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Synthesis, modification and certification of nanoparticles for various applications. Biological, catalytic, and so on. The study of the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic nanoparticles, NMR relaxometry and a little bit of cell biology in collaboration with the IIF of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  1. NMR relaxometry
  2. Dynamic light scattering (DLS)
  3. Gas-phase synthesis of nanoparticles
  4. Various types of inorganic syntheses: hydro (solvo) thermal, sol-gel, solid-phase
  5. Faraday Scales
  6. Vibration magnetometry
Mikhail Uimin
Head of Laboratory
Artem Minin 🤝

Research directions

Nanoparticles with a metal core - carbon shell structure


Synthesis of nanoparticles with the structure of a metal core coated with a carbon shell (core-shell Me@C). Investigation of their non-standard magnetic properties, as well as biological and catalytic applications


Lab address

г. Екатеринбург, ул. Софьи Ковалевской 18
Authorization required.