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The laboratory conducts fundamental research on radiation-chemical processes using modern electron accelerators and ionizing radiation generated by them.

  1. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
  2. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction
  3. Powder X-ray diffraction
  4. High-efficiency liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  5. X-ray fluorescence in full external reflection
  6. EXAFS
  7. XANES
Mikhailenko, Mikhail A
Mikhail Mikhailenko
Head of Laboratory

Research directions

High-energy materials science

Production of new materials using high-intensity accelerated electron beams: radiation-thermal sintering, dehydrogenation, dechlorination

Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter

Investigation of the effect of ionizing radiation on further transformations of materials, including energy-saturated ones, and determination of radiation resistance

Radiation polymerization and modification

The use of ionizing radiation to initiate polymerization processes, modification of natural and synthetic polymers using ionizing radiation

Publications and patents


Lab address

Новосибирск, ул. Кутателадзе, д. 18
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