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An Introduction to Regression Graphics
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SSRN Electronic Journal
(4580 citations)

Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
(2650 citations)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(2649 citations)
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Queensland University of Technology
(22 publications)

Florida State University
(18 publications)

Ohio State University
(16 publications)

University of Essex
(6 publications)

Polytechnic University of Milan
(5 publications)

University of Michigan
(4 publications)
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Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 210

Anterior Uveitis and Uveal Depigmentation in a Dog With Vitiligo
Ledbetter E.C., Lamkin I.D., Peters-Kennedy J.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
Objective: The objective of this study is to describe the clinical and histologic features of a dog that developed anterior uveitis and uveal depigmentation in association with vitiligo.Animal Studied: A 3‐year‐old, female‐spayed, Bernese Mountain Dog with a history of bilateral idiopathic anterior uveitis developed iris depigmentation, leukotrichia, and skin depigmentation.Procedures: The initial diagnostic evaluation for uveitis was unremarkable, including general bloodwork, urinalysis, infectious disease testing, thoracic radiographs, and abdominal ultrasound. After the development of dermatologic disease, uveodermatologic syndrome was clinically suspected and cutaneous biopsy specimens were collected for histopathology.Results: Cutaneous histopathology was consistent with vitiligo. Progressive and diffuse skin and hair depigmentation occurred over several years, but the dog’s anterior uveitis remained well controlled on relatively minimal topical anti‐inflammatory medications. No posterior segment ocular lesions developed, and the dog remained visual.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: This report indicates that anterior uveitis and uveal depigmentation can develop in dogs associated with vitiligo. The presence of bilateral uveitis and uveal depigmentation, concurrent with skin and hair depigmentation, is often considered suggestive of uveodermatologic syndrome in a dog. This report illustrates the importance of cutaneous histopathology to confirm a clinical suspicion even in the most suggestive of clinical presentations.

Outcome in 12 Dogs with Chronic Radiographic Cranial Tibial Subluxation after Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (2019-2021)
Harrison J.M., Muir P.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
Objective. The objective of this study was to examine outcomes in dogs with cruciate ligament rupture (CR) that had chronic radiographic cranial tibial subluxation at the time of osteotomy healing after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO). Study Design. Retrospective case analysis of 12 dogs with prospective follow-up. Four of the 12 dogs were prospectively studied 12-24 months after surgery to assess long-term radiographic and clinical outcomes. Results. Three of the 4 dogs showed improvement in radiographic cranial tibial subluxation at long-term follow-up. In the other dog, minimally improved cranial tibial subluxation was associated with severe lameness. At long-term follow-up, gait analysis in 3 dogs with improved subluxation showed the symmetry of weight-bearing within 10% for peak vertical force, and no clinically lameness. Preoperative tibial plateau angle (TPA) and radiographic osteoarthritis in dogs with prospective follow-up and all dogs treated with TPLO surgery in the study period were not significantly different. Conclusion. Dogs with chronic radiographic cranial tibial subluxation are acceptable candidates for TPLO. Radiographic improvement in stifle reduction may take more than 10 weeks. The dog with long-term persistent subluxation also had a higher TPA over time, suggestive of ineffective surgical correction with TPLO and treatment failure.

Sternal Dislocation and Associated Lung Lobe Hernia in a Cat
Hamon M., Haudiquet P., Bruwier A.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
Sternal luxation/dislocation is a rare condition and is most often the result of trauma. Medical and surgical management have been described, with scarce information regarding the best treatment option for these cases. A 1-year-old domestic shorthair cat was presented for severe sternal dislocation and a left humeral fracture. Given the displacement observed at the level of the sternum and pain associated, surgical stabilization was elected. A partial lung lobe hernia was identified during the open stabilization of the sternum. Management of the hernia and sternal luxation stabilization were performed with the aid of video-assisted thoracoscopy. The cat recovered uneventfully, and no postoperative complications were reported.

Tooth Root Abscess and Mandibular Infections in Old World Camelids: 3 Cases
Sparnon A., Smith J., Mulon P., Hecht S., Anderson D., Van Amstel S.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
There are limited reports of mandibular infections and tooth root abscesses in camels (Old World Camelids). This is in contrast to multiple reports and case series detailing diagnosis, management, and therapy of similar infections in New World Camelids such as llamas and alpacas. The purpose of this case series is to present three cases of camels in North America with these infections and to detail the diagnostics, therapeutic interventions, management, and follow-up of these cases. Radiography was utilized in all three cases, as was sedation and/or anesthesia. Similar to llamas, florfenicol was used for antimicrobial therapy and flunixin meglumine was utilized as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. Some degree of lavage was required for the management of each case. Clinicians should be aware of the potential need for sedation, diagnostic imaging, culture, and extended therapies for the treatment of mandibular and tooth root infections in camels as comparatively described for llamas and alpacas.

Ulcerative and Spreading Nodular Lesion of Epizootic Lymphangitis in Adult Black Horse in Gondar, Ethiopia: Case Report and Wound Treatment
Abebaw B.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
An adult male black horse was presented to the UOG veterinary clinic with swelling, discharge, and skin wounds on the chest wall and the right front leg; then, it goes to the lateral and medial hind leg. Inspection and palpation were carried out, and we revealed that the skin was swelled, thickened and hard on clinical examination. There was also nodule rupture, and discharge on the limb and chest skin. Different therapy was applied starting from washing the wound with water-diluted potassium permanganate and then 0.9% NaCl together with paraffin topically placed on the wound. 10% povidone-iodine was also applied by using gauze. Griseofulvin 750 mg/day for one week was given as antifungal therapy orally. The prognosis was poor due to the long incubation period and high resistance of the causative agent.

Canine Descemet Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty with a Tissue Insertion Device: Technique and Long-Term Outcome
Chen C.Y., Solar S.J., Lewis D.S., Barnes K., Wiener B.G., Baliga S., Chiang E., Askew T.E., Eghrari A.O., Armour M.D.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
Introduction. We describe a case of canine Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK) using an open-source canine tissue delivery device. Case Presentation. We follow the four-year outcomes of a 1.5-year-old Tibetan Terrier who presented with difficulty seeing, diffuse corneal edema, and central corneal thickness of 1400 microns in the left eye. To perform DSEK, a polycarbonate carrier and insertion device was designed for canine corneas that measure up to 15 mm in diameter. The tissue was loaded into the inserter prior to surgery with the endothelium facing inwards and the stroma facing the cartridge wall. From the cartridge, the graft was pulled into the eye using microforceps and an anterior chamber maintainer. We assessed preoperative endothelial cell count, postoperative corneal clearance, and graft adhesion. The donor was a two-year-old Airedale Terrier who died one day prior to surgery, with endothelial cell density of 3149 cells/mm2. One week after DSEK, the cornea began to clear, and pachymetry of the donor and graft total was 1410 microns. This improved to 800 microns at 4 months and continued improving in its clarity at the last postoperative visit 4 years after surgery. Discussion. We demonstrate the feasibility of conducting canine endothelial keratoplasty with a specially designed tissue delivery device and the potential of long-term corneal clearance after DSEK in canine eyes.

Use of Preoperative 3D Virtual Planning and 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Guides to Facilitate a Single-Stage Cranial Closing Wedge Ostectomy and Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy Procedure to Address Proximal Tibial Deformity, an Excessive Tibial Plateau Angle, and Cranial Cruciate Ligament Insufficiency in a Dog
De Armond C.C., Lewis D.D., Townsend S.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
A 9-month-old mixed-breed dog was presented for bilateral proximal tibial deformity resulting in an excessive tibial plateau angle and cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency. Initial surgical management of the right pelvic limb was done by performing a cranial closing wedge ostectomy. Inadequate leveling of the plateau resulted in a postliminal meniscal tear which was addressed during a revision tibial plateau leveling osteotomy. The left pelvic limb was managed in a single-session surgery using three-dimensional (3D) virtual surgical planning and custom 3D-printed surgical guides to perform a combined cranial closing wedge ostectomy and tibial plateau leveling osteotomy. Postoperative 3D analysis of the left tibia revealed the accuracy of the surgical result within 2° of the virtual surgical plan. The dog developed a transient grade II/IV left medial patellar luxation following surgery but ultimately attained a full functional recovery and was actively engaged in competitive agility work 46 months following surgery on the left pelvic limb.

Emergency Removal of a Proximal Tracheal Foreign Body by Tracheotomy in a Dog and a Cat
Itoh T., Kojimoto A., Shii H.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
There have been few reports of emergency cases of proximal tracheal foreign bodies in dogs and cats. Here, we report a dog and a cat that underwent an emergency tracheotomy for a foreign body in the proximal trachea. Case 1 was a dog with respiratory arrest caused by a large stone in the proximal trachea. The stone was immediately removed via tracheotomy without anesthesia. After intubation and ventilation under anesthesia, hypoxia persisted but improved after aspiration of 100 mL of bloody fluid from the lower trachea. Case 2 was a cat with dyspnea because of a proximal tracheal stone and increased radiopacity in the right lung. The stone was removed via tracheotomy after mask induction of anesthesia, followed by intubation and incision closure. Radiographs immediately after extubation showed worsened right lung atelectasis, alleviated by reintubation and positive pressure ventilation. Both patients recovered completely after surgery. An emergency tracheotomy may be indicated for a large foreign body in the proximal trachea. Additionally, concurrent conditions in the lower respiratory tract should be addressed.

Delayed Urethral Obstruction after Migration of a Ballistic Pellet in an Alpine Wether
Smith J.S., Hespel A., Garcia J.D., Lipe K.L., Kleine S.A., Mulon P.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 1

Open Access
A one-year-old alpine wether was presented for emergency evaluation of stranguria. Diagnostics identified a moderately distended bladder and mild dehydration. Preliminary lateral radiographs identified two metallic structures consistent with projectile pellets in the pelvic and perineal regions and no evidence of radiopaque uroliths. A tube cystostomy was performed, and a contrast urethrogram revealed one of the pellets in the perineal region was in proximity to the urethral obstruction. Subsequent radiography and ultrasound identified the pellet as being within the lumen of the urethra. Examination of the trichotomized skin revealed two scars, including a scar over the paralumbar fossa in the region of the urinary bladder suggestive of a projectile injury. The pellet was removed by a perineal urethrotomy. The patient was able to spontaneously urinate after urethrotomy, passed a tube cystostomy challenge two weeks after surgery, and was discharged. No complications were reported. While uncommon in the veterinary and comparative medical literature, clinicians should consider the potential for projectile pellets to migrate into the urinary tract after initial injury.

Explant of a Chronic Atlantoaxial Implant Infection in a Dog
Vo T., Garcia G., Carrera-Justiz S.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
An 11-year-old male neutered Yorkshire Terrier was presented with a cervical mass that developed a draining tract. Aside from the dysphagia reported by the owner, his neurologic exam was normal. Three years prior, the patient was diagnosed with an atlantoaxial subluxation that was ventrally stabilized with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and self-tapping titanium screws. There were no postoperative complications until presenting with the cervical mass and dysphagia. Computerized tomography (CT) of the cervical spine confirmed caudal migration of the PMMA and screws with an abscess surrounding the implant. A surgical explant of the PMMA and screws was performed without complication. The atlantoaxial joint remained normally aligned on postoperative radiographs. Cultures of the implant grew Streptococcus bovis. He was treated with cephalexin (22 mg/kg PO BID) for 30 days. At the time of his one-month recheck, he was swallowing normally with no neurologic deficits. He remains normal at the time of this report (17 months later). This case reports a successful explant of a chronic atlantoaxial implant infection.

Renal Agenesis, Extramural Ectopic Ureter, and Nonfunctioning Urinary Bladder: A Difficult Clinical Case with an Innovative Approach
Vekšins A., Voiko L., Sandersen C., Dūzena I., Rabočaja O.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
Summary. A 7-month-old female Jack Russell Terrier weighing 4.6 kg was referred to a veterinary hospital for persistent urinary incontinence. Blood test results and vital signs were within the normal range. Computed tomography allowed the diagnosis of extramural ectopic ureter and unilateral renal agenesis. After the first neoureterocystostomy surgery, the dog had severe complications, such as hydroureter and hydronephrosis, so a second surgery was performed. A commercial ureteral stent was not an option, and it was decided to fabricate a homemade stent to avoid euthanasia. The stent used was a soft, DEHP-free PVC tube with a lumen of
mm and a length of approximately 40 mm that connected the ureter to the urinary bladder. Two years after surgery, the dog is in good general condition, and the results of regularly performed blood and urine tests are within the normal range for dogs.

A Rare Incidence of Sweating Sickness-Like Symptoms in a Crossbred Holstein Friesian Cow in Chattogram, Bangladesh
Faruq O., Sarkar E.R., Sikder S.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
In this report, an incidence of sweating sickness-like symptoms in a crossbred Holstein Friesian cow was diagnosed. The cow was suffering from vaporization of the skin, dehydration, wet hair coat, and matting of hair due to excessive sweating. There were several ticks, flies, and mosquitoes in tail switch and other parts of the body. Blood and urine parameters were tested. We treated the patient successfully with ivermectin as ectoparasite control, ceftiofur sodium antibiotic to treat bacterial infections, ketoprofen as analgesics and antipyretics, chlorpheniramine maleate as H2-blocker, and trichlorfon and povidone-iodine skin spray to prevent fly invasion and prevent opportunistic bacterial infection, respectively. Acyclovir and oil of turpentine were suggested to be sprayed on the floor and wall of the shed for viral and ectoparasitic control. Our treatment regime successfully recovered the cow with no recurrence.

Arthroscopic Treatment of Chronic Cruciate Ligament Rupture in the Dog without Stifle Stabilization: 13 Cases (2001-2020)
Creamer D.G., Muir P.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
Objective. The objective was to study clinical outcomes in dogs with chronic cruciate ligament rupture (CR) treated with palliative arthroscopy as the sole surgical treatment. Methods. Thirteen client-owned dogs with CR underwent physical examination, stifle radiography, and arthroscopy with resection of damaged meniscal tissue. Records were evaluated, and orthopaedic examination, radiographs, and arthroscopy images were assessed. Long-term clinical outcome was also assessed by use of an owner questionnaire. Results. Thirteen dogs that underwent arthroscopy at the UW Veterinary Care between 2001 and 2020 were included. Long-term follow-up was available for 7 of 13 dogs. Lameness was static to improved in all dogs in which arthroscopy was performed. Subsequent stifle stabilization was performed after arthroscopy in only 1 of 7 dogs with follow-up data. Conclusion. Palliative arthroscopy and resection of damaged meniscal tissue in combination with medical management of osteoarthritis can be considered in dogs with chronic CR and cranial tibial subluxation with little passive laxity during examination. Revision surgery with TPLO is uncommon after arthroscopy based on this study.

Limbal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Black Baldy Cow: Case Report and Surgical Treatment
Ng A.T., McMullen R.J., Shaw G.C., Passler T., Stockler J.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
Objective. To document a case of limbal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in an adult Black Baldy cow treated with photodynamic therapy (PDT) as an adjunctive therapy following surgical excision. Animals Studied. One privately owned 8-year-old female, entire, Black Baldy cow. Procedures. A complete ophthalmic examination was performed on an adult Black Baldy cow for assessment of a mass affecting the left eye. Following a routine partial incision superficial lamellar keratectomy and conjunctivectomy under local analgesia using a Peterson retrobulbar block, photodynamic therapy was performed as an adjunctive treatment to lower the chance for recurrence and improve the prognosis for the globe. Results. Histopathologic analysis of the limbal mass was reported to be consistent with a squamous cell carcinoma, removed with clean margins. The patient was comfortable and visual with no signs of tumor recurrence 11 months after surgery. Conclusion. Superficial lamellar keratectomy and conjunctivectomy with adjunctive photodynamic therapy is an effective treatment for limbal squamous cell carcinoma and may be performed as an alternative to enucleation, exenteration, euthanasia, or slaughtering in cattle.

A Case of Feline Leishmaniosis with Panniculitis
Matralis D., Papadogiannaki I., Gkerdidani E., Patsoula E., Tegos N., Papadogiannakis E.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
citations by CoLab: 1

Open Access
Leishmaniases are a group of diseases caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and transmitted mainly by the bite of sand fly vectors. Cats are infected with at least 6 species of Leishmania. Significant associations have been found between feline leishmaniosis and coinfections mainly with FIV and/or FeLV. A 7-year-old castrated male, domestic short-haired cat was presented with unknown history and cutaneous and ocular lesions. A raised, semifirm swelling on the forehead was observed along with periocular hypotrichosis and conjunctival and third eyelid edema. The indications for pursuing a diagnosis of leishmaniosis are variable, and differing presentations may require the use of different tests. Diagnosis of feline leishmaniosis with panniculitis caused by Leishmania infantum was made by cytology, histopathology, and PCR and Leishmania antibodies (IFA). The cat responded to therapy with meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol.
Citing journals
SSRN Electronic Journal
4580 citations, 2.52%
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
2650 citations, 1.46%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2649 citations, 1.46%
Statistics in Medicine
1883 citations, 1.04%
1402 citations, 0.77%
Journal of the American Statistical Association
1158 citations, 0.64%
Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation
1141 citations, 0.63%
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1031 citations, 0.57%
Journal of Applied Statistics
981 citations, 0.54%
An Introduction to Regression Graphics
793 citations, 0.44%
633 citations, 0.35%
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
622 citations, 0.34%
Scientific Reports
500 citations, 0.28%
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
491 citations, 0.27%
470 citations, 0.26%
Annals of Applied Probability
405 citations, 0.22%
Biometrical Journal
363 citations, 0.2%
Statistical Papers
362 citations, 0.2%
Annals of Statistics
359 citations, 0.2%
Structural Equation Modeling
355 citations, 0.2%
354 citations, 0.19%
IEEE Access
346 citations, 0.19%
Statistics and Computing
336 citations, 0.18%
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
325 citations, 0.18%
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
308 citations, 0.17%
Frontiers in Psychology
307 citations, 0.17%
Electronic Journal of Probability
288 citations, 0.16%
Canadian Journal of Statistics
284 citations, 0.16%
Robust Asymptotic Statistics
275 citations, 0.15%
Quality and Reliability Engineering International
274 citations, 0.15%
Computational Statistics
274 citations, 0.15%
Annals of Applied Statistics
273 citations, 0.15%
BMC Public Health
273 citations, 0.15%
BMC Medical Research Methodology
273 citations, 0.15%
Water Resources Research
266 citations, 0.15%
264 citations, 0.15%
Springer Texts in Statistics
258 citations, 0.14%
Journal of Applied Probability
255 citations, 0.14%
Multivariate Behavioral Research
252 citations, 0.14%
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
250 citations, 0.14%
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
246 citations, 0.14%
Journal of Time Series Analysis
239 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
233 citations, 0.13%
231 citations, 0.13%
Sequential Analysis
224 citations, 0.12%
Annals of Probability
220 citations, 0.12%
Advances in Applied Probability
219 citations, 0.12%
218 citations, 0.12%
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
217 citations, 0.12%
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
210 citations, 0.12%
AIP Conference Proceedings
204 citations, 0.11%
Operations Research
203 citations, 0.11%
Electronic Journal of Statistics
202 citations, 0.11%
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
194 citations, 0.11%
BMJ Open
193 citations, 0.11%
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
193 citations, 0.11%
Journal of Quality Technology
191 citations, 0.11%
Journal of Geophysical Research
188 citations, 0.1%
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
181 citations, 0.1%
Quality Engineering
180 citations, 0.1%
American Statistician
178 citations, 0.1%
Journal of Chemometrics
176 citations, 0.1%
IEEE Transactions on Communications
175 citations, 0.1%
175 citations, 0.1%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
173 citations, 0.1%
Statistical Science
173 citations, 0.1%
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
172 citations, 0.09%
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
172 citations, 0.09%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
172 citations, 0.09%
Mathematical Geosciences
172 citations, 0.09%
167 citations, 0.09%
Mathematics of Operations Research
163 citations, 0.09%
Probability Theory and Related Fields
162 citations, 0.09%
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
160 citations, 0.09%
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society
156 citations, 0.09%
Queueing Systems
155 citations, 0.09%
IEEE Transactions on Reliability
150 citations, 0.08%
Physical Review E
149 citations, 0.08%
148 citations, 0.08%
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology
148 citations, 0.08%
Annals of Operations Research
146 citations, 0.08%
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics
145 citations, 0.08%
Econometric Theory
144 citations, 0.08%
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
142 citations, 0.08%
Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization
141 citations, 0.08%
Journal of Clinical Oncology
138 citations, 0.08%
135 citations, 0.07%
Lifetime Data Analysis
131 citations, 0.07%
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
129 citations, 0.07%
Journal of Theoretical Probability
128 citations, 0.07%
Statistical Methods and Applications
126 citations, 0.07%
Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics
125 citations, 0.07%
BMC Bioinformatics
117 citations, 0.06%
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
116 citations, 0.06%
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science
114 citations, 0.06%
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics
110 citations, 0.06%
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
110 citations, 0.06%
Journal of Statistical Physics
107 citations, 0.06%
106 citations, 0.06%
Lecture Notes in Statistics
106 citations, 0.06%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
Springer Nature
40116 citations, 22.08%
27744 citations, 15.27%
Taylor & Francis
22579 citations, 12.43%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
18060 citations, 9.94%
6606 citations, 3.64%
5459 citations, 3%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
4553 citations, 2.51%
Cambridge University Press
4073 citations, 2.24%
Oxford University Press
3269 citations, 1.8%
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
2877 citations, 1.58%
2553 citations, 1.41%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
1802 citations, 0.99%
Frontiers Media S.A.
1357 citations, 0.75%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
1274 citations, 0.7%
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
1233 citations, 0.68%
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
1056 citations, 0.58%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
1037 citations, 0.57%
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
753 citations, 0.41%
IOP Publishing
752 citations, 0.41%
World Scientific
702 citations, 0.39%
612 citations, 0.34%
607 citations, 0.33%
AIP Publishing
551 citations, 0.3%
Walter de Gruyter
548 citations, 0.3%
American Physical Society (APS)
525 citations, 0.29%
Hindawi Limited
457 citations, 0.25%
Pleiades Publishing
443 citations, 0.24%
438 citations, 0.24%
Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
435 citations, 0.24%
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
435 citations, 0.24%
IGI Global
426 citations, 0.23%
EDP Sciences
390 citations, 0.21%
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
374 citations, 0.21%
JMIR Publications
306 citations, 0.17%
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
250 citations, 0.14%
Canadian Science Publishing
241 citations, 0.13%
American Educational Research Association
240 citations, 0.13%
American Society for Quality
234 citations, 0.13%
American Medical Association (AMA)
209 citations, 0.12%
Mary Ann Liebert
200 citations, 0.11%
The Royal Society
194 citations, 0.11%
American Geophysical Union
170 citations, 0.09%
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
169 citations, 0.09%
Hogrefe Publishing Group
147 citations, 0.08%
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
129 citations, 0.07%
American Accounting Association
126 citations, 0.07%
Trans Tech Publications
117 citations, 0.06%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
104 citations, 0.06%
ASME International
98 citations, 0.05%
American Meteorological Society
97 citations, 0.05%
American Academy of Pediatrics
97 citations, 0.05%
American Astronomical Society
97 citations, 0.05%
American Physiological Society
96 citations, 0.05%
Annual Reviews
96 citations, 0.05%
SAE International
96 citations, 0.05%
Scientific Research Publishing
94 citations, 0.05%
IOS Press
93 citations, 0.05%
Society of Petroleum Engineers
93 citations, 0.05%
American Psychological Association (APA)
90 citations, 0.05%
American Mathematical Society
88 citations, 0.05%
American Public Health Association
87 citations, 0.05%
University of Chicago Press
83 citations, 0.05%
Carnegie Mellon University
82 citations, 0.05%
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
81 citations, 0.04%
American Marketing Association
79 citations, 0.04%
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
76 citations, 0.04%
Crop Science Society of America
72 citations, 0.04%
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
71 citations, 0.04%
Associacao Brasileira de Estatistica
69 citations, 0.04%
Stata Press
62 citations, 0.03%
SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng
62 citations, 0.03%
Academy of Management
60 citations, 0.03%
American Society for Microbiology
58 citations, 0.03%
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
57 citations, 0.03%
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
51 citations, 0.03%
Science in China Press
50 citations, 0.03%
Steklov Mathematical Institute
50 citations, 0.03%
Massachusetts Medical Society
49 citations, 0.03%
John Benjamins Publishing Company
46 citations, 0.03%
Society for Neuroscience
45 citations, 0.02%
American Society for Nutrition
44 citations, 0.02%
National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment
44 citations, 0.02%
Inter-Research Science Center
44 citations, 0.02%
Scientific Societies
42 citations, 0.02%
The Econometric Society
40 citations, 0.02%
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
39 citations, 0.02%
36 citations, 0.02%
The Korean Statistical Society
36 citations, 0.02%
Behaviormetric Society of Japan
35 citations, 0.02%
28 citations, 0.02%
The Japan Statistical Society
28 citations, 0.02%
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
26 citations, 0.01%
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
26 citations, 0.01%
ASTM International
26 citations, 0.01%
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers (IEICE)
26 citations, 0.01%
American Diabetes Association
25 citations, 0.01%
American Society of Hematology
25 citations, 0.01%
The Biometric Society of Japan
25 citations, 0.01%
electronic proceedings in theoretical computer science, eptcs
24 citations, 0.01%
N T C Publications Ltd.
24 citations, 0.01%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations
Queensland University of Technology
22 publications, 0.34%
Florida State University
18 publications, 0.28%
Ohio State University
16 publications, 0.25%
University of Bristol
6 publications, 0.09%
University of Essex
6 publications, 0.09%
Polytechnic University of Milan
5 publications, 0.08%
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
5 publications, 0.08%
Queen's University at Kingston
5 publications, 0.08%
Durham University
4 publications, 0.06%
University of Southampton
4 publications, 0.06%
Harvard University
4 publications, 0.06%
University of Michigan
4 publications, 0.06%
Ghent University
3 publications, 0.05%
University College London
3 publications, 0.05%
University of Oxford
3 publications, 0.05%
University of Cambridge
3 publications, 0.05%
University of Manchester
3 publications, 0.05%
University of Melbourne
3 publications, 0.05%
University of Wollongong
3 publications, 0.05%
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
3 publications, 0.05%
York University
3 publications, 0.05%
Université de Lille
3 publications, 0.05%
Karolinska Institute
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Bayreuth
2 publications, 0.03%
Australian National University
2 publications, 0.03%
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Technology Sydney
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Milano-Bicocca
2 publications, 0.03%
Maastricht University
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Edinburgh
2 publications, 0.03%
Iowa State University
2 publications, 0.03%
Monash University
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Queensland
2 publications, 0.03%
Los Alamos National Laboratory
2 publications, 0.03%
University of California, Los Angeles
2 publications, 0.03%
University of California, Santa Barbara
2 publications, 0.03%
Trinity College Dublin
2 publications, 0.03%
University of St Andrews
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Mannheim
2 publications, 0.03%
Bielefeld University
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Leeds
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Maryland, College Park
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Granada
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Manitoba
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Oviedo
2 publications, 0.03%
Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
2 publications, 0.03%
University of Connecticut
2 publications, 0.03%
Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University
1 publication, 0.02%
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
1 publication, 0.02%
Fudan University
1 publication, 0.02%
Aix-Marseille University
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Science, Malaysia
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Helsinki
1 publication, 0.02%
Umeå University
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Bern
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Lausanne
1 publication, 0.02%
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Turin
1 publication, 0.02%
Imperial College London
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Warwick
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Copenhagen
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Oslo
1 publication, 0.02%
King's College London
1 publication, 0.02%
Royal Holloway University of London
1 publication, 0.02%
Sorbonne University
1 publication, 0.02%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1 publication, 0.02%
Michigan State University
1 publication, 0.02%
Yale University
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Pavia
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Trieste
1 publication, 0.02%
Pennsylvania State University
1 publication, 0.02%
Technical University of Dortmund
1 publication, 0.02%
Auckland University of Technology
1 publication, 0.02%
Macquarie University
1 publication, 0.02%
Murdoch University
1 publication, 0.02%
Princess Alexandra Hospital (Australia)
1 publication, 0.02%
University of KwaZulu-Natal
1 publication, 0.02%
Hasanuddin University
1 publication, 0.02%
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok
1 publication, 0.02%
Colorado State University
1 publication, 0.02%
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
1 publication, 0.02%
George Mason University
1 publication, 0.02%
Virginia Tech
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Washington
1 publication, 0.02%
University of California, San Francisco
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Arizona
1 publication, 0.02%
Northern Illinois University
1 publication, 0.02%
University of South Florida
1 publication, 0.02%
Leibniz Institute for Psychology
1 publication, 0.02%
Grand Valley State University
1 publication, 0.02%
Hamburg University
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Duisburg-Essen
1 publication, 0.02%
Utrecht University
1 publication, 0.02%
German Institute for Economic Research
1 publication, 0.02%
Purdue University
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Siegen
1 publication, 0.02%
University of Innsbruck
1 publication, 0.02%
Trier University
1 publication, 0.02%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations in 5 years
University of Essex
6 publications, 2.21%
Polytechnic University of Milan
5 publications, 1.85%
University of Michigan
4 publications, 1.48%
University of Southampton
3 publications, 1.11%
Université de Lille
3 publications, 1.11%
University of Milano-Bicocca
2 publications, 0.74%
University of Manchester
2 publications, 0.74%
University of Melbourne
2 publications, 0.74%
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
2 publications, 0.74%
University of Mannheim
2 publications, 0.74%
Bielefeld University
2 publications, 0.74%
Aix-Marseille University
1 publication, 0.37%
Umeå University
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Lausanne
1 publication, 0.37%
Australian National University
1 publication, 0.37%
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Turin
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Oslo
1 publication, 0.37%
King's College London
1 publication, 0.37%
Maastricht University
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
1 publication, 0.37%
Pennsylvania State University
1 publication, 0.37%
Colorado State University
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Arizona
1 publication, 0.37%
Leibniz Institute for Psychology
1 publication, 0.37%
Hamburg University
1 publication, 0.37%
Utrecht University
1 publication, 0.37%
German Institute for Economic Research
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Siegen
1 publication, 0.37%
Trier University
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Maryland, College Park
1 publication, 0.37%
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille
1 publication, 0.37%
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
1 publication, 0.37%
University of Granada
1 publication, 0.37%
Université Clermont Auvergne
1 publication, 0.37%
Show all (6 more) | |
Publishing countries
USA, 59, 0.91%
59 publications, 0.91%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 44, 0.68%
United Kingdom
44 publications, 0.68%
Australia, 33, 0.51%
33 publications, 0.51%
Canada, 16, 0.25%
16 publications, 0.25%
Germany, 11, 0.17%
11 publications, 0.17%
Italy, 11, 0.17%
11 publications, 0.17%
Spain, 10, 0.15%
10 publications, 0.15%
France, 9, 0.14%
9 publications, 0.14%
Switzerland, 4, 0.06%
4 publications, 0.06%
Belgium, 3, 0.05%
3 publications, 0.05%
Netherlands, 3, 0.05%
3 publications, 0.05%
Sweden, 3, 0.05%
3 publications, 0.05%
Austria, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
India, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Ireland, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Colombia, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Japan, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Russia, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
Estonia, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
China, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
Denmark, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
Indonesia, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
Malaysia, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 1, 0.02%
New Zealand
1 publication, 0.02%
Norway, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
Singapore, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
Slovenia, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
Thailand, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
Finland, 1, 0.02%
1 publication, 0.02%
South Africa
South Africa, 1, 0.02%
South Africa
1 publication, 0.02%
Publishing countries in 5 years
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 13, 4.8%
United Kingdom
13 publications, 4.8%
Italy, 9, 3.32%
9 publications, 3.32%
USA, 8, 2.95%
8 publications, 2.95%
Germany, 6, 2.21%
6 publications, 2.21%
Spain, 5, 1.85%
5 publications, 1.85%
France, 4, 1.48%
4 publications, 1.48%
Australia, 3, 1.11%
3 publications, 1.11%
Colombia, 2, 0.74%
2 publications, 0.74%
Netherlands, 2, 0.74%
2 publications, 0.74%
Norway, 1, 0.37%
1 publication, 0.37%
Switzerland, 1, 0.37%
1 publication, 0.37%
Sweden, 1, 0.37%
1 publication, 0.37%