Archivum Mathematicum
25 цитирований, 6.46%
12 цитирований, 3.1%
Journal of Mathematical Sciences
10 цитирований, 2.58%
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
8 цитирований, 2.07%
Mathematica Slovaca
7 цитирований, 1.81%
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
6 цитирований, 1.55%
Journal of Algebra and its Applications
6 цитирований, 1.55%
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
6 цитирований, 1.55%
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
6 цитирований, 1.55%
6 цитирований, 1.55%
Communications in Algebra
5 цитирований, 1.29%
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
5 цитирований, 1.29%
AIP Conference Proceedings
5 цитирований, 1.29%
Differential Geometry and its Applications
5 цитирований, 1.29%
Discrete and Computational Geometry
5 цитирований, 1.29%
4 цитирования, 1.03%
Journal of Function Spaces
4 цитирования, 1.03%
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
4 цитирования, 1.03%
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
4 цитирования, 1.03%
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
4 цитирования, 1.03%
Journal of Geometric Analysis
4 цитирования, 1.03%
Journal of Geometry and Physics
4 цитирования, 1.03%
Journal of Differential Equations
4 цитирования, 1.03%
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Mathematica
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Journal of Mathematical Physics
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
3 цитирования, 0.78%
AIMS Mathematics
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Boundary Value Problems
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Classical and Quantum Gravity
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas
3 цитирования, 0.78%
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Afrika Matematika
2 цитирования, 0.52%
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Acta Mathematica Hungarica
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Communications in Mathematical Physics
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Forum Mathematicum
2 цитирования, 0.52%
AIP Advances
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Manuscripta Mathematica
2 цитирования, 0.52%
International Journal of Computer Vision
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Advances in Calculus of Variations
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Arabian Journal of Mathematics
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Journal of Geometric Mechanics
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Archiv der Mathematik
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics
2 цитирования, 0.52%
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
2 цитирования, 0.52%
European Physical Journal C
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Algebra Universalis
2 цитирования, 0.52%
The Journal of Analysis
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Communications in Analysis and Mechanics
2 цитирования, 0.52%
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1 цитирование, 0.26%
International Journal of Control
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Advances in Operator Theory
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Nuclear Physics B
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Indagationes Mathematicae
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Reports on Mathematical Physics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Russian Mathematics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Discrete Mathematics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Integral Transforms and Special Functions
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of Number Theory
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of High Energy Physics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Inventiones Mathematicae
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Algebra Colloquium
1 цитирование, 0.26%
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of Algebra
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Advances in Mathematics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of Biological Systems
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Analysis and Mathematical Physics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Computational Methods and Function Theory
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Computer Aided Geometric Design
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Mathematische Nachrichten
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Physical Review D
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
1 цитирование, 0.26%
Selecta Mathematica, New Series
1 цитирование, 0.26%