Soil & Environment
19 citations, 3.77%
International Journal of Phytoremediation
15 citations, 2.98%
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
10 citations, 1.98%
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
10 citations, 1.98%
Environmental Science & Technology
10 citations, 1.98%
Plant and Soil
10 citations, 1.98%
8 citations, 1.59%
Soil Use and Management
7 citations, 1.39%
Journal of Soils and Sediments
7 citations, 1.39%
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
7 citations, 1.39%
European Journal of Soil Science
6 citations, 1.19%
5 citations, 0.99%
Journal of Hazardous Materials
5 citations, 0.99%
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
5 citations, 0.99%
Science of the Total Environment
4 citations, 0.79%
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
4 citations, 0.79%
Water and Environment Journal
3 citations, 0.6%
Plant, Soil and Environment
3 citations, 0.6%
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
3 citations, 0.6%
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
3 citations, 0.6%
Engineering in Life Sciences
3 citations, 0.6%
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
3 citations, 0.6%
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
3 citations, 0.6%
Plant, Cell and Environment
3 citations, 0.6%
3 citations, 0.6%
Water Resources Research
3 citations, 0.6%
Journal of Environmental Quality
3 citations, 0.6%
FEMS Microbiology Reviews
3 citations, 0.6%
Environmental Geology
3 citations, 0.6%
SSSA Special Publications
3 citations, 0.6%
Vadose Zone Journal
2 citations, 0.4%
Global Change Biology
2 citations, 0.4%
Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering
2 citations, 0.4%
Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry
2 citations, 0.4%
Journal of Chromatography A
2 citations, 0.4%
Plant Physiology
2 citations, 0.4%
Ground Water
2 citations, 0.4%
Waste Management
2 citations, 0.4%
Soil and Sediment Contamination
2 citations, 0.4%
Applied Soil Ecology
2 citations, 0.4%
Environmental Pollution
2 citations, 0.4%
Scientific Reports
2 citations, 0.4%
Environmental Geochemistry and Health
2 citations, 0.4%
Chemistry and Ecology
2 citations, 0.4%
Risk Analysis
2 citations, 0.4%
New Phytologist
2 citations, 0.4%
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
2 citations, 0.4%
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
2 citations, 0.4%
Agronomy for Sustainable Development
2 citations, 0.4%
Land Degradation and Development
2 citations, 0.4%
Frontiers in Environmental Science
2 citations, 0.4%
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
2 citations, 0.4%
Global Biogeochemical Cycles
2 citations, 0.4%
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
2 citations, 0.4%
Applied Spectroscopy
2 citations, 0.4%
Soil Science Society of America Journal
2 citations, 0.4%
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde
2 citations, 0.4%
Acta Biotechnologica
2 citations, 0.4%
Agronomy Monographs
2 citations, 0.4%
American Journal of Potato Research
1 citation, 0.2%
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
1 citation, 0.2%
Global Policy
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
1 citation, 0.2%
Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
1 citation, 0.2%
1 citation, 0.2%
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
1 citation, 0.2%
Geoscientific Model Development
1 citation, 0.2%
Environmental Science and Engineering
1 citation, 0.2%
Applied and Environmental Soil Science
1 citation, 0.2%
Bioremediation Journal
1 citation, 0.2%
International Journal of Environmental Studies
1 citation, 0.2%
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Crop Improvement
1 citation, 0.2%
Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
1 citation, 0.2%
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry
1 citation, 0.2%
Trends in Plant Science
1 citation, 0.2%
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
1 citation, 0.2%
1 citation, 0.2%
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
1 citation, 0.2%
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
1 citation, 0.2%
Freshwater Biology
1 citation, 0.2%
Annual Review of Entomology
1 citation, 0.2%
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
1 citation, 0.2%
Biological Conservation
1 citation, 0.2%
Environmental Toxicology
1 citation, 0.2%
1 citation, 0.2%
Eurasian Soil Science
1 citation, 0.2%
Plant Science
1 citation, 0.2%
Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management
1 citation, 0.2%
Ecological Modelling
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Applied Phycology
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of African Earth Sciences
1 citation, 0.2%
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.2%
Water Research
1 citation, 0.2%