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The main areas of work carried out in the laboratory: thermal analysis (thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry, including temperature modulation) of various substances and materials with high accuracy in wide temperature ranges: from -150°C to 1600°C with simultaneous registration of spectra of degradation products; research and modeling of thermal behavior of organic and inorganic substances, metals and alloys, minerals, polymers, ceramics, composite materials, combustible and explosive substances, natural and artificial energy carriers, sorbents and carbon materials.

Laboratory equipment: an integrated experimental synchronous thermal analysis unit consisting of a synchronous thermal analysis device "Netsch STA 449 F1 Jupiter" and a mass spectrometer "QMS 403 C Aeolos"; a low-temperature unit for DSC/TG measurements compatible with STA 449 F1 Jupiter for operation in the temperature range from -150 to 1000 °C in various gas atmospheres; differential scanning calorimeter "Netsch DSC 214 Polyma"; Thermomechanical analyzer Netzsch TMA 402 F1/F3 Hyperion® with sinusoidal load function (dynamic thermomechanical analysis).

  1. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)
  2. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
  3. Thermogravimetry (TG)
  4. Thermomechanical analysis
  5. Synchronous thermal analysis
  6. CHNS-elemental analysis
  7. NMR spectroscopy
  8. NMR spectroscopy of liquids (1D, 2D, 3D);
  9. Gas chromatography
Ivan Mokrushin 🤝
Head of Laboratory
Krasnovskikh, Marina Pavlovna
Marina Krasnovskikh
Principal researcher

Research directions

Study of thermal waste disposal

The project is aimed at exploring the resource potential of various wastes, including waste of plant and animal origin, in order to obtain and refine bio-oil.

Thermal analysis of substances and composite materials

The project is aimed at studying the thermal behavior of substances and composite materials

Substituted perfluoroalkyl fluorophosphates and ionic liquids based on them: synthesis and properties

Ionic compounds with perfluoroalkyl fluorophosphate anions are promising materials. The number of scientific papers devoted to them is growing exponentially, there are more and more options for their application, and most importantly, it is possible to create ionic liquids with predetermined properties. Currently, a class of compounds consisting only of ions with a melting point below 100 °C is of great interest – room temperature ionic liquids – ionic liquids. Due to their structure, they are, as a rule, highly polar, non-volatile, non-flammable, electro- and thermally conductive and low-toxic substances with high heat capacity, thermal and chemical stability, resistance to hydrolysis, have the ability to complex and intermolecular interaction. All this makes it possible to consider IL as a promising alternative to traditional organic solvents, electrolyte media, phases for interactions, and catalysts. In addition, by appropriately selecting a cation and/or anion, compounds with the characteristics necessary for specific practical applications can be obtained. Thus, on the basis of the studied perfluoroethyl fluorophosphates, it is possible to obtain both aprotic ionic compounds potentially applicable in lithium batteries and supercapacitors, and protoliths for testing in fuel cells. The project is aimed at studying methods for the synthesis of initial acids and salts - perfluoroethyl fluorophosphates of metals and various onium cations - using complexation and exchange reactions occurring in aqueous and mixed solutions, as well as studying the properties of synthesized compounds using physico-chemical (electrical conductivity, its activation energy), spectroscopic (purity, structure, ionic association and stacking, ion mobility, solubility), thermal (thermal stability, decomposition activation energy, freezing point, heat capacity, density change) analysis methods. At the planned stage, many other properties of ionic liquids will remain outside the scope of the study, such as corrosion activity and methods for building catalytic systems, immobilization of the studied compounds on various carriers. The objects of this study – trisfluoroethyl(pentafluoroethyl)-, tetrakisfluoroedi(pentafluoroethyl)-, pentakisfluoroethylphosphates - belong to the group of hexafluorophosphate derivatives that have already proven themselves as the most important anions in the design of ionic liquids. The first results obtained by our team confirm the possibility of obtaining spectrally pure ionic compounds, including those in a liquid state at room temperature, with high thermal stability. At the same time, phase transitions characteristic of liquid crystals are recorded on thermograms of some of these compounds, and the bipyramidal octahedral structures of salts with metals of the first group are confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. In addition, it should be noted that a number of tetraalkylammonium-based salts have proven biological activity. A key feature of the selected objects of the new study is the unique combination of properties of perfluorinated organoelement compounds, which open access to a wide range of innovative industrial applications of products and compositions based on them. The result of the research will be the development of methods for the synthesis of compounds containing a fluorinated organoelement anion with the general formula [PF(6-n)C2F5(n)]- (n=1-3), the establishment of patterns of interaction of the corresponding acids with metal carbonates and bicarbonates, halides and salts of onium bases, the creation of libraries of new ionic compounds and the description of their physico-chemical properties.chemical properties and structure.

Medieval jewelry heritage of the Perm Region: stylistic and chemical-technological features.

The project is aimed at a comprehensive study of jewelry made on the territory of the Permian Urals in the Middle Ages. These products are not only a part of the medieval historical and cultural heritage of the Perm Region, but also a fairly informative historical source. Work on the implementation of the project will make it possible to definitively and concretely identify the main features (stylistic, chemical and technological) of Kama jewelry, determine the level of craftsmanship of their manufacture. The comprehensive study will be based on a wide range of methods of humanitarian cognition, archaeology and natural science methods. For the first time, chemical and technological research of products will be based on the use of a wide range of natural scientific methods (X-ray fluorescence analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with microrentgenospectral analysis (RFlA); gemological definitions, infrared spectroscopy, etc.). As a result, information will be obtained not only about the development of jewelry craft in the Permian Urals in the Middle Ages, but also information that can be used to reconstruct larger-scale historical phenomena and processes (in studies aimed at determining the historical and genetic roots of the formation of the ethnocultural environment of the region, the peculiarities of population development, migration and integration processes, the economic and social level of society, the chronology of antiquities, etc.). For the region, such a study It will reveal the traditions inherent in the development of applied art, which can have a beneficial effect on the development of its culture, art, tourism and folk crafts. The presentation of the results of the project in a separate publication designed for a wide range of readers will contribute to the popularization of historical and cultural heritage not only among the population of the Perm Region, but also beyond its borders.

Synthesis and catalytic activity of combined metal oxide catalysts for combustion of gas-generating compositions of thermogasochemical action Gorenje

One of the promising ways to intensify the inflow and increase the productivity of wells of oil fields with hard-to-recover reserves is the thermogasochemical effect (TGHV) on the bottom-hole zone of the formation. This is achieved by burning a charge of a gas generator based on a mixed solid fuel in the perforation interval of the well. The key parameters that have a direct impact on the process of thermogasochemical exposure are the rate and stability of combustion of the solid fuel charge of the gas generator, which largely determine the intensity and nature of the increase in excess pressure of gaseous reaction products in the wellbore. Gorenje. Currently, solid-fuel gas-generating compositions based on ammonium perchlorate (PHA) have become the most widespread. Gorenje rate and, as a result, the intensity of gas and energy release of solid fuel gas-generating charge, directly depend on the process of thermolysis of the PHA. By changing the kinetics of the thermolysis of the PHA towards lowering the temperature of the onset of intensive decomposition, it becomes possible not only to regulate the combustion rate and, as a result, the gas dynamic characteristics, but also to increase the stability of the combustion process of a solid fuel charge in a wide range of pressures. Gorenje gorenje A promising way to regulate the parameters of PHA thermolysis is to create a catalytic system based on two transition metal oxides planted as a nanoscale oxide layer on the surface of a carbon carrier. This will allow the catalyst to be evenly distributed in the volume of the polymer matrix, as well as reduce the mass fraction of metal oxides, while increasing their specific surface area. Varying the type and ratio of metal oxides will allow directional control of the parameters of the oxidant decomposition process, thereby creating a more efficient and versatile catalytic system for solid-fuel gas-generating compositions. The scientific novelty of the project lies in the development of an approach to solving the problem of expanding the limits of regulation of combustion characteristics of solid fuel gas-generating compositions based on the use of combined metal oxide catalysts based on two transition metal oxides in the form of nanoscale particles deposited on the surface of a mesoporous carrier. Gorenje The formation of a given composition of the active phase by varying the type and ratio of oxide components will allow directional control of the catalytic activity of combined metal oxide catalysts for combustion of gas-generating compositions of thermogasochemical action and achieve the required parameters. Gorenje The result of the project implementation will be the establishment of patterns of formation of physico-chemical properties of combined metal oxide catalysts for combustion of gas-generating compositions of thermogasochemical action and the establishment of a correlation of these properties with the parameters of thermolysis of ammonium perchlorate. Gorenje

Publications and patents

Петр Алексеевич Иванов, Иван Геннадьевич Мокрушин, Марина Павловна Красновских
RU2776277C1, 2022


Lab address

Пермский край, г. Пермь, ул. Букирева, 10А
Authorization required.