Boyarshinov, Michael G.

DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Professor
Boyarshinov M.G., Vavilin A.S.
2024-04-18 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The relevance of studying traffic congestion is determined by the need to find a scientifically based criterion for its emergence, development and elimination using modern methods of processing information about car flows. The objective of this study is to reveal a quantitative criterion for emergence and evolution of traffic congestion based on a deterministic estimate of time of movement of individual vehicles in the general flow between control boundaries as a random variable of mean value, mode, median, standard deviation, variation indicators, asymmetry, and kurtosis.The subject of the study related to the patterns of evolution of the listed deterministic indicators of traffic flows, which can be used for operational forecasting of formation, development, and elimination of traffic congestion. The initial data were obtained using hardware and software systems for fixing traffic violations installed on the urban street-and-road network. As a result of the study, it was found that for the same section of the road, the listed deterministic indicators of a random variable differ significantly during free movement of road transport and in case of a traffic jam. It seems promising to use the average value of duration of movement of cars to identify the stages of emergence, development, and disappearance (liquidation) of traffic congestion. The proposed indicator can serve as a basis for developing a mechanism for real-time assessment of the likelihood of emergence of traffic jams, as well as for developing recommendations for the rapid response of transport services to prevent and eliminate them.
Boyarshinov M.G., Vavilin A.S.
The average speed and density of road transport are used as indicators of the congestion situation, but do not allow tracking the evolution (stages of formatting, progressing, and vanishing) of traffic congestion. The authors proposed and justified a quantitative indicator of traffic congestion, which allows in an automated mode to identify the congestion situation on the urban road network using hardware and software video recording systems. The purpose of this study is due to the need to study the quantitative characteristics of the proposed indicator at characteristic intersections of urban roads, which will allow us to develop scientifically based recommendations for predicting congestion situations, substantiating, and making optimal decisions on measures to promptly eliminate traffic congestion. The object of study is the traffic flow at three types of intersections of the Perm city road network, equipped with a photo and video recording software and hardware complex. The subject of the study is the regularities of the evolution of the listed deterministic indicators of traffic flows, which can be used for operational forecasting of the formation, development, and elimination of traffic congestion. The theoretical and methodological approach is based on the methods of mathematical statistics used to process the results of observations of traffic flows at different types of intersections using a «sliding window», calculating the average daily value and standard deviation. The initial data were obtained with the help of hardware and software complexes for fixing violations of traffic rules installed on the street and road network of the Perm city. As a result of the study, the rational parameters of the «sliding window» were determined, ensuring the structuring of the traffic congestion indicator; the facts of the congestion situations formation were revealed; the features of the congestion evolution and the presence of problematic traffic directions for which it is advisable to change the traffic light regulation mode were determined. The theoretical and practical significance of the work consists in checking the operability of the proposed indicator and criterion of traffic congestion, which is of practical interest from the point of view of predicting anomalies in the movement of vehicles on the road network, adjusting the operating modes of traffic lights, etc. It is also possible to use the proposed traffic congestion indicator to assess the effectiveness of traffic light regulation on the Perm city road network. The direction of further research is to study the patterns of traffic congestion at intersections of the urban road network, of various types that are not included in this study.
Boyarshinov M.G., Vavilin A.S.
The relevance of the present paper is justified by the need to search for a scientifically based criterion for the formation, development and elimination of traffic congestion using modern highly efficient mathematical methods of information processing. It seems necessary to study the results of using the rescaled range, statistical, fractal, harmonic, and wavelet analysis of time series formed by the time (duration) of the movement of cars in a stream along a road section in the absence and presence of traffic congestion. The object of study is a section of the road network equipped with a software and hardware complex that allows measuring the characteristics of any car in the flow of transport. The subject of the study is the patterns of changes in the duration of movement of individual cars in the absence and presence of a congestion situation. The purpose of this study is a quantitative indicator of the formation, evolution, and elimination of traffic congestion. The basis of the theoretical and methodological approach is the use of modern highly efficient mathematical methods for processing information about traffic flows received from stationary complexes of photo and video recording of traffic violations. As a result of the study of time series, decompositions of the analyzed time series by harmonics and wavelets are constructed, statistical and fractal characteristics of the time series under consideration are determined. The analysis of the obtained results is carried out, the features of the obtained dependencies are revealed. The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the scientific substantiation of the quantitative characteristics of traffic congestion, which is of practical interest from the point of view of predicting anomalies in the movement of vehicles on the road network, making decisions on managing the operation of traffic lights, etc. The direction of further research is an in-depth analysis of the identified indicator and determination on its basis of a criterion for determining the stages of formation, evolution, and elimination of traffic congestion at intersections of the street and road network of a large industrial city.
Dongauzer K., Boyarshinov M.G., Bekmansurov M., Shamov D.
2022-02-15 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The article presents the simulation of part distortion during laser metal deposition and a comparison of its results with the deposition performed in experiment. A numerical methodological approach to simulation is viewed which involves dividing the deposited material into primitive solids and further heating and cooling of each primitive solid along the deposition trajectory instead of simulating a moving heat source.
Boyarshinov M.G., Kuznetsov N.I.
2021-02-22 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The main reason for the condensate formation in the exhaust system of transport and technological vehicles is the deposition of excess moisture contained in the hot exhaust gas on the cold walls of the exhaust system at low ambient temperatures. An experimental study was made for the time dependences of the temperature of the exhaust system elements of transport and technological vehicles on various negative ambient temperatures during the engine warm-up at idle speed. The temperature was measured with a special equipment OVEN MV110-8A, OVEN AC4, and SCADA OwenProcessManager software. The characteristic features of the unsteady temperature change of the exhaust system elements in the conditions of negative values of the ambient temperature are revealed. An analysis of the experimental data showed that the experimentally obtained temperature–time dependences when using dimensionless indicators differ slightly. This made it possible to construct a mathematical model of the temperature dependence of the exhaust system elements on the engine operating time for the entire research range.
Yarikov A.V., Denisov A.A., Perlmutter O.A., Dokish M.Y., Sosnin A.G., Masevnin S.V., Pavlova E.A., Boyarshinov A.A.
2020-02-13 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
8590% of the elderly people are diagnosed with spondyloarthrosis There are various synonyms for this disease in the literature: facet syndrome, facet pain syndrome, arthrosis of the intervertebral joints, zygapophysial joint arthrosis and spondyloarthropathy. The article analyzes the pathogenesis, clinical picture and methods of diagnosis of this disease. Modern types of conservative and surgical treatment are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the surgical methods for the facet syndrome treatment are analyzed: instrumental denervation (radio frequency, laser, etc.), chemical denervaion and intraarticular administration of drugs. The results of our own clinical work are presented. The facet joint denervation appears to be a productive minimally invasive method of treatment of the reflex forms of spondyloarthrosis. In the early and long-term postoperative period, it leads to a persistent decrease in the intensity of pain and improvement of the quality of life with a low risk of perioperative complications.
Boyarshinov M., Zadvorov V., Kochetkov A., Yankovskiy L., Chudinov V.
2019-12-04 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The goal of the paper is to provide breakaway of a motor vehicle from skidding with the use of friction material on public and toting roads.The development of an anti-skid device is reasonable because road services are not always able to maintain the proper road conditions due to overall highway mileage which leads to road icing and snow knurling, which in turn lowers the friction coefficient of tires with the road. Model analysis and practical experiments are carried out to model breakaway modes while using friction material. This process can be automated for the use in off-road vehicles with a dedicated device that will deliver large grained friction material. The mentioned device had been developed by the authors of the paper. A technical effect of increased adhesion coefficient is achieved within the research. This effect allows the increase in transportation reliability under difficult meteorological and road conditions on public and toting roads. Practical experiments showed that addition of large grain friction material when skidding modifies the surface in front of the tire into a segmented area (angled surface) that helps the vehicle to breakaway and move further without skidding.
Boyarshinov M.G., Vaismana Y.I.
2016-10-13 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The following methods were used in order to identify the pollution fields of urban air caused by the motor transport exhaust gases: the mathematical model, which enables to consider the influence of the main factors that determine pollution fields formation in the complex spatial domain; the authoring software designed for computational modeling of the gas flow, generated by numerous mobile point sources; the results of computing experiments on pollutant spread analysis and evolution of their concentration fields. The computational model of exhaust gas distribution and dispersion in a spatial domain, which includes urban buildings, structures and main traffic arteries, takes into account a stochastic character of cars apparition on the borders of the examined territory and uses a Poisson process. The model also considers the traffic lights switching and permits to define the fields of velocity, pressure and temperature of the discharge gases in urban air. The verification of mathematical model and software used confirmed their satisfactory fit to the in-situ measurements data and the possibility to use the obtained computing results for assessment and prediction of urban air pollution caused by motor transport exhaust gases.
Boyarshinov M.G., Boyarshinova I.N.
2015-10-28 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
This paper’s purpose is analyzing a problem of optimal control of vitrifying polymers cooling process. A solution methodology is suggested targeting at decreasing technological residual stresses, which predetermine major operating characteristics of polymer structures. The criteria function to be minimized is maximum intensity of technological residual stresses under minimum cooling process time. To determine technological residual stresses, a problem of thermoviscoelasticity is solved in finite-elemental formulation. The chosen mathematical model of mechanical behavior of viscoelastic bodies under thermorelaxation transition allows to formulate and to solve the problem of cooling process optimal control. Obtained results show that application of optimal control methods to vitrifying polymers cooling process lead to tenfold decrease of technological residual stresses when compared to an uncontrolled process.
Boyarshinov M.G., Balabanov D.S.
Fluid Dynamics scimago Q3 wos Q4
2011-12-01 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
The vehicle exhaust gas concentration field in the atmosphere of a city block is described by means of solving the system of Euler’s partial differential equations (those of continuity, motion, energy, and state) with the corresponding boundary conditions. The numerical solution is obtained by Davydov’s large particle method. The numerical experiment made it possible to determine the distributions of the main gasdynamic parameters of the gas-air mixture flow and the distribution of the concentration of carbon monoxide entering in the composition of the exhaust gases throughout a three-dimensional domain of complicated shape.
Boyarshinov M.G.
2011-03-01 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
In constructing interval vectors and tensors, the requirement of invariance of these objects under transformation of the system of coordinates is taken into account. For illustrations, interval scalars, vectors, and tensors are used in solving the simplest engineering problems of deformable solid mechanics to construct distributions of displacements, strains, and stresses, including residual ones, satisfying the conditions of elastic adaptivity (J. Zarka methods).
Basin M.E., Boyarshinov M.G.
2008-05-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
An original mathematical model for description of the combined flow of a viscous lubricating layer and elastoplastic drawing deformation of a multilayer product has been developed. The theory of plastic flow with linear anisotropic hardening has been used for description of the material's behavior. The O. M. Belotserkovskii approach has been applied to the determination of the pressure in the lubricating layer. The problem of elastoplastic deformation of the product in the hydrodynamic-friction regime has been solved using the model developed.
Boyarshinov M.G.
2006-11-01 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
The mechanical process of transfer and dispersion of the exhaust gas near a motor road has been studied based on the hypothesis of a stochastic traffic flow on the considered roadway section, which is described by a Poisson process with a constant intensity. Using the three-dimensional diffusion equation, solutions have been obtained for problems on the concentration distribution of pollutants near an extended roadway and a road crossing. Basic stochastic characteristics of the concentration distribution of the exhaust gas from a stochastic traffic flow have been determined. Calculated results have been compared with experimental data.
Boyarshinov M.G.
Fluid Dynamics scimago Q3 wos Q4
2000-07-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
A mathematical continuum model of a stand of forest for assessing the consequences of the movement of a gas cloud, formed as a result of an accident, industrial gas emission, or production testing, is presented. The Navier-Stokes, continuity and diffusion equations are used to investigate the accumulation of harmful impurities by the stand and their subsequent removal. The two-dimensional problem is solved in the natural variables (velocity and pressure) using the Belotserkovskii procedure and the geometric splitting method.
Boyarshinov M.G., Trusov P.V.
1995-09-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
A new method for the single objective function construction for multi-criteria optimization problems is presented. This objective function estimates the “distance” between the required and actual distributions of the inelastic (thermal and plastic) strains in the body. In some specific cases such as the decreasing of the mechanical imperfection of long-dimensional profiles, the objective function may contain the initial curvature or the initial stress distribution as parameters. Several applied problems such as wire levelling and beam straightening are solved and discussed.
Fisenko S.P.
2024-03-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
It is shown that the scattering of the exhaust gases from a car is mainly due to their vertical turbulent diffusion with a coefficient increasing with increase in the velocity of the wind over the car or in the velocity of movement of the car. Results of numerical solution of the equation for the convective diffusion of the exhaust gases from a single car are presented. Qualitative estimates of the propagation of the exhaust gases from a convoy of cars have been made.
Shostak N.A., Pravdyuk N.G., Novikova A.V.
2023-01-15 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 1
Back pain (BP) is a major public health problem worldwide with high prevalence and disability. In most cases are associated with degenerative spinal disease (degenerative disc disease, DDD), myofascial syndrome, facet joint syndrome, spinal spondylosis, scoliotic deformation, sacroilial joint dysfunction, lumbar stenosis and other causes. The article describes the basics of the doctor’s approach to the diagnosis of back pain, describes the main strategies of patients routing. The algorithm proposed here includes detection of dangerous conditions, verification of inflammatory rhythm of BP according to criteria ASAS 2009, revealing of persistent phenotype of the lower back pain, stratifying patients for the risk of chronic lower back pain StarT Back in mechanical rhythm; multidisciplinary approach with inclusion of the rheumatologist in specialists team, and after initial consultation the therapist gives direction to the rheumatologist, if necessary. A therapist who treats a patient with persistent BS and a high risk of chronization without symptoms of “red flags” should prescribe an magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. The detection of total lesion of the vertebral motor segments in the case of severe back pain is the basis for the diagnosis of spinal osteoarthritis and subsequent prescription of non-medicamentous and pharmacological therapy, including SYSADOA, in particular Alflutop. The developed algorithm allows to quickly diagnose spinal osteoarthritis at a young age and to suspect axial spondylitis. Presented triad of MR-traits associated with persistent phenotype pain, which will help the therapist to establish the diagnosis of spinal osteoarthritis. The algorithm clearly describes the routing of patients to related specialists (rheumatologist, neurologist, etc.) according to the identified data.
Bozorgmanesh H., Hajarian M., Chronopoulos A.T.
2020-02-01 citations by CoLab: 9 Abstract   Cites 1
In this paper, we introduce interval tensors and present some results about their eigenvalues, positive definiteness and application in solving multi-linear systems. It is proved that the set of maximum Z-eigenvalues of a symmetric interval tensor is a compact interval. Also, several bounds for eigenvalues of an interval tensor are proposed. In addition, necessary and sufficient conditions for having a positive definite interval tensor are presented and investigated. Furthermore, solving tensor equations using interval methods is presented and the interval Jacobi and Gauss–Seidel algorithms are extended for interval multi-linear systems. Finally, some numerical experiments are carried out to illustrate the methods.
Boyarshinov M.G., Vaismana Y.I.
2016-10-13 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 2
The following methods were used in order to identify the pollution fields of urban air caused by the motor transport exhaust gases: the mathematical model, which enables to consider the influence of the main factors that determine pollution fields formation in the complex spatial domain; the authoring software designed for computational modeling of the gas flow, generated by numerous mobile point sources; the results of computing experiments on pollutant spread analysis and evolution of their concentration fields. The computational model of exhaust gas distribution and dispersion in a spatial domain, which includes urban buildings, structures and main traffic arteries, takes into account a stochastic character of cars apparition on the borders of the examined territory and uses a Poisson process. The model also considers the traffic lights switching and permits to define the fields of velocity, pressure and temperature of the discharge gases in urban air. The verification of mathematical model and software used confirmed their satisfactory fit to the in-situ measurements data and the possibility to use the obtained computing results for assessment and prediction of urban air pollution caused by motor transport exhaust gases.
Boyarshinov M.G., Trushkov V.A.
2015-06-22 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 3
The possibility to use the computational modeling as replacement of the natural dynamic testing of mechanical equipment is considered. A useful program tool is selected, initial data are prepared and the set of computational experiments to determine the dynamic and strength characteristics of the engine are performed. To verify the results of computational simulation of mentioned characteristics the data of the engine mechanical testing were used, and satisfactory correspondence was achieved. This investigation showed the dynamic and strength characteristics of the considered engine are complied with the basic regulatory requirements.
Boyarshinov M.G.
2015-06-22 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
Interval vectors and tensors are determining as objects which are invariance under transformation of the coordinates system. For illustrations, interval scalars, vectors, and tensors are used in solving the simplest problems of deformable solid mechanics to construct distributions of displacements, strains, and stresses.
Gitman M.B., Trusov P.V., Fedoseev S.A.
1997-04-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 1
The conditions for solving some problems of plastic metal working are essentially stochastic. As a result of this, selection of optimal regimes of the plastic metal-working processes becomes the stochastic optimization problem. The classification and mathematical statements of this problem are proposed. The results of computations for the stochastic optimization of different kinds of regimes for processes of cyclic bending (leveling) for rail R-65 in the maximum rigidity plane of a 6-roll leveler and of upsetting of the cylindrical billet have been proposed.
Boyarshinov M.G., Trusov P.V.
1995-09-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
A new method for the single objective function construction for multi-criteria optimization problems is presented. This objective function estimates the “distance” between the required and actual distributions of the inelastic (thermal and plastic) strains in the body. In some specific cases such as the decreasing of the mechanical imperfection of long-dimensional profiles, the objective function may contain the initial curvature or the initial stress distribution as parameters. Several applied problems such as wire levelling and beam straightening are solved and discussed.
Kumar P., Vinodh Kumar S., Priya L.
2022-10-06 citations by CoLab: 11 Abstract  
Riders neglect road safety on a frequent basis, resulting in mishaps and passing’s. The population of India is growing, and the number of vehicles on the roadways is increasing, resulting in major traffic congestion and street accidents. These days the number of vehicles has extended drastically. Various people lean toward their own vehicles to venture out instead of using government vehicles. As a result, there is gridlock. With the use of an Internet of Things-based (IoT) module with ultrasonic sensors, Bluetooth signal innovation, and RFID technology, this article resolves a few challenges that occur during rush hour gridlock and ensures the security of the individual who walks down the street. This research identified a vulnerable-side detection and warning system in automobiles to help drivers stay vigilant while changing lanes. The driver gets an alarm message if any vehicle comes nearer while changing the path to stay away from mishaps. Rescue vehicle administration is one of the significant administrations, which gets influenced by gridlocks. As some assistance to the rescue vehicle, this undertaking has concocted the arrangement of programmed signal change utilizing Bluetooth reference point innovation and RFID innovation. If any emergency vehicle in the street is stopped due to a red light, this system changes the traffic light to green, allowing the emergency vehicle to arrive at the clinic on time. Signal skipping is on the rise in the city, despite the presence of cops. Drivers who disregard traffic rules, for example, signal hop can be distinguished utilizing RFID innovation.
M. M H., Mulangi R.H., Kulkarni V.
2022-09-03 citations by CoLab: 9 Abstract  
Congestion-free movement of traffic during peak hours in urban areas is rarely witnessed nowadays. Several factors are responsible for traffic congestion, and a large amount of reliable data is necessary to investigate them. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of automated vehicle location (AVL) data of public transit in evaluating the effect of route diversion due to roadworks on traffic congestion. The public transit vehicle data from Mysore intelligent transport system were used for the purpose. In the preliminary analysis, the spatiotemporal variations in the speed data of public transit were visualized using spatiotemporal speed plots. A comparison study of traffic states in an urban street and an arterial road was conducted using a visualization tool. The data from Inner Ring Road of Mysore city were used to evaluate the effect of roadworks on traffic congestion. The road links of Inner Ring Road were evaluated for two scenarios: normal scenario and route diversion scenario. The results revealed that the spatiotemporal visualization technique can be used to diagnose the changes in traffic congestion, especially near intersections and bus stops. It is concluded that the AVL data from public transit buses proves to be a potential data source for traffic state prediction and evaluation of traffic congestion.
Ostovari Moghaddam A., Shaburova N.A., Samodurova M.N., Abdollahzadeh A., Trofimov E.A.
2021-06-01 citations by CoLab: 304 Abstract  
The novel idea of alloying, which is based on the utilization of multiple principal elements in high concentrations, has created a novel class of promising materials called high entropy alloys (HEAs). So far, several HEAs with outstanding properties beyond those of conventional alloys have been discovered, and new superior high-entropy alloys are still expected to be developed in the future. However, the fabrication process of HEAs through conventional manufacturing techniques suffers from significant limitations due to the intrinsic requirements of HEAs. Additive manufacturing (AM), on the other hand, has provided new opportunities for fabricating geometrically complex HEAs with the possibility of in situ tailoring of their microstructure features. Considering the growing interest in AM of HEAs during most recent years, this review article aims at providing the state of the art in AM of HEAs. It describes the feedstock requirements for laser based AM techniques. Thereafter, a comprehensive picture of the current state of nearly all HEAs processed by laser metal deposition (LMD), selective laser melting (SLM) and selective electron beam melting (SEBM) is presented. Special attention is paid to the features of AM derived microstructures along with their outstanding properties and underlying mechanisms for various material processing combinations. The AM of interstitial solute hardening HEAs, HEA matrix composites as well as non-beam based AM of HEAs will also be addressed. The post-AM treatments and the strategies to fabricate defect-free HEAs are summarized. Finally, a conclusion of current state and future prospects of additive manufacturing of HEAs will be presented.
Chen M., Lu Y., Wang Z., Lan H., Sun G., Ni Z.
Optics and Laser Technology scimago Q1 wos Q2
2021-04-01 citations by CoLab: 20 Abstract  
The melt pool evolution during the laser direct metal deposition (DMD) is intricate. However, most of the research focused on a horizontal substrate, and only a little literature has reported the studies on an inclined substrate with a non-vertically irradiated laser beam. This investigation aims to investigate the melt pool evolution on a substrate with different inclination angles. A paraxial high-speed camera and a coaxial industrial camera were applied to obtain the instantaneous images of the melt pool. Besides, the image processing technique was implemented to extract the coaxial melt pool area. The results showed that several small melt droplets were generated in front of the melt pool on a horizontal substrate; however, a similar phenomenon was not observed on an inclined substrate. Besides, the melt droplets dynamics were driven by the surface tension, resisted by the inertia, and the spreading process was much faster than the solidification process. When the substrate was inclined, the laser energy distribution on the substrate was demonstrated. The “critical angle” was defined as the maximum inclination angle when the single track without any humps. In our experiments, the critical angle existed between 36° and 38°, and a periodic appearance of the humping formation was observed at the inclination angle of 40°. Our obtained results revealed the melt droplets dynamics on a horizontal substrate, the range of the critical angle, the laser energy distribution on an inclined substrate, and the humping formation mechanism.
Boyarshinov M.G., Vavilin A.S.
2021-03-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Abstract The information obtained from enforcement complexes of traffic rules allows determining in real time the traffic flow intensity over long periods of time. The analysis of the obtained dependencies leads to the conclusion that there is a periodic deterministic component in the characteristic of the traffic flow intensity. The using of the smoothing procedure allows one to define the deterministic and stochastic components, which are qualitatively different on workdays and weekends. Statistical indicators of stochastic distributions of traffic flow intensities and random components isolated from them are determined. The estimates of the correspondence of the obtained curves to the normal law of probability distribution were carried out. It is shown that the deterministic components of the traffic flows intensity both on working days and on weekends are similar in shape and location of maximum and minimum values. It seems appropriate to use deterministic components for predicting traffic flows, controlling the operation of traffic lights, monitoring equipment operation, as well as in the reconstruction, design and construction of roads and road facilities.
Fornalchyk Y., Vikovych I., Royko Y., Hrytsun O.
2021-02-28 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
There are different configurations of street and road networks in cities, which is why those transportation models that determine how effectively a public transport network is operated are different. Along with this, some transport areas may have characteristic features predetermined by the density of a street network, the intensity of individual and public traffic. The special feature of the current study is determining the operational effectiveness of dedicated lanes for public transport given a significant density of the main street and road network. Significant density is characterized by its value for the distance between adjacent intersections in the range of 150‒200 m. With such planning patterns, there is a mutual influence of the conditions of individual and public transport between adjacent intersections. An increase in the distance between intersections disrupts the stability of traffic flow through its disintegration into separate groups based on the dynamic characteristics of vehicles. A characteristic feature of the proposed procedure for evaluating the operational effectiveness of dedicated lanes is that the use of a GPS monitoring system makes it possible to relatively quickly determine the areas of the network where there are the greatest delays in movement in real time. After that, attention is focused on investigating the main factors of influence and their parameters followed by modeling. The reported results would in the future contribute to devising a clear sequence of transport-related research based on a set of their methods in order to acquire representative data and define adequate patterns. An important practical result is the use of not only established normative approaches to the design of dedicated lanes, which are common for all types of street and road networks but taking into consideration the peculiarities characteristic of their individual sections.
Li G., Zhang J., Shi T., Shi J., Cheng D., Lu L., Shi S.
2020-11-13 citations by CoLab: 15 Abstract  
An inert gas environment is required during the laser metal deposition of titanium alloys due to oxidation. A nozzle with local shielding device is more flexible than the inert gas chamber, and size of the components produced is not restricted. In this study, a coaxial double-deck gas shielding nozzle was designed to provide a local shielding for the laser metal deposition of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Numerical simulation of flow field under four different gas flow rates was carried out, and the corresponding Ti-6Al-4V single clads as well as components were produced. Experimental results revealed that the effective protection length increased and then became steady with the gas rate getting larger. Every component showed significant change in the degree of surface discoloration. Among that when the gas flow rate exceeded 30 L/min, surface of the formed bulk components showed yellowish and shiny silver and the internal oxygen content was below 2000 ppm, which had a minimal raise from the powder. In addition, the microhardness of the components showed little increase compared with the rolled substrate.
Kerimov M., Evtiukov S., Marusin A.
2020-11-03 citations by CoLab: 78 Abstract  
The article addresses relevant issues of vehicle traffic management when using operational and technical monitoring systems in the field of traffic safety assurance. The authors provide a rationale for promising directions of traffic management system improvement using automated traffic enforcement facilities to record traffic violations. The operation of a system of technical means of monitoring is modeled. A method to evaluate the efficiency of traffic enforcement system management is proposed. It allows us to determine the implementation degree of management functions assigned to the monitoring system in the field of traffic safety assurance. A stochastic model is developed to evaluate the performance of departments that ensure traffic monitoring using automated traffic enforcement facilities. The results of the study conducted include the developed model as well as a method and algorithm for optimizing the structure of the system managing operational and technical means of vehicle traffic monitoring.
Evtiukov S.A., Kurakina E.V., Evtiukov S.S.
2020-04-01 citations by CoLab: 65 Abstract  
Abstract Introduction of new technologies in cities through effective interaction between people and modern IT management tools has introduced the concept of «smart city» able to independently manage its own resources, energy, space and information to improve life quality. One of the main components of a «smart city» is «smart transport» using latest communication technologies for efficient movement, monitoring of location, interaction between vehicles and other traffic elements, general traffic safety improvement resulting in a decrease in the accident number (tendency towards zero mortality). One of the ways to expand this field of UAV application is their use for primary photofixation of the accident site, which will both increase the objectivity of the investigation and help to reduce time required for the investigation. Solving problems related to traffic safety in a «smart city» using IT technologies and UAVs — smart transport components results in fast collection of information, including that from hard-to-reach zones, the ability to take pictures from small heights and near objects to obtain high-resolution images. These are a possibility of application in emergency zones without unnecessary risk to life and health of personnel; improvement of the objectivity of primary information from the accident site; the possibility of automatic processing of the primary information with its transformation into the necessary types of formalized documents.
Shepelev V., Aliukov S., Nikolskaya K., Das A., Slobodin I.
Transport and Telecommunication scimago Q3 wos Q3 Open Access
2020-02-01 citations by CoLab: 43 PDF Abstract  
Abstract Currently, in many cities around the world there is a significant increase in the number of vehicles, which leads to an aggravation of problems and contradictions in the road and transport system. This is especially true of traffic congestion, since the presence of the congestion leads to a number of negative consequences: an increase in travel time, additional fuel consumption and vehicle wear, stress and irritation of drivers and passengers, environmental poisoning and others. To solve the problem of congestion, it is necessary to have a reliable system for collecting information about the situation on the roads and a well-developed method for analyzing the collected information. The paper discusses the possibilities of collecting the required information using multi-touch video cameras and ways to improve them. A distinctive feature of this study is the registration of pedestrians crossing the road at the intersection. The aim of the work is to develop methods for collecting information using road sensor video surveillance systems in a traffic congestion and data processing using statistical methods such as: multiple regression analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling methods and others. The tasks were set: 1) to identify the most significant factors affecting the intensity of movement of vehicles at intersections in a congestion; 2) divide congestion into clusters with the identification of their characteristics; 3) to give a visual representation of multidimensional statistical information obtained with the help of multi-touch road video cameras.
Baskov V.N., Krasnikova D.A., Isaeva E.I.
2020-01-15 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Driving in a traffic flow implies involvement in difficult traffic situations that adversely affects response time of a driver, which in turn is considered when estimating stopping distance of a vehicle and determines road safety. This relationship shows the effect of driver behaviour in traffic flow on the road traffic situation. The objective of the study was to study behavioural factors that influence driver’s decisions. The study used methods of driver behaviour modelling, mathematical modelling, experimental studies of the mental and psychological functions of drivers. Modelling the driver’s behaviour, considering various combinations of many behavioural and other factors, leads to a large number of options for mathematical description of driver behaviour, which makes it difficult to use this approach to describe behaviour of drivers under the conditions of a real street-road network. The research has analysed several works devoted to the study of control action of drivers, using unknown coefficients, describing a model of movement of vehicles considering accuracy of their control. Driving through an unregulated intersection is considered as the most complex and informative version of driver’s behaviour. It is found that when modelling a traffic flow, it is necessary to take into account the degree of resoluteness of drivers (through determination of a coefficient of resoluteness which is a random variable that takes into account the probability distribution of the coefficient’s value in conjunction with the probability distribution of the function of traffic flow intensity). The distribution of the coefficient of resoluteness of drivers, obtained from experimental data, was subject to analysis. It is determined that the driving style affects formation of traffic congestion. The assessment of the driving style is made through conditional classification of driver behaviour on the road, namely marked by manifestation of aggression and timidity. When studying the behaviour of timid and aggressive drivers, several pairs of trajectories and the dynamics of the corresponding traffic flow density, were considered and calculated based on Edie’s model. It has been confirmed that traffic congestion has the greatest negative effect on choleric drivers and sanguine drivers. Besides, there is a relationship between the response time of a driver and the change in his functional condition. It is concluded that to improve road safety thanks to a more accurate assessment of possible risks of formation of congestion situations, it is necessary to consider behavioural characteristics and temperaments of the drivers.
Sathiyaraj R., Bharathi A.
Transport scimago Q2 wos Q3 Open Access
2019-09-26 citations by CoLab: 15 Abstract  
An efficient and intelligent road traffic management system is the corner stone for every smart cities. Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) applies the principles of mobile ad hoc networks in a wireless network for Vehicle-to-vehicle data exchange communication. VANETs supports in providing an efficient Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for smart cities. Road traffic congestion is a most common problem faced by many of the metropolitan cities all over the world. Traffic on the road networks are widely increasing at a larger rate and the current traffic management systems is unable to tackle this impediment. In this paper, we propose an Efficient Intelligent Traffic Light Control and Deviation (EITLCD) system, which is based on multi-agent system. This proposed system overcomes the difficulties of the existing traffic management systems and avoids the traffic congestion problem compare to the prior scenario. The proposed system is composed of two systems: Traffic Light Controller (TLC) system and Traffic Light Deviation (TLD) system. The TLC system uses three agents to supervise and control the traffic parameters. TLD system deviate the vehicles before entering into congested road. Traffic and travel related information from several sensors are collected through a VANET environment to be processed by the proposed technique. The proposed structure comprises of TLC system and makes use of vehicle measurement, which is feed as input to the TLD system in a wireless network. For route pattern identification, any traditional city map can be converted to planar graph using Euler’s path approach. The proposed system is validated using Nagel–Schreckenberg model and the performance of the proposed system is proved to be better than the existing systems in terms of its time, cost, expense, maintenance and performance.
Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
1992-2024 (33 years)
Metrics description


Fields of science

Condensed Matter Physics, 6, 37.5%
Mechanical Engineering, 5, 31.25%
General Materials Science, 4, 25%
General Engineering, 3, 18.75%
Mechanics of Materials, 3, 18.75%
General Medicine, 2, 12.5%
General Physics and Astronomy, 2, 12.5%
Civil and Structural Engineering, 2, 12.5%
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes, 2, 12.5%
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics, 1, 6.25%
General Environmental Science, 1, 6.25%
General Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1, 6.25%





Organizations from articles

Organization not defined, 7, 43.75%

Countries from articles

Russia, 11, 61.11%
Country not defined, 7, 38.89%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 2, 18.18%

Citing countries

Russia, 5, 45.45%
Country not defined, 1, 9.09%
Belarus, 1, 9.09%
USA, 1, 9.09%
Brazil, 1, 9.09%
Greece, 1, 9.09%
Iran, 1, 9.09%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.