Krylova, Karina A

PhD in Physics and Mathematics


Ufa University of Science and Technology
2007 — 2009, Master, Aviation technology systems
Ufa University of Science and Technology
2003 — 2007, Bachelor, Aviation technology systems


Механизмы упругой и пластической деформации нанопленок из интерметаллидных сплавов NiAl и FeAl
2014, Candidate , Физика конденсированного состояния, 01.04.07
Safina L.R., Krylova K.A., Murzaev R.T., Shcherbinin S.A., Baimova J.A.
2024-10-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Safina L.R., Rozhnova E.A., Krylova K.A., Murzaev R.T., Baimova J.A.
2024-08-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract
Graphene reinforced metal matrix composites represent a promising class of materials for high-strength surface coatings because of their high strength and ductility. This study reports the application of different interatomic potentials to correctly describe the interaction between graphene and metals (Al, Cu, Ni, and Ti) by molecular dynamics. Both simple pair potentials, such as Lennard-Jones and Morse, and many-body potentials, such as bond order potential are applied for the simulation of a graphene/metal system at room temperature. Three different structures are considered: (i) graphene interacting with one metal atom; (ii) graphene interacting with a metal nanoparticle, and (iii) three-dimensional graphene network filled with metal nanoparticles. We first determine the potential energy that any graphene/metal system can reach during exposure at 300 K; then, we analyze the interaction dynamics for all considered systems and all potentials. A considerable difference in the interaction between metal nanoparticles with planar and folded graphene was found. For graphene/Ni, graphene/Cu, and graphene/Ti, the Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials yield accurate energetic and structural properties of the studied structures; they also describe interaction in the graphene/metal system in a similar way, at variance with bond-order potential. For graphene/Al, the Tersoff and Morse potentials describe the interaction better than Lennard-Jones. For the simulation of graphene/Me system, the optimal choice of the potential for different structures is of crucial importance. The presented analysis of the interatomic potentials appears to be promising for realistic and accurate simulations of graphene reinforced metal composites.
Safina L.R., Krylova K.A.
2023-06-29 citations by CoLab: 0
Murzaev R.T., Krylova K.A., Baimova J.A.
Materials Q2 Q2 Open Access
2023-05-15 citations by CoLab: 6 PDF Abstract
In the present work, the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficients of a new morphology of Ni/graphene composites are studied by molecular dynamics. The matrix of the considered composite is crumpled graphene, which is composed of crumpled graphene flakes of 2–4 nm size connected by van der Waals force. Pores of the crumpled graphene matrix were filled with small Ni nanoparticles. Three composite structures with different sizes of Ni nanoparticles (or different Ni content—8, 16, and 24 at.% Ni) were considered. The thermal conductivity of Ni/graphene composite was associated with the formation of a crumpled graphene structure (with a high density of wrinkles) during the composite fabrication and with the formation of a contact boundary between the Ni and graphene network. It was found that, the greater the Ni content in the composite, the higher the thermal conductivity. For example, at 300 K, λ = 40 W/(mK) for 8 at.% Ni, λ = 50 W/(mK) for 16 at.% Ni, and λ = 60 W/(mK) for 24 at.% Ni. However, it was shown that thermal conductivity slightly depends on the temperature in a range between 100 and 600 K. The increase in the thermal expansion coefficient from 5 × 10−6 K−1, with an increase in the Ni content, to 8 × 10−6 K−1 is explained by the fact that pure Ni has high thermal conductivity. The results obtained on thermal properties combined with the high mechanical properties of Ni/graphene composites allow us to predict its application for the fabrication of new flexible electronics, supercapacitors, and Li-ion batteries.
Apkadirova N., Krylova K., Baimova J.
2022-12-13 citations by CoLab: 3
Safina L.R., Krylova K.A., Baimova J.A.
2022-11-01 citations by CoLab: 26 Abstract
Graphene-metals composites are novel structures with improved properties intensively studied in the last decades. In this work, the results of molecular dynamics simulation of the fabrication, deformation behavior, and mechanical properties of composites based on crumpled graphene filled with metal (nickel and copper) nanoparticles are presented. It is found that exposure followed by hydrostatic compression at 1000 K is an efficient way to obtain composite materials. Composite based on crumpled graphene and Cu nanoparticles shows better mechanical properties than composite with Ni nanoparticles. This can be explained by the fact that copper nanoparticles at elevated temperatures melt earlier than Ni nanoparticles, which contributes to easier deformation of graphene flakes and the formation of new chemical bonds in the graphene matrix. However, it is important to note that both composites withstand considerable deformation under uniaxial tension. The results obtained contribute to a better understanding of the processes of formation, deformation behavior, and mechanical properties of composites based on crumpled graphene and metal nanoparticles. • Fabrication and mechanical testing of the crumpled graphene composite with Ni and Cu nanoparticles are fully described. • Annealing at 300 K in combination with high-temperature hydrostatic compression is used to obtainmetal-graphene composites • Composites with Cu nanoparticles have higher strength.
Galiakhmetova L., Krylova K., Kosarev I.
2022-09-14 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract
Using of molecular dynamics modeling, the effects of temperature on the movement of dislocations in graphene are studied for several types structural defects - Stone-Wales (or a dipole with a zero shoulder) and dislocation dipoles 5-7 with arm lengths 7, 9.3, and 11.5 Å. It is found that dislocation dipoles remain stable at temperatures below 1400 K. An increase in temperature leads to the movement of dislocation dipoles either towards each other (typical for all studied dipoles), or in the opposite direction (only for dipoles with arm lengths of 9.3 and 11.5 Å). When dislocations move towards each other, their annihilation can occur due to a simple rotation of the C-C bond. It is shown that the arm length 9.3 Å is close to the equilibrium value at which dislocation annihilation is not observed.
Баимова Ю.А., Крылова К.А., Сафина Л.Р.
Методом молекулярной динамики изучено влияние соотношения атомов металла и углерода на механические свойства композита никель/графен. Рассмотрены четыре структуры с разным числом атомов никеля от 1344 до 4992. Предшественником композита является скомканный графен, поры которого заполнены наночастицами никеля разного размера. Для получения композита используют выдержку при комнатной температуре с последующим гидростатическим сжатием при 1000 К. Показано, что полученный композит имеет хорошие прочностные характеристики и высокую пластичность для любого рассмотренного количества атомов никеля в структуре. Однако с увеличением числа атомов никеля в системе прочность композита снижается. Следовательно, для получения композита с улучшенными механическими свойствами желательно использовать наночастицы небольших размеров, чтобы они могли равномерно распределяться внутри пор скомканного графена, способствуя возникновению новых химических связей между отдельными элементами композита.
Krylova K.A., Safina L.R., Shcherbinin S.A., Baimova J.A.
Materials Q2 Q2 Open Access
2022-06-06 citations by CoLab: 14 PDF Abstract
In this study, some features of molecular dynamics simulation for evaluating the mechanical properties of a Ni/graphene composite and analyzing the effect of incremental and dynamic tensile loading on its deformation are discussed. A new structural type of the composites is considered: graphene network (matrix) with metal nanoparticles inside. Two important factors affecting the process of uniaxial tension are studied: tension strain rate (5 ×10−3 ps−1 and 5 ×10−4 ps−1) and simulation temperature (0 and 300 K). The results show that the strain rate affects the ultimate tensile strength under tension: the lower the strain rate, the lower the critical values of strain. Tension at room temperature results in lower ultimate tensile strength in comparison with simulation at a temperature close to 0 K, at which ultimate tensile strength is closer to theoretical strength. Both simulation techniques (dynamic and incremental) can be effectively used for such a study and result in almost similar behavior. Fabrication technique plays a key role in the formation of the composite with low anisotropy. In the present work, uniaxial tension along three directions shows a big difference in the composite strength. It is shown that the ultimate tensile strength of the Ni/graphene composite is close to that of pure crumpled graphene, while the ductility of crumpled graphene with metal nanoparticles inside is two times higher. The obtained results shed the light on the simulation methodology which should be used for the study of the deformation behavior of carbon/metal nanostructures.
Shcherbinin S.A., Krylova K.A., Chechin G.M., Soboleva E.G., Dmitriev S.V.
2022-01-01 citations by CoLab: 22 Abstract
Nonlinear lattices support delocalized nonlinear vibrational modes (DNVMs) that are exact solutions to the dynamical equations of motion dictated by the lattice symmetry. Since only lattice symmetry is taken into consideration for derivation of DNVMs, they exist regardless the type of interaction between lattice points, and for arbitrary large amplitude. Here, considering space symmetry group of the fcc lattice, we derive all one-component DNVMs, whose dynamics can be described by single equation of motion. Twelve such modes are found and their dynamics are analyzed for Cu, Ni, and Al based on ab initio and molecular dynamics simulations with the use of two different interatomic potentials. Time evolution of atomic displacements, kinetic and potential energy of atoms, and stress components are reported. Frequency–amplitude dependencies of DNVMs obtained in ab initio simulations are used to assess the accuracy of the interatomic potentials. Considered interatomic potentials (by Mendelev et al. and Zhou et al. ) for Al are not as accurate as for Cu and Ni. Potentials by Mendelev can be used for relatively small vibration amplitudes, not exceeding 0.1 Å, while potentials by Zhou are valid for larger amplitudes. Overall, the presented family of exact solutions of the equations of atomic motion can be used to estimate the accuracy of the interatomic potentials of fcc metals at large displacements of atoms. • Delocalized nonlinear vibrational modes (DNVMs) of the fcc lattice are presented. • Dynamics of DNVMs are analyzed numerically for Cu, Ni, and Al. • Comparison of ab initio and MD results helps to assess the interatomic potentials.
Yusupova N., Krylova K., Mulyukov R.
2021-12-21 citations by CoLab: 2
Safina L.R., Baimova J.A., Krylova K.A., Murzaev R.T., Shcherbinin S.A., Mulyukov R.R.
2021-09-18 citations by CoLab: 9 Abstract
The incorporation of metal nanoparticles into novel carbon structures, such as crumpled graphene (CG), is a promising way to obtain a composite with better mechanical properties. Molecular dynamics simulation is used to investigate the deformation behavior of Ni–graphene composites, obtained by high‐temperature treatment, under uniaxial tension. The effect of temperatures between 1000 and 2000 K as well as the effect of nanoparticle size and anisotropy of the structure on the mechanical properties of the composite are studied. It is found that temperature from 1000 to 2000 K slightly affects the process of composite formation under hydrostatic compression. During the elastic regime of tension of the composite, the same values of Young's modulus are found for structures obtained at different temperatures. However, the ratio of nickel and carbon atoms considerably affects the mechanical properties under uniaxial tension: the less the number of Ni atoms, the higher the composite strength. Two of the three considered morphologies demonstrate close Young modulus and high strength. It is shown that the important advantage of the proposed structure is its homogeneity, which results in almost isotropic deformation. The obtained results open new prospects in using CG for composite fabrication.
Krylova K.A., Safina L.R., Murzaev R.T., Baimova J.A., Mulyukov R.R.
Materials Q2 Q2 Open Access
2021-06-04 citations by CoLab: 11 PDF Abstract
The effect of the size of nickel nanoparticles on the fabrication of a Ni–graphene composite by hydrostatic pressure at 0 K followed by annealing at 1000 and 2000 K is studied by molecular dynamics simulation. Crumpled graphene, consisting of crumpled graphene flakes interconnected by van der Waals forces is chosen as the matrix for the composite and filled with nickel nanoparticles composed of 21 and 47 atoms. It is found that the main factors that affect composite fabrication are nanoparticle size, the orientation of the structural units, and temperature of the fabrication process. The best stress–strain behavior is achieved for the Ni/graphene composite with Ni47 nanoparticle after annealing at 2000 K. However, all of the composites obtained had strength property anisotropy due to the inhomogeneous distribution of pores in the material volume.
N.G. Apkadirova, K.A. Krylova, R.R. Mulyukov
2021-06-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract
Using molecular dynamics simulation, the dehydrogenation process of a crumpled graphene flake during annealing at 77, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 K for 200 ps is considered. It is found, that annealing at T = 77 K during the first 50 ps does not affect the gravimetric density. Further, exposure at this temperature results in a sharp decrease in the gravimetric density to 7.6 wt.%. It is found that the higher the temperature, the faster the dehydrogenation process of the carbon structure. At annealing temperatures above 150 K, the gravimetric density of crumpled graphene is set to a constant value, and an increase in the annealing time does not lead to a change of gravimetric density. This is because some of the hydrogen atoms remaining in the structure are deposited on the edge carbon atoms, forming a strong covalent bond that cannot be broken at such temperature.
Siddiqui M.A., Hossain M.A., Ferdous R., Rabbi M.S., Yeasar Abid S.M.
2025-03-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Katin K.P., Kochaev A.I., Kaya S., Orlov K.I., Berezniczcky I.V., Maslov M.M.
2025-03-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Polyakova P.V., Murzaev R.T., Baimova J.A.
2025-02-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Shavelkina M.B., Krylova K.A., Kavyrshin D.I., Baimova J.A.
2025-01-24 citations by CoLab: 0
Doan D., Pham A., Vu N., Nguyen T., Vu H., Chu V.
2025-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Wang Y., Dong Y., Tian Y., Liu J., Zhang D., Qiu C., Zhao Y., Yang Y.
2025-03-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract
This work used the in-situ synthesis of molten-state nitride ceramic phase-reinforced Ni-based alloy coatings, aiming to improve the phase-interface bonding through the interdependent co-solidification between molten droplets. The XRD was used to analyze the physical phases of the composite coatings. The microstructure and phase-interface structure were characterized in detail by combining SEM, TEM, HRTEM, FFT, and SAED techniques. Microhardness tester and microforce microhardness tester were employed to measure the surface hardness and elastic modulus of the composite coatings. The fracture behavior of the composite coatings was characterized by observing the fracture morphology of the coatings using SEM combined with the EDS technique. It was found that the formation mechanisms of interfacial misfit dislocation assistance, lattice distortion, aggregation of stacking faults, and specific growth orientation between the γ-Ni matrix phase and each ceramic phase in NiCrBSi-TiCrN composite coatings improved the lattice matching between the two-phase interface, which resulted in the formation of atomically corresponding coherent lattice relations and stepped interfacial semi-coherent lattice relations, and enhanced the degree of phase-interface bonding. On this basis, the composite coatings with high Cr content further inhibited the expansion of interphase penetration cracks due to the existence of Cr-rich zones at the phase interface, thus exhibiting high fracture toughness. This work provides new opinions on the improvement of phase-interface bonding and composition design of Ni-based composite coatings.
Safina L.R., Rozhnova E.A., Krylova K.A., Murzaev R.T., Baimova J.A.
2024-08-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract
Graphene reinforced metal matrix composites represent a promising class of materials for high-strength surface coatings because of their high strength and ductility. This study reports the application of different interatomic potentials to correctly describe the interaction between graphene and metals (Al, Cu, Ni, and Ti) by molecular dynamics. Both simple pair potentials, such as Lennard-Jones and Morse, and many-body potentials, such as bond order potential are applied for the simulation of a graphene/metal system at room temperature. Three different structures are considered: (i) graphene interacting with one metal atom; (ii) graphene interacting with a metal nanoparticle, and (iii) three-dimensional graphene network filled with metal nanoparticles. We first determine the potential energy that any graphene/metal system can reach during exposure at 300 K; then, we analyze the interaction dynamics for all considered systems and all potentials. A considerable difference in the interaction between metal nanoparticles with planar and folded graphene was found. For graphene/Ni, graphene/Cu, and graphene/Ti, the Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials yield accurate energetic and structural properties of the studied structures; they also describe interaction in the graphene/metal system in a similar way, at variance with bond-order potential. For graphene/Al, the Tersoff and Morse potentials describe the interaction better than Lennard-Jones. For the simulation of graphene/Me system, the optimal choice of the potential for different structures is of crucial importance. The presented analysis of the interatomic potentials appears to be promising for realistic and accurate simulations of graphene reinforced metal composites.
Han M., Zhang J., Dong P., Du K., Zheng Z., Zhang C., Xu B.
2024-07-01 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract
Laser cladding is an advanced surface engineering technology capable of producing Ni-based coatings with high wear resistance. Incorporating graphene (Gr) into Ni-based coatings has great potential for improving the tribological properties of component surface. To date, the effects of Ni-decorated Gr (Ni@Gr) content on the tribological properties of Ni@Gr/Ni-based composite coatings and their surface wear mechanism have yet to be fully understood. In this study, Ni@Gr/Ni-based composite coatings with varying Ni@Gr contents (0, 2, 4, and 6 wt%) were prepared by laser cladding, and the effects of different Ni@Gr contents on the microstructure and tribological properties were investigated in detail. The results showed that the incorporation of Ni@Gr resulted in significant grain refinement and enhanced dislocations, along with an increase in carbide content. The smallest grain size (2.88 μm) and highest hardness (1039.3 HV0.2) were observed in the Ni@Gr/Ni-based composite coating with 4 wt% Ni@Gr. Simultaneously, the coefficient of the friction (COF) and the wear volume of the coating reach the minimum values of 0.3221 and 2.0123 × 10−2 mm−3, representing a 15.44% and 36.29% reduction compared to the pure Ni-based alloy coating, respectively. Based on the observed results, the wear mechanism of Ni@Gr/Ni-based composite coatings was analyzed and revealed. The high wear resistance of the coating is attributed to the optimal mechanical properties resulting from grain refinement and dislocation strengthening, as well as the uniformly distributed Ni@Gr with easily sheared layered structures that generate a lubricating film, effectively reducing the contact area between the coating and the grinding ball while resisting friction loads. This study could provide a deep understanding of the wear mechanism of Gr-doped surface coatings, contributing to the advancement of this field.
Sun C., Hu G., Cao L., Pan T., Guo C., Xia Y.
ACS Omega Q2 Q2 Open Access
2024-06-24 citations by CoLab: 4 PDF
Zhang Z., Chen Z., Yang Y., Zhang W., Cui H., Zheng X., Mu X., Xu C.
2024-05-21 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract
Niobium carbide (NbC) is often used as a reinforcing phase to improve the mechanical properties of composite coatings, but its low thermal conductivity makes the flow of molten pool poor, and the cladding layer is prone to defects such as non-fusion and slag inclusion. Therefore, in this paper, Ni60-NbC composite coatings with different NbC content were prepared by laser cladding technology, and the 10 vol.% graphene-20 vol.% NbC-70 vol.% Ni60 composite coatings were prepared under the optimal NbC component. The effects of the addition of NbC and graphene on the microstructure and microhardness of the coating were systematically discussed. The results show that the microhardness of 20 vol.% NbC composite coating is increased from 680.1 HV to 882.9 HV compared with Ni60 coating without NbC.The composite coating with both NbC and graphene has a microhardness of up to 1048HV, which is 18% higher than the composite coating with only 20 vol.% NbC. The mechanism is that the addition of graphene promotes the formation of chromium carbide (Cr23C6, Cr7C3) and increases the fluidity of the molten pool, which causes small niobium carbide particles to dissolve and recondense to form large particles. Large niobium carbide particles and chromium carbide jointly inhibit the excessive growth of other grains. This study provides a new idea for laser cladding of nickel-based composite coatings.
Wetwet Z., Mahboubi F., Mirhosseini S.S.
2024-04-30 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract
In this article, the electroless nickel-boron coatings containing different rGO concentrations (0,6, 20.5, 35 and 40 mg/L) were deposited on AISI 4140 steel. Their structural properties were examined using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and hardness analysis. Moreover, their friction coefficient and wear properties were studied using a pin-on-disc test. The results showed that as the rGO concentration increased, the structure of the coating changed from amorphous to semi-crystalline. Adding rGO up to 20.5 mg/L increased the hardness of the as-plated NiB coating from 519 to 863 Hv and reduced its specific wear rate from 1.28 × 10−9 to 0.68 × 10−9 kg/Nm. However, increasing the rGO concentration to 40 mg/L led to rGO agglomeration and increased the specific wear rate of the coating.
Kalika E.B., Verkhovtsev A.V., Maslov M.M., Katin K.P., Solov’yov A.V.
2024-04-01 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract
A computational approach combining dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT) and classical molecular dynamics is employed to characterize the geometrical and thermomechanical properties of a recently proposed 2D transition metal dihalide NiCl2. The characterization is performed using a classical interatomic force field whose parameters are determined and verified through the comparison with the results of DFT calculations. The developed force field is used to study the mechanical response, thermal stability, melting and solidification of a NiCl2 monolayer on the atomistic level of detail. The 2D NiCl2 sheet is found to be thermally stable at temperatures below its melting point of ∼695 K. At higher temperatures, several subsequent structural transformations of NiCl2 are observed, namely a transition into a porous 2D sheet and a 1D nanowire. The MD simulations of NiCl2 cooling show that the molten NiCl2 system solidifies into an amorphous porous 2D structure at T∼450 K. The resulting structure has lower cohesive energy with respect to the initial 2D sheet. The computational methodology presented through the case study of NiCl2 can also be utilized to study the properties of other novel 2D materials, including recently synthesized NiO2, NiS2, and NiSe2.
Van Hau T., Phuong M.T., Toan N.X., Van Trinh P., Van Tu N., Nam N.P., Minh P.N., Thang B.H.
2024-03-07 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract
In this paper, we present a rapid and straightforward method for producing graphene material in the liquid phase using a high-power-density ultrasonication technique. The graphene exfoliation process was considered with varying ultrasonication times, ranging from 1 to 5 h. The obtained results indicated that graphene nanoflakes, exfoliated under a power density of 1600 W/L for a short duration (5 h), exhibited a thickness of fewer than 10 layers, with an average flake size of ~ 300 nm. The production yield measured 30.6 mg h−1, and the dispersed concentration reached 0.459 mg ml−1. Furthermore, the exfoliated graphene nanoflakes displayed remarkable stability, as evidenced by a zeta potential value exceeding 30 mV. The resulting graphene material was used directly as a reinforcing element in nickel electroplating without the need for any additional surface modification steps. The results demonstrated a significant 53% increase in microhardness compared to the nickel coating. Structural characterizations of the few-layers graphene and nanocomposite coatings were elaborately investigated and presented.
Katin K.P., Podlivaev A.I., Kochaev A.I., Kulyamin P.A., Bauetdinov Y., Grekova A.A., Bereznitskiy I.V., Maslov M.M.
FlatChem Q1 Q1
2024-03-01 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract
We have computationally studied eight carbon monolayer materials, including the recently synthesized biphenylene, graphyne, and DHQ-graphene, as precursors of the bilayer C2H-diamanes. The interlayer C-C bonds of about 1.6 Å confirmed the strong covalent bonding between the monolayers. Density functional theory calculations revealed that the considered diamanes have a wide range of band gaps ranging from 1.5 to 4.2 eV. Diamanes, which are based on graphene allotropes, significantly expand the range of electronic and optical properties of conventional graphene derivatives and other traditional carbon materials. Tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations showed that diamanes are less stable than monolayers due to tendency of interlayer bonds tend to break. Out of the eight considered structures, only three diamonds were identified as certain stable systems suitable for processing at elevated temperatures of about 500 K. The nudged elastic band approach provided an understanding of the rate-defined thermal decomposition steps and corresponding energy barriers, which are equal to 2.79, 4.86, and 5.41 eV for the three stable diamanes. The elastic constants of the considered diamanes are comparable to those of graphene. The absorbance spectra of diamanes are calculated using linear response time-dependent density functional theory.
Almonti D., Baiocco G., Millia M.D., Mingione E., Menna E., Rubino G., Salvi D., Stamopoulos A., Ucciardello N.
2024-02-01 citations by CoLab: 6 PDF Abstract
Abstract Composite coatings (CECs) are providing a unique technological advantage for improving mechanical and tribological surface properties. Among different methods, electrodeposition is one of the most exploited to produce composite surface coatings on metal substrates. However, the process parameters affect graphene distribution, coating morphology and performance. This paper investigates how different deposition conditions influence the inclusion of large Graphene nanoplates (GnPs) in a Nickel matrix and the coating morphology and tribological performance. Set the process condition such as electrical parameters and the galvanic bath, the work focuses on the stirring rate effect. To this end, Ni-GnP coatings were obtained by a laboratory setup and evaluated through surface profilometry, SEM characterization and a dry-sliding linear reciprocating wear test. The results highlight the influence of stirring on coating uniformity. The low stirring rate allows larger particles to be embedded, which are not thoroughly covered; however, they act as a solid lubricant and reduce the friction coefficient.
Hu H., Liu L., Jiang D., Jin Y., Li S., Xiao L., Li C., Wang H., Li Y., Wang G., Li J., Sun Z., Wang S., Ding X., Yu L., et. al.
2024-02-01 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract
In this study, nickel tailings were utilized to prepare electrothermal coatings composited with nano-graphite/multilayer graphene, and the effects of heat treatment temperature and time of nickel tailings on the performance of electrothermal coatings were investigated. The experimental results show that the addition of nickel tailings can significantly enhance the performance of the composite electrothermal coatings. Using nickel tailings treated at 60 °C for 2 h caused the temperature response time of the coatings to decrease by 57%, and the maximum temperature was 55.4 °C. However, as the treatment temperature was increased to 100 °C, a large amount of oxygen was introduced into the system, which led to a weakening of the ferric ion conduction in the ferromagnesian olivine, resulting in only a 28.6% reduction in the temperature response time at the maximum temperature of 45.4 °C. Meanwhile, it was established that the multidimensional stabilized conductive network formed by nickel tailings and nano-graphite/multilayer graphene enhanced the comprehensive performance of the coating. In addition, the study on the coating work stability revealed that the electrothermal coating prepared by adding nickel tailings treated at 60 °C for 2 h can maintain the maximum stable temperature above 55 °C for a long period of time, which is significantly better than the samples without nickel tailings and with nickel tailings heat-treated at 100 °C. This electrothermal composite coating is particularly suitable for low-pressure and low-power high-efficiency heating equipment, energy saving and environmental protection. Compared with the existing work, this experiment uses nickel tailings solid waste as auxiliary filler, which has the advantages of low cost, simple fabrication process, energy saving, environmental protection, low energy consumption, etc. It provides a more sustainable and eco-friendly solution for heating needs in a variety of fields. The material will be developed in the direction of higher conversion efficiency and higher temperature threshold in the future. It can be widely used in the fields of intelligent heating of houses, intelligent electric heating of clothes, and de-icing of wings of aircrafts.
Mustafa G., Li B., Zhang S.
2024-01-05 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract
Surface integrity is considered to be a significant factor in evaluating surface qualities. A wide range of applications of nickel-based superalloys can be attributed to a number of features such as mechanical and chemical characteristics at elevated temperatures, high durability and ductileness, great resistance to corrosion, high melting point, thermal shock, thermal fatigue, and erosion. However, the practical performance of the component particularly the fatigue life is critically influenced by the machined surface finish of Ni-based superalloys. The present review article provides the most recent information on various surface integrity properties while machining Ni-based superalloys. The surface integrity aspects contain the surface topography including machined surface defects (plucking, metal debris, feed marks, surface cavities, smeared material, grooves and laps, cracking, carbide particles, and redeposited materials) and surface roughness; the metallurgical phase consists of plasticity, grain refinement and orientation, and white layer formation, and mechanical characteristics comprise the residual stress and strain hardening. The impact of various cutting parameters, the cutting environment, and cutting tool materials have been carefully explained on surface metallurgy and mechanical characteristics. Moreover, the influence of surface integrity on the fatigue life of machined components has been studied.
Chaban V.V., Andreeva N.A.
2024-01-01 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract
Electrical capacitors are omnipresent in modern electronic devices, in which they swiftly release large portions of energy on demand. The capacitors may suffer from arc discharges due to local structural...
Cheng Y., Zhao X., Xia W., Yue Q., Gu Y., Zhang Z.
2024-01-01 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract
The nucleation and growth of topologically close-packed (TCP) phases in Ni-based single crystal superalloys (SCs) are controlled by composition, temperature, time, interface structure and stress. The formation of TCP phases causes detrimental effects on the mechanical properties of SCs. Therefore, it is crucial to study the formation mechanism and control factors of TCP phases to develop new-generation Ni-based SCs. Different alloying elements influence the TCP phase nucleation by adjusting the chemical driving force. The interface structure determined by interface energy and strain energy mainly affects the growth mechanism and morphology of the TCP phase. Various temperature determines the driving force for TCP nucleation and diffusion rates of elements during TCP phase growth. Holding time is also crucial to the growth and evolution of TCP phases. Applied stress also has an impact on the precipitation of TCP phases. Evolution between different types of TCP phases depends on the temperature, composition and crystal structure of TCP phases. TCP phases damage the mechanical properties mainly by causing stress concentration and weak interface strength. The review aims to establish a link among TCP phase formation, alloy design and microstructure from the macroscopic view to the microscopic view, providing some perspectives for future research.
Mirhosseini S.S., Mahboubi F., Azadfalah M.
2024-01-01 citations by CoLab: 13 Abstract
The aim of this research work was to investigate the effect of plasma nitriding duration on the tribological properties of nickel‑boron/nano-diamond (NiB/ND) coatings. In this regard, NiB/ND coatings were electrodeposited on AISI 4140 steel using the electroless plating technique. Subsequently, the coated samples were plasma nitrided in a gas mixture containing 25 % nitrogen and 75 % hydrogen at 400 °C for three different durations (60, 120, and 180 min). The coatings were then characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), surface roughness profilometer, and microhardness tests to evaluate their structural and mechanical properties. To assess the tribological behavior, a pin-on-disk test was performed with a load of 10 N applied over a sliding distance of 500 m. The results indicated that plasma nitriding led to the crystallization of the coatings, which can be attributed to the formation of Ni2B, Ni3B, and h-BN phases. Furthermore, the plasma nitriding process significantly increased the coating hardness from 700 to 1523 Vickers after 1 h of treatment. The wear resistance of plasma-nitrided coatings was improved, as evidenced by a considerable reduction in the specific wear rate compared to the untreated sample. However, for the samples plasma nitrided for >60 min, a reduction in coating hardness and wear resistance was observed, which is likely due to the changes in grain size during the plasma nitriding process. The optimal plasma nitriding duration for achieving desirable properties was found to be 60 min.
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Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
2010-2024 (15 years)
Metrics description

Fields of science

General Materials Science, 17, 36.96%
Condensed Matter Physics, 10, 21.74%
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, 7, 15.22%
General Physics and Astronomy, 7, 15.22%
General Medicine, 4, 8.7%
Mechanics of Materials, 4, 8.7%
General Chemistry, 3, 6.52%
Materials Chemistry, 2, 4.35%
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous), 2, 4.35%
Computational Mathematics, 2, 4.35%
General Computer Science, 2, 4.35%
Metals and Alloys, 1, 2.17%
Ceramics and Composites, 1, 2.17%
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 1, 2.17%
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics, 1, 2.17%
Polymers and Plastics, 1, 2.17%
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1, 2.17%
Mechanical Engineering, 1, 2.17%
Applied Mathematics, 1, 2.17%
Energy (miscellaneous), 1, 2.17%
Numerical Analysis, 1, 2.17%
Modeling and Simulation, 1, 2.17%



Citing journals

Journal not defined, 5, 1.28%
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Organizations from articles

Organization not defined, 12, 26.09%

Countries from articles

Russia, 35, 76.09%
Country not defined, 12, 26.09%
Singapore, 6, 13.04%
Japan, 5, 10.87%
Germany, 1, 2.17%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 43, 10.97%
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Citing countries

Russia, 142, 36.22%
Country not defined, 43, 10.97%
China, 32, 8.16%
Germany, 12, 3.06%
India, 12, 3.06%
Singapore, 10, 2.55%
Iran, 9, 2.3%
USA, 6, 1.53%
Japan, 6, 1.53%
Ukraine, 5, 1.28%
United Kingdom, 4, 1.02%
Turkey, 4, 1.02%
Vietnam, 2, 0.51%
Mexico, 2, 0.51%
Republic of Korea, 2, 0.51%
Kazakhstan, 1, 0.26%
Australia, 1, 0.26%
Austria, 1, 0.26%
Belgium, 1, 0.26%
Israel, 1, 0.26%
Ireland, 1, 0.26%
Spain, 1, 0.26%
Canada, 1, 0.26%
Luxembourg, 1, 0.26%
UAE, 1, 0.26%
Poland, 1, 0.26%
Uzbekistan, 1, 0.26%
Czech Republic, 1, 0.26%
Ecuador, 1, 0.26%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
Associate Professor of the Department
Employment type
Part time
2022 — present
Senior researcher
Employment type
Full time
2007 — present
Associate Professor of the Department
Employment type
Part time
2018 — 2022