Department of Polymer and Crystal Physics, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
The research topics of the department cover a large number of relevant areas of polymer and crystal physics, which include: microphase stratification and formation of microstructures in polymer systems, physical chemistry of polyelectrolytes, self-organization in polyelectrolyte susceptible gels, design of the primary structure of copolymers with special functional properties, research of polymer systems using atomic force microscopy, nonlinear dynamic systems based on based on polymer matrices, polymers in supercritical solvents, new ferroelectric and superionic crystals, research of promising nanocarbon materials.
- Statistical physics
- Computer simulation
- Experimental research methods
Research directions
Statistical physics of macromolecules
Theoretical description of the behavior of polymer systems.
Publications and patents
Lab address
Москва, Ленинские горы, д. 1
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