Laboratory of Nucleoprotein Chemistry, Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Faculty of Chemistry

Head of Laboratory

Dontsova, Olga

DSc in Chemistry, Professor, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 
4 173
Authorization required.

The laboratory has a wide range of research areas:

  1. Studying the ribosome
  2. The search for new antibiotics and the study of their mechanism of action
  3. The study of telomerase
  4. The genetic basis of carcinogenesis
  5. Search for anti-cancer compounds
  6. The study of autophagy
  7. Search and study of new small open reading frames 
  8. Obtaining and studying transgenic cell lines and animals
  9. The structure of proteins by NMR
  10. NMR metabolomics
  1. CRISPR-Cas
  2. Western blot
  3. Cell and tissue culture
  4. Toe-print
  5. Real-time PCR (qPCR)
  6. Working with laboratory animals
  7. Working with bacterial strains
  8. Cloning
  9. Sequencing by Sanger
  10. Isolation and purification of target proteins
  11. In vitro translation
  12. Southern blot
  13. Northern blot
  14. Mass spectrometry
  15. Creation of genetically engineered structures for the expression of target proteins
  16. Working with prokaryotic cells: cultivation, transformation, working with phages
  17. Work with eukaryotic cells: cultivation, transfection, infection
  18. Isolation of ribonucleoprotein complexes, work with ribosomes and their complexes
  19. Affinity chromatography
  20. Ultracentrifugation
  21. FISH (Fluorescent in situ hybridization)
  22. Gel electrophoresis
Olga Dontsova
Head of Laboratory
Petr Sergiev
Leading researcher
Skvortsov, Dmitry A
Dmitry Skvortsov 🥼
Associate Professor
Radik Shafikov
Junior researcher
Komarova, Ekaterina S
Ekaterina Komarova
Junior researcher
Shepelev, Nikita
Nikita Shepelev
Junior researcher
Alexander Rudenko 🥼
Junior researcher
Sofia Mariasina 🥼 🤝
Junior researcher
Nikandrova, Arina A
Arina Nikandrova
Research intern
Elizaveta Razumova 🥼 🤝
PhD student
Inna Volynkina 🥼
PhD student
Aysin, Kamil
Kamil Aysin 🥼 🤝

Research directions

Primary bioassay of de novo synthesized chemicals

Primary bioassay
of de novo synthesized chemicals
This direction implies an assessment of cytotoxicity, including differential, assessment of direct chemical damage by DNA preparations, targeted analysis of the intended targets of drugs (unblocking of the p53 protein in the cell, assessment of telomerase inhibition, binding to androgen receptors, inhibition of PSMA, etc.). The work is carried out in close cooperation with several synthetic groups at the Faculty of Chemistry (in the 3rd year, students will be able to “cook” substances themselves as part of the course work on organic chemistry and check their biological effect themselves).

The study of telomerase

To study the structural and functional features of telomerase using Hansenula polymorpha yeast as a model system of the simplest eukaryotic organism. The thermotolerance of this type of yeast ensures the stability of proteins, which allows for structural studies of telomerase components. Studies of telomerase in higher eukaryotes (including human studies). The subject of particular interest is the regulation of the expression of the main components of telomerase in human cells, telomerase RNA biogenesis and alternative enzyme functions unrelated to telomeric DNA synthesis.

The search for new antibiotics

Antibiotics inhibit cell growth or lead to cell death. The department has created a high-performance screening system for potential antibacterial and cytotoxic drugs, which is used to analyze extensive collections of compounds, both synthetic and natural origin. The report system used in bacteria allows, at the very first stage of screening, to identify compounds that lead to inhibition of protein or DNA biosynthesis. Collections of compounds are used to search for eukaryotic cell growth inhibitors. Screening of substances toxic against tumor cells makes it possible to identify compounds that predominantly inhibit the vital activity of cancer cells and do not affect the survival of normal cells in the cellular model of the tumor microenvironment.

The study of RNA methyltransferases

There is a wide variety of different additional chemical functional groups that are attached to nucleotides by specific modification in the cell. Modified bases in the composition of RNA play an important role in regulating the functioning and structure of both RNA and RNA-protein complexes. Long-term studies of bacterial RNA methyltransferases have revealed the evolutionary aspect of the functioning of methyltransferases in eukaryotic cells. Bionformatic analysis makes it possible to identify new genes of potential RNA methyltransferases, and subsequent experimental approaches identify enzymes and determine their targets, as well as their effect on cell functioning. The work uses modern approaches, including genomic editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system in eukaryotic cell lines and in laboratory animals.

Publications and patents

Головина А. Я., Дзама М. М., Остерман И. А., Сергиев П. В., Серебрякова М. В., Богданов А. А., Донцова О. А.
RU2522863, 2014
Остерман И. А., Андреянова Е. С., Сергиев П. В., Евфратов С. А., Донцова О. А., Иваненков Я. А., Лаптев И. Г., Плетнев Ф. И., Марусич Е. И., Леонов С. В., Головина А. Я.
RU2620074, 2017
Мажуга А. Г., Зверева М. Э., Агрон Л. А., Белоглазкина Е. К., Ворожцов Н. И., Донцова О. А., Зык Н. В., Киселев Ф. Л., Скворцов Д. А.
RU2468030, 2012
 | Сергиев Петр Владимирович


Lab address

Москва, Ленинские Горы, дом 1, стр. 40
Authorization required.