Kvelidze-Kuznetsova N.N., Morozova S.A., Matyushenko A.D.
2020-01-28 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
The current stage of development of university libraries requires active participation in the processes of formation and development of an effective system of publication activity of university researchers. the constant collection and monitoring of data on the indicators of authors in Russian and international scientometric systems is an important component of this system. Collecting information and keeping it up-to-date in order to quickly respond to incoming requests along with the ability to output data in various structured formats, are inefficient and time-consuming in case of constant access to platforms and “manual” generation of information.The article presents the stages of creation and development of a software module created and functioning at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and allowing real-time output of structured current and comparative data on scientometric indicators of university teachers and researchers. Particular attention is paid to the prospects for the development of the created complex and the possibilities of data integration, including the earlier implemented synchronization of information with the profiles of teachers on the university website.The program module was created on the basis of database interaction with the API of scientometric resources such as Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus and Web of Science with the goal of further processing and systematization of the data obtained. The program module presented by the authors and created by the employees of the fundamental library, made it possible to create a single access point to the data which can be used to fill out any kind of documents, to monitor the implementati
Kvelidze-Kuznetsova N.N., Morozova S.A.
2019-03-25 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
Educational and methodological support of the main professional educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as MPEP) is an integral component and an important condition for the licensing, implementation and accreditation of these programs. An analysis of the publications of the last five years shows that universities and libraries of educational institutions are in search of modern software alternatives to the book supply modules included in automated library information systems (hereinafter — ABIS). In Herzen Stage Pedagogical University the launch of the Book Supply module, created as an external online software product using data streams from various sources, was the impetus for the formation of a whole complex of automated modules that allow real-time monitoring of the effective use in the educational process of both the printed fund and the fund of electronic publications presented on the platforms of publishers and aggregators, access to which is provided by subscription. Based on the data provided by the software package, the authors show the need and importance of continuous monitoring of the state of educational and methodological support of the educational process in order to respond quickly, adjust printed and electronic funds, interact meaningfully with departments and maintain the balance of printed and electronic information appropriate to the current state of development information technology and user readiness to perceive different types of information. The technique presented by the authors allows to form a harmonious content of educational and methodological support.
Bolotov V., Kvelidze-Kuznetsova N., Laptev V., Morozova S.
Voprosy Obrazovaniya scimago Q3 wos Q4 Open Access
2014-03-21 citations by CoLab: 7 Abstract  
Viktor Bolotov - Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Education, Academic Supervisor at the Russian Training Center, Institute of Management of Russian Academy of Education. E-mail: vikbolotov@yandex.ruNatela Kvelidze-Kuznetsova - Director of the Library at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Address: Naberezhnaya Reki Moyki, 48, St.Petersburg, 191186. E-mail: natela@herzen.spb.ruVladimir Laptev - Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Education, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Address: Naberezhnaya Reki Moyki, 48, St.Petersburg, 191186. E-mail: laptev@herzen.spb.ruSvetlana Morozova - Deputy Director of the Library at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Address: Naberezhnaya Reki Moyki, 48, St.Petersburg, 191186. E-mail: morozova@herzen.spb.ruThe recent years have witnessed using numerical measurements of research work, apart from the indicator of financial and administrative support and that of educational activities, as a rating and monitoring criterion in assessing performance of higher education institutions and scientific organizations. Assessment of research performance through calculations is unfamiliar to the Russian academic community and is often misunderstood or even rejected. The authors analyze the h-index, an index of published work productivity, considering it to be the most appropriate scientometric indicator that allows to smooth over many drawbacks of assessing research achievements by mere calculation of the number of published works or citations. The authors also discuss using Web of Science and Scopus scientometric platforms to assess research productivity of Russian scientists. There are two reasons why using them sometimes provides information that is imprecise or incomplete: a) only works published in English are taken into account, and b) mostly natural science journals are selected. The paper demonstrates how the h-index is currently calculated in the Russian Science Citation Index and how the indices can be optimized after processing the existing RSCI data files and adding new data. Based on the experiment of calculating the h-index for three authors on the RSCI platform, the authors of the paper have come to the conclusion that quantitative research assessment techniques will most often be non-objective and may only be applied together with expert opinions.
Androsov K., Kirichek A., Spasennikov V.
2024-03-29 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 1
The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of calculating the indicators of scientific journals at Bryansk State Technical University (BSTU) in the fields of technology according to the nomenclature list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation based on the integral rating of the Science Index information and analytical system. Analising publication activity and disagreements of the expert community in ranking journals in economic specialties is carried out. The paper identifies the directions for further improving the quality of BSTU scientific journals in technical specialties, namely: Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, Transport Engineering, Automation and Modelling in Design and Management and Ergodesign based on their expert assessments. It is shown that the priority criteria for expert evaluation are the following: academic contribution to the field of knowledge, the quality of articles and their compliance with the subject area of the journal, the policy of journals regarding the reviewing and geographical diversity of authors and members of the editorial board and editorial staff of the journal. It is proposed that in addition to the integral Science Index rating, which is a point indicator, the relevance and novelty of published journal articles is associated with analysing altmerics and visualising data.
Udartseva O.M.
2023-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
The results are presented of the analysis of 214 foreign current research information systems (–CRISs) as basic resources reflecting the state of research of specific scientific institutions. A quantitative assessment of the research data registered in the system is given. Emphasis is placed on open access data collected in information systems. It is found that the number of scientific research results in open access is increasing every year. Today, the share of publicly available scientific products in the considered CRIS systems averages about 25%.
Akoev M., Valeeva M., Demidov M., Medvedeva O., Savelyev P., Khodachek I.
2023-09-25 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
The article provides an overview of the round table “University Management in Russia: Challenges and Solutions”, which was held as part of the VII International Nevsky Forum “The Role of Russia in the Formation of a Multipolar World: Challenges, Opportunities, Prospects, Management Decisions”, held on June 21-23, 2023, in St. Petersburg based on the RANEPA. The round table was organized by the Department of Scientific and Information Development and Library Support and the Center for Advanced Social Research of the Institute of Social Sciences of the RANEPA as part of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Human Potential project, together with the Department of Scientific Work of the North-Western Institute of the RANEPA. The purpose of the round table was to search for effective managerial solutions to overcome such modern challenges by socio-humanitarian universities as: transformation of international relations and interactions; restriction of access to international databases of scientific information; the impossibility of achieving the strategic goals of Russia in the new realities with the help of old approaches.
Bhendale M., Indra A., Singh J.K.
Soft Matter scimago Q1 wos Q2
2023-09-13 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
This work investigates the freezing induced self-assembly (FISA) of poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and PVA-like polymers using molecular dynamics simulations. In particular, the effect of the degree of supercooling, degree...
Wu J., Yang Z., Cai X., Zhang L.
2023-08-15 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract   Cites 1
The diffusion coefficient D of a polymer chain confined to a periodic cylinder has oscillation relationship with the ratio of (〈R2〉)1/2/L for different chain lengths N and different periodicities L.
Radushinsky D., Kremcheeva D., Smirnova E., Radushinskaya A.
2023-03-31 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 1
The article considers approaches to the development of criteria for assessing the quality of scientific research in St. Petersburg Mining University, Russia (Mining University), the functioning of which contains the main features of research university as well as of a scientific organization. The research methods include expert assessments, analysis and synthesis and other desk research methods. Based on the analysis of the results of the scientific activity of the organization in recent years, a set of basic quantitative indicators has been developed, as well as a set of additional qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the scientific departments of the university. Qualitative indicators, including the rating assessment of the research carried out by the Scientific and Technical Council of the university, are designed to complement the widely used scientometric data. Thus, scientometric, financial indicators and a comprehensive (multifactorial) qualitative assessment can serve as criteria for the quality assessment for the scientific activity of the university. The information obtained is relevant for the formation of a quality management system for scientific research at Mining University, as well as for other research universities with a similar organizational structure. However, the conclusions obtained cannot be automatically extended to the procedures for the formation of quality management systems for scientific research in organizations of a different profile.
Tyurin A., Shamshurin V.
2023-02-27 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 2
The article is dedicated to the computerized evaluation of publication effectiveness using accessible API of citation bases. The review of scientific sources indicates that the use of API of such well-known companies and agencies as Elsevier, Clarivate Analytics, Crossref as applicable to international, including domestic, citation indexes plays an important role when creating such systems. The main aim is the analysis of publication activity not only of an organization but also of its divisions. The results of such analysis allow developing effective directions of a higher educational institution policy to motivate for research, creating the necessary reports in the formalized form in the time mode, approximated to the real one, upon the requests. The global analytical citation systems, such as Scopus, Web of Science and Russian Science Citation Index, have such a disadvantage that they often contain the distorted information about the authors’ affiliation for the reasons beyond their control. This feature is conditioned by the lack of connection between the databases of publications and the actual place of work of the authors. The solution of such a problem depends on the integration degree of the data obtained for publications into the information network of the higher educational institution. As a particular case, the example of the program module aggregating metadata of articles from three bases, including the use of Elsevier API and allowing the calculation of the actual complex score of the publication effectiveness was developed. The research demonstrated that the actual value of this score significantly differs from the desired one, which is calculated based on the data of the domestic scientific citation index.
Demina I.
2021-12-15 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 1
This study extended the author's previous research in the field of scientometrics of media researchers on the topic “Mass information. Journalism. Mass media” in Russian electronic library and Russian Science Citation Index. The methodology was a census of the personalities of the first hundred authors ranked by the level of the h-index in 2020 compared to 2017, and in some aspects — from 2016. The study analyzed the changes in the h-index over the years under study, changes in the authors' geography by federal districts and cities of the Russian Federation, their academic position, the distribution of doctors and candidates of sciences in scientific majors in accordance with the awarded degree, as well as the distribution of rating personalities by actual scientific interests and taught courses in their affiliated scientific and educational organizations. The study revealed the importance of scientometric indicators for authors and scientific and educational organizations to determine their place in the academic community, the relevance of topics and authors’ research in the general academic landscape, and material incentives. At the same time, it was noted that the system of scientometric indicators is changing: perhaps the h-index the number of published works and the number of citations in the RSCI will remain as an object of research by historians of science to determine the common place of Russian (and Soviet) scientists in the science development, and in addition or to replace them there will be new indicators. One of them is the "percentile" recently introduced into the list of scientometric indicators. Studies of the values of scientometric indicators will remain relevant in the future.
Niyazova M.V.
2021-08-12 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract   Cites 1
The paper considers individual academic productivity and the new managerialism in academic research as a set of social relations, common and opposite interests of a scholar and a university. The balance of interests is a necessary condition for regulating the contradictions among participants in public relations, including academic research. Reforming higher education results in new managerialism spreading wider and in scientific results paid attention to. The increasing accountability with a lack of mutual trust and information asymmetry creates the illusion of an imbalance of academic researchers’ interests in favor of management. The power potential of the new managerialism can become an instrument of both pressure and encouragement of individual academic productivity. As is shown in our review, this productivity, mainly published papers, is influenced by the principles of its assessment. The evolution of approaches to the academic results promotion provides a large variety of criteria for the selection of indicators to assess scientific activity. The game theory allows to reduce this variety to one common ground, where winning is considered to be the basis of relationships in academic research. As a result, there is a matrix model of four strategies – the extreme forms of scholar-and-management relationship manifestation within the system of academic research. Only one of these strategies means a balance of interests and long-term cooperation, the other three imply the contradiction of individual academic productivity vs the new managerialism and are short-term. The use of winning in a game as a basis and criterion of assessment for the individual academic productivity normalization contributes to opportunistic behavior neutralization. The author makes the conclusion that the type of strategy affects the combination of simple and qualitative indicators and professional expertise when assessing scientific results. It is reasonable to choose the indicators of assessment according to the most balanced strategy of regulating the contradictions among participants in academic research.
Bagdasaryan N.G., Sonina L.A.
2020-12-31 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract   Cites 1
Consumer society is associated with abundance of goods and services. Usually the scientific activity is not among them. Meanwhile, with scientometric indicators introduction, science activity acquired characteristics of consumer society in which it runs. The publication activity in modern circumstances got in track of consumer focus: authors, journals and mediators became economical actors, and scientific text became the product of “sings absorption and absorbed by signs”. Was it possible to avoid it? - this question is without answer. It is clear that imposing quantitative scientometric indicators became the catalyst of this process.
Dementyev V.V.
2020-06-30 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 1
The transformation of scientific genres in the context of the general digitalization of modern culture is considered. It is shown that the speech genre content of this process is based on the mechanisms of generation and transformation of the text of two types, the interpretation of which can be useful in order to better understand the nature, tasks and tools of scientometry at this stage, and in order to better understand the speech genre structure of scientific speech. Firstly, the structural requirements for articles and monographs indexed in scientometric systems (Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, RSCI, etc.) are approved and streamlined, and thereby our knowledge of what an article is from its structure (i.e. knowledge about the genre of the article). Secondly, the requirements of indexing systems lead to the fact that the texts of articles change, they are “written differently”, and sometimes redone after appropriate recommendations from publishers. The points highlighted in scientometric systems can be understood as signs that an article must comply with in order to be assigned to the “speech genre of a scientific article”. The largest quantitative indicators for these items are indicators of how close to the core of the genre this or that text will turn out.
Kvelidze-Kuznetsova N.N., Morozova S.A., Matyushenko A.D.
2020-01-28 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract   Cites 1
The current stage of development of university libraries requires active participation in the processes of formation and development of an effective system of publication activity of university researchers. the constant collection and monitoring of data on the indicators of authors in Russian and international scientometric systems is an important component of this system. Collecting information and keeping it up-to-date in order to quickly respond to incoming requests along with the ability to output data in various structured formats, are inefficient and time-consuming in case of constant access to platforms and “manual” generation of information.The article presents the stages of creation and development of a software module created and functioning at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and allowing real-time output of structured current and comparative data on scientometric indicators of university teachers and researchers. Particular attention is paid to the prospects for the development of the created complex and the possibilities of data integration, including the earlier implemented synchronization of information with the profiles of teachers on the university website.The program module was created on the basis of database interaction with the API of scientometric resources such as Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus and Web of Science with the goal of further processing and systematization of the data obtained. The program module presented by the authors and created by the employees of the fundamental library, made it possible to create a single access point to the data which can be used to fill out any kind of documents, to monitor the implementati
Hitimana E., Roopnarine B.K., Morozova S.
Soft Matter scimago Q1 wos Q2
2022-01-04 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract  
Transport through heterogeneous confined geometries is encountered in many processes and applications such as filtration, drug delivery, and enhanced oil recovery. We have used differential dynamic microscopy (DDM) and particle tracking to investigate dynamics of 36 nm negatively-charged polystyrene particles in convex lens-induced confinement (CLiC). The confinement gap height was controlled from 0.085 μm to 3.6 mm by sandwiching the aqueous particle solution between a glass coverslip and a convex lens using a homemade sample holder. With an inverted fluorescence microscope, sequences of micrographs were taken at various radial positions and gap heights for five particle concentrations (i.e. φ = 0.5 × 10-5, 1 × 10-5, 5 × 10-5, 10 × 10-5, 50 × 10-5) and ionic strengths ranging from 10-3 to 150 mM. The resulting image structure functions were fitted with a simple exponential model to extract the ensemble-averaged diffusive dynamics. It was found that particle diffusion was more hindered as a function of increased confinement. In addition, the ensemble-averaged diffusion coefficient was found to depend on the bulk concentration, and the concentration dependence increased as a function of confinement. Increasing particle and salt concentration led to confinement-dependent adsorption onto the geometry surface. Overall, we show that CLiC devices are simple and effective and can be used to study dynamics in continuous confinement from sub 100 nm to 100's of μm. These findings could lead to better understanding of separations and interactions in confining devices.
Morrin G.T., Kienle D.F., Schwartz D.K.
ACS Macro Letters scimago Q1 wos Q1
2021-09-17 citations by CoLab: 8 Abstract  
In many technological applications, DNA is confined within nanoenvironments that are smaller than the size of the unconfined polymer in solution. However, the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on molecular weight and characteristic confinement dimension remains poorly understood in this regime. Here, convex lens-induced confinement (CLiC) was leveraged to examine how the diffusion of short DNA fragments varied as a function of slit height by using single-molecule fluorescence tracking microscopy. The diffusion coefficient followed approximate power law behavior versus confinement height, with exponents of 0.27 ± 0.01, 0.32 ± 0.02, and 0.42 ± 0.06 for 692, 1343, and 2686 base pair chains, respectively. The weak dependence on slit height suggests that shorter semiflexible chains may adopt increasingly rodlike conformations and therefore experience weaker excluded-volume interactions as the confinement dimension is reduced. The diffusion coefficient versus molecular weight also exhibited apparent power law behavior, with exponents that varied slightly (from -0.89 to -0.85) with slit height, consistent with hydrodynamic interactions intermediate between Rouse and Zimm model predictions.
Cerbino R., Giavazzi F., Helgeson M.E.
Journal of Polymer Science scimago Q1 wos Q2
2021-06-03 citations by CoLab: 33 Abstract  
This review summarizes recent progress in investigating polymer systems by using Differential dynamic microscopy (DDM), a rapidly emerging approach that transforms a commercial microscope by combining real-space information with the powerful capabilities of conventional light scattering analysis. DDM analysis of a single microscope movie gives access to the sample dynamics in a wide range of scattering wave-vectors, enabling contemporary polymer science experiments that would be difficult or impossible with standard light scattering techniques. Examples of application include the characterization of polymer solutions and networks, of polymer based colloidal systems, of biopolymers, and of cellular motility in polymeric fluids. Further applications of DDM to a variety of polymer systems are suggested to be just behind the corner and it is thus likely that DDM will become a tool of choice of the modern experimental polymer scientists.
Morrin G.T., Kienle D.F., Weltz J.S., Traeger J.C., Schwartz D.K.
Macromolecules scimago Q1 wos Q1
2020-05-13 citations by CoLab: 11 Abstract  
The surface diffusion of poly-l-lysine (PLL) in a planar nanoslit was studied using convex lens-induced confinement (CLiC) single-molecule tracking microscopy. Three surface chemistries were employ...
Roda A., Matias A., Paiva A., Duarte A.
Polymers scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2019-05-21 citations by CoLab: 98 PDF Abstract  
The green and versatile character of deep eutectic solvents (DES) has turned them into significant tools in the development of green and sustainable technologies. For this purpose, their use in polymeric applications has been growing and expanding to new areas of development. The present review aims to summarize the progress in the field of DES applied to polymer science and engineering. It comprises fundamentals studies involving DES and polymers, recent applications of DES in polymer synthesis, extraction and modification, and the early developments on the formulation of DES–polymer products. The combination of DES and polymers is highly promising in the development of new and ‘greener’ materials. Still, there is plenty of room for future research in this field.
Kvelidze-Kuznetsova N.N., Morozova S.A.
2019-03-25 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
Educational and methodological support of the main professional educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as MPEP) is an integral component and an important condition for the licensing, implementation and accreditation of these programs. An analysis of the publications of the last five years shows that universities and libraries of educational institutions are in search of modern software alternatives to the book supply modules included in automated library information systems (hereinafter — ABIS). In Herzen Stage Pedagogical University the launch of the Book Supply module, created as an external online software product using data streams from various sources, was the impetus for the formation of a whole complex of automated modules that allow real-time monitoring of the effective use in the educational process of both the printed fund and the fund of electronic publications presented on the platforms of publishers and aggregators, access to which is provided by subscription. Based on the data provided by the software package, the authors show the need and importance of continuous monitoring of the state of educational and methodological support of the educational process in order to respond quickly, adjust printed and electronic funds, interact meaningfully with departments and maintain the balance of printed and electronic information appropriate to the current state of development information technology and user readiness to perceive different types of information. The technique presented by the authors allows to form a harmonious content of educational and methodological support.
Morrin G.T., Kienle D.F., Schwartz D.K.
The Analyst scimago Q2 wos Q2
2019-02-27 citations by CoLab: 8 Abstract  
Interferometry-based measurement of gap height in convex lens-induced confinement significantly improves accuracy at sub-100 nm gap thickness.
Zhu J., Hou J., Zhang Y., Tian M., He T., Liu J., Chen V.
Journal of Membrane Science scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-03-01 citations by CoLab: 214 Abstract  
The application of polymer membranes in wastewater treatment and desalination is widespread. Nevertheless, the longstanding biofouling issue on membrane surface has garnered enormous attention within the scientific and industrial fields. Motivated by the recent development of nanocomposite membranes, the integration of biocidal nanomaterials with polymeric membranes has emerging as a promising strategy to mitigate biofouling. This review is aiming to encompass current nanomaterials and fabrication techniques, with highlights on the recent significant breakthroughs, in the field of antimicrobial nanocomposite membranes and imparts a comprehensive understanding of the strategic evolution in the design and construction approaches of antibacterial membranes. This review includes an exhaustive introduction of the antibacterial materials for membrane functionalization, including metal and carbon-based nanoparticles, organic antibacterial agents and bio-enzymes, together with their antibacterial mechanisms. Furthermore, we highlight the limitations in the current lab-based membrane antibacterial assay techniques, and discuss the challenges and prospective to link the antibacterial properties with the anti-biofouling behavior in practical applications.
Bayles A.V., Squires T.M., Helgeson M.E.
Rheologica Acta scimago Q2 wos Q2
2017-09-19 citations by CoLab: 39 Abstract  
We present a new method for performing passive probe microrheology. Using a simple theoretical framework, we show how probes’ mean-squared displacements can be extracted by analyzing intensity fluctuations in optical microscopy videos via differential dynamic microscopy (DDM). Applying the method to optically dilute probes in Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids quantitatively reproduces mean-squared displacements extracted from multiple particle tracking (MPT), and exposes the relative strengths and weakness of DDM. Furthermore, DDM can be used to measure the mean-squared displcement in optically dense fluids where MPT fails, demonstrating that DDM can extend the range of microrheology experiments while circumventing many of the drawbacks of MPT.
Gribkov D.
2017-04-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The author examines the issues of education process support with learning aids in the circumstances of changing library service paradigm from traditional to digital one. The need for solving these problems is increasing due to the tasks of efficient management of digital information resources development and use, quality management system implementation, studies of universities’ information space, in particular, openness and accessibility of learning publications. The author describes the interuniversity scheme of book supply for the institutes of culture based on “Book sufficiency” database of the interuniversity e-library. This model is proposed to be introduced to the information market as an efficient and prospectively demanded computer library system.
Li X., Xu Z., Yin H., Feng Y., Quan H.
Energy & Fuels scimago Q1 wos Q1
2017-02-27 citations by CoLab: 109 Abstract  
High-molecular-weight polyacrylamide (PAM) has been widely used in chemically enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes under mild conditions, but its poor tolerance to high temperature and high salinity impeded the use in severe oil reservoirs. To overcome the inadequacies of PAM, thermoviscosifying polymers (TVPs) whose viscosity increases upon increasing temperature and salinity were developed in recent years. In this work, comparative studies with PAM and TVP, having more similar molecular weights, were performed with regard to their rheological behaviors, thermal stability, and core flooding feasibility. It was found that the TVP aqueous solution exhibited thermothickening ability, even at a polymer concentration of 0.2 wt % with a total dissolved solids ratio (TDS) of 101 000 mg L–1 upon increasing temperature, while PAM only showed a monotonic decrease in viscosity under identical conditions. Remaining viscosity of TVP was higher than that of PAM after aging at 45 or 85 °C for one month. Core flooding ...
Leith J.S., Kamanzi A., Sean D., Berard D., Guthrie A.C., McFaul C.M., Slater G.W., de Haan H.W., Leslie S.R.
Macromolecules scimago Q1 wos Q1
2016-12-02 citations by CoLab: 25 Abstract  
We directly measure the free energy of confinement for semiflexible polymers from the nanoscale to bulk regimes in slit-like confinement. We use convex lens-induced confinement (CLiC) microscopy of DNA to directly count molecules at equilibrium in a single chamber of smoothly increasing height. Our data, acquired across a continuum of confinement regimes, provide a bridge with which to connect scaling theories established for qualitatively different regimes. We present new experimental data and simulations that connect the Odijk theory describing sub-persistence-length confinement, the interpolation model by Chen and Sullivan extending Odijk to moderate confinement, and the Casassa theory describing the transition from moderate confinement to bulk. Further, this work establishes a robust, quantitative platform for understanding and manipulating biopolymers at the nanoscale, with key applications and insights toward emerging genomic analysis tools.
Zhang S., Ye L., Zhang H., Hou J.
Materials Today scimago Q1 wos Q1
2016-11-01 citations by CoLab: 262 Abstract  
Solution-processable organic photovoltaics (OPV) has emerged as a promising clean energy-generating technology due to its potential for low-cost manufacturing with a high power/weight ratio. The state-of-the-art OPV devices are processed by hazardous halogenated solvents. Fabricating high-efficiency OPV devices using greener solvents is a necessary step toward their eventual commercialization. In this review, recent research efforts and advances in green-solvent-processable OPVs are summarized, and two basic strategies including material design and solvent selection of light-harvesting layers are discussed. In particular, the most recent green-solvent-processable OPVs with high efficiencies in excess of 9% are highlighted.
Lei Q., Zhang M., Shen L., Li R., Liao B., Lin H.
Scientific Reports scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2016-09-15 citations by CoLab: 36 PDF Abstract  
This study linked the chemical potential change to high specific filtration resistance (SFR) of gel layer, and then proposed a novel membrane fouling mechanism regarding gel layer filtration, namely, Flory-Huggins based filtration mechanism. A mathematical model for this mechanism was theoretically deduced. Agar was used as a model polymer for gel formation. Simulation of the mathematical model for agar gel showed that volume fraction of polymer and Flory-Huggins interaction parameter were the two key factors governing the gel SFR, whereas, pH and ionic strength were not related with the gel SFR. Filtration tests of gel layer showed that the total SFR value, effects of pH and ionic strength on the gel SFR well agreed with the perditions of model’s simulation, indicating the real occurrence of this mechanism and the feasibility of the proposed model. This mechanism can satisfactorily explain the extremely high SFR of gel layer, and improve fundamental insights into membrane fouling regarding gel layer filtration.
Daddi-Moussa-Ider A., Gekle S.
Journal of Chemical Physics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2016-07-06 citations by CoLab: 32 Abstract  
We present an analytical calculation of the hydrodynamic interaction between two spherical particles near an elastic interface such as a cell membrane. The theory predicts the frequency dependent self- and pair-mobilities accounting for the finite particle size up to the 5th order in the ratio between particle diameter and wall distance as well as between diameter and interparticle distance. We find that particle motion towards a membrane with pure bending resistance always leads to mutual repulsion similar as in the well-known case of a hard-wall. In the vicinity of a membrane with shearing resistance, however, we observe an attractive interaction in a certain parameter range which is in contrast to the behavior near a hard wall. This attraction might facilitate surface chemical reactions. Furthermore, we show that there exists a frequency range in which the pair-mobility for perpendicular motion exceeds its bulk value, leading to short-lived superdiffusive behavior. Using the analytical particle mobilities we compute collective and relative diffusion coefficients. The appropriateness of the approximations in our analytical results is demonstrated by corresponding boundary integral simulations which are in excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions.
Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
2014-2023 (10 years)
Metrics description


Fields of science

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 2, 50%
Environmental Engineering, 2, 50%
Materials Chemistry, 1, 25%
Organic Chemistry, 1, 25%
Inorganic Chemistry, 1, 25%
Polymers and Plastics, 1, 25%
Education, 1, 25%



Citing journals

Journal not defined, 1, 5.88%



Organizations from articles


Countries from articles

Russia, 3, 75%
Country not defined, 1, 25%
USA, 1, 25%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 6, 37.5%

Citing countries

Russia, 10, 62.5%
Country not defined, 4, 25%
USA, 1, 6.25%
China, 1, 6.25%
India, 1, 6.25%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.