Optimization Methods and Software

Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis
ISSN: 10556788, 10294937, 10267670

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Optimization Methods and Software
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Publications found: 764
Codes and standards on computational wind engineering for structural design: State of art and recent trends
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal citations by CoLab: 0
Characteristics of the aerodynamic interference between two high-rise buildings of different height and identical square cross-section
Dongmei H., Xue Z., Shiqing H., Xuhui H., Hua H.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 3  |  Abstract
In this work, wind tunnel tests of pressure measurements are carried out to assess the global aerodynamic interference factors, the local wind pressure interference factors, and the local lift spectra of an square high-rise building interfered by an identical cross-sections but lower height building arranged in various relative positions. The results show that, when the interfering building is located in an area of oblique upstream, the RMS of the along-wind, across-wind, and torsional aerodynamic forces on the test building increase significantly, and when it is located to a side, the mean across-wind and torsional aerodynamic forces increase; In addition, when the interfering building is located upstream or staggered upstream, the mean wind pressures on the sheltered windward side turn form positive to negative and with a maximum absolute value of up to 1.75 times, and the fluctuating wind pressures on the sheltered windward side and leading edge of the side increase significantly with decreasing spacing ratio (up to a maximum of 3.5 times). When it is located to a side, the mean and fluctuating wind pressures on the leading edge of inner side are significantly increased. The three-dimensional flow around a slightly-shorter disturbing building has a great effect on the average and fluctuating wind pressures on the windward or cross-wind faces. When the disturbing building is near to the test building, the vortex shedding peak in the lift spectra decreases and there are no obvious signs of periodicity, however, the energies of the high frequency components undergo an obvious increase.
Consistent inflow boundary conditions for modelling the neutral equilibrium atmospheric boundary layer for the SST k-ω model
Yang Y., Xie Z., Gu M.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 31  |  Abstract
Modelling an equilibrium atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) in computational wind engineering (CWE) and relevant areas requires the boundary conditions, the turbulence model and associated constants to be consistent with each other. Among them, the inflow boundary conditions play an important role and determine whether the equations of the turbulence model are satisfied in the whole domain. In this paper, the idea of modeling an equilibrium ABL through specifying proper inflow boundary conditions is extended to the SST k-w model, which is regarded as a better RANS model for simulating the blunt body flow than the standard k-w model. Two new sets of inflow boundary conditions corresponding to different descriptions of the inflow velocity profiles, the logarithmic law and the power law respectively, are then theoretically proposed and numerically verified. A method of determining the undetermined constants and a set of parameter system are then given, which are suitable for the standard wind terrains defined in the wind load code. Finally, the full inflow boundary condition equations considering the scale effect are presented for the purpose of general use.
Dynamic analysis of long-span cable-stayed bridges under wind and traffic using aerodynamic coefficients considering aerodynamic interference
Han W., Liu H., Wu J., Yuan Y., Chen A.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 10  |  Abstract
The aerodynamic characteristics of vehicles are critical to assess vehicle safety and passenger comfort for vehicles running on long span bridges in a windy environment. However, in previous wind–vehicle–bridge (WVB) system analysis, the aerodynamic interference between the vehicle and the bridge was seldom considered, which will result in changing aerodynamic coefficients. In this study, the aerodynamic coefficients of a high-sided truck on the ground (ground case) and a typical bridge deck (bridge deck case) are determined in a wind tunnel. The effects of existent structures including the bridge deck and bridge accessories on the high-sided vehicle\'s aerodynamic characteristics are investigated. A three-dimensional analytical framework of a fully coupled WVB system is then established based on the finite element method. By inputting the aerodynamic coefficients of both cases into the WVB system separately, the vehicle safety and passenger comfort are assessed, and the critical accidental wind speed for the truck on the bridge in a windy environment is derived. The differences in the bridge response between the windward case and the leeward case are also compared. The results show that the bridge deck and the accessories play a positive role in ensuring vehicle safety and improving passenger comfort, and the influence of aerodynamic interference on the response of the bridge is weak.
Flutter performance of central-slotted plate at large angles of attack
Tang H., Li Y., Chen X., Shum K.M., Liao H.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 13  |  Abstract
The flutter instability is one of the most important themes need to be carefully investigated in the design of long-span bridges. This study takes the central-slotted ideal thin flat plate as an object, and examines the characteristics of unsteady surface pressures of stationary and vibrating cross sections based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The flutter derivatives are extracted from the surface pressure distribution and the critical flutter wind speed of a long span suspension bridge is then calculated. The influences of angle of attack and the slot ratio on the flutter performance of central-slotted plate are investigated. The results show that the critical flutter wind speed reduces with increase in angle of attack. At lower angles of attack where the plate shows the characteristics of a streamlined cross-section, the existence of central slot can improve the critical flutter wind speed. On the other hand, at larger angles of attack, where the plate becomes a bluff body, the existence of central slot further reduces the flutter performance.
A 3-DOF forced vibration system for time-domain aeroelastic parameter identification
Sauder H.S., Sarkar P.P.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 3  |  Abstract
A novel three-degree-of-freedom (DOF) forced vibration system has been developed for identification of aeroelastic (self-excited) load parameters used in time-domain response analysis of wind-excited flexible structures. This system is capable of forcing sinusoidal motions on a section model of a structure that is used in wind tunnel aeroelastic studies along all three degrees of freedom - along-wind, cross-wind, and torsional - simultaneously or in any combination thereof. It utilizes three linear actuators to force vibrations at a consistent frequency but varying amplitudes between the three. This system was designed to identify all the parameters, namely, aeroelastic- damping and stiffness that appear in self-excited (motion-dependent) load formulation either in time-domain (rational functions) or frequency-domain (flutter derivatives). Relatively large displacements (at low frequencies) can be generated by the system, if required. Results from three experiments, airfoil, streamlined bridge deck and a bluff-shaped bridge deck, are presented to demonstrate the functionality and robustness of the system and its applicability to multiple cross-section types. The system will allow routine identification of aeroelastic parameters through wind tunnel tests that can be used to predict response of flexible structures in extreme and transient wind conditions.
Concrete columns reinforced with Zinc Oxide nanoparticles subjected to electric field: buckling analysis
Arbabi A., Kolahchi R., Bidgoli M.R.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 4  |  Abstract
As concrete is most usable material in construction industry it\'s been required to improve its quality. Nowadays, nanotechnology offers the possibility of great advances in construction. In this study, buckling of horizontal concrete columns reinforced with Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles is analyzed. Due to the presence of ZnO nanoparticles which have piezoelectric properties, the structure is subjected to electric field for intelligent control. The Column is located in foundation with vertical springs and shear modulus constants. Sinusoidal shear deformation beam theory (SSDBT) is applied to model the structure mathematically. Micro-electro-mechanic model is utilized for obtaining the equivalent properties of system. Using the nonlinear stress-strain relation, energy method and Hamilton\'s principal, the motion equations are derived. The buckling load of the column is calculated by Difference quadrature method (DQM). The aim of this study is presenting a mathematical model to obtain the buckling load of structure as well as investigating the effect of nanotechnology and electric filed on the buckling behavior of structure. The results indicate that the negative external voltage applied to the structure, increases the stiffness and the buckling load of column. In addition, reinforcing the structure by ZnO nanoparticles, the buckling load of column is increased.
Wind tunnel investigation on flutter and buffeting of a three-tower suspension bridge
Zhang W., Ge Y.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 8  |  Abstract
The Maanshan Bridge over Yangtze River in China is a new long-span suspension bridge with double main spans of 2x1080 m and a closed streamline cross-section of single box deck. The flutter and buffeting performances were investigated via wind tunnel tests of a full bridge aeroelastic model at a geometric scale of 1:211. The tests were conducted in both smooth wind and simulated boundary layer wind fields. Emphasis is placed on studying the interference effect of adjacent span via installing a wind deflector and a wind separating board to shelter one span of the bridge model from incoming flow. Issues related to effects of mid-tower stiffness and deck supporting conditions are also discussed. The testing results show that flutter critical wind velocities in smooth flow, with a wind deflector, are remarkably lower than those without. In turbulent wind, torsional and vertical standard deviations for the deck responses at midspan in testing cases without wind deflector are generally less than those at the midspan exposed to wind in testing cases with wind deflector, respectively. When double main spans are exposed to turbulent wind, the existence of either span is a mass damper to the other. Furthermore, both effects of mid-tower stiffness and deck supporting conditions at the middle tower on the flutter and buffeting performances of the Maanshan Bridge are unremarkable.
Hybrid bolt-loosening detection in wind turbine tower structures by vibration and impedance responses
Nguyen T., Huynh T., Yi J., Kim J.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 32  |  Abstract
In recent years, the wind energy has played an increasingly important role in national energy sector of many countries. To harvest more electric power, the wind turbine (WT) tower structure becomes physically larger, which may cause more risks during long-term operation. Associated with the great development of WT projects, the number of accidents related to large-scaled WT has also been increased. Therefore, a structural health monitoring (SHM) system for WT structures is needed to ensure their safety and serviceability during operational time. The objective of this study is to develop a hybrid damage detection method for WT tower structures by measuring vibration and impedance responses. To achieve the objective, the following approaches are implemented. Firstly, a hybrid damage detection scheme which combines vibration-based and impedance-based methods is proposed as a sequential process in three stages. Secondly, a series of vibration and impedance tests are conducted on a lab-scaled model of the WT structure in which a set of bolt-loosening cases is simulated for the segmental joints. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed hybrid damage detection method is experimentally evaluated via its performance during the damage detection process in the tested model.
Monitoring system for the wind-induced dynamic motion of 1/100-scale spar-type floating offshore wind turbine
Kim C.M., Cho J.R., Kim S.R., Lee Y.S.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Differing from the fixed-type, the dynamic motion of floating-type offshore wind turbines is very sensitive to wind and wave excitations. Thus, the sensing and monitoring of its motion is important to evaluate the dynamic responses to the external excitation. In this context, a monitoring system for sensing and processing the wind-induced dynamic motion of spar-type floating offshore wind turbine is developed in this study. It is developed by integrating a 1/00 scale model of 2.5MW spar-type floating offshore wind turbine, water basin equipped with the wind generator, sensing and data acquisition systems, real-time CompactRIO controller and monitoring program. The scale model with the upper rotatable blades is installed within the basin by means of three mooring lines, and its translational and rotational motions are detected by 3-axis inclinometer and accelerometers and gyroscope. The detected motion signals are processed using a real-time controller CompactRIO to calculate the acceleration and tilting angle of nacelle and the attitude of floating platform. The developed monitoring system is demonstrated and validated by measuring and evaluating the time histories and trajectories of nacelle and platform motions for three different wind velocities and for eight different fairlead positions.
Alternative numerical method for identification of flutter on free vibration
Chun N., Moon J., Lee H.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 1  |  Abstract
The minimization method is widely used to predict the dynamic characteristics of a system. Generally, data recorded by experiment (for example displacement) tends to contain noise, and the error in the properties of the system is proportional to the noise level (NL). In addition, the accuracy of the results depends on various factors such as the signal character, filtering method or cut off frequency. In particular, coupled terms in multimode systems show larger differences compared to the true value when measured in an environment with a high NL. The iterative least square (ILS) method was proposed to reduce these errors that occur under a high NL, and has been verified in previous research. However, the ILS method might be sensitive to the signal processing, including the determination of cutoff frequency. This paper focused on improving the accuracy of the ILS method, and proposed the modified ILS (MILS) method, which differs from the ILS method by the addition of a new calculation process based on correlation coefficients for each degree of freedom. Comparing the results of these systems with those of a numerical simulation revealed that both ILS and the proposed MILS method provided good prediction of the dynamic properties of the system under investigation (in this case, the damping ratio and damped frequency). Moreover, the proposed MILS method provided even better prediction results for the coupling terms of stiffness and damping coefficient matrix.
Free transverse vibration of shear deformable super-elliptical plates
Altekin M.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 1  |  Abstract
Free transverse vibration of shear deformable super-elliptical plates with uniform thickness was studied based on Mindlin plate theory using finite element method. Quadrilateral isoparametric elements were used in the paper. Sensitivity analysis was made to determine the influence of the thickness, the aspect ratio, and the shape of the plate on the natural frequency. Accuracy of the results computed in the current study was validated by comparing them with the solutions available in the literature. The results reveal that the frequencies of clamped super-elliptical plates lie in the range bounded by elliptical and rectangular plates irrespective of the aspect ratio, and furthermore, the frequency decreases if the super-elliptical power increases. A similar trend was observed for simply supported plates with high aspect ratio. The free vibration response for the first and the second symmetric-antisymmetric (SA) modes were found to be different for high aspect ratio. The results reveal that using insufficient number of degrees of freedom results in finding a totally different relation between the super-elliptical power and the frequency.
Application of inverse reliability method to estimation of flutter safety factors of suspension bridges
Cheng J., Dong F.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 9  |  Abstract
An efficient and accurate algorithm is proposed to estimate flutter safety factor of suspension bridges satisfying prescribed reliability levels. Uncertainties which arise from the basic wind speed at the bridge deck location, critical flutter velocity, the wind conversion factor from a scaled model to the prototype structure and the gust speed factor are incorporated. The proposed algorithm integrates the concepts of the inverse reliability method and the calculation method of the critical flutter velocity of suspension bridges. The unique feature of the proposed method is that it offers a tool for flutter safety assessment of suspension bridges, when the reliability level is specified as a target to be satisfied by the designer. Accuracy and efficiency of this method with reference to three example suspension bridges is studied and numerical results validate its superiority over conventional deterministic method. Finally, the effects of various parameters on the flutter safety factor of suspension bridges are also investigated.
Frequency and critical fluid velocity analysis of pipes reinforced with FG-CNTs conveying internal flows
Ghaitani M., Majidian A.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 1  |  Abstract
This paper addresses vibration and instability of embedded functionally graded (FG)-carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-reinforced pipes conveying viscous fluid. The surrounding elastic medium is modeled by temperature-dependent orthotropic Pasternak medium. Flugge shell model is applied for mathematical modeling of structure. Based on energy method and Hamilton
Analysis of the effect of blade positions on the aerodynamic performances of wind turbine tower-blade system in halt states
Ke S., Yu W., Wang T., Ge Y., Tamura Y.
Q3 Wind and Structures, An International Journal 2017 citations by CoLab: 2  |  Abstract
The unsteady flow field disturbance between the blades and tower is one of the primary factors affecting the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine. Based on the research object of a 3MW horizontal axis wind turbine which was developed independently by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, numerical simulation on the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine system in halt state with blades in different position was conducted using large eddy simulation (LES) method. Based on the 3D unsteady numerical simulation results in a total of eight conditions (determined by the relative position with the tower during the complete rotation process of the blade), the characteristics of wind pressure distributions of the wind turbine system and action mechanism of surrounding flow field were analysed. The effect of different position of blades on the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine in halt state as well as the disturbance effect was evaluated. Results of the study showed that the halt position of blades had significant effect on the wind pressure distribution of the wind turbine system as well as the characteristics of flow around. Relevant conclusions from this study provided reference for the wind-resistant design of large scale wind turbine system in different halt states.


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