Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
259 цитирований, 5.16%
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
234 цитирования, 4.67%
Journal of Computational Physics
206 цитирований, 4.11%
Physics of Fluids
152 цитирования, 3.03%
Journal of Scientific Computing
102 цитирования, 2.03%
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
96 цитирований, 1.91%
Applied Mathematics and Computation
96 цитирований, 1.91%
85 цитирований, 1.69%
Applied Numerical Mathematics
77 цитирований, 1.54%
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
75 цитирований, 1.5%
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
74 цитирования, 1.48%
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
72 цитирования, 1.44%
Computers and Fluids
66 цитирований, 1.32%
Applied Mathematical Modelling
59 цитирований, 1.18%
Physical Review E
50 цитирований, 1%
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
50 цитирований, 1%
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
48 цитирований, 0.96%
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
46 цитирований, 0.92%
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
46 цитирований, 0.92%
Computational and Applied Mathematics
46 цитирований, 0.92%
Applied Mathematics Letters
45 цитирований, 0.9%
Numerical Algorithms
38 цитирований, 0.76%
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
34 цитирования, 0.68%
AIMS Mathematics
33 цитирования, 0.66%
Engineering with Computers
31 цитирование, 0.62%
Ocean Engineering
31 цитирование, 0.62%
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
30 цитирований, 0.6%
Advances in Difference Equations
30 цитирований, 0.6%
Communications in Computational Physics
29 цитирований, 0.58%
European Physical Journal Plus
29 цитирований, 0.58%
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
28 цитирований, 0.56%
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing
27 цитирований, 0.54%
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
27 цитирований, 0.54%
AIP Conference Proceedings
27 цитирований, 0.54%
Tensor Spaces and Numerical Tensor Calculus
27 цитирований, 0.54%
Composite Structures
25 цитирований, 0.5%
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
23 цитирования, 0.46%
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow
23 цитирования, 0.46%
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
22 цитирования, 0.44%
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
21 цитирование, 0.42%
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
21 цитирование, 0.42%
Advances in Computational Mathematics
21 цитирование, 0.42%
International Journal of Computational Methods
20 цитирований, 0.4%
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)
19 цитирований, 0.38%
Modern Physics Letters B
19 цитирований, 0.38%
International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
19 цитирований, 0.38%
ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
19 цитирований, 0.38%
Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao
18 цитирований, 0.36%
Nonlinear Dynamics
18 цитирований, 0.36%
Physica Scripta
18 цитирований, 0.36%
17 цитирований, 0.34%
Results in Applied Mathematics
17 цитирований, 0.34%
17 цитирований, 0.34%
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
16 цитирований, 0.32%
CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences
16 цитирований, 0.32%
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
16 цитирований, 0.32%
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
15 цитирований, 0.3%
Aerospace Science and Technology
15 цитирований, 0.3%
Computational Mechanics
15 цитирований, 0.3%
Computers and Structures
14 цитирований, 0.28%
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
14 цитирований, 0.28%
Scientific Reports
14 цитирований, 0.28%
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
14 цитирований, 0.28%
Acta Mechanica
13 цитирований, 0.26%
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
13 цитирований, 0.26%
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
13 цитирований, 0.26%
Abstract and Applied Analysis
12 цитирований, 0.24%
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
12 цитирований, 0.24%
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
12 цитирований, 0.24%
Optical and Quantum Electronics
12 цитирований, 0.24%
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
12 цитирований, 0.24%
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
12 цитирований, 0.24%
International Journal of Engineering Science
11 цитирований, 0.22%
AIP Advances
11 цитирований, 0.22%
Journal of Function Spaces
11 цитирований, 0.22%
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
11 цитирований, 0.22%
Results in Physics
11 цитирований, 0.22%
10 цитирований, 0.2%
Waves in Random and Complex Media
10 цитирований, 0.2%
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
10 цитирований, 0.2%
Powder Technology
10 цитирований, 0.2%
AIAA Journal
10 цитирований, 0.2%
10 цитирований, 0.2%
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
10 цитирований, 0.2%
International Journal of Modern Physics B
10 цитирований, 0.2%
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
10 цитирований, 0.2%
Advances in Mathematical Physics
10 цитирований, 0.2%
10 цитирований, 0.2%
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
9 цитирований, 0.18%
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
9 цитирований, 0.18%
Applicable Analysis
9 цитирований, 0.18%
Journal of Fluids and Structures
9 цитирований, 0.18%
Journal of Sound and Vibration
9 цитирований, 0.18%
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
9 цитирований, 0.18%
AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal
9 цитирований, 0.18%
9 цитирований, 0.18%
Electronic Research Archive
9 цитирований, 0.18%
Archive of Applied Mechanics
8 цитирований, 0.16%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
8 цитирований, 0.16%
Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications
8 цитирований, 0.16%