Movement and Sports Sciences - Science et Motricite

Les inducteurs émotionnels perçus par des lycéens en EPS : quel impact de cinq formats de jeu en badminton ?

Jérôme Visioli
Julie Level
Olivier Dieu
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2024-08-14
scimago Q3
Impact factor
ISSN21185735, 21185743

L’objectif de cet article est d’identifier et de comparer les inducteurs des émotions positives et négatives ressenties par des élèves du secondaire en EPS dans le cadre de cinq formats de jeu en badminton. Les perceptions de 58 lycéens (24 filles et 34 garçons – Mâge = 15,01, Ec = 0,25) ont été recueillies à l’aide d’un questionnaire basé sur la méthode des incidents critiques (Flanagan, 1954). Les élèves devaient raconter le moment le plus marquant vécu au sein de chaque format, juste après l’avoir pratiqué. L’analyse inductive des incidents critiques recueillis a permis de rendre compte et de comparer l’impact des dispositifs proposés par l’enseignant sur les émotions positives et négatives des élèves. La discussion invite notamment à porter une attention particulière aux émotions des filles et à la sensibilité à l’espace de jeu, mais également à relativiser l’impact du seul format de jeu sur les émotions des élèves. Plus globalement, c’est l’impact émotionnel des formats de jeu en badminton qui est interrogé dans l’optique de la formation des enseignants d’EPS, en lien avec le projet de conception et d’exploitation d’« affective learning design ».

Dieu O., Llena C., Derigny T., Potdevin F.
2022-12-23 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Promouvoir l’activité physique (AP) en éducation physique (EP) repose, en partie, sur l’intérêt des élèves envers les situations proposées. L’EP poursuivant également la finalité de faire coopérer les élèves, concevoir des formats de jeu collectifs visant l’interdépendance entre élèves permet-il simultanément de les engager ? Considérant l’engagement comme un phénomène émergeant d’une interaction spécifique entre l’individu et son environnement, cette étude compare les effets de quatre formats de badminton, qui se distinguent par le degré d’interdépendance visé entre élèves, sur l’AP et l’intérêt en situation (IS) de 101 lycéens. L’engagement psychologique a été mesuré à l’aide d’une échelle validée d’intérêt en situation (IS) et des accéléromètres ont permis d’évaluer la quantité d’AP. Nos résultats montrent que la modification des formats de jeu n’impacte que deux dimensions de l’IS : la nouveauté et le plaisir instantané. En termes d’AP, si on ne note aucune différence entre les formats de double, des différences ont été relevées entre les formats de simple. La « ronde italienne » plait et met davantage en mouvement les élèves que la « montante descendante ». Ainsi cette étude suggère qu’un format de jeu, qui vise une interdépendance de buts entre élèves, offre une perspective de promotion de l’AP.
Roure C., Dieu O.
2022-04-12 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which matching three learning tasks with students' conative stages in badminton can increase their situational interest. Method: Ninety-seven secondary school students (Mage = 13.0, SD = 1.4, 50.5% girls, aged 11-16) practiced three learning tasks in badminton, designed to reflect the game intentions associated with their conative stages. They responded to the 15-item situational interest scale after practicing each of the three learning tasks. Results: According to the differences related to the SI dimensions scores between the learning tasks, matching the design of three learning tasks with the students' game intentions results in higher scores in the SI dimensions. Conclusion: Using the conative stages to characterize students' expertise levels in badminton, this study fine-tunes the connection between the students and the learning tasks by exceeding the common criterion related to the students' technical skills. This study also confirms that instant enjoyment, exploration intention, attention demand, and challenge were key dimensions underlying students' motivation in badminton in relation to its technical, tactical and physical components.
2020-09-19 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
This research aims to know the level and the correlation between self concept and moral behavior of early childhood at Pertiwi Kindegarten Sungai Pakning Village Bengkalis Regency. The samples of this research were all kids age 5 – 6 years old at Pertiwi Kindegarten Sungai Pakning Village Bengkali Regency total 54 kids. The method used was Pearson Product Moment Correlation to see the correlation between self concept variable and moral behavior. The technique of data collection was observation sheet. The technique of data analysis was by using Pearson Product Moment correlational technique. From the research results, it can be recognized that the level of self concept of kids is in high category with percentage score 51,85% and the level of kids’ moral behavior is at medium category with percentage score 55,55%. Based on the result of hypothesis test, it obtains the value of correlational coefficient is in the amount of rxy = 0,837 bigger than rtable = 0,268 (0,837 > 0.268) with significance level 0,000 < 0,05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is correlation between self concept and moral behavior. The level of the correlation is in extremely high category with the value of determinant coefficient generated is 70% then it can be recognized that self concept gives contribution 70% towards moral behavior.
Woods C.T., McKeown I., Rothwell M., Araújo D., Robertson S., Davids K.
Frontiers in Psychology scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2020-04-24 citations by CoLab: 77 PDF Abstract  
Over two decades ago, Davids et al. (1994) and Handford et al. (1997) raised theoretical concerns associated with traditional, reductionist, mechanistic perspectives of movement coordination and skill acquisition for sport scientists interested in practical applications for training designs. These seminal papers advocated an emerging consciousness grounded in an ecological approach, signalling the need for sports practitioners to appreciate the constraints-led, deeply entangled and non-linear reciprocity between the organism (performer), task and environment subsystems. Over two decades later, the areas of skill acquisition, practice and training design, performance analysis and preparation, and talent development in sport science have never been so vibrant in terms of theoretical modelling, knowledge generation and innovation, and technological deployment. Viewed at an ecological level of analysis, the work of sports practitioners has progressively transitioned toward the facilitation of an evolving relationship between an organism (athlete, team) and its environment (sports competition). This commentary sets out to explore how these original ideas from Davids et al. (1994) and Handford et al. (1997) have been advanced through the theoretical lens of Ecological Dynamics. Concurrently, we provide case study exemplars, from applied practice in high-performance sports organisations, to illustrate how these contemporary perspectives are shaping the work of sports practitioners (sport ecology designers) in practice and performance preparation.
Simonton K.L.
2020-03-10 citations by CoLab: 8 Abstract  
The purpose of this study was to test a model of personal appraisals (distal) and emotions (proximal) as predictors of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour using the Control Value Theory ...
Gomez, Rivas, Connor, Leicht
2019-10-23 citations by CoLab: 19 PDF Abstract  
Background: the aim of the present study was to identify the temporal and notational performance differences between elite men’s and women’s badminton players according to match type and set. Methods: the sample was composed of 60 men’s and 60 women’s matches classified by match type or duration: short (lower quartile), long (upper quartile) and regular matches (interquartile range). Temporal and notational variables were analysed for each match and compared between sexes accounting for match duration. Results: greater intensity for most variables (i.e., rally time, rest time, density, and strokes per match/rally) was exhibited in men’s matches compared with women’s matches (i.e., higher frequency between strokes). In addition, the greater intensity for men compared to women was more pertinent during long matches (13 significant variables) and less evident during short matches (six significant variables). Point outcome displayed similar trends for each sex during matches with more winners for men’s players when serving and more unforced errors for women’s players. Lastly, based on each match type, fewer sex differences were noted during sets 2 and 3, as the match progressed. Conclusion: men’s players performed at a greater intensity than women’s players for different match and set contexts, with this sex difference enhanced when controlling for match type and set. The development of sex- and match-specific scenarios will assist coaches and trainers in the design of specific training drills to enhance the athletic performance of elite badminton players.
Simonton K.L., Garn A.C.
2019-10-22 citations by CoLab: 24 Abstract  
Discrete emotions provide a lens for understanding students’ subjective experiences in physical education (PE). Enjoyment of PE is one discrete emotion that receives a great deal of attention because it promotes students’ interest and engagement. However, the implications of students’ negative emotions toward PE remain less clear. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine relationships between students’ negative emotions including shame, boredom, and anger in PE and self-reported disruptive behavior, leisure time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and sedentary time. Middle school students ( N = 401) completed surveys on all study variables seven weeks apart. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the validity and reliability of students’ reports of negative emotions and behaviors across two time points. A cross-lagged design using structural equation modeling tested relationships between emotions and behavioral outcomes. Shame related to higher reports of future disruptive and sedentary behaviors and lower reports of leisure time MVPA. Boredom also related to lower reports of future leisure time MVPA. Lastly, anger related to higher reports of future disruptive behavior but lower reports of sedentary behavior. Each negative emotion produced unique relationship patterns that generally underscored undesirable student behaviors. Evaluating discrete emotions can highlight information regarding students’ action tendencies. Understanding relationships between negative emotions and their resulting behaviors may help inform interventions and best teacher practices in PE. Overall, physical education teachers need to be aware of students’ negative emotions and make pedagogical and content-related decisions to improve students’ subjective experiences.
Montagne Y.
2019-08-23 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
L’EPS s’adresse a tous les eleves. Pourtant, parce qu’ils se blessent, ou parce qu’ils ne progressent pas, certains d’entre eux ne tirent pas tous les benefices attendus de cette discipline d’enseignement. Quand les effets de ces embarras ne perturbent pas les cours, ils sont souvent passes sous silence ou interpretes comme statistiquement normaux. Depuis le champ de la psychanalyse lacanienne, on peut penser que certains accidents ou absences de progres sont des symptomes qui veulent dire plus qu’ils ne montrent. La lecture interpretative du discours de deux eleves, qui evoquent ce qu’elles vivent dans le gymnase, permet d’entendre une part de la valeur cachee que l’EPS a pour elles. Les blessures de l’une, les non apprentissages de l’autre, deviennent des actes avec lesquels ces eleves, a leur insu, se sauvegardent et se construisent tout en s’excluant des attentes et des offres du systeme scolaire. Les effets de la parole adressee a un autre et entendue par lui, autorisent, chez ces eleves, une distanciation vis-a-vis de ce qu’elles vivent. Ce deplacement de leurs positions symboliques semble in fluer sur leurs conduites dans le gymnase. Blessures et non progres peuvent etre transformes. Une telle demarche clinique analytique implique celui qui ecoute et celui qui enseigne. Elle pose les dires du Sujet (au sens lacanien du terme) comme lieu de production de savoir sur ce qui perturbe les cours en EPS.

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