Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing

Springer Nature
Springer Nature
ISSN: 14349922, 18600808

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Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
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Publications found: 356
Deformation of Cylindrical Shell Made of 9X2 Steel Under Complex Loading
Cheremnykh S.V.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The development of the construction industry in terms of the design and manufacture of shell structures of non-standard architectural forms made of materials with complex mechanical properties requires using modern integrated computer-aided design systems with step-by-step modeling of deformation of structural elements under operating conditions, as well as taking into account their subsequent behavior after accumulation of residual strains during plastic deformation. The purpose of the study is to simulate the process of plastic deformation of a thin-walled cylindrical shell made of 9X2 GOST 5950-2000 (Interstate Standard) steel under compression and torsion with theoretical calculations based on the general theory of elastoplastic processes by A.A. Ilyushin. The constitutive equations of the theory of elastoplastic processes by A.A. Ilyushin for complex loading path and deformation of materials in the deviatoric strain space are presented. Based on the presented solutions, according to the strain path of the 9X2 steel shell implemented in the model, the graphs showing the relation of the vector and scalar properties of the material to the arc length of the strain path are constructed. A conclusion is made about the degree of hardening of the material in question and its dependence on the magnitude of the angle of convergence at the kink point of the complex path. The graphs of changes in the constitutive plasticity functions with respect to the increments of the arc length of the strain path are presented.
Geometric Characteristics of Surfaces with Curved Trapezoidal Plan
Ivanov V.N.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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A method of forming a curved orthogonal coordinate system on a plane and a technique of constructing new surface shapes with curved trapezoidal plans are presented. Multiple examples of curved trapezoidal plans based on different directrix curves and surfaces with the given plans, including combinations of surfaces with different conjugate directrix curves, are illustrated. The proposed technique of surface forming may be used in architecture and construction for development of thin-walled space structures in both urban and industrial buildings. But for the analysis of thin shells, geometric characteristics of the middle surface of the shell are usually used. Vector equation of surfaces with curved trapezoidal plan was used to obtain the formulas for the fundamental form coefficients and surface curvatures. Examples of calculation of the fundamental form coefficients and curvatures of surfaces with particular directrix curves and vertical coordinate functions are presented.
Optimal Duration of Observations During Seismic Inspection of Buildings
Voskresenskiy M.N., Kurdanova A.A.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Studying the nature of the occurrence and propagation of microseismic tremors has not lost its relevance over the past few decades. Currently, the analysis of microseisms is the basis of some engineering and geological studies, including those aimed at the inspection of structures of various purposes. The procedure for preparing and conducting surveys is governed by a system of regulatory documents. However, the current codes and specifications represent a general guide for assessing the operational properties of building structures. Therefore, specific survey methods need to be clarified and detailed. Describes the experiment of examining the building regarding the dynamics of frequency characteristics within 24 hours. The observation system was implemented in the form of 16 points, evenly distributed over the volume of the building. Spectral analysis based on FFT was carried out to identify the time intervals within the 24-hour period with a pronounced maximum and minimum level of man-induced impact on the studied subject. During the hours of maximum exposure, the spectra were correlated according to records of different duration in terms of the correspondence of frequency components. The necessary and sufficient duration of registration of microseismic vibrations was derived to determine the frequency of natural vibration of a building when the observation points are located on the lower and upper floors.
Stress-Strain State of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete under Compression Taking into Account Unloading from Inelastic Region
Agapov V.P., Markovich A.S., Dkhar P., Golishevskaia D.A.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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The purpose of the study is to examine the physical and mechanical characteristics of steel fiber-reinforced concrete under compression, including: modulus of elasticity, Poisson ratio, values of ultimate strains under compression, values of compressive strength with different percentages of dispersed reinforcement. An experimental investigation program, which included the production of cube samples measuring 100×100×100 mm, as well as a compression test under static loading, taking into account unloading from the region of inelastic deformations, was developed and carried out. Two types of steel fiber were chosen as dispersed reinforcement: hooked end and wave shape. The volume content of steel fiber in the cube samples was 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 %. As a result of the investigation, the strength and deformation characteristics of steel fiber reinforced concrete under compression were obtained. Based on the experimental data, actual strain diagrams of steel fiber reinforced concrete were constructed, taking into account the type of reinforcing fibers and the percentage of reinforcing fiber. Based on the obtained diagrams, a law of deformation of steel fiber reinforced concrete is proposed, which can be described by a polynomial function of the fourth order with constant coefficients that determine the shape of the stress-strain curve. The presented research results can be used in developing a methodology for physically nonlinear analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete elements with a percentage of dispersed reinforcement from 0.5 to 2.0 %.
Geometric Investigation of Three Thin Shells with Ruled Middle Surfaces with the Same Main Frame
Gbaguidi Aisse G.L., Aleshina O.O., Mamieva I.A.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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It is proved and illustrated that by taking the main frame of the surface, consisting of three plane curves placed in three coordinate planes, three different algebraic surfaces with the same rigid frame can be designed. For the first time, one three of new ruled surfaces in a family of five threes of ruled surfaces, formed on the basis of some shapes of hulls of river and see ships, which, in turn, are projected in the form of algebraic surfaces with a main frame of three superellipses or of three other plane curves, is under consideration in detail with a standpoint of differential geometry. The geometrical properties of the ruled surfaces taken as the middle surfaces of thin shells for industrial and civil engineering are presented. Analytical formulas for determination of force resultants with using the approximate momentless theory of shells of zero Gaussian curvature given by non-orthogonal conjugate curvilinear coordinates are offered for the first time. The results derived using these formulae will help to correct the results obtained by numerical methods.
Parameterization of Maxwell - Cremona Diagram for Determining Forces in Elements of a Scissors Truss
Repin V.A., Lukina A.V., Strekalkin A.A.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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An analysis of changing patterns of the values of member forces in a scissors truss, depending on the position of connections of its lower chords to the upper chords, is performed. Exploring effective truss structure designs in terms of balanced combination of maximum strength and minimum weight is a sustainable approach to a more rational use of building materials and the development of green construction. This determines the relevance of this area of research. The analysis of configurations of the truss under study was performed using the parameterized Maxwell - Cremona diagram. Such diagram is a visually informative tool in presenting the calculation results and it fully reflects the relationship between the member forces and the parameters of the structure. The research process was performed using the MS Excel spreadsheet editor. This eventually developed into a software tool for finding effective scissors truss designs, which has full potential for further improvement and development. Thus, the functionality of the tool can be easily expanded to designing scissors trusses made of various structural materials, as well as with various crosssectional shapes of its elements. The proposed approach to the calculation of such structures can serve as a basis for parameterization of trusses with other types of web.
Seismic Fragility Analysis of Existing Old Newari Brick Masonry Building in Pokhara Valley
Chapagain K., Chaulagain H.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Most of the building stock in Nepal is based on masonry construction, which includes monumental, administrative, and residential structures. These structures are vulnerable during earthquakes, as evidenced by the massive structural damage, loss of human life, and property damage due to a lack of proper assessment and appropriate strengthening measures. An analysis of the seismic vulnerability of existing old Newari brick masonry buildings in the Pokhara Valley is presented. These buildings were built using indigenous knowledge and technology. The investigation is based on analytical studies, with some material properties obtained from field tests. Proper modeling of a masonry structure is crucial for reliable seismic resistance and structural design. However, modeling a real masonry structure is a challenging and computationally demanding task due to its complicated framework, requiring in-depth knowledge, realistic material properties, and relevant information. The aim of this research is to assess the seismic performance of old Newari masonry buildings using stress level and fragility curves. The research issues are addressed analytically through linear time history analysis using the finite element program-based software Sap 2000 v20. In dynamic analysis, numerical building models were subjected to three synthetic earthquakes. The performance status of the building based on various stress levels is evaluated, and weak regions are identified. The fragility curve of the structure is assessed, considering the ground motion parameters in the locality. The fragility function is plotted with the probability of failure at an interval of 0.10 g. The results of the analysis highlight that the studied structure is vulnerable compared to the codal provisions and standard recommendations.
Effect of Sinusoidal Fiber Waviness on Non-Linear Dynamic Performance of Laminated Composite Plates with Variable Fiber Spacing
Mohammed W.H., Shambina S.L., Ammash H.K.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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This study investigated influence of varying waviness characteristics of fiber, represented by path amplitude Δ and different numbers of half sine waves k , on the elastic-plastic dynamic behaviour of laminated composite plates with variable fiber spacing. The analysis was based on the equations for action of constant axial dynamic loading and two-dimensional layered approach with classical first order shear deformation theory with five degrees of freedom per node, and it was performed with FORTRAN 94 programming language. Von-Karman’s assumptions were used for the discretization of the laminated plates to include geometric nonlinearity for nine-node Lagrangian isoperimetric quadrilateral elements. Complete bond between the layers was assumed with no delamination, which was based on first-order shear deformation theory. The Newmark implicit time integration method and Newton-Raphson iteration were simultaneously used to solve the nonlinear governing equation in conjunction. It was proven in the research that the nonlinear performance of the laminated composite plate was affected by the studied waviness parameters Δ and k , and also by the variable distribution pattern selected for this study.
Effect of Temperature on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Monolithic Polycarbonate
Avdeev K.V., Bobrov V.V., Tuchin M.A., Domarova E.V., Kudryavtsev N.A., Skakun P.V.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The study of the physical and mechanical properties of polycarbonate under various temperature conditions, taking into account its widespread use as a base material of monolithic polycarbonate systems in various climatic regions, will ensure a high degree of reliability of structures during operation in a wide temperature range. The authors of the article conducted a series of tensile tests of monolithic polycarbonate in the temperature range from -60 to +80 °C. The influence of temperature on the following characteristics of monolithic polycarbonate was evaluated: elongation at break, tensile yield strength, tensile stress at break, strains at the end of the elastic stage of the material. As a result of the conducted experimental studies, the relationship between the strength properties of monolithic polycarbonate and the operating temperature was revealed. The values of elongation at break at temperatures exceeding 15 °C for various samples generally correspond to the values obtained during tests conducted under standard conditions.
Mixed FEM for Shells of Revolution Based on Flow Theory and its Modifications
Kiseleva R.Z., Kirsanova N.A., Nikolaev A.P., Klochkov Y.V., Ryabukha V.V.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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For describing elastoplastic deformation, three versions of constitutive equations are used. The first version employs the governing equations of the flow theory. In the second version, elastic strain increments are defined the same way as in the flow theory, and the plastic strain increments are expressed in terms of stress increments using the condition of their proportionality to the components of the incremental stress deviator tensor. In the third version, the constitutive equations for a load step were obtained without using the hypothesis of separating strains into the elastic and plastic parts. To obtain them, the condition of proportionality of the components of the incremental strain deviator tensor to the components of the incremental stress deviator tensor was applied. The equations are implemented using a hybrid prismatic finite element with a triangular base. A sample calculation shows the advantage of the third version of the constitutive equations.
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Multi-Storey Residential Building with Friction Pendulum Bearings: Indonesia case study
Abaev Z.K., Sulthan F.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The methodology for seismic performance evaluation of a residential building in Indonesia with the use of seismic isolation is considered. An 8-storey reinforced concrete frame residential building with shear wall structural system was selected as a case study. Nonlinear methods of seismic response analysis were used to calculate the response of the structure: nonlinear static (Pushover) and Nonlinear-Time History Analysis, NLTHA. The analysis is performed in STERA 3D freeware. The nonlinear time history analysis was performed for seven pairs of horizontal components of earthquake ground motions, selected according to the parameters of possible earthquakes for the considered site (Bandung city). The selected earthquake records were modified using the spectral matching procedure for design spectrum. Friction-pendulum bearings developed by Nippon Steel Corporation of Japan were used as seismic isolation. The results of nonlinear time history analysis show that shallow earthquakes result in greater damage compared to megathrust earthquakes, with both scenarios providing a life safety (LS) performance level. The use of seismic isolation can reduce seismic loads, as evidenced by the reduction in top-level accelerations and shear forces at the base.
Results of Laboratory Studies of Strengthening Subgrade Soil with Modifier
Hudaykulov R.M., Aralov D.E.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 1
Open Access
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Current modern trends in road construction are the increase in traffic intensity and the carrying capacity of motor transport, as well as the expansion of the road network, including local roads. These trends put forward the task of not only increasing the durability of road structures, but also the use of local materials and soils in the construction of highways. Several methods have been developed to strengthen the soils of the road base. A variety of surfactants, modifiers and additives are also produced to strengthen the roadbed. Many of them have not shown their effectiveness in practice. Therefore, there is a need for plenty laboratory and field studies on this topic. Laboratory studies were carried out to investigate the effect of the modifier on the roadbed soil. The type of soil and its maximum density were determined at optimal humidity. Based on this, cement and a modifier were introduced into the soil composition, density and compressive strength were determined. The results of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) were obtained to study the effect of the modifier on the roadbed soil. Laboratory studies and SEM-analysis have shown that the addition of a modifier to the soil leads to an increase in its maximum density, a significant increase in compressive strength and that the modifier serves to improve the binding properties by forming a crystalline bond with cement.
Behavior of Metal Frame of Ribbed-ring Dome with Decrease in Number of Supporting Columns
Lebed E.V.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Investigation of the stress state of the metal frame of a ribbed-ring dome, when the number of supporting columns under it is gradually reduced. With that, the same distances or steps between the columns are maintained along the entire contour of the support ring. The main elements of the dome frame and columns are made of steel I-beams. Frames, the domes of which are supported by a different number of cyclically symmetrical columns, were considered as subjects of research. All the domes are characterized by the same geometric structure and size, the same cross sections of the same type of frame elements and are exposed to the same loads. The research was carried out on computer models by calculating the combined effect of the load from the weight of load-bearing and enclosing structures and an asymmetric snow load. The models with a reduced number of columns are obtained by regularly removing them from the original computer model. During the analysis, the stresses in the elements of the frames of all models were determined, which were compared with each other. Deformation graphs and comparative diagrams of the stress state relationships of the frame elements of the original and transformed models are obtained. An assessment of the change in the stress state of the ribbed-ring dome frame with a decrease in the number of columns is given. Significant changes in the stress state of the support ring were noted.
Ruled Shells of Conical Type on Elliptical Base
Krivoshapko S.N.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The information about main results on geometry of developable surfaces with an edge of regression which have a directrix ellipse in the base is gathered. These surfaces constitute a group called “Ruled surfaces of conical type on elliptical base”. This group includes elliptical cones, torses with two ellipses defined in the parallel planes, equal slope surfaces, and ruled surfaces with the main frame of three superellipses that are ellipses in one coordinate plane and broken straight lines in the other two coordinate planes. The paper presents a method for developing torses onto a plane, approximation of torses by folded surfaces, and parabolic ending of a thin sheet from elastic material into a torse shell. A brief review of the methods of stress-strain and buckling analysis of the considered ruled shells is given, including the displacement-based finite element method and variational energy method. It is shown that analytical methods can be used only in the case of applying the momentless shell theory for ruled thin shells of conical type. The analytical formulae for determining the normal and tangent internal forces in any momentless conic shell with a superellipse in the base are derived. References to forty four scientific articles of other authors, working or having worked on the subject of the paper are given. These references confirm the conclusions of the author and the perspectives of investigations of the considered ruled surfaces and shells.
Modern Theory of Creep of Reinforced Concrete
Beglov A.D., Sanjarovskiy R.S., Ter-Emmanuilyan T.N.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The important features of the theory of creep of reinforced concrete, identified and published earlier, are explored. The creation and development of the theory of creep of reinforced concrete is based on non-scientific principles take from systems of classical mechanics that do not correspond to this theory. A detailed analysis of the theory used in many countries was performed, while five oversimplifications were identified that reject fundamental experiments, Eurocodes, rules of mathematics and mechanics: listed in the law of creep, oversimplifications that grossly distort the calculation results, not only the deformations themselves, but also subsequent methods for calculating reinforced concrete structures. These include: unnecessarily modified classical Hooke’s law; imposing a property missing from concrete - an algebraic measure of creep; erroneous superposition principle; use of viscoelastic deformations instead of instantaneous nonlinear plastic deformations; replacement of obvious - nonlinear and non-stationary properties of concrete with linear ones, distorting the qualitative side of phenomena inherent only in nonlinear systems. These errors are covered by unreasonable safety factors, which undermines the economic component of the problem, and of the enormous volumes of reinforced concrete used throughout the world, the analyzed unscientific theory of its calculation causes enormous economic damage in global construction.


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