Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Impact factor
Cultural Studies
Political Science and International Relations
Social Sciences
Years of issue
journal names
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Top-3 citing journals

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(335 citations)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(57 citations)

Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
(56 citations)
Top-3 organizations

Lomonosov Moscow State University
(66 publications)

Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(42 publications)

Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(40 publications)

Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(38 publications)
Most cited in 5 years
Citing journals
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
335 citations, 9.02%
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
57 citations, 1.54%
Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
56 citations, 1.51%
E3S Web of Conferences
52 citations, 1.4%
Studies on Russian Economic Development
41 citations, 1.1%
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
41 citations, 1.1%
Вестник Российской академии наук
40 citations, 1.08%
Doklady Earth Sciences
39 citations, 1.05%
Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
36 citations, 0.97%
Scientific and Technical Information Processing
34 citations, 0.92%
Eurasian Soil Science
33 citations, 0.89%
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
29 citations, 0.78%
AIP Conference Proceedings
29 citations, 0.78%
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
27 citations, 0.73%
27 citations, 0.73%
27 citations, 0.73%
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology
21 citations, 0.57%
MATEC Web of Conferences
21 citations, 0.57%
Regional Research of Russia
21 citations, 0.57%
Biology Bulletin Reviews
21 citations, 0.57%
Water Resources
20 citations, 0.54%
Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk
20 citations, 0.54%
Applied Geochemistry
19 citations, 0.51%
Voprosy Ekonomiki
18 citations, 0.48%
Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika)
18 citations, 0.48%
The Origin of Language and Consciousness
18 citations, 0.48%
17 citations, 0.46%
Russian Geology and Geophysics
16 citations, 0.43%
Russian Chemical Bulletin
15 citations, 0.4%
Scientific and Technical Libraries
13 citations, 0.35%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
12 citations, 0.32%
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
12 citations, 0.32%
Geography and Natural Resources
12 citations, 0.32%
Polymer Science - Series D
12 citations, 0.32%
Administrative Consulting
12 citations, 0.32%
Russian Journal of Industrial Economics
12 citations, 0.32%
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth
11 citations, 0.3%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
11 citations, 0.3%
Russian Agricultural Sciences
11 citations, 0.3%
10 citations, 0.27%
Paleontological Journal
10 citations, 0.27%
Geodynamics and Tectonophysics
10 citations, 0.27%
Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics
10 citations, 0.27%
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
10 citations, 0.27%
Science Management: Theory and Practice
10 citations, 0.27%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
9 citations, 0.24%
Acoustical Physics
9 citations, 0.24%
InterCarto InterGIS
9 citations, 0.24%
SSRN Electronic Journal
9 citations, 0.24%
National Interests Priorities and Security
9 citations, 0.24%
Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS
9 citations, 0.24%
8 citations, 0.22%
8 citations, 0.22%
Frontiers in Public Health
8 citations, 0.22%
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces
8 citations, 0.22%
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
8 citations, 0.22%
8 citations, 0.22%
Remote Sensing
8 citations, 0.22%
8 citations, 0.22%
Economic Analysis Theory and Practice
8 citations, 0.22%
Agrarian science
8 citations, 0.22%
Materials Science Forum
7 citations, 0.19%
7 citations, 0.19%
7 citations, 0.19%
Inorganic Materials
7 citations, 0.19%
Scientific Reports
7 citations, 0.19%
Procedia Computer Science
7 citations, 0.19%
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
7 citations, 0.19%
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
7 citations, 0.19%
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
7 citations, 0.19%
Cold Regions Science and Technology
7 citations, 0.19%
Arid Ecosystems
7 citations, 0.19%
Key Engineering Materials
7 citations, 0.19%
Human Physiology
7 citations, 0.19%
7 citations, 0.19%
Acta Astronautica
7 citations, 0.19%
Biophysics (Russian Federation)
7 citations, 0.19%
Industrial laboratory Diagnostics of materials
7 citations, 0.19%
Economics of Contemporary Russia
7 citations, 0.19%
Arctic and Antarctic Research
7 citations, 0.19%
BIO Web of Conferences
7 citations, 0.19%
Strategizing Theory and Practice
7 citations, 0.19%
Journal of Surface Investigation
6 citations, 0.16%
Frontiers in Plant Science
6 citations, 0.16%
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
6 citations, 0.16%
Gigiena i sanitariia
6 citations, 0.16%
Steel in Translation
6 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Mining Science
6 citations, 0.16%
6 citations, 0.16%
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
6 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Molecular Liquids
6 citations, 0.16%
Contemporary Problems of Ecology
6 citations, 0.16%
Petroleum Chemistry
6 citations, 0.16%
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
6 citations, 0.16%
Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya
6 citations, 0.16%
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
6 citations, 0.16%
Russian Chemical Reviews
6 citations, 0.16%
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
6 citations, 0.16%
Procedia Economics and Finance
6 citations, 0.16%
Agricultural science Euro-North-East
6 citations, 0.16%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
Pleiades Publishing
995 citations, 26.8%
Springer Nature
390 citations, 10.5%
341 citations, 9.18%
210 citations, 5.66%
IOP Publishing
125 citations, 3.37%
EDP Sciences
89 citations, 2.4%
82 citations, 2.21%
Taylor & Francis
74 citations, 1.99%
The Russian Academy of Sciences
67 citations, 1.8%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
53 citations, 1.43%
Frontiers Media S.A.
50 citations, 1.35%
Allerton Press
45 citations, 1.21%
AIP Publishing
40 citations, 1.08%
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)
32 citations, 0.86%
Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk Journal
30 citations, 0.81%
Publishing House Finance and Credit
25 citations, 0.67%
21 citations, 0.57%
20 citations, 0.54%
NP Voprosy Ekonomiki
20 citations, 0.54%
Hindawi Limited
19 citations, 0.51%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
18 citations, 0.48%
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
18 citations, 0.48%
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
16 citations, 0.43%
Walter de Gruyter
15 citations, 0.4%
Trans Tech Publications
15 citations, 0.4%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
14 citations, 0.38%
National University of Science & Technology (MISiS)
14 citations, 0.38%
MGIMO University
14 citations, 0.38%
Cambridge University Press
13 citations, 0.35%
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
13 citations, 0.35%
13 citations, 0.35%
Kemerovo State University
12 citations, 0.32%
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
11 citations, 0.3%
IGI Global
11 citations, 0.3%
Eco-Vector LLC
10 citations, 0.27%
10 citations, 0.27%
Institute of Earth's Crust, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10 citations, 0.27%
Media Sphere Publishing House
10 citations, 0.27%
LLC Kartfond
9 citations, 0.24%
Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 citations, 0.24%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
8 citations, 0.22%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
8 citations, 0.22%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
8 citations, 0.22%
State University of Management
8 citations, 0.22%
Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman
8 citations, 0.22%
Agrarian Science
8 citations, 0.22%
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
7 citations, 0.19%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
7 citations, 0.19%
TEST-ZL Publishing
7 citations, 0.19%
Samara National Research University
7 citations, 0.19%
RPO for the Promotion of Institutes DE RAS
7 citations, 0.19%
FSBI Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (FSBI AARI)
7 citations, 0.19%
State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS
7 citations, 0.19%
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
6 citations, 0.16%
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
6 citations, 0.16%
FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo
6 citations, 0.16%
6 citations, 0.16%
Mediar Press
6 citations, 0.16%
Research Square Platform LLC
6 citations, 0.16%
Autonomous Non-profit Organization Editorial Board of the journal Uspekhi Khimii
6 citations, 0.16%
5 citations, 0.13%
Institute of Applied Ecology
5 citations, 0.13%
5 citations, 0.13%
Akademizdatcenter Nauka
5 citations, 0.13%
SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng
5 citations, 0.13%
5 citations, 0.13%
Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS
5 citations, 0.13%
PANORAMA Publishing House
5 citations, 0.13%
FSBSI FRC N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources
5 citations, 0.13%
Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics - UMTE
5 citations, 0.13%
Oxford University Press
4 citations, 0.11%
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
4 citations, 0.11%
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
4 citations, 0.11%
Georesursy LLC
4 citations, 0.11%
Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations
4 citations, 0.11%
Tyumen State University
4 citations, 0.11%
NPG Publishing
4 citations, 0.11%
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
4 citations, 0.11%
Association of Science Editors and Publishers
4 citations, 0.11%
FSBEI HE Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
4 citations, 0.11%
FSBI Russian State Library
4 citations, 0.11%
Scientific Research Publishing
4 citations, 0.11%
FSFEI HE Don State Technical University
4 citations, 0.11%
Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
4 citations, 0.11%
National Research Mordovia State University MRSU
4 citations, 0.11%
Moscow University Press
4 citations, 0.11%
Humanist Publishing House
4 citations, 0.11%
The Centre for Education and Methodics of the FAS Russia
4 citations, 0.11%
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
4 citations, 0.11%
FSB Educational Establishment of Higher Education Daghestan State Technical University
4 citations, 0.11%
World Scientific
3 citations, 0.08%
IOS Press
3 citations, 0.08%
Ural Federal University
3 citations, 0.08%
Pensoft Publishers
3 citations, 0.08%
Volgograd State University
3 citations, 0.08%
Institute of Computer Science
3 citations, 0.08%
Remedium, Ltd.
3 citations, 0.08%
The Gorbatov's All-Russian Meat Research Institute
3 citations, 0.08%
Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka
3 citations, 0.08%
Center for Crisis Society Studies
3 citations, 0.08%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations
Lomonosov Moscow State University
66 publications, 4.09%
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of Russian Academy of Sciences
52 publications, 3.22%
Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
42 publications, 2.6%
Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
39 publications, 2.41%
Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences
27 publications, 1.67%
Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
23 publications, 1.42%
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
21 publications, 1.3%
Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
21 publications, 1.3%
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
17 publications, 1.05%
Novosibirsk State University
16 publications, 0.99%
Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
14 publications, 0.87%
Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences
13 publications, 0.8%
Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
13 publications, 0.8%
Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
12 publications, 0.74%
Saint Petersburg State University
11 publications, 0.68%
Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 0.68%
Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 0.68%
Institute for Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 0.68%
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
11 publications, 0.68%
National Research University Higher School of Economics
10 publications, 0.62%
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10 publications, 0.62%
Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
10 publications, 0.62%
Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 publications, 0.56%
Novosibirsk State Technical University
9 publications, 0.56%
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 publications, 0.56%
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
9 publications, 0.56%
Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 publications, 0.56%
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
9 publications, 0.56%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
8 publications, 0.5%
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.5%
Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.5%
Institute for the study of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.5%
Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.5%
Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.5%
Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.5%
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
7 publications, 0.43%
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
7 publications, 0.43%
Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.43%
Institute for Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.43%
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.43%
Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.43%
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.43%
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.43%
Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.43%
All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.43%
Institute of Basic Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.37%
Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.37%
Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.37%
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
6 publications, 0.37%
All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics
6 publications, 0.37%
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.37%
Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.37%
Institute of World History RAS
6 publications, 0.37%
Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.37%
Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
Ural Federal University
5 publications, 0.31%
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
5 publications, 0.31%
Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
5 publications, 0.31%
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
5 publications, 0.31%
Federal Research Center of Problem of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS
5 publications, 0.31%
Earth Cryosphere Institute TSC of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
Federal Research Center Computer Science and Control of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
National Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine
5 publications, 0.31%
Institute of Limnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
Institute for Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.31%
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
4 publications, 0.25%
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
Institute of Biophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
The Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
MIREA — Russian Technological University
4 publications, 0.25%
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
National Medical Research Center of Cardiology
4 publications, 0.25%
Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
Saint-Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
State Public Scientific & Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.25%
Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology
4 publications, 0.25%
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.19%
A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.19%
Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.19%
A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.19%
N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.19%
Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.19%
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.19%
Perm State National Research University
3 publications, 0.19%
Tomsk State University
3 publications, 0.19%
Southern Federal University
3 publications, 0.19%
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
3 publications, 0.19%
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
3 publications, 0.19%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations in 5 years
Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
40 publications, 7.5%
Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
38 publications, 7.13%
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of Russian Academy of Sciences
33 publications, 6.19%
Lomonosov Moscow State University
28 publications, 5.25%
Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences
24 publications, 4.5%
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
14 publications, 2.63%
Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
14 publications, 2.63%
Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
13 publications, 2.44%
Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
12 publications, 2.25%
Institute for Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 2.06%
Saint Petersburg State University
8 publications, 1.5%
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 1.5%
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
8 publications, 1.5%
Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 1.5%
National Research University Higher School of Economics
7 publications, 1.31%
Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 1.31%
Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 1.31%
Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 1.31%
Novosibirsk State University
6 publications, 1.13%
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 1.13%
Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 1.13%
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
6 publications, 1.13%
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 1.13%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
5 publications, 0.94%
Institute for the study of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.94%
Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.75%
Ural Federal University
4 publications, 0.75%
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
4 publications, 0.75%
Novosibirsk State Technical University
4 publications, 0.75%
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.75%
All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics
4 publications, 0.75%
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.75%
Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.75%
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
4 publications, 0.75%
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
3 publications, 0.56%
Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
Southern Federal University
3 publications, 0.56%
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
3 publications, 0.56%
Almazov National Medical Research Centre
3 publications, 0.56%
Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
Russian State University for the Humanities
3 publications, 0.56%
A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
3 publications, 0.56%
Earth Cryosphere Institute TSC of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
Institute of Socioeconomic Studies of Population RAS
3 publications, 0.56%
Institute of World History RAS
3 publications, 0.56%
Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
3 publications, 0.56%
Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.56%
RFNC Zababakhin All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics
3 publications, 0.56%
A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
The Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
2 publications, 0.38%
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
2 publications, 0.38%
University of Tyumen
2 publications, 0.38%
Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
2 publications, 0.38%
Don State Technical University
2 publications, 0.38%
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
2 publications, 0.38%
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
2 publications, 0.38%
Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Federal Research Center of Problem of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS
2 publications, 0.38%
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
2 publications, 0.38%
Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
National Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine
2 publications, 0.38%
Institute for Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
2 publications, 0.38%
Federal Pulmonology Research Institute
2 publications, 0.38%
State Academic University for Humanities
2 publications, 0.38%
State Public Scientific & Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.38%
Bahria University
2 publications, 0.38%
Russian New University
2 publications, 0.38%
George Washington University
2 publications, 0.38%
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
1 publication, 0.19%
Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS
1 publication, 0.19%
Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds of the Russian Academy of Science
1 publication, 0.19%
Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing countries
Russia, 984, 60.93%
984 publications, 60.93%
USA, 8, 0.5%
8 publications, 0.5%
China, 5, 0.31%
5 publications, 0.31%
Germany, 4, 0.25%
4 publications, 0.25%
Ukraine, 3, 0.19%
3 publications, 0.19%
Pakistan, 3, 0.19%
3 publications, 0.19%
Bulgaria, 2, 0.12%
2 publications, 0.12%
Israel, 2, 0.12%
2 publications, 0.12%
Poland, 2, 0.12%
2 publications, 0.12%
Slovakia, 2, 0.12%
2 publications, 0.12%
Sweden, 2, 0.12%
2 publications, 0.12%
France, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Kazakhstan, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Belarus, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Estonia, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Australia, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
India, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Canada, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Kyrgyzstan, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea, 1, 0.06%
Republic of Korea
1 publication, 0.06%
Turkey, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Uzbekistan, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Finland, 1, 0.06%
1 publication, 0.06%
Publishing countries in 5 years
Russia, 477, 89.49%
477 publications, 89.49%
USA, 4, 0.75%
4 publications, 0.75%
Pakistan, 3, 0.56%
3 publications, 0.56%
Germany, 2, 0.38%
2 publications, 0.38%
China, 2, 0.38%
2 publications, 0.38%
Bulgaria, 2, 0.38%
2 publications, 0.38%
Australia, 1, 0.19%
1 publication, 0.19%
Israel, 1, 0.19%
1 publication, 0.19%
India, 1, 0.19%
1 publication, 0.19%
Kyrgyzstan, 1, 0.19%
1 publication, 0.19%
Poland, 1, 0.19%
1 publication, 0.19%
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea, 1, 0.19%
Republic of Korea
1 publication, 0.19%
Turkey, 1, 0.19%
1 publication, 0.19%
Uzbekistan, 1, 0.19%
1 publication, 0.19%
8 profile journal articles
Makarov V
DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Professor

Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
34 publications,
182 citations
h-index: 7
5 profile journal articles
Klyuev Nikolay

Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
23 publications,
57 citations
h-index: 4
3 profile journal articles
Tsivadze Aslan
DSc in Chemistry, Professor, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
732 publications,
7 465 citations
h-index: 34
3 profile journal articles
Guskov Andrey

Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology
28 publications,
218 citations
h-index: 8
2 profile journal articles
Zolotov Yuri
DSc in Chemistry, Professor, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Lomonosov Moscow State University
386 publications,
3 395 citations
h-index: 29
2 profile journal articles
Solomina Olga
DSc in Geography, Associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
101 publications,
5 884 citations
h-index: 27
2 profile journal articles
Kosyakov D
31 publications,
223 citations
h-index: 8
2 profile journal articles
Kolpakov Andrey

Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences
44 publications,
336 citations
h-index: 10
2 profile journal articles
Arutyunov Vladimir

N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
164 publications,
1 596 citations
h-index: 19
1 profile journal article
Karamov Eduard
60 publications,
1 004 citations
h-index: 15