Garcia-Ortega, Beatriz

PhD in Economics, Professor

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Garcia-Ortega B., Catalá-Pérez D., de-Miguel-Molina B., de-Miguel-Molina M.
CEOs and boards are called to lead CSR and address the significant challenges in its approach and implementation. On their journey, they need to consider the progress in their business’s sustainability as well as the increasing scrutiny from stakeholders and society. In this context, the social responsibility guide of the ISO 26000:2010 standard is used as reference to address and elaborate a systematic literature review focused on the mining industry. The aim is to identify the key aspects of CSR in this sector, one of the most controversial sectors due to the negative impacts derived from its activity, which result in a constant search for a social licence to operate. Based on this review, some recommendations are suggested and discussed, from a strategic and academic point of view, in order to address the aforementioned aspects.
Santamarina Campos V., Vega-Bosch A., Pérez-Marín E., Garcia-Ortega B.
2023-07-13 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
Este trabajo busca fomentar el aprendizaje activo, manipulativo y visual a través de la resolución de problemas mediante mapas conceptuales colaborativos, en el contexto de la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en la gestión del patrimonio cultural. Para ello, se emplea un Toolkit que aporta herramientas táctiles y visuales, como una pizarra magnética de gran formato, un juego de tarjetas (flashcards) y rotuladores de colores.El objetivo de la dinámica es evaluar en qué medida el uso de estas técnicas ayuda a los estudiantes a comprender la capacidad de impacto de los ODS en el ámbito del patrimonio cultural, motivándolos a interesarse en la formación relacionada con los ODS. Los objetivos específicos son que los estudiantes conozcan e identifiquen las metas relacionadas con el ámbito del patrimonio cultural, que los estudiantes se comprometan con los ODS y se apropien de la Agenda 2030, que los estudiantes apliquen y comuniquen sus acciones en relación con los ODS en sus trabajos finales y que los estudiantes integren, implementen e incorporen los ODS en la práctica de la conservación.
Garcia-Ortega B., Perello-Marin M.R., Ribes-Giner G., Santamarina-Campos V., Segarra-Oña M.
2023-07-13 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
Los MOOCs son cursos online abiertos que suelen contar con un número elevado de alumnos matriculados pero que presentan a su vez importantes tasas de abandono. En este artículo se propone la conveniencia de establecer una encuesta de seguimiento como herramienta útil en la prevención del abandono en estos cursos. En consecuencia, se diseña una encuesta específica de seguimiento aplicada al caso de dos MOOCs de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) que se ofrecen en la plataforma edX: “Estrategia e innovación en las administraciones públicas” y “Políticas públicas y rendición de cuentas”. Su diseño se realiza en base al análisis de la literatura, a las encuestas ya existentes de finalización en estos dos cursos y a las respuestas obtenidas de las mismas. Este trabajo es parte de un Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Educativa de la UPV en desarrollo y la encuesta planteada puede ser extrapolable o adaptable a otros MOOCs y otros cursos online.
Garcia-Ortega B., Galan-Cubillo J., Llorens-Montes F.J., de-Miguel-Molina B.
Journal of Cleaner Production scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2023-05-01 citations by CoLab: 30 Abstract  
The fashion industry has been driven by limitless consumption-led growth spearheaded by companies in the fast fashion segment, with a dominant business model based on massive accelerated demand, production, consumption, and disposal. Despite companies' efforts to decouple the pursuit of growth from its negative impacts, a more sufficiency-driven approach seems imperative to curb consumerism and contribute more effectively to sustainability. This study draws on the literature to build a three-pillar framework of potential strategies to enable fashion companies to foster sufficient consumption and reduce dependence on the sale of new items, with benefits expected for both consumers and companies. Subsequently, it uses multiple case study to examine qualitatively the annual reports issued during 2013–2014 and 2020–2021 by a sample of ten top companies in this segment. The goal is to assess whether these companies are embracing such strategies, what (if any) evolution occurs between these two periods, whether the 2030 Agenda with its SDG12 ‘Responsible consumption and production’ plays a mediating role in their adoption, and what is the logic behind such evolution. The results show that, although such adoption is gaining momentum, companies tend first to embrace strategies with less impact on their traditional modus operandi. Further, the laxity of SDG12 enables companies to profess commitment even when not addressing any of the strategies to foster sufficient consumption. This study aims to give actors critical awareness of this issue and provide practical guidance for managers to adopt and combine these strategies decisively to fully embrace the principles of circular economy and a more holistic approach to sustainability. It also advises companies to avoid the risk of ‘anti-consumerist washing’—a newly identified variant of greenwashing—and proposes to study a ‘hierarchical pyramid of business strategies to rationalize consumption’.
Marin-Garcia J.A., González-Ladrón-de-Guevara F., Garcia-Ortega B., Santandreu-Mascarell C., Atarés L., Aznar-Mas L.E., Fernandez Diego M., Insfran E., Abrahao S.M., Juarez-Tarraga A.
2023-04-06 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
This work adheres to the recommendations for publication in three steps (Marin-Garcia, 2021). We propose a protocol to develop research the objective of which is to analyze the needs and challenges, as perceived by university lecturers, related to teaching, learning, or assessing competencies related to the innovative capacity of students in an array of digital remote teaching contexts. In this sense, we want to consider situations where teachers watch their students interact with each other. The interaction between students can occur face-to-face or remotely and, in the latter case, either synchronous or asynchronous. In addition, teacher observation can be done synchronously (face-to-face or remotely) or by watching a previously recorded video.
Galan-Cubillo J., Garcia-Ortega B., de-Miguel-Molina B.
Corporate Communications scimago Q2 wos Q2
2023-03-14 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
PurposeThe main purpose of this paper is to assess the patterns in the public discourse of successful chief executive officers (CEOs) in terms of performance, with the CEO's strengths and aspects to improve.Design/methodology/approachThis paper aligns with the literature that appraises CEO public discourse and relevance. From the literature review, the strategic levers in CEO discourse toward high performance are identified. The CEO letters in the period 2017–2019 of the top 25 best performing CEOs (BPCs) according to Harvard Business Review ranking 2019 are qualitatively examined through a multiple close reading analytical technique and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) is applied to assess the patterns.FindingsThe paper delivers a three-dimensional model representing how the identified strategic levers are articulated by BPCs in the BPC's discourse following diverse patterns. This paper points out BPC's strengths, among them a high level of moral reasoning compared to previous studies and improvable areas such as the extended absence of autocritique at the firm and personal level or the lack of leverage on the need for agility and proactive adaption.Practical implicationsThis paper contributes further CEO awareness of the strategic role of the discourse and offers clues to enhance CEO awareness, as well as criteria for boards of directors to appraise CEO discourse.Originality/valueAdopting a novel approach, this paper addresses the strategic levers triggered by CEOs in their letters from a managerial implication perspective, providing relevant theoretical insight on how they are articulated.
Garcia-Ortega B., Galan-Cubillo J., Marin-Garcia J.A.
2022-11-14 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The figure of the part-time assistant professor has been gaining presence in Spanish uni-versities since its inception in the 1980s, especially since 2010 with the economic crisis and the reduction in the replacement rate of university professors. Despite the growing rele-vance within the university faculty, the controversy that the use of this figure has generated, and the problems faced by this group of professors in their performance, there is a shortage of publications focused on questioning its role, how this figure is used and how its perfor-mance can be smoothed and favored. To contribute in this direction, and with the purpose of encouraging better management of this figure from the perspective of human resources and the quality of the service offered, this article addresses the use and improvement of the benefits of the part-time assistant professor in the Spanish university from a collaborative autoethnographic approach. In this sense, a series of aspects are identified and proposed to improve the framework and conditions in which part-time assistant professors carry out their activity, as well as their competences and attributions, in order to promote reflection and debate among teachers, scholars, government bodies and other actors with the ability to influence their performance according to the goals for which this figure was actually conceived, which ultimately would result in greater self-realization and personal satisfac-tion of these professors, and contribute to educational excellence, as well as a better quali-ty of service and superior competitiveness of universities.
Garcia-Ortega B., Catala-Perez D., De-Miguel-Molina B., De-Miguel-Molina M.
2022-07-07 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The literature has widely investigated the risks from the perspective of the companies adopting new and disruptive technologies. However, less attention has been paid from the side of the providers of such technologies. This paper aims to address this gap by assessing and initiating a discussion on the reported risk factors in the annual reports of five of the considered top providers of cloud computing services: Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Alibaba, characterized by their avant-garde or disruptive technologies, their dependence on the internet and technological infrastructure, and their operation on a global scale. As main contributions, this research offers from the viewpoint of these companies a classification of the intrinsic risk factors related to their specific nature, grouped by subjects, along with the potential derived negative impacts on their businesses, and critically discusses some positive aspects and some potentially missing factors to be further addressed. Through this paper, we prepare the avenue for ongoing research, including more companies and further assessment methods and criteria to further expand and enrich the findings.
De-Miguel-Molina B., De-Miguel-Molina M., Catalá-Pérez D., García-Ortega B.
2022-07-06 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
Este trabajo utiliza Analítica de aprendizaje y Tablero de control para analizar los resultados de una asignatura compartida entre dos Grados. El objetivo es identificar diferencias en los resultados de las dos titulaciones y posibles razones de esas diferencias. Los datos utilizados proceden de bases de datos existentes en la Universitat Politècnica de València para cada asignatura. A partir de los datos existentes se utiliza el software Power BI para realizar análisis y visualizarlos. El Tablero de control permite responder visualmente a tres preguntas formuladas en relación a los resultados obtenidos por el alumnado. Los resultados muestran diferencias entre las dos titulaciones, pero se observa que las diferencias dependen de tareas concretas y de la asistencia a clase. Los resultados sirven de base para plantear preguntas futuras y buscar razones adicionales que puedan explicar las diferencias desde otros puntos de vista.
Garcia-Ortega B., Galan-Cubillo J., de-Miguel-Molina B.
SAGE Open scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2022-04-01 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract  
This paper assesses whether and to which extent the COVID-19 pandemic, which represents a scenario of high moral intensity, is influencing the moral reasoning of top CEOs (chief executive officers) in the paradigmatic case of the automotive industry and how this moral reasoning relates to their CSR response to the crisis and their CSR plans in the long run. To this end, we took the CEO letters before and after the pandemic outbreak of the top 15 automotive companies, and applied Weber’s method to conduct a moral reasoning categorization, along with an examination of their CSR approach and initiatives. The results show a predominant moral paralysis among these CEOs, where positive reactions addressed are philanthropic in nature and more likely to be a transient response to the crisis, rather than a sustained long-term improvement of their CSR rooted in a significant moral approach enhancement. Furthermore, CEOs at the lowest stages of moral reasoning, primarily focused on their own business and immediate stakeholders, are less likely to highlight these philanthropic initiatives. The outcome evidences the convenience of addressing CSR from the lens of moral reasoning, and it further draws the attention of the scientific community, companies and their top management, stakeholders, and society to the relevance of investigating and considering the moral reasoning of top management in large corporations and its implications.
Garcia-Ortega B., Lopez-Navarro M.A., Galan-Cubillo J.
IEEE Access scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-10-10 citations by CoLab: 9 Abstract  
Top management support is one of the key aspects in the implementation of Industry 4.0 and business digitization, whereas communication is essential to aligning and driving an organization in this task. However, to date, no research has addressed this support from this perspective. To fill this gap, we take a sample of companies (N = 159) listed on the 5 main stock indices in the European Union, and we qualitatively examine the letters issued by chief executive officers and other top managers in their annual reports. We assess whether, to which extent and under which motivations and barriers, the senior management of these companies are supporting this implementation through their discourse. Among other relevant findings, our results show that barely half of the managers make explicit their strong support for this implementation, as a kind of widespread spatial myopia that serves as a meta-barrier in this implementation. In addition, the support given by top executives is mostly driven by business and customer motivations; in turn, they generally fail to present sustainability within their main motivations. Overall, this paper offers a series of relevant contributions and insights with managerial implications taken from a novel approach in this field.
Garcia-Ortega B., Galan-Cubillo J.
2021-06-07 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
This paper examines the perceptions of a group of students of a Postgraduate Master’s Degree in Cosmetics Industry at the Universitat de València, delivered with a blended learning modality, in relation to their experience in face-to-face learning and differentiating between those with or without a previous background in a remote online learning environment, with the added purpose of identifying strategies to enhance that experience, while offering further evidence for scholars, educators and institutions in this field. To this end, a survey with open questions devised ad hoc leaning on our literature review was submitted to a group of 114 students of the Master’s Degree in the period 2017-2020. Students were enquired about the pros and cons of their blended learning experience in relation to the traditional face-to-face learning, and which modality they would choose next time if both were offered, only considering the achievement, experience and satisfaction, regardless of the price. 77 students of our initial sample participated in the questionnaire, 38 of them without previous experience in blended or distance learning. The results show a certain predilection for face-to-face learning, especially in the group of newbies in blended or distance learning. They highlight how they miss a closer interaction with their peers and professors and the difficulties to assimilate certain content, while appraising the flexibility, autonomy, and the self-pace of the blended learning modality. Correspondingly, students with experience in remote online education settings generally show a better predisposal and find fewer disadvantages in blended learning. This suggests that the factor of experience and adaptation to new tools and methods improves student perception and confidence and shapes their preferences, with a foreseeable growing acceptance of blended learning in the future. Finally, the outcome allows us to define a series of strategies to improve the achievement, experience, and satisfaction of students in this learning context.
García-Ortega B., De-Miguel-Molina B., Chirivella-González V.
America Latina Hoy scimago Q1 wos Q4 Open Access
2020-12-22 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Este artículo analiza las percepciones de empresas mineras y sus stakeholders en cinco países de Latinoamérica. Mediante entrevistas, aborda las dimensiones del análisis relacionadas con el papel de las empresas en las comunidades, las relaciones entre actores y la participación de la comunidad en la toma de decisiones. Los resultados arrojan diferentes visiones y conclusiones, entre ellas la necesidad de una implementación efectiva del modelo multiactor para mejorar la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa y reducir conflictos.
Akarsu T.N.
2025-03-12 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
As digital transformation accelerates, the global economy presents new opportunities for industries to transform their business models, and fashion is no exception. Virtual fashion — digital garments designed for use in virtual environments—is emerging as a disruptive innovation with the potential to reshape traditional consumption patterns. This case study explores the potential role of virtual fashion to drive sustainability by minimizing material waste and enabling more sustainable, digital business models. Using frameworks such as Innovation Diffusion Theory and the Triple Bottom Line, this study categorizes various types of virtual fashion and evaluates their capacity to deliver environmental, social, and economic benefits. Despite its promise, digital fashion is not without challenges, including risks of overconsumption. Therefore, this case study aims to offer actionable insights on how to leverage virtual fashion as a strategic opportunity while ensuring it complements broader sustainability goals rather than distracts from them.
Faludi J., Füller K.
2025-02-24 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
ABSTRACTTwo types of social media challenges were compared: the Second‐hand September and the No New Clothes challenge, both restraining consumption of new clothes. First, a survey (n = 416) measured the motivation of environmentally conscious consumers to participate in online consumption reduction challenges. Factor analysis and multilinear regressions were used to test the predictive power of anti‐fashion preferences, environmental and ethical concern in relation to consumption reduction. A second study examined the motivations and attitudes of participants of two No New Clothes challenges in reducing their fashion consumption on five dimensions, such as environmental, ethical, animal protection, frugality and personal curiosity; and about their willingness to continue with not buying clothes after the challenge, with additional qualitative insights that shed light on the main barriers and opportunities associated with the reduction of fashion consumption. The study also situates anti‐consumption, voluntary simplicity, and second‐hand clothing within the context of sustainable fashion. Findings suggest that consumption reduction is primarily driven by ethical concerns and a desire to learn about sustainable fashion, with anti‐fashion attitudes influencing participation. Results indicate that second‐hand clothing might be a trigger for consumption. Study 2 confirmed that after the one‐year challenge, 68% of participants prioritised second‐hand purchases, followed by ethical brands (27.5%). Participants motivated by frugality were less likely to continue anti‐consumption practices and more prone to reverting to fast fashion due to its accessibility. Anti‐consumers were driven by voluntary simplicity and willingly took on active roles in promoting sustainable practices. The comparative analysis of two online challenges—Secondhand September and No New Clothes—highlights the role of social media in fostering anti‐consumption engagement and behavioural change, offering a fresh perspective on how digital platforms can drive sustainable practices, and draws conclusions on anti‐consumption motivations and practices. The analysis also sheds light on the difference between treasure hunting and anti‐consumption attitudes.
Zdonek I., Podgórska M., Hysa B.
Sustainability scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2025-01-22 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
Characterized by inexpensive and readily available products, fast fashion has increased the consumption and disposal of clothing, for which criticism has been significant due to its negative environmental and social impact. Therefore, transitioning to sustainable business models (SBMs) that balance profit with corporate social responsibility (CSR) is critical. This study explores sustainable value propositions in Polish Zero Waste fashion businesses, addressing the gap in research on SBMs. It also employs the theory of organizational paradoxes to examine tensions between profit maximization and CSR. Data were collected from 249 Polish Zero Waste companies listed on and analyzed through content analysis and statistical methods. Additionally, 21 YouTube videos from 2020 to 2022 were examined to study sustainable fashion promotion. Multiple coding and categorization schemes were used to identify themes, followed by frequency analysis and correspondence analysis. Second-hand clothing emerged as the most common value proposition (120 companies), reflecting consumer trends in resale. The repair sector with cobbler and leather repair services (55 companies) also showed a strong presence, highlighting demand for tailoring and upcycling services Rental services (2 companies) remain niche due to limited consumer acceptance. Promotion efforts on YouTube focus on building awareness of fast fashion’s impacts and teaching sustainable behaviors. Sustainable value propositions, exemplified by Polish Zero Waste businesses, synthesize profit and CSR strategies, addressing organizational paradoxes. These findings inform strategies to balance financial and socio-environmental goals, with implications for policy and practice in advancing sustainable fashion.
Dossa K.F., Vodouhe F.G., Khasa D.P.
2025-01-06 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
The social acceptability (SA) of mining projects is a crucial issue for the sustainable development of territories and local communities. This article aims to identify the issues and examine the factors influencing the SA of exploration, exploitation and processing projects of critical and strategic minerals (CSMs) in Quebec. A systematic review guided by the PRISMA approach was conducted, selecting 57 relevant documents after excluding several others. The results reveal that between 2000 and 2024, the publication of studies on SA in the mining sector has increased significantly, particularly since 2013. Research is mainly concentrated in North America, with a predominance of case studies. Their critical analysis indicates that the SA of mining projects is based on various issues, including the need for greater consideration of the perspectives of local communities, as well as open and inclusive communication between all stakeholders. However, SA is affected by various factors, including demographic, economic, environmental and governance, which can have positive or negative effects depending on the context. Following this analysis, future research should explore the complex interactions between these factors, determining how some may act as mediators or moderators in various contexts through real case studies.
Teerakapibal S., Schlegelmilch B.B.
International Marketing Review scimago Q1 wos Q1
2024-12-26 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
PurposeAlthough consumers are aware of the importance of sustainable consumption, there is a persistent gap between positive attitudes and actual behavior. This disconnect is particularly pronounced in the fashion industry, where consumers often suppress their positive attitudes towards sustainability in the face of tempting fast fashion offers. This paper analyzes how consumers attempt to reconcile this attitude-behavior gap through using rationalization or neutralization techniques.Design/methodology/approachWe surveyed more than 1,300 fashion consumers in the USA, Europe and Asia. Based on their last fashion purchase, respondents indicated various purchase details as well as their agreement/disagreement to 32 neutralization statements. Additional scales capture pertinent attitude and awareness measures. To scrutinize the role of neutralization statements, we use a series of logistic regression and multinomial regression analyses.FindingsCountry of residence, age and education level are the key determinants when employing neutralization techniques. Logistic regression results also reveal an inverse relationship between age and the propensity of buying sustainable fashion. Ethics, awareness and attitudes all play a role in purchasing sustainable products, but to different degrees in different countries.Originality/valueResearch on how consumers attempt to bridge the gap between attitude-behavior inconsistencies is scarce and primarily qualitative. Our study identifies how fast fashion consumers attempt to reconcile their divergent attitudes and behavior. Uncovering these rationalization or neutralization techniques improves the understanding of the attitude-behavior gap and enables marketers and policymakers to design more effective strategies to promote sustainable consumption.
Schmidhäuser P., Inhofer M., Buchholz A., Mais F., Miehe R.
Sustainability scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2024-12-18 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
Implementing sustainability strategies is essential for the future viability of companies. While companies have been focusing intensively on the operationalization of efficiency and consistency for quite some time, sufficiency approaches are rare. As a result, there is a lack of fundamental understanding of the concept, its inherent potential, as well as a lack of basic implementation concepts for strategies, management systems, and product and process development. Based on a literature review using Scopus and Web of Science according to the PRISMA approach, this paper develops a definition for the concept of industrial sufficiency and presents three general industrial sufficiency strategies (frugality, longevity, and specificity) regarding three distinct business determinants (product, production, and business model). The investigation shows that not only can there be overlaps between the three general sustainability strategies (efficiency, consistency, and sufficiency) but that individual measures are also mutually dependent at different levels. In addition, significant conflicts of objectives for implementation in industrial practice are revealed.
Ngo T.T., Vo C.H., Tran N.L., Nguyen K.V., Tran T.D., Trinh Y.N.
PLoS ONE scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2024-12-11 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
The increasing awareness of environmental challenges has significantly influenced consumer behavior, with sustainable products, particularly sustainable clothing, becoming a top priority for Generation Z consumers. This study aims to investigate the factors influencing Generation Z’s purchase intentions toward sustainable clothing in Vietnam, guided by the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) frameworks. Specifically, it examines the effects of green perceived value, green perceived quality, perceived price, social influence, product design, environmental concern, and environmental knowledge on purchase intentions. The study also explores the mediating roles of environmental attitude and product attitude in these relationships. The research employed a quantitative approach, using a Likert scale questionnaire to gather data from 641 Vietnamese Generation Z consumers. The study utilized exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the data. The results revealed that all proposed hypotheses were supported, indicating that all factors significantly impact environmental attitude and product attitude, which, in turn, influence purchase intention. The results emphasize the strong mediating role of environmental attitude and product attitude, suggesting that consumers with positive attitudes toward the environment and products are more likely to intend to purchase sustainable clothing. This research provides valuable insights into the psychological and contextual factors that influence Generation Z’s sustainable consumption behavior. For marketers, these findings underscore the need to promote transparency in sustainable practices, emphasize high product quality and appealing designs, and engage this demographic through community involvement and authentic sustainability efforts.
Härri A., Jarkko L., Lassi L.
2024-10-22 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
AbstractThe current textile industry is characterised by unsustainable business models. There is a need to transform the industry towards sufficiency – that is a textile industry where consumption is decreased to a level that is adequate and within planetary boundaries. Through a literature review and interviews with small Finnish textile companies, our research synthesizes previous research and provides new information about business practices that companies can employ to advance sufficiency as part of their everyday business. We found that companies have various activities that can enable, promote or inspire decreased consumption and sufficiency. Activities relate to six categories: (1) valuing quality over quantity, (2) enabling multiple product lives, (3) provision of support services, (4) encouraging and enabling doing-it-yourself, (5) ethics-motivated communication and interaction and (6) embracing locality. The activities connected to each strategy are manifold and context specific including, for example, permanent collections, not having discounts, repair service, quality and curated second-hand products and interaction with users during the use phase. It is important to note, however, that the studied sufficiency strategies come with rebound risks and companies should identify the best activities that fit their context and measure their impact. Changing the paradigm from fast fashion to sufficiency will not be an easy task and will require efforts from consumer citizens, decision makers and companies alike.
Hörner Bussolo G., Bressanelli G., Visintin F., Saccani N.
2024-09-06 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
The European Union 2030 Strategy for Textiles is a framework aimed at creating a sustainable and circular textile industry. This strategy includes a vision for 2030 where textile products are long-lived, recyclable, and made of recycled fibers while being free of hazardous substances and compliant with social rights. However, the strategy also presents challenges that require the adoption of comprehensive transformations across supply chains, governments, and societies. This study analyzes the scientific literature on circular and sustainable textile industry initiatives within the European Union’s Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. A systematic literature review has been carried out to combine scientific insights with legislative analysis. Results show that more research is needed to determine the optimal technology for a Digital Product Passport for textiles (Action #1.2); and that issues such as standardizing consumer information and engagement in the circular economy remain unresolved for empowering consumers in the textile green transition (Action #2.1); that the Extended Producer Responsibility for textiles still needs to be examined from various perspectives due to upcoming legislative implementations (Action #3.1); and that understanding how to implement circular business models while maintaining profitability is crucial for textile companies (Action #4.3). Managers and policymakers can use this article to better understand how scientific literature can support the implementation of the European Union's Strategy for Textiles.
Ge Y., Chen S., Ma Y., Wang Y., Guo Y., Gan Q.
Sustainability scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2024-09-03 citations by CoLab: 3 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
As one form of urban green infrastructure, city parks provide essential ecosystem services and serve as a vital link connecting citizens with natural ecosystems. The public, as the primary beneficiaries of urban park ecosystem services, plays a crucial role in guiding the improvement and development trends of urban park planning. Most existing studies assess the comprehensive value of green spaces from a macro scale, with few focusing on the cultural and regulatory ecosystem services of urban parks and public perception of these services at the park level. This study targets 11 typical urban parks in Luoyang City, collecting 771 samples through field mapping and surveys. It analyzes users’ socio-demographic characteristics, perception abilities, usage preferences, and service satisfaction, linking these subjective factors with objective elements of the park environment, such as fitness and recreational facilities. The results indicate that respondents with knowledge of ecosystem services are better able to evaluate and understand services such as air pollution reduction and noise reduction in parks, while those without such knowledge tend to focus more on services that they can intuitively perceive, such as biodiversity conservation and microclimate regulation. Additionally, the middle-income group exhibits a higher level of awareness of park ecosystem services, which depends on their active social participation. The findings of this study suggest that enhancing public understanding of ecosystem services through environmental education is key to improving the quality of urban ecosystems.
Sharma R., Sharma S., Singh G.
Social Responsibility Journal scimago Q1 wos Q2
2024-08-14 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
Purpose This study aims to explore customers’ second-hand clothing purchases and their engagement on the Facebook marketplace. Design/methodology/approach A conceptual model is developed, building upon the online second-hand shopping motivation (OSSM) scale. Data gathered from 409 respondents was analysed using covariance-based structural equation modelling. Findings The results highlight that economic, convenience, ideological motivations and environmental concerns impact customers’ purchase intention. Conversely, status consumption was found to impede customers’ purchase intentions. Notably, the elements of social media engagement, including consumption, contribution and creation, demonstrated significance as a consequence of customers’ second-hand clothing purchase intention. Originality/value This study’s findings contribute to the knowledge encompassing sustainable fashion consumption, information systems and second-hand social media shopping. It uniquely explores customer behaviours related to second-hand clothes shopping on the Facebook marketplace by building upon the OSSM scale. These findings offer valuable insights, showcasing the determinants that can increase customer-centric social media engagement. These results inform online retailers on Facebook marketplace about sustainable practices, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals 12, 13 and 8, to promote a green global economy.
Grabner I., Klein A., Speckbacher G.
2022-08-01 citations by CoLab: 19 Abstract  
In the creative industries, creative output is often produced in temporary project teams, staffed with employees from within the organization. In this study we make two main contributions regarding the management of creative performance in such teams. First, we provide evidence for a fundamental trade-off inherent in creative teamwork. Team creativity benefits both from high team member autonomy and high task interdependence, but when team leaders give higher autonomy to team members then this undermines the positive effect of a more interdependent design of teamwork on team creativity, and vice versa. Second, we argue that cultural control at the organizational level is an effective means to resolve this team-level trade-off and to enable teams to leverage both high autonomy and high task interdependence for higher team creativity. We test our hypotheses using survey data collected at three different organizational levels (team members, team leaders, and agency heads) from 372 individuals of 101 temporary project teams within 53 advertising agencies, and find evidence consistent with our predictions.
Salas‐Pilco S.Z., Yang Y., Zhang Z.
2022-02-15 citations by CoLab: 176 Abstract  
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced higher education institutions to implement online learning activities based on virtual platforms, allowing little time to prepare and train faculty members to familiarize students with digital technologies. While previous studies have looked at how students engaged with digital technologies in their learning activities, the characteristics of the student engagement in online learning remain underexplored. Therefore, a systematic review of the literature on student engagement in online learning in higher education is much needed. This article synthesizes the findings on student engagement in Latin American higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. After reviewing the studies on online learning activities, this review examines student engagement from behavioural, cognitive and affective dimensions and identifies the main characteristics of student engagement from these tripartite dimensions. The implications of the findings for online learning in Latin American higher education are as follows: (a) to transform higher education, (b) to provide adequate professional training, (c) to improve Internet connectivity, (d) to ensure quality online learning in higher education and (e) to provide emotional support. These findings will provide valuable guidance for teachers, educational authorities and policy makers and help them make informed decisions to use effective strategies to support online learning in higher education institutions.
Khitous F., Urbinati A., Verleye K.
Journal of Cleaner Production scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2022-02-01 citations by CoLab: 36 Abstract  
The current fast fashion model fostering high consumption causes consequential damages to the planet and society, facts that highlight the need to curtail its growth throughout more sustainable solutions. Among these solutions is engaging fashion customers in Product-Service Systems (PSSs), which are oriented towards dematerializing fashion consumption by offering bundles of products and services. Drawing from the social exchange theory, this research sheds light on the benefits customers seek to engage with various coexisting product-oriented and use-oriented PSSs in the fashion industry. A quantitative study among 477 customers in Belgium reveals that customer engagement with PSSs in the fashion industry is a function of the benefits that customers expect to reach (economic, pragmatic, cognitive, personal, hedonic, and societal expectations) and their demographic characteristics (gender and age). Depending on the expected benefits and demographic characteristics, customers were found to engage with different types of PSSs. Accordingly, fashion companies should leverage customers’ expected benefits and demographics when developing PSSs and communicating about these PSSs. • Conceptual framework on relationship between customer expectations and engagement with product-oriented and use-oriented PSSs • Customer engagement with PSSs is a function of the benefits that customers expect to reach and their demographic characteristics • Impact of customer expectations in terms of economic, pragmatic, cognitive, personal, social, hedonic, and societal benefits on customer engagement depends on type of PSS • Survey among 477 customers recruited in Belgium in July 2019
Lee Y., Kim J.
2022-01-11 citations by CoLab: 21 Abstract  
PurposeThis study aimed to examine how senior leadership influences corporate communication and employees' attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Using two-way symmetrical communication model in public relations and leadership theory, it investigated the effects of CEOs' task- and relationship-oriented leadership on symmetrical internal communication, employees' organizational commitment and communicative behaviors.Design/methodology/approachAn online survey was conducted with 417 full-time employees working in various industries in the United States.FindingsThe results showed that CEOs' relationship-oriented leadership significantly influenced symmetrical internal communication, which, in turn, increased affective commitment and employees' scouting behavior. CEOs' task-oriented communication had no significant effect on symmetrical communication.Originality/valueThis study advances theoretical understanding of two-way symmetrical communication in relation to senior leadership and provides practical insights for corporate leaders and public relations practitioners regarding how to improve employee outcomes through CEOs' strategic leadership and internal communication practices.
Cesar S.
Resources Policy scimago Q1
2021-12-01 citations by CoLab: 21 Abstract  
There are many studies about CSR fit on stakeholders and its impacts. However, it is still not clear how CSR fit helps companies earn social license to operate (SLO). This research has two objectives: first, to explore the congruence between mining companies and their CSR activities in order to describe a typology of CSR fit and second, how CSR fit helps to earn SLO through pragmatic legitimacy and moral legitimacy . This qualitative analysis has been complemented by additional key informants’ insights and by the emerging literature on CSR fit, SLO, and legitimacy. The results indicate three levels of fit: the value chain, the social dimensions of competitive context, and generic social issues. Moreover, six different types of fit in the mining industry were found, focusing on the following: (1) natural resources, (2) production processes, (3) social infrastructure, (4) improve use of water, (5) social projects, and (6) social projects beyond their immediate surroundings. Additionally, CSR fits, such as value chain and the social dimensions of competitive context, help to earn SLO through pragmatic legitimacy, and CSR fits, such as generic social issues, improve use of water, social projects and social projects beyond their immediate surroundings, help to earn SLO through moral legitimacy. • CSR fits help to earn social license through pragmatic and moral legitimacy. • Pragmatic legitimacy considers natural resources, and social infrastructure. • Moral legitimacy considers social programs that address social issues.
Arrigo E.
Journal of Cleaner Production scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-11-01 citations by CoLab: 51 Abstract  
Collaborative consumption has gained great popularity by embodying an affordable and sustainable form of consumption. It has also been considered a favorable pathway to sustainability to reduce the environmental impact of the fashion industry. Several online collaborative consumption platforms concerning fashion rental and second-hand resale have emerged in recent years. However, despite the relevance of the topic, the academic literature remains very fragmented, and a clear systematization of what collaborative consumption really entails in the fashion industry is still missing. By means of a systematic literature review based on 101 journal articles from 1980 to 2020, the findings provide a holistic view of collaborative consumption in the fashion sector highlighting three research themes (customer perspective, business perspective, and circular economy and sustainability perspective) and their related sub-themes addressed in the research studies to date. A new conceptual framework has been also developed to provide a clear understanding and taxonomy of the main collaborative consumption modes in the fashion industry. Finally, new directions for future research are suggested. • A Systematic Literature Review has been performed on 101 articles from 1980 to 2020. • Three core research themes and eight sub-themes have been highlighted. • A new conceptual framework on collaborative fashion consumption modes has been proposed. • A holistic view of collaborative fashion consumption has been provided.
Kholaif M.M., Ming X., Moosa A., David K.G.
2021-10-16 citations by CoLab: 19 Abstract  
Based on both the “stakeholder” and “cognitive” theories, this study shed light on the optimistic side of the COVID-19 pandemic, as it also brings the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability back into the light, which helps in solving the labor environmental issues. Our research aims to profoundly investigate the correlation between CSR and labor environmental issues based on the International Organization for Standardization’s standard 26,000 (ISO 26000) during COVID-19 and to also examine how CSR practices help solve labor environmental issues in the Egyptian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was adopted, for data analysis and hypotheses testing, on a sample of 307 manager-level employees in the Egyptian SMEs. Results indicate that CSR positively impacts labor practices dimensions (employment relationships, human development and training, social dialog, and health and safety at work). However, CSR has an insignificant effect on social protection and work conditions. This study is scientifically valuable since it helps better understand the pandemic’s effects on environmental labor issues in the Egyptian SMEs and shows how CSR helps solve those issues. Also, it discussed the theoretical contributions and practical implications and showed the limitations and future research for this study area
Marin-Garcia J.A.
2021-10-05 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
This article proposes a 4-step model for scientific dissemination that aims to promote evidence-based professional practice in Operations Management or Human Resource Management as well as research with a more transparent and reproducible process. These 4 steps include:1 social network announcements,2 dissemination to scientific journals, 3 dissemination to social networks, and 4 scientific dissemination to professional journals. Central to the 4-step model is a three-stage publication process within the second step, which adds an additional stage to the two previously proposed (Marin-Garcia, 2015). These three publication stages begin with a protocol paper, are followed by a data paper, and finish with a traditional article. Each stage promotes research with merit which is citable and recognizable as such before the scientific evaluation bodies. As two of these stages are largely unknown within the fields of Business and Management, I define the details of a protocol paper and a data paper including their contents. In addition, I provide examples of both papers as well as the other steps of the science dissemination model. This model can be adopted by researchers as a means of achieving greater impact and transfer of research results. This work intends to help researchers to understand, to evaluate, and to make better decisions about how their research reaches society at large outside of academia.In this way, WPOM aligns with the recommendations of several leading journals in the field of business management on the need to promote transparent, accessible, and replicable science (Beugelsdijk et al., 2020). WPOM goes one step further in compliance with this direction by having relevant journals that not only accept, but also actively encourage the publication of protocol papers and data papers. WPOM strives to pioneer in this field of Business and Management.This article also explores the potential prevalence of protocol papers and data papers within the set of all articles published in journals indexed in Clarivate Web of Science and Scopus.With this editorial, WPOM is committed to promoting this model by accepting for review any of the three types of scientific contributions including protocol papers, data papers, and traditional papers.
López-Santamaría M., Amaya N., Grueso Hinestroza M.P., Cuero Y.A.
Journal of Cleaner Production scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-10-01 citations by CoLab: 18 Abstract  
Companies have a particularly important role to play in achieving sustainable development, yet to do this they must transparently communicating their performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Sustainability Disclosure Practices of companies listed on the Colombian Stock Exchange by applying Signaling Theory dimensions - intent, necessity and camouflage - to the different economic sectors. A qualitative study was performed that involved examining the sustainability reports of 43 companies in 2018 by applying different content analysis techniques. The results show that industrial companies frequently 1) report their environmental practices, especially emissions management; 2) report economic practices exclusively in relation to their economic performance; and 3) report social practices that are focused on the development of their internal stakeholders. In this study, the most recurrently observed signal is intent, rather than necessity or camouflage. This research further contributes to extant literature by showing that camouflage signals can be categorized into two types: 1) those whereby organizations hide information and 2) those whereby organizations seek to highlight their attributes and achievements. The latter are not contemplated in Connelly's original proposal but were clearly found in this research. • Environmental reporting practices are prevalent in industrial sector companies. • Disclosed economic dimension exclusively relate to companie's economic performance. • The internal stakeholder development prevails in the social dimension. • Intent is the most prevalent signal in the analyzed companies. • Camouflage signals are used for enhance companie's attributes and achievements.
Hąbek P., Lavios J.J.
Energies scimago Q1 wos Q3 Open Access
2021-10-01 citations by CoLab: 1 PDF Abstract  
Much research has already been dedicated to the impact of the supply chain, but less attention has been paid to the potential of supplier development (SD) processes in strengthening enterprises’ sustainability performance. This study aimed to indicate how the approach to socially responsible supplier development has changed over the years (2010–2019) in the automotive sector considering the types of practices and the applied areas of social responsibility. The study was based on original and empirical content analysis research of sustainability reports of car producers. To identify changes in the approach to socially responsible supplier development (SRSD) practices, 17 criteria were identified within direct as well as indirect types of supplier development practices. Considering areas of social responsibility, we applied the core subjects of social responsibility based on the ISO 26000 standard. The findings revealed that during the analyzed period, there has been a recursive use of both direct and indirect SD practices by the car producers but to varying degrees. The environmental protection, human rights, labor practices, fair operating practices, and organizational governance issues were the major concerns. When comparing 2010 and 2019, a clear increase was observed within all identified SRSD initiatives. The study outputs and examples of SRSD practices of car producers can act as a role model for automotive suppliers as well as other industries regarding how to incorporate sustainability into supplier development processes.
Heras‐Saizarbitoria I., Urbieta L., Boiral O.
2021-08-23 citations by CoLab: 183 Abstract  
This article analyzes the organizational engagement with the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs), an initiative for corporate social responsibility also referred to as the 2030 Agenda. Engagement with the SDGs by organizations all around the world, whatever their sector and size, has attracted a lot of media interest and heightened expectations. Nevertheless, there is a lack of empirical work that sheds light on the commitment to this initiative at the organizational level. In order to fill this gap, this article examines the characteristics of engagement with the SDGs of 1370 organizations from 97 countries, taking data from their sustainability reports. The study looks at how and why organizations engage with the SDGs, as well as the priority they assign to them. The findings point to a superficial engagement with the SDGs for the vast majority of organizations, which suggests a process of “SDG-washing”. Implications for managers, public policy makers and other stakeholders are analyzed.
Sellitto M.A., Valladares D.R., Pastore E., Alfieri A.
2021-08-18 citations by CoLab: 13 Abstract  
The purpose of this study was to compare the competitive priorities of the slow and fast fashion retail operations of large retailers in an emerging economy. The study embraces the six largest Brazilian companies operating both fast and slow fashion businesses. The methodological path comprises a qualitative phase, in which four experts review the competitive priorities in fashion supply chains. Then follows a quantitative phase, in which the practitioners, supported by AHP, the analytical hierarchy process, weight the fast fashion and slow fashion supply chain priorities. Finally, the study compares the two sets of priorities by considering the uncertainty in the judgment. The most relevant priorities in slow fashion are price and quality, whereas those in fast fashion are customer relationships and flexibility. This study proposes guidelines for simultaneously managing these two strategies. In slow fashion, companies should reduce costs and improve quality by implementing online process controls. In fast fashion, companies should decrease lot sizes, increase the variety of mixes and assortments, and strengthen ties with customers. The main novelty of this study is the evidence that retailers operating fast and slow fashion must simultaneously manage two different strategies to achieve different priorities. In addition, some novel procedures are adopted to mitigate the uncertainty in the judgments.
Stevens G.J., Bienz T., Wali N., Condie J., Schismenos S.
2021-08-02 citations by CoLab: 62 Abstract  
PurposeFollowing the rapid shift to online learning due to COVID-19, this paper aims to compare the relative efficacy of face-to-face and online university teaching methods.Design/methodology/approachA scoping review was conducted to examine the learning outcomes within and between online and face-to-face (F2F) university teaching programmes.FindingsAlthough previous research has supported a “no significant difference” position, the review of 91 comparative studies during 2000–2020 identified 37 (41%) which found online teaching was associated with better learning outcomes, 17 (18%) which favoured F2F and 37 (41%) reporting no significant difference. Purpose-developed online content which supports “student-led” enquiry and cognitive challenge were cited as factors supporting better learning outcomes.Research limitations/implicationsThis study adopts a pre-defined methodology in reviewing literature which ensures rigour in identifying relevant studies. The large sample of studies (n= 91) supported the comparison of discrete learning modes although high variability in key concepts and outcome variables made it difficult to directly compare some studies. A lack of methodological rigour was observed in some studies.Originality/valueAs a result of COVID-19, online university teaching has become the “new normal” but also re-focussed questions regarding its efficacy. The weight of evidence from this review is that online learning is at least as effective and often better than, F2F modalities in supporting learning outcomes, albeit these differences are often modest. The findings raise questions about the presumed benefits of F2F learning and complicate the case for a return to physical classrooms during the pandemic and beyond.
Hehir E., Zeller M., Luckhurst J., Chandler T.
2021-06-28 citations by CoLab: 44 Abstract  
Online learning is negatively associated with student connectedness. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Higher Education (HE) institutions have pivoted to blended and online learning. Subsequently, HE institutions have seen a shift in student connectedness resulting in loneliness, isolation, social and psychological distance. Consequently, it is essential for teacher practitioners to respond with innovative digital learning resources that aim to develop student connectedness. The current systematic review aimed to explore the research question: what are the characteristics of effective digital teaching resources when the aim of the resource is to build student connectedness? This systematic literature review was conducted in line with published guidance for undertaking reviews (Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2009). Successively, 17 papers met the inclusion criteria and were analysed using a thematic synthesis approach. Results identified five key themes that are important when designing digital resources to build connectedness: usability; teacher interaction; immediacy; synchronicity; and community. The findings of this research are expected to provide a template to assist teacher practitioners in creating innovative digital resources that facilitate connectedness.
Montrosse-Moorhead B., Gambino A.J., Yahn L.M., Fan M., Vo A.T.
American Journal of Evaluation scimago Q1 wos Q2
2021-06-09 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
A budding area of research is devoted to studying evaluator curriculum, yet to date, it has focused exclusively on describing the content and emphasis of topics or competencies in university-based programs. This study aims to expand the foci of research efforts and investigates the extent to which evaluators agree on what competencies should guide the development and implementation of evaluator education. This study used the Delphi method with evaluators ( n = 11) and included three rounds of online surveys and follow-up interviews between rounds. This article discusses on which competencies evaluators were able to reach consensus. Where consensus was not found, possible reasons are offered. Where consensus was found, the necessity of each competency at both the master’s and doctoral levels is described. Findings are situated in ongoing debates about what is unique about what novice evaluators need to know and be able to do and the purpose of evaluator education.
Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
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Publications years
2015-2024 (10 years)
Metrics description


Fields of science

Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, 2, 10.53%
Building and Construction, 2, 10.53%
General Social Sciences, 2, 10.53%
General Materials Science, 1, 5.26%
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 1, 5.26%
Statistics and Probability, 1, 5.26%
General Engineering, 1, 5.26%
General Environmental Science, 1, 5.26%
Geography, Planning and Development, 1, 5.26%
General Computer Science, 1, 5.26%
Strategy and Management, 1, 5.26%
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law, 1, 5.26%
General Arts and Humanities, 1, 5.26%
Economics and Econometrics, 1, 5.26%
Business and International Management, 1, 5.26%
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 1, 5.26%
Industrial relations, 1, 5.26%



Citing journals

Journal not defined, 1, 1.25%
Show all (27 more)



Organizations from articles

Organization not defined, 11, 57.89%

Countries from articles

Spain, 9, 47.37%
Country not defined, 6, 31.58%
Italy, 4, 21.05%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 20, 25%
Show all (52 more)

Citing countries

Country not defined, 14, 17.5%
China, 10, 12.5%
Canada, 8, 10%
USA, 7, 8.75%
Spain, 7, 8.75%
United Kingdom, 6, 7.5%
Sweden, 6, 7.5%
Italy, 5, 6.25%
Finland, 4, 5%
Bangladesh, 3, 3.75%
Malaysia, 3, 3.75%
Netherlands, 3, 3.75%
Poland, 3, 3.75%
Germany, 2, 2.5%
France, 2, 2.5%
Vietnam, 2, 2.5%
India, 2, 2.5%
New Zealand, 2, 2.5%
Turkey, 2, 2.5%
Australia, 1, 1.25%
Belgium, 1, 1.25%
Benin, 1, 1.25%
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1, 1.25%
Hungary, 1, 1.25%
Indonesia, 1, 1.25%
Iran, 1, 1.25%
Ireland, 1, 1.25%
Colombia, 1, 1.25%
Lithuania, 1, 1.25%
Mexico, 1, 1.25%
Romania, 1, 1.25%
Croatia, 1, 1.25%
Switzerland, 1, 1.25%
Show all (3 more)
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.