How to Promote Scientific Practices in Early Childhood Education: The Teachers’ Role
Several studies demonstrate the importance of science education in early childhood. By using scientific practices in class, children can better comprehend the world around them, test hypotheses and develop positive attitudes towards science. These early experiences not only build a solid foundation for understanding abstract and concepts but also prepare children for continued learning in primary, secondary, and high school, ultimately supporting their success in higher education. The present study aims to study how an inquiry teaching sequence promotes the incorporation of scientific practices in early childhood education students and to what extent the teacher’s questions mobilises the children’s scientific operations and scientific practices in the context of a project about rain. The dialogues between the teacher and 3-year-old children during an inquiry session were analysed. The results show that scientific practices were present through all the Stages of the sequence, especially inquiry and argumentation. Moreover, the type of scientific practice shown by the children corresponded with the scientific practice the teacher tried to encourage. Therefore, we can conclude that 3-year-old children are able to engage in scientific practices and that the teacher’s scaffolding has a direct impact on it.