Open Access
Open access
Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, volume 17, issue 3, pages 490-491

Exploring Catalase and Invertase Activity Using Sodium Alginate-Encapsulated Yeast (Yeast Spheres)

Pamela J Bryer 1
Biology Department, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME 04011
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2016-12-09
scimago Q2
wos Q2
Impact factor1.6
ISSN19357877, 19357885
General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
General Immunology and Microbiology

Finding the right enzyme experiment can be problematic, depending what one is trying to show, what supplies and equipment are available, and the time one can devote to the topic. I’ve developed simple and inexpensive labs for looking at catalase and invertase activity using yeast encapsulated in sodium alginate. Single-celled yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are encapsulated in sodium alginate, a readily available extract from brown algae that, when it comes in contact with calcium chloride (CaCl2), forms a sphere or “bead.” These spheres may then be put into a solution containing substrate to test for enzyme activity. The spheres are easy to manipulate, one doesn’t have the variability and mess of a yeast solution, and since there are no cells in solution, there is nothing to interfere with the various assay methods one might want to use to test for product. The graduated cylinder method for testing catalase activity introduced here is especially good for collecting large amounts of data that enable students to use statistics and, unlike similar yeast catalase experiments using paper disks and a yeast solution, the yeast spheres are easy to manipulate and there is very little variability. I have used this procedure with students in class and with teachers in workshops with positive results and comments.

Vullo D.L., Wachsman M.B.
2006-05-19 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
This laboratory experiment was designed for Chemistry, Food Technology, Biology, and Chemical Engineering under- graduate students. This laboratory experi- ence shows the advantages of immobilized bakery yeasts in ethanol production by al- coholic fermentation. The students were able to compare the ethanol production yields by free or calcium alginate entrapped cells and appreciated the easy separation of the final product and the biocatalyst re- utilization.
Kourkoutas Y., Bekatorou A., Banat I.M., Marchant R., Koutinas A.A.
Food Microbiology scimago Q1 wos Q1
2004-08-01 citations by CoLab: 453 Abstract  
Various supports and immobilization techniques have been proposed and tested for application in wine-making, cider-making, brewing, distillates, potable alcohol and novel beverages production. Immobilization applications suitable for use by these alcohol-related industries are described together with an evaluation of their potential future impact, which is also highlighted and assessed. Topics in process engineering including immobilized cell bioreactor configurations and the scale-up potential of the various immobilization supports and techniques are also discussed.
Scott J.W., Steel J.J.
2024-04-25 citations by CoLab: 2 PDF Abstract  
ABSTRACT There are places on earth that are considered to possess extreme physico-chemical characteristics as they relate to life. Surprisingly, there are microbes that have adapted various strategies that enable them to form robust communities in these environments. The microbes that live in these environments, called extremophiles, are described as being thermophilic, psychrophilic, halophilic, acidophilic, alkaliphilic, barophilic, and so on. Given that extremophiles were not discovered until relatively recently due to a view point that the environments in which they inhabited were not conducive to life, it is reasonable to conclude that the concept of extremophiles may be hard to grasp for students. Herein is described a laboratory exercise adapted from laboratory exercises that use mesophilic catalase enzymes to illustrate the influence of physico-chemical parameters on enzyme activity. Catalase is an enzyme that accelerates the degradation of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas. In addition to mesophilic catalases, the catalase from Pyrobaculum calidifontis , a hyperthermophile with an optimal growth temperature of 90°C, is used to highlight the adaptation of an enzyme to an extreme environment. A visual comparison of bubble production by the hyperthermophilic and mesophilic enzymes after heating at high temperatures dramatically illustrates differences in thermostability that will likely reinforce concepts that are given in a pre-laboratory lecture that discusses not only the extremophiles themselves but also their applications in biotechnology and possible role in the field of astrobiology.
Hernandez S., Dorrough J., Ruoso L., Brazill‐Boast J., Newman K., Oliver I., Plant R.
Restoration Ecology scimago Q1 wos Q2
2024-04-04 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The global trend in offsetting for no‐net‐loss (NNL) is increasing, focusing on protecting high‐condition habitats and restoring degraded ones. Australia's New South Wales (NSW) Biodiversity Offset Scheme (BOS) promotes active restoration (AR; reconstruction of missing ecosystem properties, AR) on offset sites. We examined (1) the adoption of AR under the BOS, and (2) practical constraints and attitudes toward AR. Records of management actions on 138 proposed offset sites revealed that AR was proposed for 19.3% (12,180 ha) of the total offset area (67,310 ha). For areas with a low‐moderate condition score (26,528 ha), AR was proposed for only 27.3% (7248 ha), despite these being the areas where it would be most likely to be necessary. A survey of 111 individuals involved in offsetting policy and restoration revealed that while 76% agreed AR was necessary for NNL, financial constraints were seen as a major barrier. A structural equation model indicated that positive attitudes toward AR rules and AR as a social imperative were strongly linked to agreement on the necessity of AR for NNL outcomes. Our results indicate that attitudes could influence the adoption of AR on offset sites, even in cases where policies are explicitly designed to provide financial incentives for AR, as exemplified in the context of NSW.
Utami U., Putra D.C., Harianie L.
2024-02-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
Abstract This study explores sodium alginate encapsulation’s impact on Candida tropicalis yeast cell viability and its influence on bread making. Encapsulation protects yeast cells from damage during drying and storage. The research used 10% and 15% sodium alginate for two isolates and one control. Statistical analysis, including Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests in Microsoft Excel SPSS, showed significant effects. Sodium alginate encapsulation notably improved Candida tropicalis yeast cell viability and final bread swelling, especially at 15% concentration. Mann-Whitney tests on organoleptic parameters revealed panelist preferences: Candida tropicalis 2 with 15% sodium alginate for color, taste, and texture, while Candida tropicalis 1 with 15% sodium alginate for aroma. This study suggests sodium alginate’s potential to enhance yeast viability and improve bread quality, offering insights for food processing and preservation applications. The research findings may contribute to developing effective encapsulation techniques for yeast-based products.
Marshall P.A.
Journal of Biological Education scimago Q2 wos Q3
2018-05-06 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
In the world of higher education, one of the struggles instructors face in the classroom is engaging students in the material. A second discussion in higher education pedagogy is how to weigh conte...
Blane A., Lee H.C., Falkmer T., Willstrand T.D.
Behavioural Neurology scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2017-11-10 citations by CoLab: 9 PDF Abstract  
Driving is an important activity of daily living, which is increasingly relied upon as the population ages. It has been well-established that cognitive processes decline following a stroke and these processes may influence driving performance. There is much debate on the use of off-road neurological assessments and driving simulators as tools to predict driving performance; however, the majority of research uses unlicensed poststroke drivers, making the comparability of poststroke adults to that of a control group difficult. It stands to reason that in order to determine whether simulators and cognitive assessments can accurately assess driving performance, the baseline should be set by licenced drivers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess differences in cognitive ability and driving simulator performance in licensed community-dwelling poststroke drivers and controls. Two groups of licensed drivers (37 poststroke and 43 controls) were assessed using several cognitive tasks and using a driving simulator. The poststroke adults exhibited poorer cognitive ability; however, there were no differences in simulator performance between groups except that the poststroke drivers demonstrated less variability in driver headway. The application of these results as a prescreening toolbox for poststroke drivers is discussed.





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