Numerical Heat Transfer

Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis
ISSN: 01495720

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Numerical Heat Transfer
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Publications found: 60
The Effectiveness of the Practicum Video Guide on Distance Learning in Improving Biology Learning Outcomes in Enzyme Content
Hofifah S.N., Sumiati S.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of video practicum guides on distance learning in improving biology learning outcomes on enzymes. This research was conducted with the stages of problem identification, planning, action (cycles I-III), observation, and reflection. All stages of learning were carried out in distance learning (online). The research was conducted on 35 students at a high school in Bandung. The assessment instrument in this study consisted of observation sheets and students' cognitive tests at the end of the cycle. The results of observations and cognitive tests of students showed that the average score for the biological value of the enzyme material had increased. There was a significant increase in each cycle, showing the success of the learning strategy by listening to video practicum. Student learning outcomes were also influenced by the teacher management in carrying out the online learning process. This research was expected to provide new information regarding the use of video media in distance learning.
Influence of Gamification Elements on Students’ Academic Performance
Adeoye M.A.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Playing games is an important part of a child's cognitive and social development. Students learn more when they are allowed to play and engage in hands-on activities rather than being forced to memorize knowledge (formulas) from books. Enjoyable components must be incorporated into their classes to maintain their attention and increase their performance. The great benefits that gamification offers must be integrated into the basic level of education to limit the easily bored span. Appropriate integration of gamification into classroom activities could raise a positive effect on students’ performance and promote a positive attitude toward learning. This study could provide teachers with information and awareness on innovative instructional approaches that can boost students’ engagement, motivation, and performance while learning. It can also serve as an eye-opener for teachers in other fields of learning to explore and adopt better instructional approaches to teaching to improve student performance. Training of teachers on the use of gamification-based teaching should be integrated into our educational sector. This research was conducted to determine the influence of gamification elements on student academic achievement. 
An Assessment Strategy Using Visual Basic Application in PowerPoint: A Free Interactive Quiz Application for ICT Class
Ahillon Jr R.C., Aquino P.M.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Assessment of learning is one vital phase in the teaching-learning process inside the classroom. Assessment has been improving since there are various ways how to conduct the assessment. Here the purpose of this study was to demonstrate an assessment strategy using a visual basic application in PowerPoint. It can be classified as a free interactive quiz application for the ICT class. The findings revealed that the assessment tool was a valid and acceptable evaluation tool since it is evaluated as very much acceptable by the teachers. The assessment strategy using Visual Basic Application was a valid and acceptable evaluation tool by the teachers in terms of instruction, discussions, pictures used, and activities. The study recommends that learners be exposed to assessment strategies using the Visual Basic Application for a fast, convenient consolidation of their scores and evidence of true assessment.
Computational Thinking in Mathematics Learning: Systematic Literature Review
Mitrayana M., Nurlaelah E.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Computational Thinking (CT) has contributed to changing curricula around the world and is needed by everyone. This study aims to determine the research focus related to Computational thinking in mathematics learning and its novelty. The method used in this study is the method with systematic literature review (SLR). The data taken comes from the Google Scholar and Scopus databases. The moderator variables involved in this study were the year of publication, level of education, research class, research methods, and research instruments. All of the data obtained is presented in a quantitative descriptive manner. The results of the research show that 2022 is the highest peak for publication. This research was dominantly conducted at the junior high school level. And the class that is widely used in research is class XI. The study is dominated by descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. Instruments that are widely used are tests and interviews.
Self-Efficacy as A Correlate of Pupils’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics
Obafemi K.E., Saadu U.T., Adesokan A., Yahaya O., Sulaimon J.T., Obafemi T.O., Yakubu F.M.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The study examined the self-efficacy of pupils’ academic achievement in mathematics. The study adopted a correlational research design. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 568 pupils from 14 public primary schools in the research locale. Two research instruments were used for data gathering. The instruments were the Questionnaire on Pupils’ Self-efficacy (QFYPS) and Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT). One research question was raised while two hypotheses were postulated. QFYPS and MAT were validated by lecturers in the Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria. QFYPS and MAT were also tested for reliability using the test-retest method and the reliability coefficients were 0.79 and 0.77 respectively. The research question was answered using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) while the two hypotheses were tested using Independent samples t-test. The findings of the study showed that there was a positive relationship between pupils’ self-efficacy and their academic achievement in mathematics. Also, there was no significant difference in the self-efficacy of pupils based on gender. Finally, there was no significant difference in the academic achievement of pupils based on gender. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that Teachers and policymakers should implement strategies that enhance pupils' self-efficacy beliefs in mathematics.
Theoretical Foundations of The Creation of a Curriculum in Higher Project IT in Education
Glushchenko V.V.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The subject of the work is the formation of theoretical foundations for the creation of curricula in higher project IT education; the object of the work is the curriculum in higher IT education; the purpose of the work is to increase the curriculum in higher project IT education; to achieve this goal, the article solves the following tasks: Descriptions of the essence and structure of the curriculum, the formation of methodological provisions of the theory of curriculum, descriptions, and discussions of the mechanism of curriculum formation in higher project IT education.
Science Process Skills Test Instruments in The New Indonesian Curriculum (Merdeka): Physics Subject in Renewable Energy Topic
Susilowati N.I., Liliawati W., Rusdiana D.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The physics subject in the Merdeka Curriculum is organized into two categories, understanding physics and process skills. The physics process skills assessment instruments used by teachers in the field are not appropriate in terms of assessment methods and the assessment tends to be subjective. This study aims to develop a science process skills test instrument in physics learning for high school students, on the topic of Renewable Energy. The method used in this research is development research. The instrument was developed with the Extended Written Response method, essay-type questions consisting of fifteen written test items. Indicators of science process skills developed are observing, questioning and predicting, planning and conducting investigations, processing, analyzing data and information, creating, evaluating and reflecting, and communicating. The stages of developing this test instrument are making indicators of questions, making questions, judgments by topic experts and assessment experts, revising questions, testing, revising questions, and implementing questions at school. The results showed that the test instrument developed was suitable for use as a process skills test instrument on the Renewable Energy topic.
Design and Harmonic Elimination of sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) Based Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaic System for Educational Purposes
Ganthia B.P., Praveen B.M.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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In this modern era, the electrical power system faces a shortage of fossil fuel-based energy sources. To overcome this problem, people more focus on giving towards renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, and nuclear energy sources. This also can be used to overcome global warming and reduce pollution by fossil fuels. This study used a photovoltaic (PV) array to give supply to the Multilevel Inverter (MLI) with different irradiance values, which can be used for educational purposes. The sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) method is used here to control the converter. SPWM technique is the easiest technique than the other types of pulse width modulation (PWM) technique. In this technique the switching loss is very low, therefore efficiency is high. After the simulation, the output waveforms are similar to the sinusoidal waveform for the resistive load. In this topology, after simulation, the total harmonic distortion (THD) contents were found to be less by using an LC filter. The model is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. The analysis of output voltage waveforms is discussed with the reduced THD.
State of Instructional Educational Facilities of Primary Education at Upazila Level
Alam M.J., Haque A.K., Kamruzzaman M., Hossain I.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Primary education is a basic education for all, which depends on different agencies and factors to ensure its quality. The study assessed the state of instructional facilities in primary education at the Upazila level in Bangladesh. An explanatory sequential design and mixed methods have been used in this study. The researcher has collected quantitative data by surveying primary school head teachers and selected schools from two upazilas: Charghat in Rajshahi and Sundargonj in Gaibandha District. The sample for the study was determined by stratified and simple random sampling. The total schools were 12 and 42 in both study areas. Through different interviews, questionnaire surveys, and document reviews, the researcher has explored the scenario of instructional educational facilities and provided suggestions to ensure quality primary education. The study finds that the Upazila Education Office should be at the vanguard of achieving quality primary education by ensuring the excellence of the school environment through instructional facilities with the help of the government, School Management Committee (SMC), Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), and communities. Overall, the government should prioritize investing in the improvement of instructional facilities in primary schools, as it directly impacts the quality of education and the ultimate academic performance of the students.
Improving Training of Modern Leaders Utilizing it in The Administration of The Higher Education System
Suyunovich T.O., Fayzievna H.M.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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This paper aims to discuss the problem of organizing students ' independent educational activities using IT projects and task management system. The concept of " independent learning activity " is formulated based on the studied domestic literature on this issue. The methodological potential of IT (e.g. the JIRA platform) is considered in the example of practical tasks of project management and organization of interaction between participants by analysing the functions of the program and correlating them with the tasks being implemented. The data obtained indicate the expediency of using the JIRA project and task management system as a means of implementing independent research -level learning activities when organizing a group project. The content of the research level of the system for improving independent learning activities is disclosed with consideration of preparatory measures and the first form of practical application, mastered and updated, which is a "group project ". The psycholinguistic content of independent learning activities of students at the level of higher education is analysed. The results of a methodical analysis of the JIRA project and task management system, which allows you to coordinate the interaction of users, students, project managers, and teachers are presented. A variant of preparing students for the group implementation of specialized linguistic independent educational activities by using the JIRA project and task management system is proposed.
Formation of a Paradigm for Designing Cyber-Physical Systems: Educational Perspective
Glushchenko V.V.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2023 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The subject of the article is the process of forming a paradigm for designing cyber-physical systems. The object of the work is cyber-physical systems. the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of cyber-physical systems in the economy and society. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the formation of a paradigm for designing cyber-physical systems. descriptions of methodological provisions of the general theory of cyber-physical systems. descriptions of the factors generated by the general theory of cyber-physical systems to increase the effectiveness of such systems. General characteristics of methods of design and research of cyber-physical systems at all stages of their life cycle. description of the content of new academic disciplines in the field of design and research of cyber-physical systems. Methods of the article are philosophy and methodology of science, theory of hierarchical systems, theory modeling, historical and system analysis, and theory of technological structures. The scientific novelty of the article is associated with the formation of the design paradigm of cyber-physical systems and the creation of a general theory of cyber-physical systems.
Effect of Guided Inquiry and Explicit-Instructional Strategies on Lower Basic Students’ Academic Performance in Mathematics
Ogunjimi M.O., Gbadeyanka T.A.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2022 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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This study investigated the effect of guided inquiry and explicit-instructional strategies on lower basic students’ academic performance in mathematics. We employed a non-randomized pretest-posttest control group quasi-experimental design. The population comprised all primary school students in Oyo East Local Government Area, Nigeria while 132 students all in lower basic schools were sampled from six intact classes. The mathematics Performance Test (MPT) was used as a research instrument. The content validity was established with the use of experts’ judgment from two experts in mathematics education while the test-retest reliability estimates of the instrument yielded 0.78. Four research hypotheses were tested. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant main effect in using a guided-inquiry instructional strategy on mathematics. There is the significant main effect of explicit instructional strategy on students’ mathematics academic performance. There is a significant interaction effect of guided inquiry and explicit instructional strategies, gender, and school type on lower basic students’ academic performance. Guided inquiry and explicit instructional strategies are good teaching strategies to reduce mathophobia among primary school students in mathematics.
Efforts to Enhance Sustainable Consciousness and Critical Thinking in High School Students Through Learning Projects
Purwaningsih W., Arrifa F.H., Riandi R.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2022 citations by CoLab: 2
Open Access
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Awareness or Sustainability consciousness (SC) is an essential part of Education For Sustainable Development (ESD) and closely relates to critical thinking skills. Therefore, training and instilling the two things above is a necessary task for teachers in contributing to realizing sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). This research aims to identify the influence of learning project zero waste school on sustainable awareness and students' critical thinking ability. This study uses a Quasi-Experimental method with a Non- Equivalent Control Group Design. The sample consisted of 63 students in the experimental class and 63 students in the control class. In the implementation of learning in the practical class using the model zero waste school project and in the control class using conventional models. Data study collected with the use awareness questionnaire sustainable and test descriptions given before and after learning is done. The research results show that the zero waste school project can influence sustainable awareness and skills. Students' critical thinking is higher than learning given without a project. The results of students' critical thinking are trained through model learning project zero waste school, generally for all indicators showed significantly higher results than the control class. Of the six hands, the indicator that experienced the highest increase was the evaluation indicator, while the indicator that experienced the lowest growth was the interpretation indicator.
Development of Digital-Based Interactive Teaching Materials in Draping Courses
Nurlita A.A.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2022 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Interactive teaching materials are learning media that combine various formats such as audio, text, images, animations, and interactive videos. Thus, there is a two-way communication between the teaching materials and their users. The purpose of this research is to make interactive teaching materials for draping courses which are expected to produce products in the form of teaching materials that suit the needs of students. The research method used is development research with the stages of designing, producing, evaluating, and analyzing data with percentages. The results of this study indicate that learning media in the form of interactive teaching materials developed in draping courses are appropriate for use in learning. Based on the trial stages, this interactive teaching material is categorized as valid with a feasibility level of 84% with good criteria. This digital-based interactive teaching material is expected to be learning media in draping courses because the presentation of interesting material makes it easy for users to understand, how to access interactive teaching materials is easy, and able to increase user learning motivation.
Learning Mixed Arithmetic Operations Using WhatsApp Groups for Islamic Elementary School Students
Thoriq M., Sakti A.W., Azizah N.N.
Indonesian Journal of Teaching in Science 2022 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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The purpose of this study is to show whether WhatsApp groups can be one of the media for learning mixed arithmetic operations mathematics during the online learning process. This study uses a quantitative approach to the pre-experimental design method (one group pretest-posttest). The research subjects were 16 students of class VI Islamic elementary school. Students' knowledge of mixed arithmetic operations, when given a pretest, was 55.6%. After learning mixed arithmetic operations using the WhatsApp group, the post-test results increased to 57.5%. Based on these results, there was an increase in students' knowledge of 1.9%. This is because students understand learning using WhatsApp groups. So learning to use WhatsApp groups can slightly increase knowledge in mixed arithmetic operations.


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