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(370 citations)

SSRN Electronic Journal
(355 citations)

Telecommunications Policy
(329 citations)
Top-3 organizations

Delft University of Technology
(20 publications)

Chalmers University of Technology
(16 publications)

University of Strathclyde
(14 publications)
Top-3 countries
Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 501

Multi‐criteria supplier selection using fuzzy AHP
Kahraman C., Cebeci U., Ulukan Z.
A supplier selection decision inherently is a multi‐criterion problem. It is a decision of strategic importance to companies. The nature of this decision usually is complex and unstructured. Management science techniques might be helpful tools for these kinds of decision‐making problems. The aim of this paper is to use fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to select the best supplier firm providing the most satisfaction for the criteria determined. The purchasing managers of a white good manufacturer established in Turkey were interviewed and the most important criteria taken into account by the managers while they were selecting their supplier firms were determined by a questionnaire. The fuzzy AHP was used to compare these supplier firms.

Linguistic assessment approach for managing nuclear safeguards indicator information
Ruan D., Liu J., Carchon R.
A flexible and realistic linguistic assessment approach is developed to provide a mathematical tool for synthesis and evaluation analysis of nuclear safeguards indicator information. This symbolic approach, which acts by the direct computation on linguistic terms, is established based on fuzzy set theory. More specifically, a lattice‐valued linguistic algebra model, which is based on a logical algebraic structure of the lattice implication algebra, is applied to represent imprecise information and to deal with both comparable and incomparable linguistic terms (i.e. non‐ordered linguistic values). Within this framework, some weighted aggregation functions introduced by Yager are analyzed and extended to treat these kinds of lattice‐value linguistic information. The application of these linguistic aggregation operators for managing nuclear safeguards indicator information is successfully demonstrated.

An integrated approach for supplier selection
Çebi F., Bayraktar D.
Competitive international business environment has forced many firms to focus on supply chain management to cope with highly increasing competition. Hence, supplier selection process has gained importance recently, since most of the firms have been spending considerable amount of their revenues on purchasing. The supplier selection problem involves conflicting multiple criteria that are tangible and intangible. Hence, the purpose of this study is to propose an integrated model for supplier selection. In order to achieve this purpose, supplier selection problem has been structured as an integrated lexicographic goal programming (LGP) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model including both quantitative and qualitative conflicting factors. The application process has been accomplished in a food company established in Istanbul, Turkey. In this study, the model building, solution and application processes of the proposed integrated model for supplier selection have been presented.

Supplier selection using activity‐based costing and fuzzy present‐worth techniques
Dogan I., Sahin U.
The relationship between a supplier and a purchaser is one of the most essential issues for viability of both sides. The well‐built relationship is especially related to the healthy selection of suppliers. The changing customer preferences also make this selection process important. Many different selection approaches have been published in the purchasing literature. In these studies, the working conditions of suppliers and purchasers and selection criteria are considered constant and precise at the beginning of the selection process by the purchaser during the relationship period. However, this selection process should be considered dynamically because of the changing working conditions of supplier‐purchaser and lifecycle of the product or a project. Therefore, the relationship between suppliers and purchasers is multi‐period and the factors that affect the selection process are considered as fuzzy parameters in this study. The activity‐based costing (ABC) approach is used for selection method.

Evaluating IS usage in Malaysian small and medium‐sized firms using the technology acceptance model
Oly Ndubisi N., Jantan M.
The current research investigates the impact of persona‐system characteristics, technical backing, and computing skill on information systems (IS) usage by Malaysian small and medium firms (SMF) using the TAM. The study hypothesizes that persona‐system characteristics (such as perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) and usage of systems will be greater when there is greater computing skill and strong technical backing. A total of 177 firms responded to the survey and the results show that there is a positive relationship between computing skill and technical backing on one hand and IS usage directly, and indirectly via perceived usefulness and ease of use on the other. Usage is influenced directly by usefulness and indirectly (via usefulness) by ease of use. These findings are particularly crucial to system designers and vendors targeting SMF, as well as, to information systems management in SMF. Important theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

A case study of supplier selection for lean supply by using a mathematical model
Birgün Barla S.
The role of purchasing departments has changed significantly in today's competitive environment. In order to keep the promises to customers; an effective material procurement system becomes necessary beside the improved manufacturing methods and technology. It becomes a necessity to work with the suppliers to provide quality and just in time delivery by supplying raw materials, parts and products. A purchasing department can take on both the active and effective role by applying the lean supply principles as much as possible. Single sourcing provides to easy control of procurement for achieving the lean supply objectives. In this paper, the supplier selection and evaluation for a manufacturing company is studied under lean philosophy. In order to reduce the supplier base, the supplier selection and evaluation study is conducted by multi‐attribute selection model (MSM) in five basic steps. Consequently, the selected two suppliers are proposed to top management.

Viability of e‐commerce as an alternative distribution channel
Jantan M., Oly Ndubisi N., Boon Yean O.
This paper proposes a framework for evaluating the impact of e‐commerce on the roles of distributors in the semiconductor industry for four different types of products, namely differentiated products, architectural products, technological products, and complex products. Questionnaire and the purposive sampling method were used to collect data from respondents in the distribution industry. The results of the study show that the salience of the roles is increasing. In addition, there is strong likelihood of e‐commerce replacing the traditional distributors, more so for less standardized products such as complex, technological, and architectural products.

Action: the most critical phase in outsourcing information technology
Fink D., Shoeib A.
The paper examined the nature of information technology (IT) outsourcing decision making and developed a theoretical framework consisting of five phases of decision making. The phases augmented those of Simon and consisted of intelligence, analysis and planning, strategy selection, action, and evaluation and monitoring. Australia's largest organisations and government agencies were surveyed by questionnaire to establish the importance of tasks and subtasks to be performed when completing each of the five phases. Participants possessed high experiences with IT in general and IT outsourcing in particular. When the importance of phases vis‐à‐vis each other were established, the action phase and evaluation and monitoring phase were found to be more significant than the other phases. For the action phase, which was statistically the most significant phase, the tasks of selecting an IT‐outsourcing vendor and determining a suitable IT‐outsourcing contract were dominant and strongly correlated. Findings from the study should help organisations identify and therefore better manage critical decision‐making activities during IT outsourcing particularly those related to vendors and contracts.

The implementation of online information and communication technology (ICT) on remote construction projects
Weippert A., Kajewski S.L., Tilley P.A.
In an attempt to bring the unique talents of various construction industry project participants together in a more productive and integrated manner, the Online Remote Construction Management (ORCM) project commenced in July 1999 proposing to test, field trial and/or evaluate the implementation of various Internet‐based construction project management (ICPM) systems and information and communication technologies (ICT) on four case study projects over a two‐year period, aiming, in general, to demonstrate leadership in facilitating the use of online technologies for the design, management and construction of building and civil construction projects. This paper provides the final results and a list of “best practice guidelines” that are critical in helping ensure successful implementation of ICT tools and/or ICPM systems on geographically dispersed (remote) civil and building construction projects..

Scheduling for intermodal transport
Kelleher G., El‐Rhalibi A., Arshad F.
A logistics‐based project is described which addresses the need for better intermodal transport, whilst balancing economic and environmental gains through the use of Internet technologies. Pipeline intermodal system to support control, expedition and scheduling (PISCES) provides an integrating platform for using these technologies in processing and sharing commercially sensitive data within transport chains (i.e. road, rail and barge). The paper demonstrates how information from an Internet‐based system can be used to drive a scheduling tool to provide appropriate routes for the transport of goods, using a multimodal transport model.

Understanding the implications of ICT adoption: insights from SMEs
Shiels H., McIvor R., O'Reilly D.
The phenomenon of the Internet has forced businesses and organisations to examine their existing business practices and adopt new methods of working, both for existing and potential customers. This paper presents an analysis of a pilot study of 24 SMEs, which seeks to elicit the various determinants of employing ICTs and the level of sophistication of use. The paper analyses the approach used to facilitate the introduction and implementation of new technologies, with a view to achieving integration with business processes. The discussion, based on the initial findings, examines the circumstances for ICT success and strategic effects resulting from implementation and use of such technologies. A conceptual model provides a framework for determining the level of sophistication of SMEs in their exploitation of ICTs. The findings highlight that characteristics of the firm and industry sector are contributory factors to the extent of adoption and exploitation of ICTs by SMEs, to support business processes.

E‐fulfillment: the strategy and operational requirements
Tarn J.M., Razi M.A., Wen H.J., Perez A.A.
An e‐fulfillment system is designed to meet the high order volume and stringent customer service requirements of global business‐to‐consumer e‐commerce. The system converts the traditional warehouse into a multi‐channel e‐fulfillment center. In the e‐commerce environment, some of the toughest decisions must be made on little or no hard information. In this study, the nature of e‐business and the typical fulfillment process are discussed. The authors further examine the strategy and operational requirements for e‐fulfillment. This article is concluded with the implication of a successful e‐fulfillment system, a suggested design of an e‐fulfillment center, and the future research focuses.

Managing knowledge in business requirements identification
Alshawi S., Al‐Karaghouli W.
This paper reflects on experiences when traditional IT approaches were used to design large IT systems and ended in failure. The main reflections focus on the reasons for system failure and how they relate to the diversity of knowledge, managing knowledge, and the understanding gaps that may exist between the business and the system developers. The study reveals that the understanding gaps mainly result from lack of knowledge of business operations on the developer side, matched by lack of technical appreciation and knowledge on the user side. To help address the knowledge‐gap problem, a practical approach employing soft‐systems, diagramming and set mapping techniques is proposed and described.

Development of a management information system to facilitate the daily activities of a public health group and promote public health awareness in society
Wang F., Sharma R., Helian N., Jim Yip Y.
This paper explores the development of a knowledge base within the European Public Health and Environment Network (EPHEN) research group at University College London, which had a pressing need to change the way its work activities were conducted. It is intended to provide some insight to managers, group members within EPHEN, as to how this development can bring about changes to service delivery and practice that empowers service users and involves them in the process. It seeks also to identify possible difficulties that might be anticipated. Also a public Web site will be integrated into the system to promote health awareness, especially as EPHEN’s primary concern is to encourage public health in society.

Issues and trends in computerisation within UK primary health care
Pemberton J., Buehring A., Stonehouse G., Simpson L., Purves I.
This paper charts the technological developments that have taken place within primary health care during the last 20 years, drawing upon previous research and presenting new survey findings on the current state of computerisation. The survey reveals that 96 per cent of UK practices use a clinical computer system, with repeat and acute prescribing, the collation of annual data and audits/searches being the most well used applications. The move towards the so‐called “paperless” practice is strongly related to GPs’ computing expertise, with larger practices more likely to have gone in this direction. Over half of GP practices now have access to the Internet. Improvement of computing skills appears a major determinant of successful integration of technology within a practice. There is a need to develop a social architecture and learning environment that allows GPs to provide good quality health care with clinical computer systems at its heart.
Citing journals
370 citations, 6.83%
SSRN Electronic Journal
355 citations, 6.56%
Telecommunications Policy
329 citations, 6.08%
94 citations, 1.74%
Telematics and Informatics
94 citations, 1.74%
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
81 citations, 1.5%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
55 citations, 1.02%
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
55 citations, 1.02%
Journal of Information Policy
34 citations, 0.63%
Government Information Quarterly
28 citations, 0.52%
Computers in Human Behavior
23 citations, 0.42%
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
22 citations, 0.41%
Information Society
22 citations, 0.41%
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
20 citations, 0.37%
Journal of Cleaner Production
19 citations, 0.35%
Information Technology and People
18 citations, 0.33%
Information Systems Frontiers
18 citations, 0.33%
18 citations, 0.33%
Journal of Business Research
17 citations, 0.31%
International Journal of Engineering Business Management
17 citations, 0.31%
International Journal of Information Management
17 citations, 0.31%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
17 citations, 0.31%
New Media and Society
17 citations, 0.31%
Advances in E-Business Research Series
17 citations, 0.31%
International Journal of e-Business Research
16 citations, 0.3%
JMM International Journal on Media Management
16 citations, 0.3%
Human Factors in Transportation
16 citations, 0.3%
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries
15 citations, 0.28%
Information Technology for Development
15 citations, 0.28%
IEEE Access
15 citations, 0.28%
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy
14 citations, 0.26%
Electronic Markets
14 citations, 0.26%
Media, Culture and Society
14 citations, 0.26%
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
14 citations, 0.26%
14 citations, 0.26%
Information Economics and Policy
13 citations, 0.24%
Internet Histories
13 citations, 0.24%
International Journal of Bank Marketing
13 citations, 0.24%
Industrial Management and Data Systems
13 citations, 0.24%
Information Development
12 citations, 0.22%
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
12 citations, 0.22%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
12 citations, 0.22%
Internet Research
11 citations, 0.2%
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
10 citations, 0.18%
Chinese Journal of Communication
10 citations, 0.18%
Journal of Enterprise Information Management
10 citations, 0.18%
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
9 citations, 0.17%
Business Process Management Journal
9 citations, 0.17%
International Journal of Innovation Management
9 citations, 0.17%
Management Decision
9 citations, 0.17%
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
9 citations, 0.17%
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
9 citations, 0.17%
Advances in Wireless Technologies and Telecommunication
9 citations, 0.17%
Media International Australia
8 citations, 0.15%
8 citations, 0.15%
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
8 citations, 0.15%
Cogent Business and Management
8 citations, 0.15%
Decision Support Systems
8 citations, 0.15%
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
8 citations, 0.15%
Global Media and Communication
8 citations, 0.15%
Journal of Digital Media & Policy
8 citations, 0.15%
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
7 citations, 0.13%
Long Range Planning
7 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Asian and African Studies
7 citations, 0.13%
Wireless Personal Communications
7 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
7 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
7 citations, 0.13%
Information Communication and Society
7 citations, 0.13%
7 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
7 citations, 0.13%
Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services
7 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Rural Studies
6 citations, 0.11%
Journal of Modelling in Management
6 citations, 0.11%
Applied Economics
6 citations, 0.11%
Digital Journalism
6 citations, 0.11%
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
6 citations, 0.11%
Global Business Review
6 citations, 0.11%
Frontiers in Public Health
6 citations, 0.11%
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
6 citations, 0.11%
Utilities Policy
6 citations, 0.11%
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
6 citations, 0.11%
Procedia Computer Science
6 citations, 0.11%
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
6 citations, 0.11%
International Marketing Review
6 citations, 0.11%
Thunderbird International Business Review
6 citations, 0.11%
International Journal of Production Economics
6 citations, 0.11%
Technology in Society
6 citations, 0.11%
Research Policy
6 citations, 0.11%
Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication
6 citations, 0.11%
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights
6 citations, 0.11%
Contemporary Approaches to Activity Theory
6 citations, 0.11%
Handbook of Research on In-Country Determinants and Implications of Foreign Land Acquisitions
6 citations, 0.11%
Television and New Media
5 citations, 0.09%
Strategic Change
5 citations, 0.09%
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
5 citations, 0.09%
European Management Journal
5 citations, 0.09%
Canadian Journal of Communication
5 citations, 0.09%
International Journal of Electronic Business
5 citations, 0.09%
Current Issues in Tourism
5 citations, 0.09%
Expert Systems with Applications
5 citations, 0.09%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
933 citations, 17.23%
855 citations, 15.79%
Springer Nature
481 citations, 8.88%
Taylor & Francis
441 citations, 8.14%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
355 citations, 6.56%
IGI Global
248 citations, 4.58%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
247 citations, 4.56%
240 citations, 4.43%
222 citations, 4.1%
185 citations, 3.42%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
41 citations, 0.76%
Cambridge University Press
38 citations, 0.7%
The Pennsylvania State University Press
29 citations, 0.54%
World Scientific
21 citations, 0.39%
18 citations, 0.33%
Frontiers Media S.A.
16 citations, 0.3%
Walter de Gruyter
15 citations, 0.28%
Hindawi Limited
14 citations, 0.26%
Oxford University Press
13 citations, 0.24%
12 citations, 0.22%
JMIR Publications
11 citations, 0.2%
Inderscience Publishers
7 citations, 0.13%
IOS Press
6 citations, 0.11%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
6 citations, 0.11%
IOP Publishing
6 citations, 0.11%
Pluto Journals
6 citations, 0.11%
Scientific Research Publishing
6 citations, 0.11%
6 citations, 0.11%
5 citations, 0.09%
5 citations, 0.09%
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
5 citations, 0.09%
Virtus Interpress
5 citations, 0.09%
EDP Sciences
4 citations, 0.07%
4 citations, 0.07%
4 citations, 0.07%
John Benjamins Publishing Company
3 citations, 0.06%
Trans Tech Publications
3 citations, 0.06%
AIP Publishing
3 citations, 0.06%
University of Chicago Press
3 citations, 0.06%
Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografia e Documentacao. Conselho nacional de pesquisas
3 citations, 0.06%
Goteborg University
3 citations, 0.06%
Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
3 citations, 0.06%
LLC CPC Business Perspectives
3 citations, 0.06%
3 citations, 0.06%
Consortium Erudit
3 citations, 0.06%
3 citations, 0.06%
Mary Ann Liebert
2 citations, 0.04%
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
2 citations, 0.04%
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
2 citations, 0.04%
Noncommercial Partnership Editorial Board Polis
2 citations, 0.04%
Korea Distribution Science Association (KODISA)
2 citations, 0.04%
Escola Brasileira de Administracao Publica da Fundacao Getulio Vargas
2 citations, 0.04%
The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International
2 citations, 0.04%
2 citations, 0.04%
Unisa Press
2 citations, 0.04%
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJMEMS)
2 citations, 0.04%
Science Alert
2 citations, 0.04%
Thomas Telford
2 citations, 0.04%
F1000 Research
2 citations, 0.04%
Associacao Brasileira de Engenharia de Producao - ABEPRO
2 citations, 0.04%
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
1 citation, 0.02%
Editura Academiei Romane
1 citation, 0.02%
Pleiades Publishing
1 citation, 0.02%
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
American Society for Quality
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
American Accounting Association
1 citation, 0.02%
Springer Publishing Company
1 citation, 0.02%
University of Kerbala
1 citation, 0.02%
University of Illinois Press
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
Universiti Putra Malaysia
1 citation, 0.02%
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
1 citation, 0.02%
University of Warsaw
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
IWA Publishing
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
Academy of Management
1 citation, 0.02%
Institut Pertanian Bogor
1 citation, 0.02%
Oxford Brookes University
1 citation, 0.02%
Lviv Polytechnic National University
1 citation, 0.02%
Mackenzie Presbyterian University
1 citation, 0.02%
Grupo Comunicar, Colectivo Andaluz de Educacion en Medios de Comunicacion
1 citation, 0.02%
Borsa Istanbul Anonim Sirketi
1 citation, 0.02%
Belarusian National Technical University
1 citation, 0.02%
Scientific Methodical Center
1 citation, 0.02%
Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administracao de Empresas de Sao Paulo
1 citation, 0.02%
European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
1 citation, 0.02%
Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas, UNAM
1 citation, 0.02%
Institut de Sciences Mathematiques et Economiques Appliquees
1 citation, 0.02%
Brazilian Administration Review
1 citation, 0.02%
Sociedade Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural
1 citation, 0.02%
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
1 citation, 0.02%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
1 citation, 0.02%
EJournal Publishing
1 citation, 0.02%
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
1 citation, 0.02%
Knowledge E DMCC
1 citation, 0.02%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations
Delft University of Technology
20 publications, 2.17%
Chalmers University of Technology
16 publications, 1.74%
University of Strathclyde
14 publications, 1.52%
Pennsylvania State University
14 publications, 1.52%
Aalto University
13 publications, 1.41%
Northumbria University
12 publications, 1.3%
Syracuse University
11 publications, 1.19%
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
11 publications, 1.19%
Sheffield Hallam University
11 publications, 1.19%
Aalborg University
10 publications, 1.08%
University of Copenhagen
10 publications, 1.08%
Swinburne University of Technology
10 publications, 1.08%
University of the Witwatersrand
10 publications, 1.08%
Åbo Akademi University
7 publications, 0.76%
London School of Economics and Political Science
7 publications, 0.76%
University of Cape Town
7 publications, 0.76%
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
7 publications, 0.76%
University of Amsterdam
7 publications, 0.76%
Cornell University
6 publications, 0.65%
University of Namur
6 publications, 0.65%
Indiana University Bloomington
6 publications, 0.65%
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
5 publications, 0.54%
University of Oxford
5 publications, 0.54%
University of Southern California
5 publications, 0.54%
Michigan State University
5 publications, 0.54%
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
5 publications, 0.54%
University of Zurich
4 publications, 0.43%
Polytechnic University of Milan
4 publications, 0.43%
Georgia Institute of technology
4 publications, 0.43%
Sungkyunkwan University
4 publications, 0.43%
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
4 publications, 0.43%
Harvard University
4 publications, 0.43%
University of California, San Diego
4 publications, 0.43%
University of Duisburg-Essen
4 publications, 0.43%
University of Colorado Boulder
4 publications, 0.43%
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
3 publications, 0.33%
Ghent University
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Warwick
3 publications, 0.33%
Technical University of Denmark
3 publications, 0.33%
Curtin University
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Canberra
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Hong Kong
3 publications, 0.33%
Tufts University
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Texas at Dallas
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Pennsylvania
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Florida
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Nairobi
3 publications, 0.33%
University of Haifa
2 publications, 0.22%
University of New South Wales
2 publications, 0.22%
Imperial College London
2 publications, 0.22%
Brunel University London
2 publications, 0.22%
University of Manchester
2 publications, 0.22%
National University of Singapore
2 publications, 0.22%
Monash University
2 publications, 0.22%
Columbia University
2 publications, 0.22%
Georgetown University
2 publications, 0.22%
Princeton University
2 publications, 0.22%
Hanyang University
2 publications, 0.22%
Chung-Ang University
2 publications, 0.22%
University of Texas at Austin
2 publications, 0.22%
Ohio University
2 publications, 0.22%
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2 publications, 0.22%
Dublin City University
2 publications, 0.22%
Public University of Navarre
2 publications, 0.22%
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
2 publications, 0.22%
Lancaster University
2 publications, 0.22%
Simon Fraser University
2 publications, 0.22%
Tilburg University
2 publications, 0.22%
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2 publications, 0.22%
University of Wisconsin–La Crosse
2 publications, 0.22%
Pompeu Fabra University
2 publications, 0.22%
Fordham University
2 publications, 0.22%
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2 publications, 0.22%
University of Calgary
2 publications, 0.22%
University of Navarra
2 publications, 0.22%
Joint Research Center Seville
2 publications, 0.22%
University of Surrey
2 publications, 0.22%
University of Hull
2 publications, 0.22%
Heriot-Watt University
2 publications, 0.22%
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
2 publications, 0.22%
Ankara University
1 publication, 0.11%
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
1 publication, 0.11%
Gaziantep University
1 publication, 0.11%
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
1 publication, 0.11%
Peking University
1 publication, 0.11%
Central University of Haryana
1 publication, 0.11%
Central Leather Research Institute
1 publication, 0.11%
Xi'an Jiaotong University
1 publication, 0.11%
University of Genoa
1 publication, 0.11%
University of Twente
1 publication, 0.11%
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
1 publication, 0.11%
Stockholm University
1 publication, 0.11%
Linköping University
1 publication, 0.11%
University of Helsinki
1 publication, 0.11%
University of Lausanne
1 publication, 0.11%
Stockholm School of Economics
1 publication, 0.11%
Nankai University
1 publication, 0.11%
Eindhoven University of Technology
1 publication, 0.11%
National Sun Yat-sen University
1 publication, 0.11%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing countries
USA, 150, 16.27%
150 publications, 16.27%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 100, 10.85%
United Kingdom
100 publications, 10.85%
Belgium, 51, 5.53%
51 publications, 5.53%
Netherlands, 38, 4.12%
38 publications, 4.12%
Spain, 26, 2.82%
26 publications, 2.82%
Australia, 24, 2.6%
24 publications, 2.6%
Finland, 23, 2.49%
23 publications, 2.49%
South Africa
South Africa, 22, 2.39%
South Africa
22 publications, 2.39%
Germany, 21, 2.28%
21 publications, 2.28%
Denmark, 19, 2.06%
19 publications, 2.06%
Sweden, 17, 1.84%
17 publications, 1.84%
Italy, 15, 1.63%
15 publications, 1.63%
China, 14, 1.52%
14 publications, 1.52%
Switzerland, 14, 1.52%
14 publications, 1.52%
Canada, 12, 1.3%
12 publications, 1.3%
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea, 12, 1.3%
Republic of Korea
12 publications, 1.3%
France, 10, 1.08%
10 publications, 1.08%
India, 8, 0.87%
8 publications, 0.87%
Greece, 7, 0.76%
7 publications, 0.76%
Luxembourg, 6, 0.65%
6 publications, 0.65%
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, 6, 0.65%
Sri Lanka
6 publications, 0.65%
Argentina, 5, 0.54%
5 publications, 0.54%
Kenya, 4, 0.43%
4 publications, 0.43%
Mexico, 4, 0.43%
4 publications, 0.43%
Singapore, 4, 0.43%
4 publications, 0.43%
Japan, 4, 0.43%
4 publications, 0.43%
Ghana, 3, 0.33%
3 publications, 0.33%
Norway, 3, 0.33%
3 publications, 0.33%
Austria, 2, 0.22%
2 publications, 0.22%
Israel, 2, 0.22%
2 publications, 0.22%
Ireland, 2, 0.22%
2 publications, 0.22%
Turkey, 2, 0.22%
2 publications, 0.22%
Czech Republic
Czech Republic, 2, 0.22%
Czech Republic
2 publications, 0.22%
Brazil, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Zimbabwe, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Iraq, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Cuba, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Lebanon, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 1, 0.11%
New Zealand
1 publication, 0.11%
Peru, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Romania, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Thailand, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Philippines, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Jamaica, 1, 0.11%
1 publication, 0.11%
Show all (14 more) | |
1 profile journal article
Georgiades Michael
33 publications,
227 citations
h-index: 8