mm from ∅4.94 mm wire rod is given. Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the energy-power parameters of nickel wire drawing on a laboratory drawing machine with an installed ring strain gauge to determine the drawing force. A change in the friction coefficient by 0.02 when drawing nickel wire leads to an increase in stress and drawing force by 20%. To improve the accuracy of the developed mathematical model, it is shown that in the future, it would be necessary to conduct experimental studies on a laboratory drawing machine to determine the effect on the energy-power parameters of the drawing process of the values of technological parameters entered into the program as constant real values, such as the friction coefficient, die half-angle, drawing speed, and back tension.
Radionova L.V., Gromov D.V., Svistun A.S., Lisovskiy R.A., Faizov S.R., Glebov L.A., Zaramenskikh S.E., Bykov V.A., Erdakov I.N.
Metals scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2022-09-03 citations by CoLab: 6 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
In this article, a mathematical model of the wire’s average temperature change in the process of multiple drawing on high-speed straight-line drawing machines has been developed. The calculation results showed that the average temperature of the wire during a drawing at a speed of up to 45 m/s on straight-line drawing machines could reach 400 °C. Deformation heating of the wire during drawing does not exceed 60 °C, and heating due to sliding friction can reach 300 °C, depending on the friction coefficient, which ranges from 0.05 to 0.15. The average strain rates under the conditions of the modern high-speed drawing process reach 7000 s−1. Over the course of the research, it was found that there are no conditions for the occurrence of dynamic deformation aging due to impurity atoms of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. At the same time, at the temperature and speed parameters of the high-speed wire drawing, conditions are created for the onset of the dynamic strain aging of steel in the presence of hydrogen atoms. Therefore, during heat treatment and pickling, it is necessary to exclude the hydrogenation of steel. It has been established that in order to exclude static strain aging of steel during drawing, it is necessary to prevent heating the wire above 180–200 °C.
Radionova L.V., Safonov E.V., Gromov D.V., Lisovskiy R.A., Faizov S.R.
2022-08-16 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract   Cites 1
Strength analysis of technological equipment designed for direct extrusion of 2.0 mm solder wire from a cast billet of 22.0 mm 52In-48Sn alloy was performed in the SOLIDWORKS Simulation software package. The analysis showed that to increase the safety factor and ensure its uninterrupted reliable operation during the small-scale production of solder wire, it is necessary to change the design of the conical part of the ram, and also to replace the steel grade from 37Cr4 to 25CrMo4 when manufacturing a container. This will ensure the safety factor of the structure equal to at least 2, which is sufficient for the technological equipment of metallurgical equipment. The structural decision to use a mono-lithic die as a matrix for extrusion turned out to be correct, according to the results of the strength analysis. The YG6 alloy die in the C45 grade steel mandrel is not an element that re-duces the overall strength of the tool.
Radionova L.V., Lisovskiy R.A., Svistun A.S., Gromov D.V., Erdakov I.N.
2022-08-16 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract   Cites 1
The article presents the results of a study of wire drawing in a monolithic die. In the simulator of metal forming processes QForm, which is based on the finite element method, studies were carried out on drawing wire from steel grade 10 (1.1121) ∅3.0 mm from a billet ∅3.5 mm in the absence of friction at the contact of a monolithic die-billet. During the simulation, the influence of die angles 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16° on the stress-strain state, strain rate and drawing force was studied. Research results have shown that: an increase in the die angle from 6° to 14° stress mean in the deformation zone changes its sign from compressive to tensile; at a die angle 8°, uniform mean stresses are created in the workpiece section; by reducing the angle of the drawing die in the wire section, uniform compressive deformations can be achieved; the strain rate increases with an increase in the die angle and leads to an increase in the resistance to deformation, which in turn leads to an increase in the drawing force. In the production of wire, when choosing drawing routes and determining single strains, it is necessary to consider die angles, since their influence on the drawing process and the quality of the wire is essential.
Radionova L.V., Lisovskiy R.A., Svistun A.S., Erdakov I.N.
2022-02-03 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract   Cites 1
This paper presents the results of a study of changes in mechanical properties, namely tensile strength, yield strength and elongation when drawing a wire from NP2 nickel (Ni 99.6). The wire samples taken along the drawing route were tested for tension. Based on the test results obtained, graphs of changes in tensile strength, yield strength and elongation were plotted depending on cold work. The approximation of the graphs made it possible to obtain equations for the change in tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (0.2 US) and elongation (δ) depending on cold work (ɛ∑). The obtained dependences are recommended to be used to predict the mechanical properties of nickel wire during drawing and when developing software for designing resource-saving drawing routes.
Radionova L.V., Sarafanov A.E., Siverin O.O.
2022-02-03 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract   Cites 1
This paper presents constructions of roller dies have been proposed, which make it possible to produce wire of simple and shaped profiles with a diameter of 0.5 to 12.0 mm. Technological solutions for the production of a hex profile S = 2.2 mm from a billet of hard-to-form alloys AISI 316, AISI 304, Ti3Al5Mo5V of various diameters are shown. To increase the service life of the dies, the rollers made of heat-treated steel of the X162CrMoV12 grade are recommended to be strengthened by applying a functional coating made of WC-10Co-4Cr alloy on the working surface by detonation sputtering followed by melting of this layer with a laser. Studies carried out on the samples showed a sevenfold increase in wear resistance in comparison with similar ones subjected only to the traditional for X162CrMoV12 heat treatment in the form of quenching and tempering.
Faizov S., Sarafanov A., Erdakov I., Gromov D., Svistun A., Glebov L., Bykov V., Bryk A., Radionova L.
Machines scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-05-06 citations by CoLab: 9 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
In this article, technology for producing wire and rod solder from 52In-48Sn alloy has been developed and investigated in the conditions of small-scale production. The use of direct extrusion of wire and rods instead of traditional technology for producing solder, which includes pressing, rolling and drawing, can significantly reduce the fleet of required equipment. Using only a melting furnace and a hydraulic press, solder wires and rods can be produced in various sizes. Shortening the production cycle allows you to quickly fulfill small orders and be competitive in sales. This article develops a mathematical model of direct extrusion, which allows you to calculate the extrusion ratio, extrusion speed and pressing force. The results of modeling the process of extrusion of wire Ø2.00 mm and rods Ø8.0 mm made of 52In-48Sn alloy are presented. The temperature of the solder and the tool is simulated in software QForm based on the finite element method. Experimental results of manufacturing Ø2.0 mm solder wire and Ø8.0 mm rods are presented. The microstructure of the direct extruded solder is a eutectic of phases γ and β. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) mapping of the 52In-48Sn alloy showed that the solder obtained by direct extrusion has a uniform distribution of structural phases. The developed technology can be used in the manufacture of wires and rods from other low-melting alloys.
Toporov V., Khalezov A., Nukhov D.
2021-04-14 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
Modern continuous mills FQM are high-performance technological units that allow you to get products of a wide range. The paper presents the results of the study of the effect of the time of holding the mandrel in the extreme position of the continuous mill FQM (Fine Quality Mill) on the probability of defect formation of surface defects. The problems of сcomputational simulation of the process of continuous rolling of pipes were set and solved. It is established that the increase in the holding time of the mandrel allows to reduce the sliding of the metal on the surface of the tool, and contributes to a stable process of removing the mandrel without the formation of defects on the inner surface of the draft pipe. The results of solving the problems of сcomputational modeling allowed to formulate technical recommendations aimed at reducing the probability of surface defects in the production of pipes at the FQM mill.
Toporov V.A., Ibragimov P.A., Panasenko O.A., Nukhov D.S., Khalezov A.O.
Russian Metallurgy (Metally) scimago Q3 wos Q4
2020-12-30 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract   Cites 1
The problems of computer simulation of the continuous tube rolling on FQM (fine quality mill) are formulated and solved to study the influence of technological factors on the shape change and the danger of metal fracture. The solution of the problems makes it possible to estimate the effect of the deviation of the rolling axes of the continuous mill and the extraction mill. The simulation results allowed us to formulate and propose technical solutions to minimize the probability of risk defect formation.
Xiao B., Xu L., Zhao L., Jing H., Han Y.
The effects of applied stress (150–250 MPa) on the creep deformation behavior and creep damage (stable and unstable deformation) were studied systematically for a novel tempered martensite ferritic steel G115 at 650 °C. A creep model involving three deformation mechanisms (grain boundary sliding, dislocation glide, and dislocation climb) was applied to fully understand the creep deformation behavior of G115 steel over a wide range of applications. Subsequently, the deformation-mechanism-based creep model was validated for G115 steel over a wide range of stresses (120–250 MPa) and temperatures (625–675 °C). Further, in the stable deformation regions, the martensite laths have no significant change under high-stress conditions, whereas the martensite laths obviously coarsen and micro-cavities formed under low-stress conditions. Four types of precipitates can be characterized after creep. M23C6 carbide and MX carbontride are pre-existing in the initial microstructure. Cu-rich phase was precipitated at 650 °C after very short-term creep (6.87 h), whereas Fe2W Laves phase formed after long-term creep (4404.78 h). The Cu-rich phase particles are cut by a dislocation shearing mechanism and become too small to be stable, leading to the dissolution of the Cu-rich phases after long-term creep. The fine Cu-rich phase particles can significantly retard the recovery of martensite laths in the early stage of creep or during short-term creep. In the unstable deformation (necking) regions, martensite cracking and martensite fracture are the main micro-damage features during creep at high stresses, whereas the growth of micro-cavities and micro-cracks are the main features at low stresses. Ductile fracture is the dominant fracture mode of G115 steel at 650 °C above 150 MPa.
Nohara K., Yanagihara K., Ogawa M.
2018-01-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Fixed-abrasive tool, also called a grinding wheel, is produced by furnacing abrasive compound which contains abrasive grains and binding powder such as vitrified materials or resins. Fixed-abrasive tool is installed on spindle of grinding machine. And it is given 1,800-2,000 min−1 of spindle rotation for the usage. The centrifugal fracture of the compound of fixed- abrasive tool is one of the careful respects in designing. In recent years, however, super-abrasive wheel as a fixed-abrasive tool has been developed and applied widely. One of the most characteristic respects is that metal is applied for the body of grinding-wheel. The strength to hold abrasive grain and the rigidity of wheel become stronger than those of general grinding wheel, also the lifespan of fixed-abrasive tool becomes longer. The weight of fixed-abrasive tool, however, becomes heavier. Therefore, when the super-abrasive wheel is used, the power consumption of spindle motor becomes larger. It also becomes difficult for the grinding-wheel to respond to sudden acceleration or deceleration. Thus, in order to reduce power consumption in grinding and to obtain quicker frequency response of super-abrasive wheel, the new wheel design is proposed. The design accomplishes 46% weight reduction. Acceleration that is one second quicker than that of conventional grinding wheel is obtained.
Zhang Z., Yao P., Zhang Z., Xue D., Wang C., Huang C., Zhu H.
2017-07-12 citations by CoLab: 35 Abstract  
The dressing of metal-bonded diamond grinding wheels is difficult despite their availabilities on hard and brittle materials. In this paper, a novel compound technology that combines abrasive waterjet (AWJ) and touch truing is proposed for dressing metal-bonded diamond grinding wheel precisely and efficiently. The dressing experiments of a coarse-grained and a fine-grained bronze-bonded diamond grinding wheel were carried out on a surface grinder with a developed AWJ system. The feasibility of this method was verified by analyzing the wheel runout, the truing forces, and the wheel surface topography. The variations of 3D surface roughness of wheel surface topography during the compound dressing process were quantitatively analyzed. The mechanism of AWJ and touch compound dressing is also discussed. Further, a reaction-bonded silicon carbide block was ground to validate the dressing quality. The experiment results indicate that the grinding wheels that were well dressed by the proposed technique leads to a smaller grinding force and a smaller surface roughness than that of undressed wheels.
Shkuratov E.A., Vydrin A.V., Struin D.O., Chernykh I.N.
Metallurgist scimago Q3 wos Q4
2016-05-15 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
A study is made of the effect of the degree of ovality of the passes in the finishing stands of an FQM mill on the accuracy and deformation characteristics of the rolled product with the use of a system of 384-mm passes. The transverse distribution of wall-thickness at the outlet of the deformation zone in the fourth and fifth stands is determined for different degrees of ovality of the finishing-stand passes. Relations are obtained to calculate the degree to which the mandrel is enveloped by the metal, the increase in the thickness of the semifinished product, and its spreading for different pass ovalities in the finishing stands of the FQM mill. It is established that it is best to regulate pass ovality in the leader stand in order to significantly improve the accuracy of the rolled pipe’s geometric dimensions.
Nadolny K., Habrat W.
This article offers an overview of 14 grinding wheel construction modifications used in the peripheral grinding of flat-shaped internal and external cylindrical surfaces, when grinding wheels made of conventional abrasive grains are used (Al2O3, sol-gel alumina, SiC, etc.). The text contains characteristics of grinding wheels with mixed grains, glass-crystalline bond, a centrifugal provision of the coolant into the grinding zone, aggregate grains, zones of different diameters, radial rough grinding zone, extended finish grinding segments, active surface macro- and micro-discontinuities, as well as multiporous, impregnated (self-lubricating), sandwich, sectional and segment grinding wheels. Each of the presented structural modifications was described by giving construction scheme, used abrasive grains, range of applications, advantages as well as disadvantages. Modifications of the grinding wheel construction allow for effective improvement of both the conditions and the results of the grinding process. A wide range of the known modifications allows for their proper selection depending on the required criteria of effective evaluation and taking into account the specific characteristics of conventional abrasive grains. As a result, it is possible to obtain positive influence on a number of technological factors of the grinding process. The described modifications of the grinding wheel structure can be also an inspiration and the basis for creating new solutions in this field.
Vydrin A.V., Chvanova E.E.
Steel in Translation scimago Q4
2010-01-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
A method of determining the force in asymmetric sheet rolling is considered. Theoretical concepts regarding rolling with asymmetry are considered. A mathematical model is formulated. Software that permits the calculation of the rolling force from relevant factors is developed. Optimization of the significantly asymmetric rolling of thick disks on the basis of computer experiments is considered.
Nguyen T., Zhang L.C.
2009-03-01 citations by CoLab: 62 Abstract  
This paper investigates the mechanical and thermal effectiveness of a new segmented grinding wheel system with controlled radial coolant supply. The applicability of the system was examined in terms of grinding forces, specific energy and ground surface integrity in plunge grinding of AISI 4140 steel. It was found that compared with a standard grinding wheel, the new system enhanced the grindability with a lower specific energy and less application of coolant. It was also found that the new grinding system could effectively maintain the sharpness of active cutting edges, evidenced by the minimisation of ploughing and rubbing deformation in ground workpieces. The cleaning capacity of the wheel was improved and chip loading on wheel surfaces was avoided. Meanwhile, the new wheel system generated better surface integrity without tensile residual stresses.
Luis C.J., León J., Luri R.
2005-05-01 citations by CoLab: 51 Abstract  
Wire drawing is one of the most commonly used processes for obtaining wire used in mechanical applications such as: rivets, screws, welding wires, etc. In this work, several analytical methods have been employed in order to obtain the forces, energies, stresses and strains that are involved in the process. A comparative study between analytical methods and FEM results is presented, considering hardening strain materials. The material selected to carry out those analyses was an aluminium alloy AA-5083, whose flow stress was determined by an appropriate tension test. The geometric property of axisymmetry has been used in order to reduce the computational cost in the finite element simulations, and to simplify the equations for the rest of the methods introduced. The energies involved in wire drawing processes are also determined. Moreover, energies involved in the process are studied for both strain hardening and non-strain hardening materials.
Rubio E.M., Camacho A.M., Sevilla L., Sebastián M.A.
2005-05-01 citations by CoLab: 38 Abstract  
Drawing process is one of the most used metalforming process within the industrial field, particularly, in automotive and electric sectors. Then, different analytical, numerical, empirical and experimental methods have been developed in order to analyse it and to optimise it. However, exact solutions have not achieved yet due to the great number of factors involved in this type of processes and to the mathematical complexity that they present. In this work, the main variants of the drawing process have been studied by different methods. Concretely, wire drawing and plate drawing have been modelled and simulated by means of the slab method (SM) and finite element method (FEM). In addition, the results obtained in both cases have been compared with other solutions found in the literature about these themes, particularly, with Wistreich’s solutions in wire case and with Green and Hill and the upper bound technique ones in plate drawing case. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Służalec A.
2004-01-01 citations by CoLab: 14
Lo S., Lu Y.
2002-04-01 citations by CoLab: 18 Abstract  
The strain-rate variation experienced by a metal–matrix composite or aluminum alloy of the 2xxx/7xxx series as it flows through the die is an important factor in the success of the drawing process. This paper presents an efficient method incorporating the yield criterion and the velocity field with the die angularity that can give an accurate prediction of the die shape based on the prescribed strain rate. A transition zone is introduced to eliminate the unfavorable influence of the inlet die angle on the strain-rate distribution. Numerical integration of only one ODE is needed to solve the die shape. The influences of the die angle, reduction, aspect ratio of the die, interfacial friction and drawing velocity on the die geometry are studied. Different material properties such as hardening due to strain and strain rate are also considered. FEM simulation of the strain-rate distribution and drawing stress is performed to validate the new method.
Jackson M.J., Mills B.
2000-12-01 citations by CoLab: 49 Abstract  
The selection of the most appropriate and cost effective vitrified alumina and cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding wheel has, in recent years, become increasingly complex owing to the availability of high- and premium-quality abrasive materials. Developments in alumina abrasive materials have been advanced mainly by sol–gel technology and the synthesis of high purity single crystals of alumina, while developments in CBN abrasive materials have focused on producing CBN crystals with a variety of morphologies. The development of vitrified bonding systems for these new abrasives involves a number of compromises in order to balance the requirements between grinding performance, the ability to manufacture the wheels, wheel safety, and product consistency. The selection of raw materials has a major effect on mixing quality, stability, and the ability to handle the grinding wheel in its green state, and its viscosity during vitrification heat treatment, whilst the composition of the vitrified bond tends to affect the strength, safety, and performance of the product. Traditionally, the type of abrasive selected has been matched to the workpiece material to be ground without reference to the economics of the grinding process. The present work describes the influence of the metal removal rate on the choice of abrasive in terms of wear and power consumed during grinding which greatly affects the economics of grinding. The final part of this paper describes the process of selecting new abrasive products based on the size and shape of the grinding wheel, and the grinding operation for a particular application.
Torrance A.A., Badger J.A.
2000-09-01 citations by CoLab: 41 Abstract  
A new model of the dressing of grinding wheels by diamond blade or single point tools is proposed. It is based on the statistics of brittle fracture of bonds and grits, and on the geometrical interaction between the grits and the dressing tool. It successfully predicts the measured topography of wheels dressed in various different ways, and in combination with a model of abrasive wear, can successfully predict the forces in surface grinding tests, and the resulting workpiece roughness. There is much scope for using the model in its present state as a means of assessing the likely effects of changing process parameters on the performance of a grinding process, but with better measurements of the input parameters it requires, its accuracy and effectiveness could be improved.
Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
2011-2022 (12 years)
Metrics description


Fields of science

Condensed Matter Physics, 4, 66.67%
General Materials Science, 4, 66.67%
Mechanics of Materials, 4, 66.67%
Mechanical Engineering, 3, 50%
Materials Chemistry, 1, 16.67%
Metals and Alloys, 1, 16.67%
General Medicine, 1, 16.67%



Citing journals




Organizations from articles

Organization not defined, 2, 33.33%

Countries from articles

Russia, 6, 100%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 1, 7.69%

Citing countries

Russia, 12, 92.31%
Country not defined, 2, 15.38%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
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