Kholomeydik A.N., Panasenko A.E., Kiseleva I.V.
2024-12-05 citations by CoLab: 0
Kholomeydik A.N., Panasenko A.E.
2024-07-28 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract
Samples of sodium aluminosilicates obtained by hydrolytic deposition using rice straw of different varieties as silicon-containing raw materials were studied. The morphology of the particles was determined by scanning electron microscopy, the specific surface area (362–470 m2/g) was measured, IR spectra were recorded, and the chemical and phase composition of the samples was determined. The sorption properties of the obtained materials with respect to lead ions have been studied, the sorption capacity is 199–550 mg/g. An organic component was found and isolated in the samples, which is formed as a result of the deposition of aluminosilicates from rice straw hydrolysates, its composition was determined by thermogravimetry and IR spectroscopy. The effect of the organic component on the sorption capacity of plant-derived aluminosilicates has been investigated. The proposed sorption mechanism has been established. The approach used makes it possible to obtain aluminosilicates with a high sorption capacity, as well as safely dispose of rice straw.
Kholomeydik A.N., Panasenko A.E.
2024-07-03 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract
Samples of sodium aluminosilicates obtained by hydrolytic precipitation using rice straw of various types as silicon-containing feedstock were studied. The particle morphology was determined by scanning electron microscopy, the specific surface area was measured (362–470 m2/g), IR spectra were recorded, and the chemical and phase composition of the samples was determined. The sorption properties of the materials towards lead ions were studied, the sorption capacity was 199–550 mg/g. An organic component of the samples, formed simultaneously with aluminosilicate precipitation from rice straw hydrolysates, was detected, isolated, and studied by thermogravimetry and IR spectroscopy. The effect of the organic component on the sorption capacity of plant-derived aluminosilicates was investigated. The predominant sorption mechanisms were established. The used approach makes it possible to obtain aluminosilicates with a high sorption capacity, as well as safely dispose of rice straw.
ChemChemTech Q3 Q4
2024-03-06 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract
The paper presents the results of the study of sorption of antimony(III) from aqueous solutions by potassium aluminosilicates obtained from rice straw and husks. The chemical composition, structure and physicochemical characteristics of the obtained biogenic samples were established. The sorption kinetics of Sb(III) ions by potassium aluminosilicates was investigated using diffusion and chemical kinetics models. It is shown that the rate of antimony sorption process on the studied aluminosilicates is limited by the mixed-diffusion process, as well as by the stage of chemical interaction of antimony cations with the sorbent surface. It is shown that in the concentration range of 0.017-0.1 mmol/l the adsorption process of Sb(III) by natural materials is determined by chemical interaction with the surface of samples and obeys the Freundlich model, which indicates the heterogeneity of the sorbent surface. The influence of the solution medium on the sorption of antimony(III) by aluminosilicates has been investigated. It is shown that the adsorbent surface has a positive charge in acidic medium and a negative charge in neutral medium. The sorption activity for all sorbents decreases with increasing pH of the solution. The desorption of Sb(III) depends on the contact time of the sorbent with the solution and on the solution medium, and the desorption is higher in neutral medium. The results show that potassium aluminosilicates obtained from rice straw and husks are promising materials for the removal of antimony(III) from aqueous solutions. These studies allow us to give recommendations on the choice of materials for purification of solutions from Sb(III) ions, expanding the range of currently used natural sorbents based on plant raw materials, as well as to solve an urgent environmental and economic problem - the utilization of rice production waste.
Panasenko A.E., Terminov S.A., Shapkin N.P., Holomeidik A.N.
2024-01-15 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract
A number of silicate and aluminosilicate sorption materials have been synthesized using rice straw as a silicon source. The dependence of sorption properties with respect to methylene blue, as well as density and moisture capacity on the composition is investigated. It is shown that the sorption capacity of silicate materials from vegetable raw materials is several times greater than that of natural aluminosilicates – vermiculite and materials based on it obtained by chemical modification. The presence of an organic component in the composition of the obtained biogenic materials contributes to a higher sorption capacity. The density and moisture capacity of the synthesized materials are determined.
Zemnuhova L., Davidovich R., Udovenko A., Panasenko A., Kovaleva E., Makarenko N., Fedorischeva G., Logvinova V.
2023-07-03 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract
In the monograph the synthesized and studied at the Institute of Chemistry, FEB RAS, and described in the literature fluoride and complex fluoride compounds, including multiligand fluoroacidocomplex antimony(III) compounds obtained from aqueous hydrofluoric acid solution, their crystal structures, properties and applications are analyzed, discussed and systematized. The monograph consists of an introduction, 5 chapters, and a conclusion. The regularities of the synthesis of complex compounds based on antimony(III) fluoride are described in chapter 1. The crystal structures of fluoride and halogen containing antimony(III) complex compounds and their comparative analysis are presented in chapter 2. The results of NQR-spectroscopic investigations and conclusions about the main regularities of 121,123Sb NQR parameter changes are presented in chapters 3 and 4. Ecotoxicological properties of fluoride and complex fluoride compounds of antimony(III) are considered in Chapter 5. The present monograph can be interest for crystallography researchers and chemists working in the field of metal fluoride complexes as well as for Ph.D. and graduate students.
Panasenko A.E., Yarusova S.B., Gordienko P.S.
2023-06-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract
Using rice straw as a source of silicon, a new composite material containing wollastonite CaSiO3, silicon dioxide SiO2, and an organic component (cellulose and lignin) was obtained. It is shown that calcination up to 1200°C leads to crystallization of SiO2 in the form of quartz and cristobalite, while the bulk density increases from 2.48 to 3.01 g/cm3. Using IR spectroscopy, the features of crystallization processes during calcination were studied, as were the morphology of particles and the nature of their surface. It is shown that the reflection coefficient in the visible range and the whiteness for biogenic calcium silicate are higher than for wollastonite obtained from reagents and reaches 98.9%.
Kiseleva I.V., Kholomeidik A.N., Shchapova L.N., Panasenko A.E.
Microbiology Q3 Q4
2022-12-12 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract
Solutions of SbF3 and NaSbF4 (50 and 100 mg/L) were found to have a toxic effect on soil microflora. At the final concentration of 50 mg/L, bacteria and microscopic fungi were detected sporadically in the nutrient medium (MPA). At 100 mg/L, bacterial growth in the studied soils was completely suppressed. Microscopic fungi were found to be more resistant to the action of the studied compounds. Addition of 0.1 M sodium dihydrophosphate (NaH2PO4) solution to SbF3 or NaSbF4 solutions resulted in a 5.7‒6.9-fold decrease in the concentration of dissolved Sb3+ ions. However, this solution still had a toxic effect on the number of soil microorganisms. In contrast to reagent purification, the method of sorption extraction of Sb(III) was shown to be efficient. A solution containing 5000 mg/L antimony, which was used to dilute the soil suspension, completely suppressed the growth of microflora. After sorption treatment, the concentration of antimony decreased to 201.3 mg/L, and growth of microorganisms was noted.
Makarenko N.V., Evstropov N.E., Kovekhova A.V., Arefieva O.D., Egorkin V.S., Panasenko A.E.
2022-09-26 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract
Materials of natural origin can serve as raw materials for the production of environmentally friendly inexpensive polyfunctional materials with a wide range of applications. Agricultural waste from rice production (rice husks, straw and flour) can serve as a source of such substances. In this work, the process and conditions for the extraction of aluminum, lead, strontium and cadmium ions from aqueous solutions by an organophosphorus product (derivative of inositol hexaphosphoric, phytic acid) obtained from rice flour production waste are studied. Phytic acid and its derivatives are highly effective ligands capable of chelating metal cations, which allows them to be considered as a natural material suitable for removing heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions. The degree of extraction of aluminum ions reaches 97%, lead and strontium – 89%, and cadmium – 93%. It is shown that the absorption decreases in the series Cr3+ > Al3+ > Bi3+ (from 13.0 mg/g to 4.9 mg/g) and Cd2+ > Pb2+ > Sr2+ (from 8.9 mg/g to 7.5 mg/g). These studies allow us to offer a fundamental possibility of using a natural phosphorus-containing compound as an environmentally friendly sorbent.
Kholomeidik A.N., Panasenko A.E.
2022-09-12 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract
Functional silicon-containing materials—silicon–carbon product, high-purity amorphous silicon dioxide, sodium aluminosilicate, and iron-containing magnetoactive composite material with specific surface area from 56.7 to 470 m2/g—have been obtained from agricultural wastes (rice husk and straw). Chemical and phase composition of obtained samples have been determined, particle morphology has been established by scanning electron microscopy, specific surface area has been measured, IR spectra have been recorded. The possibility to use the obtained materials for the removal of antimony ions from aqueous solutions has been studied. It has been found that sodium aluminosilicate and iron-containing composite materials based on biogenic silica show high capacity toward antimony ions: 596 and 386 mg/g, respectively. Used approach, in the first place, allows one to reclaim safely rice straw and husk and to reduce atmospheric emission of microdisperse amorphous silica SiO2 resulting from their open combustion and causing respiratory diseases. In the second place, the study enables purification of natural and technogeneous wastewaters contaminated by antimony(III), which form on the sites of antimony rock deposits on their decay and mining.
Panasenko A.E., Shichalin O.O., Yarusova S.B., Ivanets A.I., Belov A.A., Dran'kov A.N., Azon S.A., Fedorets A.N., Buravlev I.Y., Mayorov V.Y., Shlyk D.K., Buravleva A.A., Merkulov E.B., Zarubina N.V., Papynov E.K.
2022-09-01 citations by CoLab: 43 Abstract
A new approach to the use of rice straw as a difficult-to-recycle agricultural waste was proposed. Potassium aluminosilicate was obtained by spark plasma sintering as an effective material for subsequent immobilization of 137 Cs into a solid-state matrix. The sorption properties of potassium aluminosilicate to 137 Cs from aqueous solutions were studied. The effect of the synthesis temperature on the phase composition, microstructure, and rate of cesium leaching from samples obtained at 800–1000 °C and a pressure of 25 MPa was investigated. It was shown that the positive dynamics of compaction was characteristic of glass ceramics throughout the sintering. Glass ceramics RS-(K,Cs)AlSi 3 O 8 obtained by the SPS method at 1000 °C for 5 min was characterized by a high density of ∼2.62 g/cm 3 , Vickers hardness ∼ 2.1 GPa, compressive strength ∼231.3 MPa and the rate of cesium ions leaching of ∼1.37 × 10 −7 g cm −2 ·day −1 . The proposed approach makes it possible to safe dispose of rice straw and reduce emissions into the atmosphere of microdisperse amorphous silica, which is formed during its combustion and causes respiratory diseases, including cancer. In addition, the obtained is perspective to solve the problem of recycling long-lived 137 Cs radionuclides formed during the operation of nuclear power plants into solid-state matrices.
Shichalin O.O., Yarusova S.B., Ivanets A.I., Papynov E.K., Belov A.A., Azon S.A., Buravlev I.Y., Panasenko A.E., Zadorozhny P.A., Mayorov V.Y., Shlyk D.K., Nepomnyushchaya V.A., Kapustina O.V., Ivanova A.E., Buravleva A.A., et. al.
2022-08-01 citations by CoLab: 10 Abstract
An effective sorption material for the immobilization of cobalt radionuclides into highly safe and reliable solid-state matrices is proposed. The resulting silicate sorbent СaSiO 3 had an amorphous mesoporous structure (A BET 53 m 2 /g) and a sorption capacity Co ions of 3.32 mmol/g. The physico-chemical characteristics of the СaCoSi 2 O 6 sample obtained after Co 2+ ions sorption were studied using XRD, N 2 and Ar adsorption-desorption, SEM-EDX and TG/DTA methods. Solid-state silicate matrices characterized by high density values (2.86–3.16 g/cm 3 ), compressive strength (150–637 MPa) and Vickers microhardness (1.80–5.25 GPa) were obtained by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The sample obtained at 1000 °C had the lowest values of Co 2+ ions leaching (R Co ~10 −7 g/(cm 2 ×day)) and diffusion coefficient (De 1.73 ×10 −17 cm 2 /s) from silicate matrices. Thus, the obtained СaCoSi 2 O 6 silicate matrices saturated with Co ions comply with the regulatory requirements of GOST R 50926–96 and ANSI/ANS 16.1 for 60 Co immobilization. • Amorphous CaSiO 3 with 3.32 mmol/g Co ions sorption capacity was prepared. • SPS method allowed to obtain the CaCoSi 2 O 6 matrices at 1000 °C for 2 min. • CaCoSi 2 O 6 solid-state matrices exclude Co 60 ions leaching and diffusion. • The characteristics of CaCoSi 2 O 6 matrices exceeded the GOST and ANSI/ANS 16.1 requirements.
Shapkin N.P., Papynov E.K., Panasenko A.E., Khalchenko I.G., Mayorov V.Y., Drozdov A.L., Maslova N.V., Buravlev I.Y.
2021-09-24 citations by CoLab: 7 PDF Abstract
The paper presents an original method for the template synthesis of biomimetic porous composites using polyferrophenylsiloxane (PFPS) and the skeleton of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius as a structuring template. The study aimed to form an organosilicon base of a composite with an inverted structure relative to the original structure of the sea urchin shell with a period of structure movement of about 20 µm and ceramic composites fabrication with the silicate base with an average pore size distribution of about 10 μm obtained by the reaction of PFPS with the inorganic base of the sea urchin test under conditions of calcination at 1000 °C followed by acid etching. The composition and morphology of the obtained composites were investigated by IR, XRD, XPS, EDX, and SEM techniques and by mercury porosimetry; the parameters of the porous structures depend on the selected methods of their synthesis. The proposed method is of fundamental importance for developing methods for the chemical synthesis of new biomimetics with a unique porosity architecture based on environmentally friendly natural raw materials for a vast practical application.
Drozdov A.L., Zemnukhova L.A., Panasenko A.E., Polyakova N.V., Slobodyuk A.B., Ustinov A.Y., Didenko N.A., Tyurin S.A.
2021-07-17 citations by CoLab: 8 PDF Abstract
A comparative study of the microscopic morphology and chemical characteristics of spicules of Hexactinellids (Hexactinellida) with different structural features of the skeletons, as well as the freshwater Baikal sponge belonging to the class of common sponges (Demospongia), was carried out. The trace element composition of sponge spicules was determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The spicules of siliceous sponges contain many elements, arranged in decreasing order of concentration: Si, Ca, Fe, Cl, K, Zn, and others. It was shown that the surface layer of sea sponges contains mainly carbon (C), oxygen (O), and to a lesser extent nitrogen (N), silicon (Si), and sodium (Na). The spicules of the studied siliceous sponges can be divided into two groups according to the phase composition, namely one containing crystalline calcium compounds and one without them. Analysis of infrared absorption spectra allows us to conclude that the sponges Euplectella aspergillum, E. suberia and Dactylocalyx sp. contain silica partially bound to the organic matrix, while the silica skeleton of the sponges of the other group (Schulzeviella gigas, Sericolophus sp., Asconema setubalense, Sarostegia oculata, Farrea sp. and Lubomirskia baicalensis sp.) practically does not differ from the precipitated SiO2. This comparative study of the chemical composition of the skeletons of marine Hexactinellids and common freshwater sponge allows us to conclude that there are no fundamental differences in the chemical composition of spicules, and all of them can be used as a starting material for creating new composite silicon–organic functional materials.
Arefieva O.D., Pirogovskaya P.D., Panasenko A.Y., Kovekhova A.V., Zemnukhova L.A.
2021-03-16 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract
The present work shows results of studying acid-base properties of the surface by the methods of pH-metry and Hammett of amorphous silicon dioxide from rice husks and straw obtained by various schemes: oxidative firing; oxidative roasting with preliminary treatment with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution; precipitation from alkaline solutions. The samples obtained by the thermal method contain impurities of alkali, alkaline earth metals, aluminum, and aluminum and practically do not contain water. The composition of the deposited samples contains a small fraction of impurities (0.05%) and water - from 8.2 to 10.2%. The pH value of an aqueous suspension of silicon dioxide has a neutral, alkaline or acidic environment depending on the content of impurities of alkali and alkaline earth metals. Distribution of acid-base centers on the surface of the samples is nonmonotonic and heterogeneous, and manifests itself in discreteness with a fairly clear differentiation of sorption bands with maxima of different intensities corresponding to a certain pKa value. Distribution curves of the adsorption centers of the indicators on the surface of the samples of amorphous silicon dioxide are similar to each other. There are four types of active centers on their surface: acidic Lewis (pKa + 16.80), Bransted main (pKa +7.15 and +9.45) and acid (pKa + 2.50). The number of active centers depends on the preparation scheme and is determined by the content of impurity elements and water in the oxide samples.
Zimmermann I., Eilts F., Galler A., Bayer J., Hober S., Berensmeier S.
2025-03-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Khumsupan D., Lin S., Huang Y., Chen C., Chi H., Jantama K., Lin H., Cheng K.
2025-02-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Yang Y., Huang L., Huang Y., Sakil M., Dong K., Yang J., Zhang W., Zhang G., Jia M., Xiong Z.
2025-02-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Zhang C., Chen P., Zhou Y., Ji Y., Ning S., Chen L., Xie Y., Wu H., Wu Y., Wei Y., Shi W., Yin X.
2025-01-10 citations by CoLab: 0
Aletan D., Muthu J.
2025-01-06 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract
The focus of this study was to enhance the CO2 capture capabilities of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanocomposite membranes by reinforcing them with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and silica (SiO2). These nanocomposite membranes were created using electrospinning technology, which produced nonwoven nanofiber membranes. The nanoparticles were functionalized using Gum Arabic (GA) to improve the distribution and prevent agglomeration. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis were conducted to examine the functionalization of nanoparticles and their morphological structures. The membranes were experimentally characterized to obtain the CO2 absorption properties and also to evaluate CO2/N2 permeation properties compared to pure PAN membranes. The results showed that higher nanoparticle concentrations increased CO2 permeability while maintaining stable N2 permeability, ensuring favorable CO2/N2 selectivity ratios. The 4 wt.% MWCNTs nanocomposite membrane achieved the best CO2/N2 separation with a CO2 permeability of 289.4 Barrer and a selectivity of 6.3, while the 7 wt.% SiO2 nanocomposite membrane reached a CO2 permeability of 325 Barrer and a selectivity of 7. These findings indicate significant improvements in CO2 permeability and selectivity for the nanocomposite membranes compared to pure PAN membranes. The Maxwell mathematical model has been used to validate the experimental results. The experimental results of the CO2 separation properties of the nanocomposite membranes exceeded the predicted values by the mathematical models. This might be due to the well-dispersed nanoparticles and functional groups.
Zewide Y.T., Yemata T.A., Ayalew A.A., Kedir H.J., Tadesse A.A., Fekad A.Y., Shibesh A.K., Getie F.A., Tessema T.D., Wubieneh T.A., Kululo W.W., Mihiret M.T.
2025-01-02 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF
Ivanova O.S., Edelman I.S., Zharkov S.M., Vorobyev S.A., Andryushchenko T.A., Molokeev M.S., Sukhachev A.L., Lin C., Chen Y., Huang B.
2025-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Alshandoudi L.M., Hassan A.F., Al-Azri A.Y., Al Rushaidi B.M.
2025-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Papynov E.K., Belov A.A., Shichalin O.O., Zavjalov A.P., Buravlev I.Y., Drankov A.N., Azon S.A., Fedorets A.N., Buravleva A.A., Yarusova S.B., Mayorov V.Y., Kondrikov N.B., Tananaev I.G., Sergienko V.I.
2024-12-31 citations by CoLab: 0
Jahangiri S., Poursattar Marjani A., Kafi‐Ahmadi L.
2024-12-27 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract
ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of Mn₂Sb₂O₇ and MnSb₂O₆ nanocatalysts, which were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer‐Emmet‐Teller (BET) analysis, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X‐ray (SEM‐EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results confirm that the catalysts have similar chemical compositions and structures, with small amounts of vanadium (V) or iron (Fe) dopants evenly distributed throughout the material. These nanocatalysts demonstrated high efficiency in the one‐pot synthesis of 2‐amino‐4H‐chromenes from malononitrile, dimedone, and aryl aldehydes, achieving yields of 66–90% under optimal conditions using 10 mg of catalyst in ethanol at room temperature. Due to their amphoteric nature, the catalysts enable reactions via acid‐mediated or base‐mediated Hann‐Lapworth mechanisms. Under optimal conditions, the catalysts exhibited turnover numbers (TON) ranging from 1.8 to 3.6 and turnover frequencies (TOF) between 0.0005 and 0.0009 s⁻¹. Moreover, the catalysts can be recovered and reused without losing activity, making them valuable for sustainable chemical synthesis applications.
Belibagli P., Dogan A.C., Kaya G., Dizge N., Ocakoglu K., Özdemir S., Tollu G.
2024-12-24 citations by CoLab: 0
Kholomeydik A.N., Panasenko A.E., Kiseleva I.V.
2024-12-05 citations by CoLab: 0
Lv J., Yi G., Zou X., Liu H., Han X., Huang L., Zeng H., Lin Z., Zou G.
2024-12-03 citations by CoLab: 1
Ragib A.A., Chakma R., Wang J., Alanazi Y.M., El-Harbawi M., Arish G.A., Islam T., Siddique M.A., Islam A.R., Kormoker T.
2024-12-01 citations by CoLab: 1
Xie Y., Rong Q., Wen C., Liu X., Hao M., Chen Z., Yang H., Waterhouse G.I., Ma S., Wang X.
CCS Chemistry Q1 Q1 Open Access
2024-08-01 citations by CoLab: 18
Qu Z., Leng R., Wang S., Ji Z., Wang X.
2024-05-17 citations by CoLab: 30 Abstract
As a sort of porous material with periodic network structure, metal–organic framework (MOF) is constructed with metal ions or clusters and organic ligands. Benefiting from the adjustable channel structure, abundant unsaturated metal sites and modifiable ligands, MOF has attracted more and more attention both from science and engineering perspectives in various fields. Although their intrinsic micropores endow size-selective capability and high surface area, etc., the narrow pores limit their applications toward diffusion-control and large size species involved processes. In recent years, the construction of mixed-metal MOFs and MOF films has captured widespread interest which extend the applications of conventional MOF-based materials. In this review, the advances in the design, synthesis, and functional applications of nanomaterials derived from MOF-based porous materials are summarized. Their structural characters toward applications of pollutant removal, including heavy metals, antibiotics, dyes, and some emerging pollutants from aqueous solutions, have been demonstrated with typical reports. The subsisting challenges as well as future perspectives in this research field are also indicated. Nanomaterials derived from MOFs for pollutants removal.
Jayawardane W.T., Dayanthi W.K.
2024-04-16 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract
Landfill leachate contributes to groundwater pollution. The Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) is a sustainable in-situ method to remediate groundwater. Finding cost-effective and efficient reactive materials is a key problem with PRBs. Hence, the present study aimed to assess the applicability of two composite reactive media beds derived from several waste materials (building waste, sludge, sea sand, iron particles, bagasse, saw dust, bio char, fly ash and coconut coir pith) for PRBs to treat groundwater contaminated by landfill leachate. The study comprised two identical laboratory-scale PRB reactors: an experimental reactor and a control reactor. Each reactor included two reactive media beds in series. In the experimental reactor, one of the two beds was filled with a composite reactive media derived from waste materials with high particle densities, while the other was filled with waste materials of low particle densities. In contrast, both the beds of the control reactor were filled with Granular Activated Carbon (GAC). The experimental PRB demonstrated removal rates of 97.08 ± 0.11% (Pb), 65.01 ± 2.14% (Mn), 55.03 ± 1.06% (Fe) and 78.34 ± 1.58% (COD). The control reactor achieved removal rates of 99.26 ± 0.08% (Pb), 94.46 ± 1.13% (Mn), 80.23 ± 0.93%(Mn) and 98.83 ± 0.14% (COD). The shear strength reductions were 19%, 27%, and 11% for the high-density, low-density, and GAC beds, respectively. The associated reductions in hydraulic conductivity were 24%, 12%, and 35%. The waste-derived reactive media possess multiple properties sourced from different materials and can address the removal of multiple contaminants simultaneously, comparable to GAC.
Costa L., Martinez M., Suleiman M., Keiser R., Lehmann M., Lenz M.
2024-04-10 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract
Abstract A “redox-stat” RMnR bioreactor was employed to simulate moderately reducing conditions (+ 420 mV) in Sb-contaminated shooting range soils for approximately 3 months, thermodynamically favoring Mn(IV) reduction. The impact of moderately reducing conditions on elemental mobilization (Mn, Sb, Fe) and speciation [Sb(III) versus Sb(V); Fe2+/Fe3+] was compared to a control bioreactor RCTRL without a fixed redox potential. In both bioreactors, reducing conditions were accompanied by an increase in effluent Sb(V) and Mn(II) concentrations, suggesting that Sb(V) was released through microbial reduction of Mn oxyhydroxide minerals. This was underlined by multiple linear regression analysis showing a significant (p < 0.05) relationship between Mn and Sb effluent concentrations. Mn concentration was the sole variable exhibiting a statistically significant effect on Sb in RMnR, while under the more reducing conditions in RCTRL, pH and redox potential were also significant. Analysis of the bacterial community composition revealed an increase in the genera Azoarcus, Flavisolibacter, Luteimonas, and Mesorhizobium concerning the initial soil, some of which are possible key players in the process of Sb mobilization. The overall amount of Sb released in the RMnR (10.40%) was virtually the same as in the RCTRL (10.37%), which underlines a subordinate role of anoxic processes, such as Fe-reductive dissolution, in Sb mobilization. This research underscores the central role of relatively low concentrations of Mn oxyhydroxides in influencing the fate of trace elements. Our study also demonstrates that bioreactors operated as redox-stats represent versatile tools that allow quantifying the contribution of specific mechanisms determining the fate of trace elements in contaminated soils. Key points • “Redox-stat” reactors elucidate Sb mobilization mechanisms • Mn oxyhydroxides microbial reductive dissolution has a major role in Sb mobilization in soils under moderately reducing conditions • Despite aging the soil exhibited significant Sb mobilization potential, emphasizing persistent environmental effects
ChemChemTech Q3 Q4
2024-03-06 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract
The paper presents the results of the study of sorption of antimony(III) from aqueous solutions by potassium aluminosilicates obtained from rice straw and husks. The chemical composition, structure and physicochemical characteristics of the obtained biogenic samples were established. The sorption kinetics of Sb(III) ions by potassium aluminosilicates was investigated using diffusion and chemical kinetics models. It is shown that the rate of antimony sorption process on the studied aluminosilicates is limited by the mixed-diffusion process, as well as by the stage of chemical interaction of antimony cations with the sorbent surface. It is shown that in the concentration range of 0.017-0.1 mmol/l the adsorption process of Sb(III) by natural materials is determined by chemical interaction with the surface of samples and obeys the Freundlich model, which indicates the heterogeneity of the sorbent surface. The influence of the solution medium on the sorption of antimony(III) by aluminosilicates has been investigated. It is shown that the adsorbent surface has a positive charge in acidic medium and a negative charge in neutral medium. The sorption activity for all sorbents decreases with increasing pH of the solution. The desorption of Sb(III) depends on the contact time of the sorbent with the solution and on the solution medium, and the desorption is higher in neutral medium. The results show that potassium aluminosilicates obtained from rice straw and husks are promising materials for the removal of antimony(III) from aqueous solutions. These studies allow us to give recommendations on the choice of materials for purification of solutions from Sb(III) ions, expanding the range of currently used natural sorbents based on plant raw materials, as well as to solve an urgent environmental and economic problem - the utilization of rice production waste.
Yuan L., Wang K., Zhao Q., Yang L., Wang G., Jiang M., Li L.
2024-01-01 citations by CoLab: 22 Abstract
Groundwater is an important component of water resources. Mixed pollutants comprising heavy metals (HMs) and petroleum hydrocarbons (PHs) from industrial activities can contaminate groundwater through such processes as rainfall infiltration, runoff and discharge, which pose direct threats to human health through the food chain or drinking water. In situ remediation of contaminated groundwater is an important way to improve the quality of a water environment, develop water resources and ensure the safety of drinking water. Bioremediation and permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) were discussed in this paper as they were effective and affordable for in situ remediation of complex contaminated groundwater. In addition, media types, technology combinations and factors for the PRBs were highlighted. Finally, insights and outlooks were presented for in situ remediation technologies for complex groundwater contaminated with HMs and PHs. The selection of an in situ remediation technology should be site specific. The remediation of complex contaminated groundwater can be approached from various perspectives, including the development of economical materials, the production of slow-release and encapsulated materials, and a combination of multiple technologies. This review is expected to provide technical guidance and assistance for in situ remediation of complex contaminated groundwater.
Teng H., Xia T., Li C., Guo J., Chen L., Wu C., Li B.
2023-06-01 citations by CoLab: 20 Abstract
An itaconate-functionalized hydrochar (IFHC) was prepared from one-step solvent-free radical copolymerization of bamboo hydrochar, itaconic acid, ammonium persulphate and sodium hydroxide in solvent-free environment, and was employed to absorb methylene blue (MB) and Pb(II) from wastewater. Characterizations show IFHC has rich carboxylate and tends to adsorb cationic contaminants. The largest adsorbed quantities of MB and Pb(II) by IFHC are up to 1036 and 291.8 mg·g-1 at 298 K respectively as per the Langmuir isotherm. Sorption of MB and Pb(II) onto IFHC can be expressed well by Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-2nd-order kinetics equations. The high sorption performance depends on the rich carboxylate, which can adsorb MB/Pb(II) through an electrostatic interaction/inner-surface complexation mechanism. The sorptive capacity of regenerated IFHC decreased below 10% after 5 desorption-resorption cycles. Thus, the solvent-free free radical copolymerization is an environmentally-friendly strategy to synthesize novel efficient sorbents that can clean cationic contaminants from wastewater.
Wen B., Zhou J., Tang P., Jia X., Zhou W., Huang J.
2023-03-01 citations by CoLab: 22 Abstract
The Xikuangshan (XKS) mine, the world's largest antimony (Sb) mine, was chosen for a detailed Sb isotopic signature study owing to its historical Sb contamination of water systems. Hydrochemical data, in particularδ123Sb values, were analyzed to identify the Sb source and predominant geochemical processes that affect Sb mobilization in different waters. The δ123Sb values of waters from the XKS Sb mine range from - 0.20‰ to + 0.73‰. In particular, the δ123Sb values of the main Feishuiyan stream do not significantly vary (+0.19‰-+0.24‰), while those of groundwater in different aquifers (-0.08‰ to +0.73‰) and mine water in different adits (-0.20‰ to +0.37‰) vary over a wide range. The relationships between δ123Sb values and Sb concentrations indicate that a simple dilution of Sb and a weak Sb adsorption onto Fe/Mn suspended particles and sediments in the Feishuiyan stream may occur, oxidative weathering and leaching infiltration of Sb-containing waste rocks and slags may cause variations in the δ123Sb values in groundwater, and Sb mobilization in the mine water is influenced by a combination of processes (oxidative dissolution, adsorption of Fe/Mn (hydr)oxides, and mixing). A conceptual hydrogeochemical model was summarized to elucidate the Sb source and mobilization in water systems from the XKS Sb mine.
Kawahara K., Ishikawa R., Shibata N., Ikuhara Y.
2023-02-16 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract
Abstract All solid-state fluoride ion batteries are considered to be high energy density and safe energy storage devices. However, the F– ion conductivities of solid electrolytes at room temperature are low (< 10-6 S cm-1), which requires the higher operating temperature of fluoride ion battery such as 420 K or higher. Therefore, the faster F– ion conductors is strongly desired to operate fluoride ion battery at lower or even room temperature. KSbF4 is one of the promising candidates to have a faster F– ion conductivity. To expand F– ion conduction pathways, we doped Rb in KSbF4 and further investigated the compositional dependence of ionic conductivity in K1-xRbxSbF4 system. We found that ionic conductivity strongly depends on the chemical composition and conductivity was maximized at x = 0.15. At room temperature, the F– ion conductivity in the bulk and at the grain boundary of K0.85Rb0.15SbF4 were σbulk = 1.01 × 10-4 S cm-1 and σGB = 4.80 × 10-5 S cm-1, respectively.
Antia D.D.
2023-01-29 citations by CoLab: 4 PDF Abstract
Polluted aquifers can be decontaminated using either ZVI (zero valent iron) permeable reactive barriers (PRB) or injected ZVI. The placement of ZVI within the aquifer may take several decades to remediate the contaminant plume. Remediation is further complicated by ZVI acting as an adsorbent to remove some pollutants, while for other pollutants, it acts as a remediation catalyst. This study investigates an alternative aquifer decontamination approach to PRB construction or n-Fe0 injection. The alternative approach reconstructs the potentiometric surface of the aquifer containing the contaminant. This reconstruction confines the contaminant plume to a stationary, doughnut shaped hydrodynamic mound. Contaminated water from the mound is abstracted, decontaminated, and then reinjected, until all the water confined within the mound is decontaminated. At this point, the decontaminated mound is allowed to dissipate into the surrounding aquifer. This approach is evaluated for potential use in treating the following: (i) immiscible liquid plumes; (ii) miscible contaminant and ionic solute plumes; (iii) naturally contaminated aquifers and soils; and (iv) contaminated or salinized soils. The results indicate that this approach, when compared with the PRB or injection approach, may accelerate the decontamination, while reducing the overall amount of ZVI required.
Liu J., Ding T., Fu S., Liu S., Cao Y.
2023-01-01 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract
Tin (Sn) and antimony (Sb) deposits commonly formed in distinctive environments and thus the coexisting of Sn and Sb mineralization in a single deposit is rarely recognized worldwide and the genesis of this type of deposit remains poorly understood. The newly discovered Sanshiliuwan Sn-Pb-Zn-Sb deposit in the Xianghualing ore district of Southern Hunan has metal reserves of 44,000 t Sn, 291,000 t Pb + Zn, and 20,000 t Sb and average grades of 0.39 % Sn, 4.91 % Pb + Zn, and 1.00 % Sb, and thus offers an ideal window for prospecting the genesis of the Sn-Pb-Zn-Sb deposit. The orebodies in the deposit were mainly hosted in Cambrian and Devonian sequences and occurred as veins. Three mineralization stages were recognized including the cassiterite-sulfide, Pb-Zn-Sb sulfide, and carbonate. The fluid inclusions in the quartz from the cassiterite-sulfide stage (QtzI) have homogenization temperatures of 418–244 °C (typically 400–320 °C) and salinities in the range of 0.87–10.11 % NaClequiv. While the fluid inclusions in the quartz from the Pb-Zn-Sb sulfide stage (QtzII) have the homogenization temperatures of 253–141 °C (typically 250–180 °C) and salinities in the range of 0.18–9.86 % NaClequiv. The fluid inclusions in quartz from different mineralization stages have low Na+/K+ ratios in the range of 0.05–0.96 and clustered Cs/Rb ratios of 2–5, indicating that the ore fluids of the deposit were likely to have been exsolved exclusively from a magmatic source. Cassiterite U-Pb dating suggested that the Sanshiliuwan deposit formed ca. 155 Ma, which is well coincided with the concealed granites (formed ca. 156 Ma). Therefore, the genetic model for this deposit would demonstrate that evolved fluids from Jurassic granites invaded the faults and deposited Sn and Sn-Pb-Zn ore veins in the granite periphery. Thence, Sn-depleted but Pb-Zn-rich fluids interacted with the Sb-rich Cambrian sequence and leached it to create Sb-rich fluids. In response to fluid cooling and boiling, Pb-Zn-Sb-rich fluids then deposited Pb-Zn-Sb sulfide ore veins at favorable structural sites.
Lakshmana Naik R., Rupas Kumar M., Bala Narsaiah T.
2023-01-01 citations by CoLab: 29 Abstract
Recent industrial growth in India has caused large quantities of heavy metals including mercury, lead, zinc, copper, nickel, cadmium, and chromium to be released into the environment. As heavy metals are extremely toxic and non-biodegradable, it is extremely difficult to separate them from the atmosphere. Many research studies attempted to address the ability of the non-conventional absorbents in removing different types of wastewater pollutants. As a cost-effective alternative to conventional effluent treatment methods, Bio-sorption technology utilizes natural and agricultural waste materials as absorbents, which are relatively cheaper, sustainable, and abundant. The study concentrates on the capacity of rice husk and orange peel in extracting heavy metals from waste water. Adsorption tests has been carried out for different combinations of rice-husk and orange peel varying dosage, contact time, pH and mixing speed and optimal levels resulting in maximum removal efficiency levels are ascertained. To determine the efficiency of the adsorbents, Redlich-Peterson isotherms were constructed using different combinations of orange peel and rice-husk under varying conditions.
Kiseleva I.V., Kholomeidik A.N., Shchapova L.N., Panasenko A.E.
Microbiology Q3 Q4
2022-12-12 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract
Solutions of SbF3 and NaSbF4 (50 and 100 mg/L) were found to have a toxic effect on soil microflora. At the final concentration of 50 mg/L, bacteria and microscopic fungi were detected sporadically in the nutrient medium (MPA). At 100 mg/L, bacterial growth in the studied soils was completely suppressed. Microscopic fungi were found to be more resistant to the action of the studied compounds. Addition of 0.1 M sodium dihydrophosphate (NaH2PO4) solution to SbF3 or NaSbF4 solutions resulted in a 5.7‒6.9-fold decrease in the concentration of dissolved Sb3+ ions. However, this solution still had a toxic effect on the number of soil microorganisms. In contrast to reagent purification, the method of sorption extraction of Sb(III) was shown to be efficient. A solution containing 5000 mg/L antimony, which was used to dilute the soil suspension, completely suppressed the growth of microflora. After sorption treatment, the concentration of antimony decreased to 201.3 mg/L, and growth of microorganisms was noted.
Smržová D., Szatmáry L., Ecorchard P., Machálková A., Maříková M., Salačová P., Straka M.
Heliyon Q1 Q1 Open Access
2022-12-10 citations by CoLab: 18 Abstract
Abstract Zeolites have been investigated as sorbents of heavy metals from water. Since graphene oxide was already reported as promising radionuclide sorbent, we developed composite materials containing both a synthetic zeolite (type A, P or Y) and graphene oxide to be multifunctional sorbents. The extension of multifunctionality of sorbents was done by presence of third component, exfoliated graphite, to have additional properties as conductivity. The changing sorption activities of a composite was studied depending on its composition and functional modification. The composites, characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, Raman, FTIR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, were tested for sorption of selected radionuclides (134Cs+, 85Sr2+) and heavy metals (Pb2+, Cd2+). The dependency on composition was found in connection with a high sorption of Pb2+ and Cd2+. Finally, optimized multifunctional sorbents (Gr-GO-COOH-A in ratio 40:40:20 and Gr:GO:A in ratio 25:25:50) were found to keep interesting high sorption activities for heavy metals and radionuclides with good conductivity properties.
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2008-2024 (17 years)
Metrics description

Fields of science

Inorganic Chemistry, 18, 40%
Materials Chemistry, 11, 24.44%
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 10, 22.22%
General Chemical Engineering, 10, 22.22%
Metals and Alloys, 9, 20%
Materials Science (miscellaneous), 7, 15.56%
Organic Chemistry, 5, 11.11%
General Materials Science, 4, 8.89%
General Engineering, 4, 8.89%
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, 3, 6.67%
Plant Science, 3, 6.67%
Condensed Matter Physics, 3, 6.67%
Biomaterials, 3, 6.67%
General Chemistry, 2, 4.44%
Computer Science Applications, 2, 4.44%
General Medicine, 2, 4.44%
Analytical Chemistry, 2, 4.44%
Process Chemistry and Technology, 2, 4.44%
Instrumentation, 2, 4.44%
General Environmental Science, 2, 4.44%
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes, 2, 4.44%
Surfaces, Coatings and Films, 1, 2.22%
Ceramics and Composites, 1, 2.22%
Spectroscopy, 1, 2.22%
Microbiology, 1, 2.22%
General Physics and Astronomy, 1, 2.22%
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1, 2.22%
Mechanical Engineering, 1, 2.22%
Bioengineering, 1, 2.22%
Mechanics of Materials, 1, 2.22%
Environmental Engineering, 1, 2.22%
Nuclear Energy and Engineering, 1, 2.22%
Waste Management and Disposal, 1, 2.22%
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine, 1, 2.22%
General Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1, 2.22%
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health, 1, 2.22%
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Organizations from articles

Organization not defined, 9, 20%

Countries from articles

Russia, 38, 84.44%
Country not defined, 8, 17.78%
Belarus, 2, 4.44%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 55, 18.33%
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Citing countries

Russia, 87, 29%
Country not defined, 47, 15.67%
China, 42, 14%
India, 18, 6%
Brazil, 14, 4.67%
USA, 11, 3.67%
Germany, 9, 3%
Vietnam, 8, 2.67%
Egypt, 7, 2.33%
Iran, 7, 2.33%
Poland, 7, 2.33%
Republic of Korea, 7, 2.33%
Japan, 7, 2.33%
Belarus, 6, 2%
United Kingdom, 6, 2%
Italy, 5, 1.67%
Nigeria, 5, 1.67%
Saudi Arabia, 5, 1.67%
Portugal, 4, 1.33%
Canada, 4, 1.33%
South Africa, 4, 1.33%
France, 3, 1%
Spain, 3, 1%
Malaysia, 3, 1%
Turkey, 3, 1%
Kazakhstan, 2, 0.67%
Australia, 2, 0.67%
Algeria, 2, 0.67%
Belgium, 2, 0.67%
Mexico, 2, 0.67%
Pakistan, 2, 0.67%
Estonia, 1, 0.33%
Austria, 1, 0.33%
Armenia, 1, 0.33%
Bulgaria, 1, 0.33%
Hungary, 1, 0.33%
Denmark, 1, 0.33%
Indonesia, 1, 0.33%
Iraq, 1, 0.33%
Ireland, 1, 0.33%
Cameroon, 1, 0.33%
Kenya, 1, 0.33%
Morocco, 1, 0.33%
New Zealand, 1, 0.33%
Thailand, 1, 0.33%
Tunisia, 1, 0.33%
Czech Republic, 1, 0.33%
Sweden, 1, 0.33%
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