Ivanova, Anna O
Research interests
Publications found: 2083
A twenty-first century structural change in Antarctica’s sea ice system
Raphael M.N., Maierhofer T.J., Fogt R.L., Hobbs W.R., Handcock M.S.
From 1979 to 2016, total Antarctic sea ice extent experienced a positive trend with record winter maxima in 2012 and 2014. Record summer minima followed within the period 2017-2024, raising the possibility that the Antarctic sea ice system might be changing state. Here we use a Bayesian reconstruction of Antarctic sea ice extent which extends the record back to 1899, to show that the sequence of extreme minima in summer Antarctic sea ice extent is unlikely to have happened in the 20th century. We show that they represent a structural change in the sea ice system, manifest by increased persistence in the sea ice extent anomalies and a strongly reduced tendency to return to the mean state. Further, our analysis suggests that we may no longer rely on the past, long-term, behavior of the sea ice system to predict its future state. Extreme conditions may characterize the future state of Antarctic sea ice.
Poor air quality raises mortality in honey bees, a concern for all pollinators
Coallier N., Perez L., Franco M.F., Cuellar Y., Vadnais J.
Injecting solid particles into the stratosphere could mitigate global warming but currently entails great uncertainties
Vattioni S., Peter T., Weber R., Dykema J.A., Luo B., Stenke A., Feinberg A., Sukhodolov T., Keutsch F.N., Ammann M., Vockenhuber C., Döbeli M., Kelesidis G.A., Chiodo G.
Limited influence of the Agulhas leakage on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under present-day climate conditions
Zhang R., Sun S., Chen Z., Wu L.
Dehydration-induced supralithostatic fluid overpressure in metapelites from Northern Korea
Zou Y., Chu X., Mitchell R.N., Li Q., Zhao L., Tang Y., Guo J., Zhai M.
Riverine communities in the Central Amazon are largely subject to erosion and sedimentation risk
Zumak A., Fassoni-Andrade A.C., Pereira H.C., Papa F., dos Santos Silva P., do Nascimento A.C., Fleischmann A.S.
Evidence for Atlantic Ocean forcing the atmosphere and the negative role of model bias
Haarsma R., Drijfhout S.
Large-scale loss of Mediterranean coastal marshes under rising sea levels by 2100
Schuerch M., Kiesel J., Boutron O., Guelmami A., Wolff C., Cramer W., Caiola N., Ibáñez C., Vafeidis A.T.
Continual migration of patches within a Massachusetts seagrass meadow limits carbon accretion and storage
Schaefer R., Colarusso P., Simpson J.C., Novak A., Nepf H.
Lagrangian coherent structures influence the spatial structure of marine food webs
Veatch J.M., Oliver M.J., Fredj E., Statscewich H., Bernard K., Hann A.M., Voirol G., Fuchs H.L., Fraser W.R., Kohut J.T.
Author Correction: Mediterranean marine heatwaves intensify in the presence of concurrent atmospheric heatwaves
Pastor F., Paredes-Fortuny L., Khodayar S.
Coastal land subsidence accelerates timelines for future flood exposure in Hawai'i
Murray K., Barbee M., Thompson P., Fletcher C.
Drivers of marine heatwaves in coral bleaching regions of the Red Sea
Darmaraki S., Krokos G., Genevier L., Hoteit I., Raitsos D.E.
Arctic food and energy security at the crossroads
Unc A., Abou Najm M.R., Aspholm P.E., Bolisetti T., Charles C., Datta R., Eggen T., Flem B., Hailu G., Heimstad E.S., Hurlbert M., Karlsson M., Korsnes M., Nash A., Parsons D., et. al.