Journal of Differential Equations
161 цитирование, 2.43%
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
152 цитирования, 2.3%
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
152 цитирования, 2.3%
Journal of Functional Analysis
127 цитирований, 1.92%
Advances in Mathematics
93 цитирования, 1.41%
International Mathematics Research Notices
78 цитирований, 1.18%
Mathematische Annalen
77 цитирований, 1.16%
Lecture Notes in Mathematics
73 цитирования, 1.1%
Journal of Geometric Analysis
63 цитирования, 0.95%
Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
59 цитирований, 0.89%
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
59 цитирований, 0.89%
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques
59 цитирований, 0.89%
Journal of Algebra
58 цитирований, 0.88%
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
58 цитирований, 0.88%
Mathematische Zeitschrift
55 цитирований, 0.83%
Electronic Journal of Probability
55 цитирований, 0.83%
Probability Theory and Related Fields
53 цитирования, 0.8%
Communications in Mathematical Physics
50 цитирований, 0.76%
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
49 цитирований, 0.74%
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
46 цитирований, 0.69%
Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics
46 цитирований, 0.69%
Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques
46 цитирований, 0.69%
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
45 цитирований, 0.68%
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
45 цитирований, 0.68%
International Journal of Mathematics
45 цитирований, 0.68%
Journal of Mathematical Physics
44 цитирования, 0.66%
Annals of Probability
42 цитирования, 0.63%
42 цитирования, 0.63%
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
41 цитирование, 0.62%
Potential Analysis
41 цитирование, 0.62%
Geometriae Dedicata
41 цитирование, 0.62%
Inventiones Mathematicae
40 цитирований, 0.6%
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire
39 цитирований, 0.59%
Journal of Statistical Physics
39 цитирований, 0.59%
Topology and its Applications
39 цитирований, 0.59%
Geometry and Topology
37 цитирований, 0.56%
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
36 цитирований, 0.54%
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
35 цитирований, 0.53%
Manuscripta Mathematica
35 цитирований, 0.53%
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
35 цитирований, 0.53%
Comptes Rendus Mathematique
35 цитирований, 0.53%
Communications in Partial Differential Equations
34 цитирования, 0.51%
Duke Mathematical Journal
33 цитирования, 0.5%
Springer Monographs in Mathematics
32 цитирования, 0.48%
Algebraic and Geometric Topology
32 цитирования, 0.48%
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
31 цитирование, 0.47%
Journal of Mathematical Sciences
30 цитирований, 0.45%
Israel Journal of Mathematics
29 цитирований, 0.44%
Compositio Mathematica
29 цитирований, 0.44%
Applicable Analysis
28 цитирований, 0.42%
Journal of Geometry and Physics
28 цитирований, 0.42%
Annals of Applied Probability
27 цитирований, 0.41%
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
26 цитирований, 0.39%
Успехи математических наук
26 цитирований, 0.39%
Communications in Algebra
25 цитирований, 0.38%
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
25 цитирований, 0.38%
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics
25 цитирований, 0.38%
Mathematische Nachrichten
25 цитирований, 0.38%
Analysis and PDE
25 цитирований, 0.38%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
24 цитирования, 0.36%
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
23 цитирования, 0.35%
Differential Geometry and its Applications
23 цитирования, 0.35%
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society
22 цитирования, 0.33%
22 цитирования, 0.33%
Journal of Number Theory
21 цитирование, 0.32%
Electronic Communications in Probability
21 цитирование, 0.32%
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
21 цитирование, 0.32%
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas
21 цитирование, 0.32%
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
20 цитирований, 0.3%
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
20 цитирований, 0.3%
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
20 цитирований, 0.3%
Annales Henri Poincare
19 цитирований, 0.29%
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
19 цитирований, 0.29%
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
19 цитирований, 0.29%
Математический сборник
19 цитирований, 0.29%
Journal of Symbolic Computation
18 цитирований, 0.27%
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
18 цитирований, 0.27%
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
18 цитирований, 0.27%
ESAIM - Probability and Statistics
18 цитирований, 0.27%
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
18 цитирований, 0.27%
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
18 цитирований, 0.27%
Integral Transforms and Special Functions
17 цитирований, 0.26%
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
17 цитирований, 0.26%
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
17 цитирований, 0.26%
ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
17 цитирований, 0.26%
Annals of Mathematics
17 цитирований, 0.26%
Journal of the American Mathematical Society
17 цитирований, 0.26%
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
16 цитирований, 0.24%
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
16 цитирований, 0.24%
Doklady Mathematics
16 цитирований, 0.24%
Algebra and Number Theory
16 цитирований, 0.24%
Journal of Theoretical Probability
15 цитирований, 0.23%
15 цитирований, 0.23%
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
15 цитирований, 0.23%
Advances in Applied Mathematics
15 цитирований, 0.23%
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
15 цитирований, 0.23%
Monatshefte fur Mathematik
15 цитирований, 0.23%
European Journal of Mathematics
15 цитирований, 0.23%
15 цитирований, 0.23%
Classical and Quantum Gravity
15 цитирований, 0.23%