Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, volume 35, pages 101213

Sequential extraction approach for sustainable recovery of various hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) bioactive compounds

Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2023-10-01
scimago Q1
wos Q2
Impact factor5.5
Pharmaceutical Science
Environmental Chemistry
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Cannabis sativa L. known as industrial hemp manifests high capability in the manufacturing of valuable nutraceuticals with health benefits. This study was focused on investigation of chemical profile and bioactive potential of extracts isolated from three hemp varieties (Helena, Marina and Fedora 17). In addition, great attention was directed towards the use of green extraction techniques and maximum utilization of raw material. In that regard conventional (hydrodistillation – HD) and novel extraction techniques (microwave-assisted hydrodistillation – MWHD, supercritical fluid extraction – SFE and microwave-assisted extraction – MAE) were applied for isolating various fractions (essential oil, lipid extracts and liquid extract) with promising bioactive potential. Essential oils and lipid extracts were characterized regarding yield, terpenoid profile determined by GC-MS and in vitro antioxidant activity towards DPPH and ABTS + radicals. Furthermore, the content of two major cannabinoids was determined in plant material and in extract obtained by SFE. Sequential SFE technique allows obtaining lipid extracts in the first step of process as well as raffinates after SFE in the second step. MAE was applied for isolation of polyphenolic fraction from raw materials and SFE raffinates. Polyphenolic content was determined by spectrophotometric assays and UHPLC-Triple-quadrupole-MS. The results suggested that hemp is an excellent source of valuable terpenoid, cannabinoid and polyphenolic antioxidant agents, and further research should be focused on their utilization in dietary supplements and functional foods.
Đurović S., Domínguez R., Pateiro M., Teslić N., Lorenzo J.M., Pavlić B.
2022-06-24 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is highlighted as an emerging source of different valuable bioactive compounds (fibers, proteins, oil, cannabinoids, polyphenols, etc.). There has been a great interest recently in application of various extraction techniques for the recovery of bioactives from different parts of hemp, as well as from by-products and side streams generated from the conventional hemp processing. The basic principles of traditional and novel extraction techniques (ultrasound-assisted, microwave-assisted, supercritical fluid, pressurized-liquid extraction, etc.), as well as different encapsulation techniques, are applied for further processing of the extracts. Special emphasis has been given on advantages and limitations, challenges and opportunities in processing of hemp bioactives. Finally, this chapter summarizes the recent findings on the use of these technologies to recover and encapsulate various hemp compounds in order to obtain products with high bioactive potential for further industrial use.
Micić D., Đurović S., Riabov P., Tomić A., Šovljanski O., Filip S., Tosti T., Dojčinović B., Božović R., Jovanović D., Blagojević S.
Foods scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-11-09 citations by CoLab: 47 PDF Abstract  
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is a plant worldwide cultivated mainly for essential oils, extracts, and as a spice. Up-to-date results showed diversity in composition of the essential oils, which may influence their quality, biological activity, and thermal properties. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition, antimicrobial activity, and thermal properties of the rosemary essential oils originating from Serbia and Russia. Additionally, oils were added to the sunflower oils in order to investigate possible antioxidant activity during the frying. Investigation of the chemical profile marked α-pinene, eucalyptol, and camphor as the most abundant compounds in both oils. However, overall composition influenced in such manner that Russian oil showed significantly higher antimicrobial activity, while Serbian oil proved to be better antioxidant agent in case of frying of sunflower oil. This would significantly influence possible application of the oils, which could be used as an antioxidant agent for extension of the food shelf life, or antimicrobial agent for protection against different microbial strains.
Kornpointner C., Sainz Martinez A., Marinovic S., Haselmair-Gosch C., Jamnik P., Schröder K., Löfke C., Halbwirth H.
Industrial Crops and Products scimago Q1 wos Q1
2021-07-01 citations by CoLab: 53 Abstract  
• Undescribed triterpenoids and phytosterols in Cannabis sativa roots. • Influence of chemovar, harvest time and drying on triterpenoid yields. • Supercritical CO 2 extraction of friedelin and epifriedelinol from hemp roots. • In vitro and cellular antioxidant activity of ethanolic cannabis root extracts. Cannabis sativa L. has long been exploited for multiple purposes. Whereas all parts of the shoots are extensively used and well investigated, the roots have always received less attention. The phytochemical spectrum of the roots differs significantly from the rest of the plant, as no significant amounts of cannabinoids are found, whereas triterpenes as well as phytosterols are abundantly present. To shed light on the unique phytochemistry of hemp roots and the related industrial potential, three chemovars were investigated for the secondary metabolite composition and antioxidant activities by using in vitro and in vivo methods. Five triterpenes, ten phytosterols and five aliphatic compounds were identified by GC–MS analysis. Glutinol, ß-amyrone, stigmastanol, fucosterol, stigmasta-3,5-diene, stigmasta-3,5,22-triene, and oleamide were described for the first time in cannabis root extracts. The predominant triterpenoids friedelin (0.100−0.709 mg/g) and epifriedelinol (0.059−0.205 mg/g) were quantified in dependence of chemovar, harvest times, drying conditions, and extraction efficiency with ethanol, n -hexane, and supercritical CO 2 .
Radwan M.M., Chandra S., Gul S., ElSohly M.A.
Molecules scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-05-08 citations by CoLab: 216 PDF Abstract  
Cannabis sativa is one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world. It was introduced into western medicine during the early 19th century. It contains a complex mixture of secondary metabolites, including cannabinoids and non-cannabinoid-type constituents. More than 500 compounds have been reported from C. sativa, of which 125 cannabinoids have been isolated and/or identified as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are C21 terpeno-phenolic compounds specific to Cannabis. The non-cannabinoid constituents include: non-cannabinoid phenols, flavonoids, terpenes, alkaloids and others. This review discusses the chemistry of the cannabinoids and major non-cannabinoid constituents (terpenes, non-cannabinoid phenolics, and alkaloids) with special emphasis on their chemical structures, methods of isolation, and identification.
Owusu N.O., Arthur B., Aboagye E.M.
Journal of Cannabis Research scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-04-12 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Cannabis is one of humanity’s oldest crops with several uses, from food to clothing and medicine. It remains one of the most controversial crops whose production, possession, and usage are regulated differently across jurisdictions. Academic research and advocacy have resulted in the redefinition of the legal status of cannabis in several countries. Ghana recently reviewed its laws on cannabis, allowing for the cultivation of industrial hemp. The legislation paves the way for Ghana to benefit from industrial hemp and include it in the agricultural cash crop list. This paper looks at the economic prospects of industrial hemp in the wake of the new law. A systematic electronic research was conducted to identify journal articles, reports, news, blogs, and other relevant materials on cannabis, marijuana, and industrial hemp. The electronic search was done primarily on Google, Google Scholar, Bing, and “Baidu Xueshi” to identify cannabis-related publications. The search was expanded beyond Ghana to find other perspectives on cannabis. The search began in January 2020 on Google using search terms like “cannabis in Ghana” and “which countries have legal cannabis.” Materials on history, financial prospects, industrial uses, and legislations on cannabis and industrial hemp were reviewed. Existing research on cannabis in Ghana has focused on the psychotic effects of cannabis other than its industrial aspects, which has potentials for the economy. Industrial hemp has CBD with no psychotic effects and is very useful in making medicine, paper, and textiles. Ghana has both the land and workforce to produce hemp to feed local industries and the international market. The new legislation can put Ghana in a position to benefit from the current cannabis industry. Therefore, policymakers should implement a registration regime that would favor local investors and farmers to reduce illegal production. The regulatory framework should establish a well-equipped agency that will supervise production and research into hemp development.
Gunjević V., Grillo G., Carnaroglio D., Binello A., Barge A., Cravotto G.
Industrial Crops and Products scimago Q1 wos Q1
2021-04-01 citations by CoLab: 32 Abstract  
• Microwave-assisted cascade protocol for bioactive Cannabis compounds recovery. • Pilot scale Cannabis terpenes hydrodistillation under microwaves. • Phytocannabinoid decarboxylation ( 70 %) during microwave hydrodistillation. • Cannabis polyphenols extraction: luteolin-7-glucoside and apigenin-7-glucoside. • Full valorisation of hemp components. In recent years, hemps health and nutritional properties recognition has led to an impressive growth of Cannabis research, industrial processing, and the related market. Moreover, the demand for natural Cannabis -derived compounds (i.e. terpenes, polyphenols, and cannabinoids) is constantly growing. In spite of the strict regulation of some countries, the global market needs suitable technologies for the smart recovery of bioactive Cannabis metabolites. Conventional extraction procedures can show drawbacks, in terms of environmental impact and their high energy consumption. Microwaves (MW), a mature technique for extraction-process intensification, is attracting great amounts of attention in academic-research and industrial-application fields for its technological advantages. This work aims to design a fast and cost-efficient MW-assisted cascade protocol for bioactive Cannabis compounds recovery in a pilot-scale reactor. Microwave-assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD) can provide a volatile hydrodistillate that is rich in monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and a small amount of phytocannabinoids. Using non-canonical protocol of hydrodistillation, the definition of “volatile fraction” is generally considered more appropriate than “essential oil”. The health-promoting activity of this combination has been proposed in literature, and can constitute matter of further investigations. The optimized MAHD procedure yielded 0.35 ± 0.02 % w/w of hydrodistillate, while conventional hydrodistillation gave only 0.12 ± 0.01 %, w/w (in relation to dry inflorescence mass). The water resulting in the vessel after MAHD showed a high total polyphenolic content (5.35 ± 0.23 %, w/w). Two flavones known for their beneficial effects to health, namely luteolin-7- O -glucoside and apigenin-7- O -glucoside, were detected and quantified. An attempt to recover phytocannabinoid using the MW-assisted hydrodiffusion and gravity method (MAHG) was also carried out. Cannabinoids (CBD and THC) content was determined in fresh Cannabis and in production streams. During MAHD, phytocannabinoid decarboxylation inside the residual matrix was around 70 % (69.01 ± 0.98 % and 74.32 ± 1.02 % for THC and CBD respectively). Furthermore, the overall content of these metabolites was not affected by the hydrodistillation, preserving the processed plant material for subsequent ethanolic extraction.
Rožanc J., Kotnik P., Milojević M., Gradišnik L., Knez Hrnčič M., Knez Ž., Maver U.
Plants scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-03-17 citations by CoLab: 32 PDF Abstract  
Cannabis sativa is one of the oldest medicinal plants used by humans, containing hundreds of bioactive compounds. The biological effects and interplay of these compounds are far from fully understood, although the plant’s therapeutic effects are beyond doubt. Extraction methods for these compounds are becoming an integral part of modern Cannabis-based medicine. Still, little is known about how different methods affect the final composition of Cannabis extracts and thus, their therapeutic effects. In this study, different extraction methods were tested, namely maceration, Soxhlet, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and supercritical CO2 extraction methods. The obtained extracts were evaluated for their cannabinoid content, antioxidant properties, and in vitro bioactivity on human colon cancer and healthy colon cells. Our data suggest that Cannabis extracts, when properly prepared, can significantly decrease cancer cell viability while protecting healthy cells from cytotoxic effects. However, post-processing of extracts poses a significant limitation in predicting therapeutic response based on the composition of the crude extract, as it affects not only the actual amounts of the respective cannabinoids but also their relative ratio to the primary extracts. These effects must be carefully considered in the future preparations of new therapeutic extracts.
Micalizzi G., Alibrando F., Vento F., Trovato E., Zoccali M., Guarnaccia P., Dugo P., Mondello L.
Molecules scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-03-13 citations by CoLab: 31 PDF Abstract  
A microwave distillation method was optimized for the extraction and isolation of cannabis essential oil from fresh and dried hemp inflorescences. The developed method enabled us to obtain a distilled product rich in terpenes and terpenoid compounds, responsible of the typical and unique smell of the cannabis plant. The distillate from different hemp cultivars, including Kompolti, Futura 75, Carmagnola, Felina 32 and Finola were characterized by using a gas chromatograph equipped with both mass spectrometer and flame ionization detectors. In a single chromatographic run, the identity and absolute amounts of distilled compounds were determined. Peak assignment was established using a reliable approach based on the usage of two identification parameters, named reverse match, and linear retention index filter. Absolute quantification (mg g−1) of the analytes was performed using an internal standard method applying the flame ionization detector (FID) response factors according to each chemical family. An enantio-GC-MS method was also developed in order to evaluate the enantiomeric distribution of chiral compounds, an analytical approach commonly utilized for establishing the authenticity of suspicious samples.
Marzorati S., Friscione D., Picchi E., Verotta L.
Industrial Crops and Products scimago Q1 wos Q1
2020-11-01 citations by CoLab: 41 Abstract  
This work investigates an extraction and purification downstream process able to provide cannabidiol (CBD) enriched products starting from inflorescences of Cannabis sativa L. Even though the legislation concerning non-psychoactive Cannabis derivatives is still an open issue, the interest in this compound is justified worldwide by the scientifically demonstrated health beneficial effects of CBD for the treatment of many disorders. For these reasons, the interest in CBD-based formulations, for the sake of readiness for the future market demands, is quite high. Despite the fact that the recent literature is highly addressed to the topic of cannabinoids and their related biological activities, there is still a general lack in strategic proposals aiming at recovering and purifying specifically CBD through scalable processes. In this work, preliminary studies were addressed to convert the main product of the plant metabolism, cannabidiolic acid, to CBD by heat-treatment-induced decarboxylation of the dried biomass. Then, a “green strategy”, supercritical CO2 extraction, enabled to yield a 50 % w/w CBD-enriched oil, avoiding any use of toxic organic solvents. Yields and compositions of methanolic extraction and supercritical CO2 were compared. Results confirmed the enhanced selectivity of supercritical CO2. A winterization process, followed by flash chromatography, successfully removed waxes and the psychotropic fraction, providing an almost 80 % w/w CBD-enriched final product.
Zheljazkov V.D., Sikora V., Dincheva I., Kačániová M., Astatkie T., Semerdjieva I.B., Latkovic D.
Molecules scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2020-10-12 citations by CoLab: 33 PDF Abstract  
Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is currently one of the most controversial and promising crops. This study compared nine wild hemp (C. sativa spp. spontanea V.) accessions with 13 registered cultivars, eight breeding lines, and one cannabidiol (CBD) hemp strain belonging to C. sativa L. The first three groups had similar main essential oil (EO) constituents, but in different concentrations; the CBD hemp had a different EO profile. The concentration of the four major constituents in the industrial hemp lines and wild hemp accessions varied as follows: β-caryophyllene 11–22% and 15.4–29.6%; α-humulene 4.4–7.6% and 5.3–11.9%; caryophyllene oxide 8.6–13.7% and 0.2–31.2%; and humulene epoxide 2, 2.3–5.6% and 1.2–9.5%, respectively. The concentration of CBD in the EO of wild hemp varied from 6.9 to 52.4% of the total oil while CBD in the EO of the registered cultivars varied from 7.1 to 25%; CBD in the EO of the breeding lines and in the CBD strain varied from 6.4 to 25% and 7.4 to 8.8%, respectively. The concentrations of δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the EO of the three groups of hemp were significantly different, with the highest concentration being 3.5%. The EO of wild hemp had greater antimicrobial activity compared with the EO of registered cultivars. This is the first report to show that significant amounts of CBD could be accumulated in the EO of wild and registered cultivars of hemp following hydro-distillation. The amount of CBD in the EO can be greater than that in the EO of the USA strain used for commercial production of CBD. Furthermore, this is among the first reports that show greater antimicrobial activity of the EO of wild hemp vs. the EO of registered cultivars. The results suggest that wild hemp may offer an excellent opportunity for future breeding and the selection of cultivars with a desirable composition of the EO and possibly CBD-rich EO production.
Radivojac A., Bera O., Micić D., Đurović S., Zeković Z., Blagojević S., Pavlić B.
Food and Bioproducts Processing scimago Q1 wos Q2
2020-09-01 citations by CoLab: 24 Abstract  
Sage herbal dust generated as a by-product from filter-tea factory contains various bioactive compounds which secured its economic potential towards valorization of under-utilized stream. The aim of this work was to utilize sage herbal dust as raw material for the recovery of value-added product. Comparative evaluation of hydrodistillation (HD) and microwave-assisted hydrodistillation (MWHD) processes applied for isolation of sage herbal dust essential oil (EO) were applied for this purpose and EO yield varied from 0.50 to 1.90%. Distillation experiments performed at different levels of power and kinetics of EO recovery were monitored, while four empirical kinetic equations were successfully applied for modeling of process kinetics according to appropriate values of statistical parameters (R2 and AARD). GC-MS analysis was applied for chemical characterization of sage EOs, while DPPH assay was used to determine in vitro bioactivity and results suggested that power affected terpenoid profile and antioxidant activity in case of HD and MWHD. Thermal analysis of obtained EOs was utilized to establish correlation between thermal behavior and terpenoids profile. Results suggested that MWHD could provide excellent alternative for production of high-quality sage EO with high content of oxygenated terpenoids and adequate bioactivity.
Kleinhenz M.D., Magnin G., Lin Z., Griffin J., Kleinhenz K.E., Montgomery S., Curtis A., Martin M., Coetzee J.F.
Scientific Reports scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2020-07-29 citations by CoLab: 41 PDF Abstract  
Cannabinoid production for medicinal purposes has renewed interest in utilizing byproducts of industrial hemp (IH) as a feed source for livestock. However, the presence of bioactive residues in animal tissues may pose a risk to consumers. The purpose of this study was to characterize the plasma pharmacokinetics (PK) of cannabinoids and their metabolites in cattle after a single oral exposure to IH. Eight castrated male Holstein calves received a single oral dose of 35 g of IH to achieve a target dose of 5.4 mg/kg cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). Blood samples were collected for 96 h after dosing. Plasma cannabinoid concentrations were profiled using liquid chromatography coupled with mass-spectroscopy (UPLC) and PK parameters were calculated using noncompartmental methods. The cannabinoids CBDA, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid-A (THCA-A), cannabidivarinic acid (CBDVA), and cannabichromenic acid (CBCA) were detected in all cattle after IH dosing. The geometric mean maximum concentration of CBDA of 72.7 ng/mL was observed at 14 h after administration. The geometric mean half-life of CBDA was 14.1 h. No changes in serum biochemistry analysis were observed following IH dosing compared to baseline values. These results show acidic cannabinoids, especially CBDA, are readily absorbed from the rumen and available for distribution throughout the body.
Crini G., Lichtfouse E., Chanet G., Morin-Crini N.
Environmental Chemistry Letters scimago Q1 wos Q1
2020-06-08 citations by CoLab: 250 Abstract  
The hemp plant Cannabis sativa Linn, referring to industrial hemp, is a high-yielding annual industrial crop grown providing fibers from hemp stalk and oil from hemp seeds. Although hemp is a niche crop, hemp production is currently undergoing a renaissance. More than 30 countries grow hemp, with China being the largest hemp producing and exporting country. Europe and Canada are also important actors in the global hemp market. Traditionally, hemp as a fiber plant has been used for the production of apparels, fabrics, papers, cordages and building materials. The hurds, as waste by-product of fiber production, were used for bedding of animals, the seeds for human nutrition, e.g., as flour, and the oil for a wide range of purposes, from cooking to cosmetics. Hemp has also been an important crop throughout human history for medicine. Other more recent applications include materials for insulation and furniture, automotive composites for interior applications and motor vehicle parts, bioplastics, jewelry and fashion sectors, animal feed, animal bedding, and energy and fuel production. Foods containing hemp seed and oil are currently marketed worldwide for both animal and human nutrition. They also find applications in beverages and in neutraceutical products. Hemp oil is also used for cosmetics and personal care items, paints, printing inks, detergents and solvents. It is estimated that the global market for hemp consists of more than 25,000 products. Currently, the construction and insulation sector, paper and textile industries, and food and nutrition domains are the main markets while the cosmetics and automotive sector are growing markets. Innovative applications, e.g., in the medical and therapeutic domains, cosmeceuticals, phytoremediation, acoustic domain, wastewater treatment, biofuels, biopesticides and biotechnology, open new challenges. Hemp is also the object of numerous fundamental studies. This review presents and discusses the traditional and new uses of industrial hemp.
Izzo L., Castaldo L., Narváez A., Graziani G., Gaspari A., Rodríguez-Carrasco Y., Ritieni A.
Molecules scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2020-01-31 citations by CoLab: 102 PDF Abstract  
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L. Family Cannabaceae) contains a vast number of bioactive relevant compounds, namely polyphenols including flavonoids, phenolic acids, phenol amides, and lignanamides, well known for their therapeutic properties. Nowadays, many polyphenols-containing products made of herbal extracts are marketed, claiming to exert health-promoting effects. In this context, industrial hemp inflorescence may represent an innovative source of bioactive compounds to be used in nutraceutical formulations. The aim of this work was to provide a comprehensive analysis of the polyphenolic fraction contained in polar extracts of four different commercial cultivars (Kompoti, Tiborszallasi, Antal, and Carmagnola Cs) of hemp inflorescences through spectrophotometric (TPC, DPPH tests) and spectrometry measurement (UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS). Results highlighted a high content of cannflavin A and B in inflorescence analyzed samples, which appear to be cannabis-specific, with a mean value of 61.8 and 84.5 mg/kg, meaning a ten-to-hundred times increase compared to other parts of the plant. Among flavonols, quercetin-3-glucoside reached up to 285.9 mg/kg in the Carmagnola CS cultivar. Catechin and epicatechin were the most representative flavanols, with a mean concentration of 53.3 and 66.2 mg/kg, respectively, for all cultivars. Total polyphenolic content in inflorescence samples was quantified in the range of 10.51 to 52.58 mg GAE/g and free radical-scavenging included in the range from 27.5 to 77.6 mmol trolox/kg. Therefore, C. sativa inflorescence could be considered as a potential novel source of polyphenols intended for nutraceutical formulations.
Chen Y., Oliveira W.S., Dias F.F., Ismail B.P.
Plants scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2025-01-18 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract  
Defatting dehulled hemp seeds is a crucial step prior to protein extraction. However, conventional methods rely on flammable solvents, posing significant health, safety, and environmental concerns. Additionally, hemp protein has poor extractability, challenging functionality, and flavor limitations, restricting its broader application in foods. Accordingly, a two-phase natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES)-assisted extraction was evaluated as a solvent-free alternative for co-extracting protein and oil from full-fat hemp flour. In comparison to the reference hemp protein isolate (R-HPI), produced from hexane-defatted flour following conventional alkaline extraction, NADES-extracted hemp protein isolate (N-HPI) had significantly higher protein extraction yield and purity. N-HPI exhibited enhanced surface charge, lower hydrophobicity, and thus higher solubility at an acidic pH compared to R-HPI. N-HPI had a higher abundance of edestin and lower levels of vicilin-like proteins, which contributed to superior gelation compared to R-HPI. N-HPI, compared to R-HPI, contained lower levels of lipid-derived off-flavor compounds, such as aldehydes, alcohols, and ketones. These findings highlighted, for the first time, the potential of a two-phase NADES-assisted extraction as a sustainable alternate and effective process for producing high-quality, functional hemp protein. The development of such a green process is an impetus for broadening the applications of hemp protein in food systems.
Božović D., Teslić N., Milošević S., Hourani S., Zeković Z., Pavlić B.
2025-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Tanase Apetroaei V., Istrati D.I., Vizireanu C.
Molecules scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2024-12-31 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract  
The growing demand for plant-based protein and natural food ingredients has further fueled interest in exploring hemp seeds (Cannabis sativa L.) as a sustainable source of and nutrition. In addition to the content of proteins and healthy fats (linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid), hemp seeds are rich in phytochemical compounds, especially terpenoids, polyphenols, and phytosterols, which contribute to their bioactive properties. Scientific studies have shown that these compounds possess significant antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects, making hemp seeds a promising ingredient for promoting health. Since THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are found only in traces, hemp seeds can be used in food applications because the psychoactive effects associated with cannabis are avoided. Therefore, the present article reviews the scientific literature on traditional and modern extraction methods for obtaining active substances that meet food safety standards, enabling the transformation of conventional foods into functional foods that provide additional health benefits and promote a balanced and sustainable diet. Also, the identification methods of biologically active compounds extracted from hemp seeds and their bioactivity were evaluated. Mechanical pressing extraction, steam distillation, solvent-based methods (Soxhlet, maceration), and advanced techniques such as microwave-assisted and supercritical fluid extraction were evaluated. Identification methods such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) allowed for detailed chemical profiling of cannabinoids, terpenes, and phenolic substances. Optimizing extraction parameters, including solvent type, temperature, and time, is crucial for maximizing yield and purity, offering the potential for developing value-added foods with health benefits.
Rantaša M., Slaček G., Knez Ž., Knez Marevci M.
Journal of CO2 Utilization scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2024-08-23 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Extraction of cannabinoids from different parts of the plant matrix is often carried out by various traditional methods based on the use of organic solvents. Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) has emerged as one of the most intriguing approaches for the extraction of cannabinoids. This review examines the importance of the SFE of cannabinoids, extraction parameters, selection of a suitable co-solvent/modifier, and appropriate sample preparation. To characterise the composition of the mixture of cannabinoids different analysis methods can be applied. One of them is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which requires no derivatisation of the analysed sample and allows for a determination of a wide variety of both acidic and neutral cannabinoids. Nevertheless, liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is gaining increasing importance due to its superior identification of analytes which is based on both the retention times of analytes as well as specific qualifier ions. Another interesting analytical method is supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), which uses supercritical fluids (SCFs) such as CO2 in combination with different modifiers, to successfully separate and determine cannabinoids. The use of SFC allows for an efficient and above all, rapid separation of the desired analytes. There is an essential need to efficiently investigate the influence of various experimental parameters on the retention behaviour of cannabinoids in SFC.
Kübra Yontar A., Çevik S., Akbay Ş.
2024-01-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
The study involves modifying green nano silver particles (AgNP) synthesized from the extracts of Cannabis Sativa seeds onto Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) surfaces. Microstructural examinations and chemical analyses of the produced surfaces were performed with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). A peak at 415 nm was found in the UV–Vis spectrophotometer analysis range of the aqueous media containing green synthesized silver nanoparticles. The average size of AgNPs was found to be 45 nm by particle size distribution analysis. Performance tests of the modified surfaces revealed that the abrasion and scratch resistance of the coating containing 1 % AgNP increased twice and that all modified surfaces were resistant to staining. With nano silver modification, energy efficiency was achieved by shortening the gelation (drying) time of the surfaces coming out of the bath by one and a half minutes during coating production. Nano silver-modified MDF surfaces have shown antibacterial properties that are at least 1000 times more effective. MDF surface coatings modified with new-generation plant-based nanoparticles can prevent and reduce bacterial diseases that can be contaminated by the environment. The production of MDF surfaces that provide low energy consumption and antibacterial properties with green production will be possible.





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