Information and Management, volume 58, issue 6, pages 103450
Investigating perceived risks and benefits of information privacy disclosure in IT-enabled ride-sharing
Xusen Cheng
Ting-Ting Hou
Jian Mou
Publication type: Journal Article
Publication date: 2021-09-01
Information and Management
scimago Q1
wos Q1
SJR: 2.594
CiteScore: 17.9
Impact factor: 8.2
ISSN: 03787206
Information Systems
Management Information Systems
Information Systems and Management
This study investigates what affects perceived risks and how the trade-off between perceived risks and benefits affects individuals’ information privacy choices in the context of IT-enabled ride-sharing. Using privacy calculus theory and immediate gratification, we adopt a mixed-methods approach. We use interview data to identify perceived information disclosure risks’ antecedents, and then implement our research model, conducting privacy calculus on data from 507 rideshare users. The results indicate that privacy awareness, previous online privacy invasion, mobile payment security, and negative media exposure influence information disclosure’s perceived risks and that perceived risks and benefits are significantly related to immediate gratification.
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