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Ikotun A.M., Ezugwu A.E., Abualigah L., Abuhaija B., Heming J.
Information Sciences scimago Q1
2023-04-01 citations by CoLab: 746 Abstract  
Advances in recent techniques for scientific data collection in the era of big data allow for the systematic accumulation of large quantities of data at various data-capturing sites. Similarly, exponential growth in the development of different data analysis approaches has been reported in the literature, amongst which the K-means algorithm remains the most popular and straightforward clustering algorithm. The broad applicability of the algorithm in many clustering application areas can be attributed to its implementation simplicity and low computational complexity. However, the K-means algorithm has many challenges that negatively affect its clustering performance. In the algorithm’s initialization process, users must specify the number of clusters in a given dataset apriori while the initial cluster centers are randomly selected. Furthermore, the algorithm's performance is susceptible to the selection of this initial cluster and for large datasets, determining the optimal number of clusters to start with becomes complex and is a very challenging task. Moreover, the random selection of the initial cluster centers sometimes results in minimal local convergence due to its greedy nature. A further limitation is that certain data object features are used in determining their similarity by using the Euclidean distance metric as a similarity measure, but this limits the algorithm’s robustness in detecting other cluster shapes and poses a great challenge in detecting overlapping clusters. Many research efforts have been conducted and reported in literature with regard to improving the K-means algorithm’s performance and robustness. The current work presents an overview and taxonomy of the K-means clustering algorithm and its variants. The history of the K-means, current trends, open issues and challenges, and recommended future research perspectives are also discussed.
Hu G., Zheng Y., Abualigah L., Hussien A.G.
2023-08-01 citations by CoLab: 157 Abstract  
Dandelion Optimizer (DO) is a recently proposed swarm intelligence algorithm that coincides with the process of finding the best reproduction site for dandelion seeds. Compared with the classical Meta-heuristic algorithms, DO exhibits strong competitiveness, but it also has some drawbacks. In this paper, we proposed an adaptive hybrid dandelion optimizer called DETDO by combining three strategies of adaptive tent chaotic mapping, differential evolution (DE) strategy, and adaptive t-distribution perturbation to address the shortcomings of weak DO development, easy to fall into local optimum and slow convergence speed. Firstly, the adaptive tent chaos mapping is used in the initialization phase to obtain a uniformly distributed high-quality initial population, which helps the algorithm to enter the correct search region quickly. Secondly, the DE strategy is introduced to increase the diversity of dandelion populations to avoid algorithm stagnation, which improves the exploitation capability and the accuracy of the optimal solution. Finally, adaptive t-distribution perturbation around the elite solution successfully balances the exploration and exploitation phases while improving the convergence speed through a reasonable conversion from Cauchy to Gaussian distribution. The proposed DETDO is compared with classical or advanced optimization algorithms on CEC2017 and CEC2019 test sets, and the experimental results and statistical analysis demonstrate that the algorithm has better optimization accuracy and speed. In addition, DETDO has obtained the best results in solving six real-world engineering design problems. Finally, DETDO is applied to two bar topology optimization cases. Under a series of complex constraints, DETDO produces a lighter bar structure than the current scheme. It further illustrates the effectiveness and applicability of DETDO in practical problems. The above results mean that DETDO with strong competitiveness will become a preferred swarm intelligence algorithm to cope with optimization problems.
Hu G., Guo Y., Wei G., Abualigah L.
2023-10-07 citations by CoLab: 156 Abstract  
This study tenders a new nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm (MA) based on the behavior of the Genghis Khan shark (GKS), called GKS optimizer (GKSO), which is used for numerical optimization and engineering design. The inspiration for GKSO comes from the predation and survival behavior of GKS, and the entire optimization process is achieved by simulating four different activities of GKS, including hunting (exploration), movement (exploitation), foraging (switch from exploration to exploitation), and self-protection mechanism. These operators are mimicked using various mathematical models to efficiently perform optimization tasks of agents in different regions of the search space. In an effort to validate this method's viability and superiority, an in-depth analysis of the proposed GKSO is carried out from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Qualitative analysis verifies that GKSO has good exploration and exploitation (ENE) capability. Simultaneously, GKSO is quantitatively analyzed with eight existing fish optimization algorithms and the other nine well-known MAs on CEC2019 and CEC2022, respectively. Among them, a series of experimental scenarios are conducted to validate the applicability and robustness of GKSO by exploring its performance for CEC2022 at different dimensions and maximum fitness evaluation quantity. Statistical results indicate that GKSO has a strong advantage in the competition between two different types of algorithms. Furthermore, five different kinds of real-world constrained optimization problems (OPs) in CEC2020 benchmark constrained optimization functions, including 50 engineering case suites, are selected to evaluate GKSO's performance and the other seven optimizers, further validating GKSO's extensive usefulness and validity in solving practical complex problems.
Faqih K.M., Jaradat M.R.
Technology in Society scimago Q1 wos Q1
2021-11-01 citations by CoLab: 139 Abstract  
Augmented reality (AR) has gained increased recognition in varying fields, in particular educational contexts. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, home-based learning becomes a reality and is already in place across the globe, and learning via augmented reality technology will help learners comprehend learning content in a more creative frame of mind than ever before. Very little research has examined the adoption behavior of augmented reality in developing country perspectives. Therefore, there is a pressing necessity to understand the dynamics of augmented reality adoption for the benefit of motivating and inspiring students to adopt this highly innovative and impactful type of technology in the learning process. Against this background, the authors proposed and tested a model based on integrating Task-Technology Fit (TTF) and UTUAT2 theories. The results reveal the positive effect of task technology fit, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, and hedonic motivation on behavioral intention (BI) in the adoption process of augmented reality in educational settings, where price value is found to exert little influence on behavioral intention. This model explains 49% of the variance in intentional behavior to adopt AR technology in the educational context. The conclusions of this study will add to the literature more informative knowledge leading to increased awareness of the dynamics and behaviors of AR adoption in a developing country perspective. We present and discuss the theoretical contributions and practical implications of our findings. • Augmented Reality can be an effective tool for learning, but its adoption has received less attention. • This paper analyzed the adoption of augmented reality technology in educational settings from a developing country context. • An integration of TTF and UTAUT2 is proposed to investigate augmented reality adoption in education. • TTF, performance and effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation impact intention.
AlTaweel I.R., Al-Hawary S.I.
Sustainability scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-07-06 citations by CoLab: 131 PDF Abstract  
The changes in the business environment and the increase in competition have led organizations to focus greatly on improving their organizational performance in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by relying on keeping pace with these changes and developing their innovation capability to meet their customers’ desires. Therefore, this research paper aims to explore the relationship between strategic agility and organizational performance through the mediating role of innovation capability. The research population consisted of senior managers in industrial corporations, and the sample comprised 224 senior managers. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used as a statistical method for testing hypotheses. The results showed that there is a significant influence of strategic agility on organizational performance and innovation capability. Furthermore, innovation capability plays a mediating role in improving the relationship between strategic agility and organizational performance. Accordingly, a set of recommendations are provided to corporations’ senior managers for supporting the organizational activities that lead to the creation of new products and services that are appropriate to the general context of the development of customer desires, realizing the importance of the corporation acquiring flexible re-sources that can be reallocated to meet the changes in the business environment, and adopting modern business models based on stimulating collaborative work and adopting creative ideas.
Lutfi A., Alrawad M., Alsyouf A., Almaiah M.A., Al-Khasawneh A., Al-Khasawneh A.L., Alshira'h A.F., Alshirah M.H., Saad M., Ibrahim N.
2023-01-01 citations by CoLab: 114 Abstract  
Big data analytics (BDA) adoption has gained attention in both practical and theoretical circles owing to the opportunities and advantages that can be reaped from it. In theory, the majority of researchers have evidenced the benefits of BDA, although barriers to its adoption have also been mentioned. This study draws upon the technology-organisation-environment framework and resource-based view theory to propose an integrated model that examines the drivers and impact of BDA adoption in the retail industry in Jordan. The proposed single model encapsulates the aspects of BDA adoption and performance. The study makes use of an online questionnaire survey to collect the required data, and the research model is eventually validated based on 132 responses gathered from the retail industry in Jordan. The findings highlight two major observations. The first is that relative advantage, organisational readiness, top management support, government support, data variety and data velocity all have a significant influence over BDA adoption. The second observation is that a significant association exists between BDA adoption and firm performance, providing information on the way firms can enhance their BDA adoption for enhanced performance. This study contributes to literature dedicated to examining BDA in terms of its drivers and impact on performance and can be used as a reference in developing nations.
Zare M., Ghasemi M., Zahedi A., Golalipour K., Mohammadi S.K., Mirjalili S., Abualigah L.
Journal of Bionic Engineering scimago Q2 wos Q1
2023-05-17 citations by CoLab: 99 Abstract  
The Firefly Algorithm (FA) is a highly efficient population-based optimization technique developed by mimicking the flashing behavior of fireflies when mating. This article proposes a method based on Differential Evolution (DE)/current-to-best/1 for enhancing the FA's movement process. The proposed modification increases the global search ability and the convergence rates while maintaining a balance between exploration and exploitation by deploying the global best solution. However, employing the best solution can lead to premature algorithm convergence, but this study handles this issue using a loop adjacent to the algorithm's main loop. Additionally, the suggested algorithm’s sensitivity to the alpha parameter is reduced compared to the original FA. The GbFA surpasses both the original and five-version of enhanced FAs in finding the optimal solution to 30 CEC2014 real parameter benchmark problems with all selected alpha values. Additionally, the CEC 2017 benchmark functions and the eight engineering optimization challenges are also utilized to evaluate GbFA’s efficacy and robustness on real-world problems against several enhanced algorithms. In all cases, GbFA provides the optimal result compared to other methods. Note that the source code of the GbFA algorithm is publicly available at .
Sindiani A.M., Obeidat N., Alshdaifat E., Elsalem L., Alwani M.M., Rawashdeh H., Fares A.S., Alalawne T., Tawalbeh L.I.
2020-11-01 citations by CoLab: 96 Abstract  
In the spot of the new emerging COVID-19 pandemic and its major impact worldwide on day-to-day activities many rules had to be changed in order to fight this pandemic. Lockdown started in Jordan and around the globe affecting several aspects of life including economy, education, entertainment, and government policies. Regarding education, the priority was to ensure the safety and progress of the educational process. Thus, new methods of teaching had to be applied using the online learning at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), Faculty of Medicine. This study was done to assess (1) Class Experience (2) Students and Lecturers' Interaction (3) Online Learning Advantages & Disadvantages (4) Students' Preference.A cross sectional study was conducted Convenience sampling technique was used to collect the data from the participants using a survey composed of 18 questions on Google Forms platform. A link was sent to the undergraduate medical students at the Jordan University of Science & Technology via their e-learning accounts (n = 3700). The form was available from May 22nd, 2020 to May 30th, 2020 for 8 days long. Data analysis was done using SPSS V 23.2212 out of 3700 students responded, (55.8%) of them were in the basic years and (44.2%) of them were in the clinical years. (55.8%) of students started to take online lectures after 3 weeks. (45.7%) used the hybrid teaching method (asynchronous and synchronous), (31.4%) used live classes, and 22.8% recorded classes. Zoom was the most used platform. (48.7%) and (57%) of clinical students and basic students express their interaction as bad, while the others had good and excellent interaction. Maintaining social distance was the most advantage of online teaching, while poor technical setup and no direct contact were the most disadvantage, furthermore inability to have real clinical access was a significant problem for clinical students (p < .001). With reference to students' preferences 75% of students were not pleased with their experience and 42% of students prefer to integrate online learning with traditional learning.Most medical students at JUST preferred the traditional face-to-face teaching method over the solo online teaching methods with recommendations to convert to a more integrated educational system. Also, a well-established infrastructure should be done in involving online teaching.
Hawary S.I., Obiadat A.A.
2021-03-06 citations by CoLab: 84 Abstract  
This study aimed to identify the impact of mobile marketing on the customer's loyalty in Jordan. The dimensions of mobile marketing were interactivity, personalisation, localisation, and convenience. The study population consisted of the customers shopping through mobile in Jordan; samples of 403 customers were taken. Their responses were investigated using a questionnaire designed for this purpose. The results were collected, inputted into the computer and the hypotheses were tested, using the SPSS program. The study results showed a statistically significant effect of mobile marketing (interactivity, personalisation, and convenience) on customers' loyalty, and there is a statistically insignificant effect of localisation on customers' loyalty. Based on the results, the researchers came up with some recommendations related to the fields of mobile content design, sharing information, benefit from the experiences, and solving customers problems.
Al Omari O., Al Sabei S., Al Rawajfah O., Abu Sharour L., Aljohani K., Alomari K., Shkman L., Al Dameery K., Saifan A., Al Zubidi B., Anwar S., Alhalaiqa F.
2020-10-06 citations by CoLab: 84 PDF Abstract  
Depression and anxiety are prevalent mental illnesses among young people. Crisis like the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may increase the current prevalence of these illnesses. A cross-sectional, descriptive design was used to (1) explore the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among youth and (2) identify to what extent certain variables related to COVID-19 could predict depression, anxiety, and stress (DAS) among young people in six different countries. Participants were requested to complete an online survey including demographics and the DAS scale. A total of 1,057 participants from Oman (n=155), Saudi Arabia (n=121), Jordan (n=332), Iraq (n=117), United Arab Emirates (n=147), and Egypt (n=182) completed the study. The total prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress was 57%, 40.5%, and 38.1%, respectively, with no significant differences between countries. Significant predictors of stress, anxiety, and depression were being female, being in contact with a friend and/or a family member with mental illness, being quarantined for 14 days, and using the internet. In conclusion, COVID-19 is an epidemiological crisis that is casting a shadow on youths’ DAS. The restrictions and prolonged lockdowns imposed by COVID-19 are negatively impacting their level of DAS. Healthcare organisations, in collaboration with various sectors, are recommended to apply psychological first aid and design appropriate educational programmes to improve the mental health of youth.
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Publications found: 2099
A fully-informed search scheme-based particle swarm optimisation for parameter estimation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Jangir P., Arpita, Premkumar M., Agrawal S.P., Pandya S.B., Parmar A., Abualigah L.
Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Ambient Energy 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
On the Recursive Sequence xn+1=axn−1b+cxnxn−1
Al-Hdaibat B., Sabra R., DarAssi M.H., Al-Ashhab S.
Mathematics 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behaviors of the rational difference equation xn=(axn−1)/(b+cxnxn−1) with arbitrary initial conditions, where a, b, and c are real numbers. A general solution is obtained. The asymptotic stability of the equilibrium points is investigated, using a nonlinear stability criterion combined with basin of attraction analysis and simulation to determine the stability regions of the equilibrium points. The existence of the periodic solutions is discussed. We investigate the codim-1 bifurcations of the equation. We show that the equation exhibits a Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. For this bifurcation, the topological normal form is computed. To confirm our theoretical results, we performed a numerical simulation as well as numerical bifurcation analysis by using the Matlab package MatContM.
Mesalamine drug recognition by ZnO nanosheet based on the B3LYP, M06, and B97D density functionals
Al-Qaaneh A.M., Jasim S.A., Ismail Saber A., Sharma P., Nashwan Sam H., Mahdi M.S., Elawady A., Noori Shakir M., Bekhit M.M.
Taylor & Francis
Molecular Physics 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Efficient Optimization of Engineering Problems With A Particular Focus on High‐Order IIR Modeling for System Identification Using Modified Dandelion Optimizer
Izci D., Hashim F.A., Mostafa R.R., Ekinci S., Smerat A., Migdady H., Abualigah L.
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
ABSTRACTThis paper introduces the modified dandelion optimizer (mDO), a novel adaptive metaheuristic algorithm designed to address complex engineering optimization challenges, with a focus on infinite impulse response (IIR) system identification. The proposed mDO incorporates three key advancements: an enhanced descending phase to improve global exploration, a novel exploration‐exploitation phase that balances search intensity and breadth, and a self‐adaptive crossover operator that refines solutions dynamically. These innovations specifically target the challenges associated with high‐order IIR modeling, enabling mDO to deliver more precise and efficient system identification. To validate its performance, mDO was rigorously evaluated across diverse testing environments, including the CEC2017 and CEC2022 benchmark functions, various IIR model identification scenarios, and real‐world engineering design problems such as multi‐product batch plant design, multiple disk clutch brake design, and speed reducer design. Comparative analyses reveal that mDO consistently outperforms leading optimization algorithms in terms of accuracy, robustness, and computational efficiency, particularly in complex, high‐dimensional landscapes. Statistical assessments further confirm mDO's superior capability in accurately identifying IIR system parameters even under noise and varying model orders. This study positions mDO as a competitive and versatile tool for engineering applications, offering significant improvements in optimization accuracy and adaptability for advanced system modeling and real‐world problem‐solving.
Unveiling Novel Targets in Lung Tumors for Enhanced Radiotherapy Efficacy: A Comprehensive Review
Muhammad F.A., Adhab A.H., Mahdi M.S., Jain V., Ganesan S., Bhanot D., Naidu K.S., Kaur S., Mansoor A.S., Radi U.K., Abd N.S., Kariem M.
Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
ABSTRACTRadiotherapy is a cornerstone of lung cancer management, though its efficacy is frequently undermined by intrinsic and acquired radioresistance. This review examines the complexity of lung tumors, highlighting their potential as a reservoir of novel targets for radiosensitization. Ionizing radiation (IR) primarily exerts its effects through oxidative damage and DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs). Lung cancer cells, however, develop mutations that enhance DNA damage response (DDR) and suppress cell death pathways. Additionally, interactions between tumor cells and tumor microenvironment (TME) components—including immune cells, stromal cells, and molecular mediators such as cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors—contribute to resistance against IR. Understanding these intricate relationships reveals potential targets to improve radiotherapy outcomes. Promising targets include DDR pathways, immunosuppressive cells and molecules, hypoxia, proangiogenic mediators, and other key signaling pathways. This review discusses emerging strategies, such as combining radiotherapy with immunomodulators, hypoxia and proangiogenic inhibitors, DDR‐targeting agents, and other innovative approaches. By offering a comprehensive analysis of the lung TME, this review underscores opportunities to enhance radiotherapy effectiveness through targeted radiosensitization strategies.
Crystal Structures and Corrosion Inhibitions of Three Cobalt Complexes of Terephthalate Anion and Bis‐Nitrogen Donor Ligands
Hammud H., Alotaibi N., Al Otaibi N., Bhattacharya S., Kortz U., Ali B., Sarfaraz S., Ayub K.
Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
ABSTRACTThree Co(II) complexes of terephthalate anion containing 1,10‐phenanthroline (phen) or 2,2′‐bipyridine (2,2′‐bipy), are prepared. The structures of dimeric [Co2(H2O)4(μ‐H2O)2(phen)2]4+·2(C8H4O42−), 1, and the polymeric [Co2(H2O)2(phen)2(μ‐C8H4O4)2]n, 2, complexes were confirmed by single crystal structure determination. Both complexes have CoN2O4 core in a distorted octahedral arrangement. Extensive hydrogen bonding and π–π stacking interactions consolidate 3‐D structures in 1 and 2. Complex 3, [Co(μ‐C8H4O4)(2,2′‐bipy)]n, was previously reported. It has CoN2O4 core in a distorted trigonal prismatic environment. Complexes 1, 2 and 3 exhibited good inhibition efficiencies for corrosion of carbon steel in 0.25‐M sulfuric acid solution. The order of corrosion inhibiting effect of the complexes was 2 (94.6%) &gt; 1 (90.5%) &gt; 3 (79.5%). The increase in Rp value and the decrease in Cdl were in parallel with the increase in the concentration of complexes. Tafel plot indicated that complex 1 behaved as a cathodic‐type corrosion inhibitor, whereas complexes 2 and 3 as anodic inhibitors for C‐steel in sulfuric acid medium. Weight loss measurement of steel samples in 1‐M HCl showed more inhibition of corrosion by complexes 1 and 2 than by complex 3. The adsorption mechanism of inhibitors on C‐steel followed Langmuir isotherm. The free energy changes indicated comprehensive physical and chemical adsorption for the three complexes on the surface of the C‐steel. SEM analysis of steel samples in 1‐M HCl proved the efficiency of complexes in retarding corrosion as the steel surface showed smoothness compared to the blank. Quantum chemical DFT study declared that the highest corrosion inhibition efficiency is observed for complex 2, which was strongly supported by the electrochemical anticorrosion studies. The results of the TGA analysis support the X‐ray crystal structures of the complexes.
Physical activity among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Jordan: a qualitative study
Momani A., Al-Marzouqi Z., Abu-Shhadeh A., Ajlouni K., ALBashtawy M., Almomani M.H., Jarrah S., AlQahtani S.A., Ababneh A.
Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a growing epidemic condition that is expected to reach pandemic levels in the upcoming decades. Physical activity among individuals with type 2 diabetes is beneficial. A deeper understanding of physical activity among adults with type 2 diabetes in Jordan using a qualitative approach is needed. Aim: This study aimed at exploring physical activity among adults with type 2 diabetes in Jordan. Design: A constructivist grounded theory methodology guided this study. Methods: Data were collected using semi-structured and audio-recorded interviews and then analysed simultaneously using coding, constant comparative analysis and writing reflexive memos. Findings: Two themes emerged including ‘The Perception about Physical Activity’ and ‘Factors Influencing Adherence to Physical Activity’. The first theme included four sub-themes: physical activity definition; importance; duration and types. The second theme included five sub-themes: the belief that diet is superior to physical activity; ageing and presence of diabetes or comorbidities; job and family obligations; social support and weather. Conclusion: This study provided insights into patients’ perceptions and adherence to physical activity including facilitators and barriers. Clinicians and policymakers may consider the findings of this study to develop health promotion programmes and to suggest a suitable environment for individuals with type 2 diabetes to enhance their physical activity.
The influence of strategic foresight on quality of healthcare services in the presence of artificial intelligence solutions in Jordan
Alajrab S.S., Oweidat I.A., Nassar O., ALBashtawy M., Nashwan A.J.
Springer Nature
BMC Nursing 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
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Abstract Background Healthcare organizations are distinguished by intricate systems that undergo continual modifications and unpredictability. This greatly hinders the ability to estimate the exact consequences of any changes accurately. Therefore, scholars prove that strategic foresight enables leaders to anticipate future challenges and possibilities. The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in management is on the rise, mostly because of its ability to provide intelligent services, reduce medical errors, and improve operational efficiency. Purpose To examine the impact of strategic foresight on the quality of healthcare services provided by Jordanian nurses in the context of AI solutions in governmental hospitals. Method A cross-sectional descriptive correlational analysis was conducted. A convenience sampling approach was used in the four selected Jordanian governmental hospitals. The study’s target population consisted of nurses. Over three weeks between January and February 2024, 240 self-reported questionnaires were received using a five-point Likert scale, with a response rate of 88.9%. The completed surveys were suitable for analysis using AMOS SPSS v. 26 and SPSS. Results Simple linear regression and (Pearson’s r) test results showed that (R = .279, R square = 0.078) between strategic foresight and the quality of healthcare services. (R = .543, R square = 0.295) between strategic foresight and the adoption of AI-based solutions. And (R = .432, R square = 0.187) between adopting AI-based solutions and the quality of healthcare services. That reveals a statistically significant, positive correlation coefficient relationship between the variables. In the presence of the mediator, the direct relationship between strategic foresight and healthcare service quality was not statistically significant (b = 0.063, p = .398). The path analysis test indicates a linear relationship between the variables sequentially, and the AI-based solutions completely mediate the relationship between strategic foresight and the quality of healthcare services. Conclusions A positive and significant correlation between the variables suggests that a simulation-proposed model for a healthcare quality forecasting system, which the researcher built and included in the study recommendations, has to be designed. Therefore, AI-based forecasting systems should incorporate health service quality parameters to facilitate high efficiency and prompt patient demand fulfillment.
Effectiveness of a Brief Mindfulness‐Based Intervention on Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction in Pediatric Nurses
AL‐Jdeetawey N.A., Al‐Hammouri M.M., Rababah J.A., Ta'an W.F., Suliman M.
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
ABSTRACTBackgroundUnlike other medical practitioners, nurses working in pediatric intensive care units face uniquely challenging workplace conditions because they care for preterm newborns and critically ill patients. These workplace challenges led to increased compassion fatigue (i.e., burnout and secondary traumatic stress) and decreased compassion satisfaction. Compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction strongly influence the quality of care and patient outcomes, and these need to be addressed through effective interventions such as mindfulness‐based interventions.AimThis study aimed to examine the impact of a brief mindfulness‐based intervention on compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction among pediatric intensive care nurses.MethodsA quasi experimental study with a pretest posttest design was used to recruit 204 nurses: 102 in the intervention group and 102 in the control group with randomization by hospital (n = 4). The brief mindfulness‐based intervention was delivered over 6 weeks. Data were collected using a demographics questionnaire and the Professional Quality of Life Scale, Version 5.ResultsThe intervention group's mean scores of burnout and secondary traumatic stress were significantly lower postinterventions compared with the control group. Similarly, the mean compassion satisfaction score for the intervention group indicated a significant improvement post‐intervention compared with the control group. Additional evidence for the effectiveness of the intervention was the disappearance of low compassion satisfaction, high burnout, and high secondary traumatic stress categorizations postintervention in the intervention group, contrary to the control group.Linking Evidence to ActionImplementing brief mindfulness‐based interventions can improve pediatric intensive care nurses' well‐being by reducing burnout and secondary traumatic stress while enhancing compassion satisfaction. By using the study's findings, nurse managers can make these practices essential for high‐quality care and effective workforce management.Trial identifier: ACTRN12622000389707
Comprehensive Subfamilies of Bi-Univalent Functions Defined by Error Function Subordinate to Euler Polynomials
Al-Hawary T., Frasin B., Salah J.
Symmetry 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
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Recently, several researchers have estimated the Maclaurin coefficients, namely q2 and q3, and the Fekete–Szegö functional problem of functions belonging to some special subfamilies of analytic functions related to certain polynomials, such as Lucas polynomials, Legendrae polynomials, Chebyshev polynomials, and others. This study obtains the bounds of coefficients q2 and q3, and the Fekete–Szegö functional problem for functions belonging to the comprehensive subfamilies T(ζ,ϵ,δ) and J(φ,δ) of analytic functions in a symmetric domain U, using the imaginary error function subordinate to Euler polynomials. After specializing the parameters used in our main results, a number of new special cases are also obtained.
Does engaging in ESG practices improve banks’ performance in Jordan?
Mansour M., Al Zobi M., Alnohoud I., Abu Allan A., Khassawneh A., Saad M.
Q2 Banks and Bank Systems 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Assessing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices in the banking sector is becoming increasingly important. This study aims to analyze the correlation between ESG scores and the performance of banks. The ESG data were gathered using a Bloomberg database. Using fixed-effect estimation for a static model, this study examines a balanced panel sample of 15 Jordanian-listed banks from 2009 to 2023. Based on multivariate regression, the study outcomes suggest that Jordanian banks with higher ESG scores perform better in operating and market performance. Stakeholder theory supports this. Accordingly, the R2 values for the study models were 23.9% for the ROA model and 18.7% for Tobin’s Q, respectively, showing the high explanatory power of both models. Therefore, an increase of one point in ESG scores leads to a corresponding rise in ROA and Tobin’s Q 0.496 and 0.370, respectively. Regarding control variables, leverage has a negative correlation coefficient of –0.169 and –0.253, respectively, in both the ROA and Tobin’s Q models. According to the ROA model, a one-unit increase in bank size leads to a 0.309-unit increase in bank performance and a 0.115-unit increase, according to Tobin’s Q model. Similarly, as the bank ages by one year, its performance improves, with the ROA and Tobin’s Q models showing increases of 0.216 and 0.116 units, respectively. Additionally, the financial development showed correlation coefficients of 0.108 and 0.045 for the ROA and Tobin’s Q models, respectively. However, the ESG committee does not affect the performance of banks. AcknowledgmentThis research was funded through the annual funding track by the Deanship of Scientific Research, from the Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia [Grant NO. KFU242703].
The crystal structure of 2-bromo-2-(5-bromo-2-methyl-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-1-phenylethanone, C12H9Br2N3O3
Saber S.O., Al-Soud Y.A., Al-Qawasmeh R.A., Khanfar M.A.
Walter de Gruyter
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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Abstract C12H9Br2N3O3, monoclinic, P21/c (no. 14), a = 9.0255(5) Å, b = 14.9112(5) Å, c = 10.9438(5) Å, β = 109.223(5)°, V = 1390.71(12) Å3, Z = 4, Rgt (F) = 0.0482, wRref (F 2) = 0.0948, T = 293(2) K.
Enhanced interaction and biosensing properties of dopamine molecule over the surface of Ag-decorated arsenene nanosheets: A DFT study
Batoo K.M., Ganesan S., Ariffin I.A., Lal M., Verma R., Ibrahim S.M., Ijaz M.F., Alhadrawi M., Abualigah L.
Springer Nature
Chemical Papers 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The investigation of adsorption properties of dopamine has aroused significant attention in search for the design of effective biosensors. In this work, arsenene-based biosensors functionalized with Ag atoms are modeled and optimized using DFT calculations. The adsorption and surface reactivity of dopamine molecule can be enhanced over the Ag-functionalized arsenene nanostructures compared with the pristine systems. Charge density difference plots and total charge distribution analysis indicate the significant accumulation of charge densities over the adsorbed Ag atom and dopamine molecule. Compared with pure arsenene, surface modification by Ag adatom enhances the reactivity of arsenene, which is very conducive to biosensing of dopamine by arsenene surface. Moreover, in the PDOS analysis, there are great peak overlaps between Ag–O and Ag–N atoms, confirming the formation of chemical bonds between the Ag and O or N atoms. Our results indicate the substantial efficiency of Ag-functionalized arsenene nanosheets for sensing dopamine molecules.
Novel transfer learning approach for hand drawn mathematical geometric shapes classification
Alam A., Raza A., Thalji N., Abualigah L., Garay H., Iturriaga J.A., Ashraf I.
PeerJ Computer Science 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
Hand-drawn mathematical geometric shapes are geometric figures, such as circles, triangles, squares, and polygons, sketched manually using pen and paper or digital tools. These shapes are fundamental in mathematics education and geometric problem-solving, serving as intuitive visual aids for understanding complex concepts and theories. Recognizing hand-drawn shapes accurately enables more efficient digitization of handwritten notes, enhances educational tools, and improves user interaction with mathematical software. This research proposes an innovative machine learning algorithm for the automatic classification of mathematical geometric shapes to identify and interpret these shapes from handwritten input, facilitating seamless integration with digital systems. We utilized a benchmark dataset of mathematical shapes based on a total of 20,000 images with eight classes circle, kite, parallelogram, square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, and triangle. We introduced a novel machine-learning algorithm CnN-RFc that uses convolution neural networks (CNN) for spatial feature extraction and the random forest classifier for probabilistic feature extraction from image data. Experimental results illustrate that using the CnN-RFc method, the Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM) algorithm surpasses state-of-the-art approaches with high accuracy scores of 98% for hand-drawn shape classification. Applications of the proposed mathematical geometric shape classification algorithm span various domains, including education, where it enhances interactive learning platforms and provides instant feedback to students.
Review of carbonaceous nanoparticles for antibacterial uses in various dental infections
Shenasa N., Hamed Ahmed M., Abdul Kareem R., Jaber Zrzor A., Salah Mansoor A., Athab Z.H., Bayat H., Diznab F.A.
Taylor & Francis
Nanotoxicology 2025 citations by CoLab: 0

Since 1995

Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average authors per publication
Metrics description


Fields of science

General Medicine, 124, 6.65%
General Nursing, 119, 6.38%
General Chemistry, 113, 6.06%
Condensed Matter Physics, 113, 6.06%
General Mathematics, 110, 5.89%
General Materials Science, 95, 5.09%
Applied Mathematics, 67, 3.59%
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 54, 2.89%
Education, 53, 2.84%
Materials Chemistry, 51, 2.73%
Biochemistry, 51, 2.73%
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, 49, 2.63%
Computer Science Applications, 48, 2.57%
General Physics and Astronomy, 48, 2.57%
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 47, 2.52%
General Engineering, 47, 2.52%
Software, 47, 2.52%
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 42, 2.25%
Inorganic Chemistry, 41, 2.2%
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, 40, 2.14%
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, 39, 2.09%
Modeling and Simulation, 39, 2.09%
Organic Chemistry, 37, 1.98%
General Computer Science, 36, 1.93%
Computer Science (miscellaneous), 35, 1.88%
Statistics and Probability, 35, 1.88%
Water Science and Technology, 35, 1.88%
Analytical Chemistry, 34, 1.82%
Geography, Planning and Development, 34, 1.82%
Mechanical Engineering, 33, 1.77%





With other organizations


With foreign organizations


With other countries

Saudi Arabia, 348, 18.65%
Malaysia, 199, 10.66%
UAE, 186, 9.97%
USA, 137, 7.34%
India, 121, 6.48%
Egypt, 116, 6.22%
Oman, 107, 5.73%
Iraq, 104, 5.57%
China, 96, 5.14%
Lebanon, 85, 4.56%
United Kingdom, 76, 4.07%
Australia, 64, 3.43%
Turkey, 61, 3.27%
Germany, 59, 3.16%
Kuwait, 54, 2.89%
Iran, 52, 2.79%
Pakistan, 52, 2.79%
Qatar, 51, 2.73%
Palestine, 36, 1.93%
Canada, 34, 1.82%
Sweden, 31, 1.66%
Uzbekistan, 24, 1.29%
Algeria, 20, 1.07%
Russia, 19, 1.02%
Hungary, 18, 0.96%
Tunisia, 18, 0.96%
Vietnam, 17, 0.91%
Italy, 17, 0.91%
Peru, 17, 0.91%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
  • Publications published earlier than 1995 are ignored in the statistics.
  • The horizontal charts show the 30 top positions.
  • Journals quartiles values are relevant at the moment.