Movement and Sports Sciences - Science et Motricite

Mesurer l’autorégulation émotionnelle d’élèves d’école primaire dans le cadre d’un programme de pauses actives : une étude mixte associée à une triangulation des données

Nolwenn Chesnais
Geneviève Cabagno
Claudia Verret
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2025-01-20
scimago Q3
Impact factor
ISSN21185735, 21185743

Cet article s’appuie sur un devis mixte convergent associé à une triangulation des données pour mesurer les effets d’un programme de pauses actives sur l’autorégulation émotionnelle des élèves à l’école primaire, en particulier chez des élèves présentant des difficultés comportementales et émotionnelles (DCE). Ainsi, 156 élèves âgés de six à dix ans et leurs sept enseignants ont participé à cette étude. Des questionnaires ont été remplis par les élèves et les enseignants, des observations sur les élèves et des entretiens avec les enseignants ont été réalisés. L’intégration des résultats obtenus révèle les effets favorables d’un programme de pauses actives sur l’autorégulation émotionnelle des élèves, notamment chez les élèves DCE et met en évidence une pluralité de processus d’autorégulation émotionnelle mobilisés par les élèves lors de l’utilisation des pauses actives. Cette étude souligne également l’intérêt et la pertinence de l’utilisation d’une méthodologie mixte associée à une triangulation des données pour analyser les émotions des élèves dans leur contexte, à l’école primaire.

Kermarrec G., Regaieg G., Clayton R.
2021-11-08 citations by CoLab: 10 Abstract  
Students’ learning strategies and self-regulation processes are considered highly important in academic and Physical Education contexts. Educational researchers have called for mixed-method designs...
Masini A., Marini S., Gori D., Leoni E., Rochira A., Dallolio L.
2020-04-01 citations by CoLab: 116 Abstract  
To provide a systematic review of studies that investigated the effects of Active Break (AB) school-based interventions on Physical Activity (PA) levels, classroom behavior, cognitive functions, and academic performance in primary school children.Systematic review and meta-analysis.Searches of electronic databases and grey literature, with no time restriction and up to April 2019, resulted in 22 intervention studies meeting the inclusion criteria. Quality assessment of the studies was performed in accordance with the Cochrane Tool for Quality Assessment for RCTs and the STROBE tool for observational studies.Four AB related outcomes were analyzed: (i) AB interventions had a significant effect in increasing PA levels in primary school children, both in terms of increased moderate to vigorous PA and step count. The meta-analysis seems to confirm this trend, showing a statistically significant result for the step count (p
Mullins N.M., Michaliszyn S.F., Kelly-Miller N., Groll L.
2019-06-01 citations by CoLab: 19 Abstract  
Current physical activity (PA) guidelines recommend that children accumulate at least 60 min of PA each day, and that adults should collaborate across sectors to increase opportunities for PA. Implementing brief classroom PA breaks (CPABs) is one way to help increase daily PA. The primary purpose of this study was to determine perceptions of a 14-wk CPAB program among elementary school children, in the first through fourth grades ( n = 254), at a suburban elementary school, and their teachers ( n = 18). The CPAB program was implemented by university exercise science students, and student and teacher perceptions were assessed through surveys. The children reported that the CPABs were very fun (86%), provided them with a nice break during the school day (88%), were very good for their health (94%), helped them feel more ready to learn (71%), and learn better (50%). The teachers reported that the students really enjoyed the CPABs (100%), that encouraging students to be physically active was either very important (83%) or important (17%), and that they were either very confident (72%) or confident (28%) that they themselves could lead the CPABs. No teacher reported that the CPABs hindered classroom learning. CPABs appear to be enjoyable to both students and teachers, easy to administer, and supportive of learning. Recommendations for improvements within the present collaboration were minimal and could be easily addressed with firmer entrenchment of the program. This collaboration was beneficial and fun for the vast majority involved, and others are urged to implement similar programs.
Ubago-Jiménez J.L., González-Valero G., Puertas-Molero P., García-Martínez I.
Behavioral Sciences scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2019-04-24 citations by CoLab: 40 PDF Abstract  
At present, knowledge of physical and cognitive aspects is essential in the sporting context. Faced with this situation, the control and knowledge of emotions has a person on himself and on others, affects the sporting action. The aim of this work is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and the practice of physical activity. Through a systematic review in databases such as the Web of Science and Scopus that contain the terms of emotional intelligence along with the parameters of physical activity and sport. Twenty-four articles comprised the sample for further analysis. By way of conclusion it can be said that the main field of study of emotional intelligence related to the practice of physical activity is educational. Likewise, emotional intelligence is a determining factor in the improvement of sports competences.
Espinosa G.
2018-08-22 citations by CoLab: 3
Pandey A., Hale D., Das S., Goddings A., Blakemore S., Viner R.M.
JAMA Pediatrics scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2018-06-01 citations by CoLab: 208 PDF Abstract  
Childhood and adolescence self-regulation (SR) is gaining importance as a target of intervention because of mounting evidence of its positive associations with health, social and educational outcomes.To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of rigorously evaluated interventions to improve self-regulation in children and adolescents.Keyword searches of the PsycINFO, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL Plus, ERIC, British Education Index, Child Development and Adolescent Studies, and CENTRAL were used to identify all studies published through July 2016.To be eligible for this review, studies had to report cluster randomized trials or randomized clinical trials, evaluate universal interventions designed to improve self-regulation in children and adolescents aged 0 to 19 years, include outcomes associated with self-regulation skills, and be published in a peer-reviewed journal with the full text available in English.A total of 14 369 published records were screened, of which 147 were identified for full-text review and 49 studies reporting 50 interventions were included in the final review. Results were summarized by narrative review and meta-analysis.Self-regulation outcomes in children and adolescents.This review identified 17 cluster randomized trials and 32 randomized clinical trials evaluating self-regulation interventions, which included a total of 23 098 participants ranging in age from 2 to 17 years (median age, 6.0 years). Consistent improvement in self-regulation was reported in 16 of 21 curriculum-based interventions (76%), 4 of the 8 mindfulness and yoga interventions (50%), 5 of 9 family-based programs (56%), 4 of 6 exercise-based programs (67%), and 4 of 6 social and personal skills interventions (67%), or a total of 33 of 50 interventions (66%). A meta-analysis evaluating associations of interventions with self-regulation task performance scores showed a positive effect of such interventions with pooled effect size of 0.42 (95% CI, 0.32-0.53). Only 24 studies reported data on distal outcomes (29 outcomes). Positive associations were reported in 11 of 13 studies (85%) on academic achievement, 4 of 5 studies on substance abuse (80%), and in all studies reporting on conduct disorders (n = 3), studies on social skills (n = 2), studies on depression (n = 2), studies on behavioral problems (n = 2), and study on school suspensions (n = 1). No effect was seen on 2 studies reporting on academic achievement, 1 study reporting on substance abuse, and 1 additional study reporting on psychological well-being.A wide range of interventions were successful in improving self-regulation in children and adolescents. There was improvement in distal academic, health, and behavioral outcomes in most intervention groups compared with controls.
Popeska B., Jovanova-Mitkovska S., Chin M., Edginton C., Mo Ching Mok M., Gontarev S.
2018-05-31 citations by CoLab: 24 PDF
Daly-Smith A.J., Zwolinsky S., McKenna J., Tomporowski P.D., Defeyter M.A., Manley A.
2018-03-28 citations by CoLab: 185 Abstract  
ObjectiveTo examine the impact of acute classroom movement break (CMB) and physically active learning (PAL) interventions on physical activity (PA), cognition, academic performance and classroom behaviour.DesignSystematic review.Data sourcesPubMed, EBSCO, Academic Search Complete, Education Resources Information Center, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, SCOPUS and Web of Science.Eligibility criteria for selecting studiesStudies investigating school-based acute bouts of CMB or PAL on (PA), cognition, academic performance and classroom behaviour. The Downs and Black checklist assessed risk of bias.ResultsTen PAL and eight CMB studies were identified from 2929 potentially relevant articles. Risk of bias scores ranged from 33% to 64.3%. Variation in study designs drove specific, but differing, outcomes. Three studies assessed PA using objective measures. Interventions replaced sedentary time with either light PA or moderate-to-vigorous PA dependent on design characteristics (mode, duration and intensity). Only one study factored individual PA outcomes into analyses. Classroom behaviour improved after longer moderate-to-vigorous (>10 min), or shorter more intense (5 min), CMB/PAL bouts (9 out of 11 interventions). There was no support for enhanced cognition or academic performance due to limited repeated studies.ConclusionLow-to-medium quality designs predominate in investigations of the acute impacts of CMB and PAL on PA, cognition, academic performance and classroom behaviour. Variable quality in experimental designs, outcome measures and intervention characteristics impact outcomes making conclusions problematic. CMB and PAL increased PA and enhanced time on task. To improve confidence in study outcomes, future investigations should combine examples of good practice observed in current studies.PROSPERO registration numberCRD42017070981.
Popham M., Counts J., Ryan J.B., Katsiyannis A.
2018-01-31 citations by CoLab: 26
Edmonds W.A., Kennedy T.D.
2017-01-01 citations by CoLab: 155
Schmidt M., Jäger K., Egger F., Roebers C.M., Conzelmann A.
2016-02-12 citations by CoLab: 204 Abstract  
Although the positive effects of different kinds of physical activity (PA) on cognitive functioning have already been demonstrated in a variety of studies, the role of cognitive engagement in promoting children’s executive functions is still unclear. The aim of the current study was therefore to investigate the effects of two qualitatively different chronic PA interventions on executive functions in primary school children. Children (N = 181) aged between 10 and 12 years were assigned to either a 6-week physical education program with a high level of physical exertion and high cognitive engagement (team games), a physical education program with high physical exertion but low cognitive engagement (aerobic exercise), or to a physical education program with both low physical exertion and low cognitive engagement (control condition). Executive functions (updating, inhibition, shifting) and aerobic fitness (multistage 20-m shuttle run test) were measured before and after the respective condition. Results revealed that both interventions (team games and aerobic exercise) have a positive impact on children’s aerobic fitness (4–5% increase in estimated VO2max). Importantly, an improvement in shifting performance was found only in the team games and not in the aerobic exercise or control condition. Thus, the inclusion of cognitive engagement in PA seems to be the most promising type of chronic intervention to enhance executive functions in children, providing further evidence for the importance of the qualitative aspects of PA.
Allom V., Panetta G., Mullan B., Hagger M.S.
2016-02-01 citations by CoLab: 73 Abstract  
The capacity for self-control has been consistently linked to successful execution of health behaviour. However, a lack of consensus remains in the conceptualisation and measurement of the construct. Notably, self-report measures relate to behavioural measures of self-control only weakly or not at all. The aim of the current research was to examine the relationship between self-report and behavioural measures of self-control to determine whether these differentially relate to health behaviour. Participants (N = 146) completed questionnaire and behavioural measures of self-control, and reported their physical activity. A direct effect of self-reported self-control on physical activity was observed, qualified by an interaction between self-reported self-control and behavioural measures, whereby greater self-reported self-control was associated with greater engagement in physical activity among those who performed poorly on the stop-signal task and those who performed well on the Stroop task. These results appear to indicate that the combination of trait self-control and behavioural factors leads to facilitative or debilitative effects on behaviour. Self-report and behavioural measures of self-control do not appear to assess the same elements of self-control and should not be used interchangeably. It is suggested that these measurement modes reflect a difference between trait self-control and specific self-control processes.
Aldao A., Tull M.T.
Current Opinion in Psychology scimago Q1 wos Q1
2015-06-01 citations by CoLab: 47 Abstract  
In this commentary, we discuss the 19 review articles that encompass this Special Issue of Current Opinion in Psychology on the topic of Emotion Regulation. Given the growing recognition of the importance of contextual factors in determining how emotions are experienced and regulated (1), we adopt a contextual framework to organize our commentary. To that end, we discuss how each of the topics covered in the articles fit within the four contextual components of emotion regulation: (1) characteristics of the organism carrying out the regulation; (2) features of the emotion-eliciting stimuli and/or situations; (3) implementation of regulatory processes; and (4) types of outcomes. We then provide recommendations for future research. We hope that this Special Issue, and the future directions discussed in this commentary, can stimulate further research in the already fast growing area of emotion regulation and context.

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