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NASN school nurse (Print)
NASN School Nurse
Top-3 citing journals

NASN school nurse (Print)
(556 citations)

Journal of School Nursing
(456 citations)

Journal of School Health
(46 citations)
Top-3 organizations

University of Illinois at Chicago
(42 publications)

Pennsylvania State University
(30 publications)

University of Washington
(14 publications)

University of Illinois at Chicago
(18 publications)

Pennsylvania State University
(16 publications)

Massachusetts General Hospital
(4 publications)
Top-3 countries
Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 565
Experimental and numerical investigation of wire rope devices in base isolation systems
Earthquake and Structures
citations by CoLab: 0
Vault macro-element with equivalent trusses in global seismic analyses
Giresini L., Sassu M., Butenweg C., Alecci V., De Stefano M.
This paper proposes a quick and simplified method to describe masonry vaults in global seismic analyses of buildings. An equivalent macro-element constituted by a set of six trusses, two for each transverse, longitudinal and diagonal direction, is introduced. The equivalent trusses, whose stiffness is calculated by fully modeled vaults of different geometry, mechanical properties and boundary conditions, simulate the vault in both global analysis and local analysis, such as kinematic or rocking approaches. A parametric study was carried out to investigate the influence of geometrical characteristics and mechanical features on the equivalent stiffness values. The method was numerically validated by performing modal and transient analysis on a three naves-church in the elastic range. Vibration modes and displacement time-histories were compared showing satisfying agreement between the complete and the simplified models. This procedure is particularly useful in engineering practice because it allows to assess, in a simplified way, the effectiveness of strengthening interventions for reducing horizontal relative displacements between vault supports.
Vertical vibrations of a bridge based on the traffic-pavement-bridge coupled system
Yin X., Liu Y., Kong B.
When studying the vibration of a suspension bridge based on the traffic-bridge coupled system, most researchers ignored the contribution of the pavement response. For example, the pavement was simplified as a rigid base and the deformation of pavement was ignored. However, the action of deck pavement on the vibration of vehicles or bridges should not be neglected. This study is mainly focused on establishing a new methodology fully considering the effects of bridge deck pavement, probabilistic traffic flows, and varied road roughness conditions. The bridge deck pavement was modeled as a boundless Euler-Bernoulli beam supported on the Kelvin model; the typical traffic flows were simulated by the improved Cellular Automaton (CA) traffic flow model; and the traffic-pavement-bridge coupled equations were established by combining the equations of motion of the vehicles, pavement, and bridge using the displacement and interaction force relationship at the contact locations. The numerical studies show that the proposed method can more rationally simulate the effect of the pavement on the vibrations of bridge and vehicles.
On the seismic response of steel buckling-restrained braced structures including soil-structure interaction
Flogeras A.K., Papagiannopoulos G.A.
This paper summarizes estimated seismic response results from three-dimensional nonlinear inelastic time-history analyses of some steel buckling-restrained braced (BRB) structures taking into account soil-structure interaction (SSI). The response results involve mean values for peak interstorey drift ratios, peak interstorey residual drift ratios and peak floor accelerations. Moreover, mean seismic demands in terms of axial force and rotation in columns, of axial and shear forces and bending moment in BRB beams and of axial displacement in BRBs are also discussed. For comparison purposes, three separate configurations of the BRBs have been considered and the aforementioned seismic response and demands results have been obtained firstly by considering SSI effects and then by neglecting them. It is concluded that SSI, when considered, may lead to larger interstorey and residual interstorey drifts than when not. These drifts did not cause failure of columns and of the BRBs. However, the BRB beam may fail due to flexure.
Modification of ground motions using wavelet transform and VPS algorithm
Kaveh A., Mahdavi V.R.
In this paper a simple approach is presented for spectral matching of ground motions utilizing the wavelet transform and a recently developed metaheuristic optimization technique. For this purpose, wavelet transform is used to decompose the original ground motions to several levels, where each level covers a special range of frequency, and then each level is multiplied by a variable. Subsequently, the vibrating particles system (VPS) algorithm is employed to calculate the variables such that the error between the response and target spectra is minimized. The application of the proposed method is illustrated through modifying 12 sets of ground motions. The results achieved by this method demonstrate its capability in solving the problem. The outcomes of the VPS algorithm are compared to those of the standard colliding bodies optimization (CBO) to illustrate the importance of the enhancement of the algorithm.
Study on the effects of various mid-connections of x-brace on frame behavior
Hadianfard M.A., Hashemi A., Gholami M.
Using X-braced frames in steel structures is a current procedure to achieve good strength against lateral loads. Study on mid-connections of X-braces and their effects on frame behavior is a subject whose importance has been more or less disregarded by researchers. Experimentally inspecting models involves considerable expense and time; however, computer models can be more suitable substitutes. In this research, a numerical model of X-braced frame has been analyzed using finite element software. The results of pushover analysis of this frame are compared with those of the experimental test. With the help of computer model, the effects of different mid-connection details on ductility and lateral strength of the frame are inspected. Also performances of bolted and welded connections are compared. Taking into account ductility and strength, this study suggests details of a decent pattern for the mid-connection.
Identifying stiffness irregularity in buildings using fundamental lateral mode shape
Vijayanarayanan A.R., Goswami R., Murty C.V.
Soft or extreme soft storeys in multi-storied buildings cause localized damage (and even collapse) during strong earthquake shaking. The presence of such soft or extremely soft storey is identified through provisions of vertical stiffness irregularity in seismic design codes. Identification of the irregularity in a building requires estimation of lateral translational stiffness of each storey. Estimation of lateral translational stiffness can be an arduous task. A simple procedure is presented to estimate storey stiffness using only properties of fundamental lateral translational mode of oscillation (namely natural period and associated mode shape), which are readily available to designers at the end of analysis stage. In addition, simplified analytical expressions are provided towards identifying stiffness irregularity. Results of linear elastic time-history analyses indicate that the proposed procedure captures the irregularity in storey stiffness in both low- and mid-rise buildings.
Experimental verification of leverage-type stiffness-controllable tuned mass damper using direct output feedback LQR control with time-delay compensation
Chu S., Yeh S., Lu L., Peng C.
Vibration control using a tuned mass damper (TMD) is an effective technique that has been verified using analytical methods and experiments. It has been applied in mechanical, automotive, and structural applications. However, the damping of a TMD cannot be adjusted in real time. An excessive mass damper stroke may be introduced when the mass damper is subjected to a seismic excitation whose frequency content is within its operation range. The semi-active tuned mass damper (SATMD) has been proposed to solve this problem. The parameters of an SATMD can be adjusted in real time based on the measured structural responses and an appropriate control law. In this study, a stiffness-controllable TMD, called a leverage-type stiffness-controllable mass damper (LSCMD), is proposed and fabricated to verify its feasibility. The LSCMD contains a simple leverage mechanism and its stiffness can be altered by adjusting the pivot position. To determine the pivot position of the LSCMD in real time, a discrete-time direct output-feedback active control law that considers delay time is implemented. Moreover, an identification test for the transfer function of the pivot driving and control systems is proposed. The identification results demonstrate the target displacement can be achieved by the pivot displacement in 0-2 Hz range and the control delay time is about 0.1 s. A shaking-table test has been conducted to verify the theory and feasibility of the LSCMD. The comparisons of experimental and theoretical results of the LSCMD system show good consistency. It is shown that dynamic behavior of the LSCMD can be simulated correctly by the theoretical model and that the stiffness can be properly adjusted by the pivot position. Comparisons of experimental results of the LSCMD and passive TMD show the LSCMD with less demand on the mass damper stroke than that for the passive TMD.
Seismic structural demands and inelastic deformation ratios: a theoretical approach
Chikh B., Mebarki A., Laouami N., Leblouba M., Mehani Y., Hadid M., Kibboua A., Benouar D.
Earthquake and Structures
citations by CoLab: 2
Effect of masonry infill walls with openings on nonlinear response of reinforced concrete frames
Ozturkoglu O., Ucar T., Yesilce Y.
Masonry infill walls are unavoidable parts of any building to create a separation between internal space and external environment. In general, there are some prevalent openings in the infill wall due to functional needs, architectural considerations or aesthetic concerns. In current design practice, the strength and stiffness contribution of infill walls is not considered. However, the presence of infill walls may decisively influence the seismic response of structures subjected to earthquake loads and cause a different behavior from that predicted for a bare frame. Furthermore, partial openings in the masonry infill wall are significant parameter affecting the seismic behavior of infilled frames thereby decreasing the lateral stiffness and strength. The possible effects of openings in the infill wall on seismic behavior of RC frames is analytically studied by means of pushover analysis of several bare, partially and fully infilled frames having different bay and story numbers. The stiffness loss due to partial opening is introduced by the stiffness reduction factors which are developed from finite element analysis of frames considering frame-infill interaction. Pushover curves of frames are plotted and the maximum base shear forces, the yield displacement, the yield base shear force coefficient, the displacement demand, interstory drift ratios and the distribution of story shear forces are determined. The comparison of parameters both in terms of seismic demand and capacity indicates that partial openings decisively influences the nonlinear behavior of RC frames and cause a different behavior from that predicted for a bare frame or fully infilled frame.
Strain demand prediction method for buried X80 steel pipelines crossing oblique-reverse faults
Liu X., Zhang H., Gu X., Chen Y., Xia M., Wu K.
The reverse fault is a dangerous geological hazard faced by buried steel pipelines. Permanent ground deformation
along the fault trace will induce large compressive strain leading to buckling failure of the pipe. A hybrid pipe-shell element based numerical model programed by INP code supported by ABAQUS solver was proposed in this study to explore the strain performance of buried X80 steel pipeline under reverse fault displacement. Accuracy of the numerical model was validated by previous full scale experimental results. Based on this model, parametric analysis was conducted to study the effects of four main kinds of parameters, e.g., pipe parameters, fault parameters, load parameter and soil property parameters, on the strain demand. Based on 2340 peak strain results of various combinations of design parameters, a semi-empirical model for strain demand prediction of X80 pipeline at reverse fault crossings was proposed. In general, reverse faults encountered by pipelines are involved in 3D oblique reverse faults, which can be considered as a combination of reverse fault and strike-slip fault. So a compressive strain demand estimation procedure for X80 pipeline crossing oblique-reverse faults was proposed by combining the presented semi-empirical model and the previous one for compression strike-slip fault (Liu 2016). Accuracy and efficiency of this proposed method was validated by fifteen design cases faced by the Second West to East Gas pipeline. The proposed method can be directly applied to the strain based design of X80 steel pipeline crossing oblique-reverse faults, with much higher
efficiency than common numerical models.
A multimodal adaptive evolution of the N1 method for assessment and design of r.c. framed structures
Lenza P., Ghersi A., Marino E.M., Pellecchia M.
Earthquake and Structures
citations by CoLab: 4
Parametric seismic evaluation of highway overpass bridges in moderate seismic areas
Simon J., Vigh G.L.
Prior to modern seismic provisions, several bridges were not designed for seismic actions in moderate seismic areas. Precast multi-girder and slab bridges are typical highway overpass structures, they have a significant contribution to national bridge stocks. Since the seismic behavior is questionable, a preliminary parametric study is conducted to determine critical configurations and components. The results indicate that the behavior of the abutments, backfill soil, superstructure and foundation is normally satisfactory; however, the superstructure-abutment joints are critical for both single and multi-span bridges, while the piers are also critical for longer multi-span configurations. The parametric results provide a solid basis both for detailed seismic assessment and development of design concepts of newly built structures in moderate seismic zones.
Exploring the effects of tuned mass dampers on the seismic performance of structures with nonlinear base isolation systems
Hessabi R.M., Mercan O., Ozturk B.
Base isolation is a quite practical control strategy for enhancing the response of structural systems induced by strong ground motions. Due to the dynamic effects of base isolation systems, reduction in the interstory drifts of the superstructure is often achieved at the expense of high base displacement level, which may lead to instability of the structure or non-practical designs for the base isolators. To reduce the base displacement, several hybrid structural control strategies have been studied over the past decades. This study investigates a particular strategy that employs Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs) for improving the performance of base-isolated structures and unlike previous studies, specifically focuses on the effectiveness of this hybrid control strategy in structures that are equipped with nonlinear base isolation systems. To consider the nonlinearities of base isolation systems, a Bouc-Wen model is selected and nonlinear dynamic OpenSees models are used to perform several time-history simulations in time and frequency domains. Through these numerical simulations, the effects of several parameters such as the fundamental period of the structure, dynamic properties of the TMD and isolation systems and properties of the input ground motion on the behaviour of TMD-structure-base isolation systems are examined. The results of this study provide a better insight into the performance of linear shear-story structures with nonlinear base isolators and show that there are many scenarios in which TMDs can still improve the performance of these systems.
Differences on specified and actual concrete strength for buildings on seismic zones
De-Leon-Escobedo D., Delgado-Hernandez D.J., Arteaga-Arcos J.C., Flores-Gomora J.
The design of reinforced concrete structures strongly depends on the value of the compression concrete strength used for the structural components. Given the uncertainties involved on the materials quality provided by concrete manufacturers, in the construction stage, these components may be either over or under-reinforced respect to the nominal condition. If the structure is under reinforced, and the deficit on safety level is not as large to require the structure demolition, someone should assume the consequences, and pay for the under standard condition by means of a penalty. If the structure is over reinforced, and other failure modes are not induced, the builder may receive a bonus, as a consequence of the higher, although unrequested, building resistance. The change on the building safety level is even more critical when the structure is under a seismic environment. In this research, a reliability-based criteria, including the consideration of expected losses, is proposed for bonification/penalization, when there are moderated differences between the supplied and specified reinforced concrete strength for the buildings. The formulation is applied to two hypothetical, with regular structural type, 3 and 10 levels reinforced concrete buildings, located on the soft soil zone of Mexico City. They were designed under the current Mexican code regulations, and their responses for typical spectral pseudoaccelerations, combined with their respective occurrence probabilities, are used to calculate the building failure probability. The results are aimed at providing objective basis to start a negotiation towards a satisfactory agreement between the involved parts. The main contribution resides on the explicit consideration of potential losses, including the building and contents losses and the business interruption due to the reconstruction period.
Citing journals
NASN school nurse (Print)
556 citations, 22.46%
Journal of School Nursing
456 citations, 18.42%
Journal of School Health
46 citations, 1.86%
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
34 citations, 1.37%
Clinical Nursing Research
30 citations, 1.21%
Journal of Advanced Nursing
26 citations, 1.05%
Journal of Pediatric Nursing
23 citations, 0.93%
Public Health Nursing
22 citations, 0.89%
Psychology in the Schools
17 citations, 0.69%
BMC Public Health
15 citations, 0.61%
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
14 citations, 0.57%
14 citations, 0.57%
British Journal of School Nursing
13 citations, 0.53%
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
11 citations, 0.44%
Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice
11 citations, 0.44%
Journal of Pediatric Health Care
11 citations, 0.44%
British Journal of Child Health
11 citations, 0.44%
10 citations, 0.4%
School Mental Health
10 citations, 0.4%
Revista brasileira de enfermagem
9 citations, 0.36%
Frontiers in Psychology
8 citations, 0.32%
SAGE Open Nursing
8 citations, 0.32%
Texto e Contexto Enfermagem
8 citations, 0.32%
Nursing Forum
8 citations, 0.32%
BMC Nursing
8 citations, 0.32%
8 citations, 0.32%
Nursing Reports
8 citations, 0.32%
Nurse Education Today
7 citations, 0.28%
Nurse Education in Practice
7 citations, 0.28%
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
7 citations, 0.28%
Pediatric Diabetes
6 citations, 0.24%
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing
6 citations, 0.24%
Epilepsy and Behavior
6 citations, 0.24%
Computers in Human Behavior
6 citations, 0.24%
Prevention Science
6 citations, 0.24%
Frontiers in Psychiatry
5 citations, 0.2%
Asian Nursing Research
5 citations, 0.2%
Children and Youth Services Review
5 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Adolescent Health
5 citations, 0.2%
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
5 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Community Health Nursing
5 citations, 0.2%
International Journal of Nursing Studies
5 citations, 0.2%
Journal for Nurse Practitioners
5 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing
5 citations, 0.2%
Public Health Reports
5 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Clinical Nursing
5 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Interprofessional Care
5 citations, 0.2%
Nursing Outlook
5 citations, 0.2%
5 citations, 0.2%
SSRN Electronic Journal
5 citations, 0.2%
4 citations, 0.16%
4 citations, 0.16%
Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
4 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Rural Health
4 citations, 0.16%
Western Journal of Nursing Research
4 citations, 0.16%
Obesity Reviews
4 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
4 citations, 0.16%
American Journal of Nursing
4 citations, 0.16%
Frontiers in Public Health
4 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Adolescence
4 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Nursing Regulation
4 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
4 citations, 0.16%
Behavioral Sciences
4 citations, 0.16%
Nurse Practitioner
4 citations, 0.16%
Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics
4 citations, 0.16%
Nursing Open
4 citations, 0.16%
4 citations, 0.16%
Child and Youth Care Forum
3 citations, 0.12%
History of Education Review
3 citations, 0.12%
Paediatric Drugs
3 citations, 0.12%
Health Education Journal
3 citations, 0.12%
Clinical Nurse Specialist
3 citations, 0.12%
Current Opinion in Pediatrics
3 citations, 0.12%
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
3 citations, 0.12%
Contemporary Clinical Trials
3 citations, 0.12%
BMJ Open
3 citations, 0.12%
Nurse Educator
3 citations, 0.12%
Archives of Public Health
3 citations, 0.12%
Social Science and Medicine
3 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Community Health
3 citations, 0.12%
Sports Medicine - Open
3 citations, 0.12%
Epilepsy and Behavior Reports
3 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
3 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
3 citations, 0.12%
Academic Pediatrics
3 citations, 0.12%
American Journal of Public Health
3 citations, 0.12%
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports
3 citations, 0.12%
Archives of Suicide Research
3 citations, 0.12%
3 citations, 0.12%
3 citations, 0.12%
JAMA Pediatrics
3 citations, 0.12%
Pediatric Clinics of North America
3 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Professional Nursing
3 citations, 0.12%
Educational and Developmental Psychologist
3 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Forensic Nursing
3 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice
3 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Asthma
3 citations, 0.12%
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
3 citations, 0.12%
Nursing and Health Sciences
3 citations, 0.12%
3 citations, 0.12%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
1140 citations, 46.06%
248 citations, 10.02%
207 citations, 8.36%
Springer Nature
159 citations, 6.42%
98 citations, 3.96%
Taylor & Francis
88 citations, 3.56%
Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
58 citations, 2.34%
Cambridge University Press
44 citations, 1.78%
31 citations, 1.25%
Frontiers Media S.A.
27 citations, 1.09%
Mark Allen Group
27 citations, 1.09%
Oxford University Press
16 citations, 0.65%
12 citations, 0.48%
American Academy of Pediatrics
11 citations, 0.44%
JMIR Publications
11 citations, 0.44%
9 citations, 0.36%
9 citations, 0.36%
Mary Ann Liebert
8 citations, 0.32%
Hindawi Limited
7 citations, 0.28%
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
6 citations, 0.24%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
6 citations, 0.24%
American Medical Association (AMA)
6 citations, 0.24%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
5 citations, 0.2%
5 citations, 0.2%
Hans Publishers
5 citations, 0.2%
Research Square Platform LLC
5 citations, 0.2%
4 citations, 0.16%
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
4 citations, 0.16%
Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
4 citations, 0.16%
American Public Health Association
4 citations, 0.16%
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
4 citations, 0.16%
CSIRO Publishing
4 citations, 0.16%
Walter de Gruyter
3 citations, 0.12%
IOS Press
3 citations, 0.12%
3 citations, 0.12%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
3 citations, 0.12%
American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology
3 citations, 0.12%
AME Publishing Company
3 citations, 0.12%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
3 citations, 0.12%
Savvy Science Publisher
3 citations, 0.12%
Human Kinetics
3 citations, 0.12%
3 citations, 0.12%
South Florida Publishing LLC
3 citations, 0.12%
Hogrefe Publishing Group
3 citations, 0.12%
Springer Publishing Company
2 citations, 0.08%
Associacao Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE)
2 citations, 0.08%
Index Copernicus
2 citations, 0.08%
Spandidos Publications
2 citations, 0.08%
Eco-Vector LLC
2 citations, 0.08%
National Athletic Trainers Association, Inc.
2 citations, 0.08%
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo
2 citations, 0.08%
Annual Reviews
2 citations, 0.08%
Ubiquity Press
2 citations, 0.08%
PAGEPress Publications
2 citations, 0.08%
IGI Global
2 citations, 0.08%
F1000 Research
2 citations, 0.08%
Hacettepe Universitesi Hemsirelik Fakultesi Dergisi
2 citations, 0.08%
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
1 citation, 0.04%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
1 citation, 0.04%
University of Bialystok
1 citation, 0.04%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
1 citation, 0.04%
American Society for Microbiology
1 citation, 0.04%
American Physiological Society
1 citation, 0.04%
King Saud University
1 citation, 0.04%
AIP Publishing
1 citation, 0.04%
American Diabetes Association
1 citation, 0.04%
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
1 citation, 0.04%
Associacao Brasileira de Enfermagem
1 citation, 0.04%
1 citation, 0.04%
Human Geographical Society of Japan
1 citation, 0.04%
1 citation, 0.04%
1 citation, 0.04%
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
1 citation, 0.04%
National Medical Association
1 citation, 0.04%
IOP Publishing
1 citation, 0.04%
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
1 citation, 0.04%
Iranian Society of Ophthalmology
1 citation, 0.04%
Wageningen Academic Publishers
1 citation, 0.04%
American Economic Association
1 citation, 0.04%
American Association of Clinical Endocrinology
1 citation, 0.04%
Unisa Press
1 citation, 0.04%
Acta Physica Sinica, Chinese Physical Society and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.04%
International Medical Informatics Association
1 citation, 0.04%
Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein
1 citation, 0.04%
Korean Pediatric Society
1 citation, 0.04%
1 citation, 0.04%
1 citation, 0.04%
S. Karger AG
1 citation, 0.04%
Remedium, Ltd.
1 citation, 0.04%
Maad Rayan Publishing Company
1 citation, 0.04%
A and V Publications
1 citation, 0.04%
Paediatrician Publishers LLC
1 citation, 0.04%
Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology
1 citation, 0.04%
Kamla Raj Enterprises
1 citation, 0.04%
1 citation, 0.04%
American Psychiatric Association Publishing
1 citation, 0.04%
Journal of Natural Resources
1 citation, 0.04%
Guilford Publications
1 citation, 0.04%
European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC)
1 citation, 0.04%
SMW Supporting Association
1 citation, 0.04%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations
University of Illinois at Chicago
42 publications, 3.68%
Pennsylvania State University
30 publications, 2.63%
University of Washington
14 publications, 1.23%
West Virginia University
8 publications, 0.7%
Boston Children's Hospital
7 publications, 0.61%
University of Alabama in Huntsville
7 publications, 0.61%
Bloomsburg University
6 publications, 0.53%
University of Delaware
6 publications, 0.53%
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
4 publications, 0.35%
Massachusetts General Hospital
4 publications, 0.35%
Lehigh University
4 publications, 0.35%
University of Pennsylvania
4 publications, 0.35%
University of Reading
4 publications, 0.35%
Northeastern University
3 publications, 0.26%
Vanderbilt University
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
3 publications, 0.26%
Spring Arbor University
3 publications, 0.26%
Lancaster University
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Maryland, College Park
3 publications, 0.26%
Baylor University
3 publications, 0.26%
Florida Atlantic University
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Florida
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Rochester
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Texas Medical Branch
3 publications, 0.26%
Texas Children's Hospital
3 publications, 0.26%
Brigham Young University
3 publications, 0.26%
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
3 publications, 0.26%
Southern Connecticut State University
3 publications, 0.26%
University of Antwerp
2 publications, 0.18%
Curtin University
2 publications, 0.18%
Central Queensland University
2 publications, 0.18%
Georgetown University
2 publications, 0.18%
Harvard University
2 publications, 0.18%
New York University
2 publications, 0.18%
Brigham and Women's Hospital
2 publications, 0.18%
Rush University
2 publications, 0.18%
Ohio University
2 publications, 0.18%
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
2 publications, 0.18%
Boston College
2 publications, 0.18%
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
2 publications, 0.18%
University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire
2 publications, 0.18%
Salisbury University
2 publications, 0.18%
Duquesne University
2 publications, 0.18%
La Salle University
2 publications, 0.18%
University of Toronto
2 publications, 0.18%
University of Guelph
2 publications, 0.18%
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
2 publications, 0.18%
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
2 publications, 0.18%
Fayetteville State University
2 publications, 0.18%
University of Colorado Denver
2 publications, 0.18%
Children's Hospital Colorado
2 publications, 0.18%
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
2 publications, 0.18%
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
2 publications, 0.18%
Ghent University
1 publication, 0.09%
Humboldt University of Berlin
1 publication, 0.09%
Al al-Bayt University
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Southern California
1 publication, 0.09%
Michigan State University
1 publication, 0.09%
Johns Hopkins University
1 publication, 0.09%
Iowa State University
1 publication, 0.09%
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
1 publication, 0.09%
Mae Fah Luang University
1 publication, 0.09%
Auburn University
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Missouri–Kansas City
1 publication, 0.09%
George Mason University
1 publication, 0.09%
New York University Langone Health
1 publication, 0.09%
Ohio State University
1 publication, 0.09%
A.T. Still University
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Arizona
1 publication, 0.09%
University of California, Irvine
1 publication, 0.09%
University of South Florida
1 publication, 0.09%
Athens State University
1 publication, 0.09%
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Michigan
1 publication, 0.09%
Baylor College of Medicine
1 publication, 0.09%
Missouri University of Science and Technology
1 publication, 0.09%
Minnesota State University Mankato
1 publication, 0.09%
Metropolitan State University
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Minnesota
1 publication, 0.09%
Brown University
1 publication, 0.09%
Virginia Commonwealth University
1 publication, 0.09%
Medical College of Wisconsin
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Maryland, Baltimore
1 publication, 0.09%
Thomas Jefferson University
1 publication, 0.09%
East Carolina University
1 publication, 0.09%
Millersville University
1 publication, 0.09%
Wright State University
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Louisville
1 publication, 0.09%
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
1 publication, 0.09%
Cleveland Clinic
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Colorado Boulder
1 publication, 0.09%
Delaware State University
1 publication, 0.09%
Indiana University Kokomo
1 publication, 0.09%
Indiana University Bloomington
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Texas at Tyler
1 publication, 0.09%
Seattle Children's Hospital
1 publication, 0.09%
University of Alabama at Birmingham
1 publication, 0.09%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations in 5 years
University of Illinois at Chicago
18 publications, 5.98%
Pennsylvania State University
16 publications, 5.32%
Massachusetts General Hospital
4 publications, 1.33%
University of Alabama in Huntsville
4 publications, 1.33%
University of Washington
3 publications, 1%
Spring Arbor University
3 publications, 1%
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
3 publications, 1%
Baylor University
3 publications, 1%
University of Rochester
3 publications, 1%
New York University
2 publications, 0.66%
Northeastern University
2 publications, 0.66%
Vanderbilt University
2 publications, 0.66%
Ohio University
2 publications, 0.66%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
2 publications, 0.66%
La Salle University
2 publications, 0.66%
University of Delaware
2 publications, 0.66%
Humboldt University of Berlin
1 publication, 0.33%
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
1 publication, 0.33%
Mae Fah Luang University
1 publication, 0.33%
Auburn University
1 publication, 0.33%
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
1 publication, 0.33%
George Mason University
1 publication, 0.33%
Harvard University
1 publication, 0.33%
New York University Langone Health
1 publication, 0.33%
Ohio State University
1 publication, 0.33%
Boston Children's Hospital
1 publication, 0.33%
University of Arizona
1 publication, 0.33%
University of California, Irvine
1 publication, 0.33%
Rush University
1 publication, 0.33%
Athens State University
1 publication, 0.33%
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
1 publication, 0.33%
Boston College
1 publication, 0.33%
Baylor College of Medicine
1 publication, 0.33%
Missouri University of Science and Technology
1 publication, 0.33%
Metropolitan State University
1 publication, 0.33%
Brown University
1 publication, 0.33%
Virginia Commonwealth University
1 publication, 0.33%
University of Maryland, College Park
1 publication, 0.33%
Duquesne University
1 publication, 0.33%
University of Pennsylvania
1 publication, 0.33%
Fayetteville State University
1 publication, 0.33%
Cleveland Clinic
1 publication, 0.33%
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
1 publication, 0.33%
Children's Hospital Colorado
1 publication, 0.33%
Indiana University Kokomo
1 publication, 0.33%
Indiana University Bloomington
1 publication, 0.33%
University of Texas at Tyler
1 publication, 0.33%
Texas Children's Hospital
1 publication, 0.33%
Brigham Young University
1 publication, 0.33%
Utah State University
1 publication, 0.33%
Texas Christian University
1 publication, 0.33%
Texas Woman's University
1 publication, 0.33%
University of Nebraska Medical Center
1 publication, 0.33%
University of Tennessee Southern
1 publication, 0.33%
Fairfield University
1 publication, 0.33%
Show all (25 more) | |
Publishing countries
USA, 662, 58.07%
662 publications, 58.07%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 7, 0.61%
United Kingdom
7 publications, 0.61%
Italy, 6, 0.53%
6 publications, 0.53%
Belgium, 4, 0.35%
4 publications, 0.35%
Mexico, 4, 0.35%
4 publications, 0.35%
Canada, 3, 0.26%
3 publications, 0.26%
South Africa
South Africa, 3, 0.26%
South Africa
3 publications, 0.26%
Australia, 2, 0.18%
2 publications, 0.18%
Russia, 1, 0.09%
1 publication, 0.09%
Germany, 1, 0.09%
1 publication, 0.09%
Jordan, 1, 0.09%
1 publication, 0.09%
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico, 1, 0.09%
Puerto Rico
1 publication, 0.09%
Thailand, 1, 0.09%
1 publication, 0.09%
Turkey, 1, 0.09%
1 publication, 0.09%
Publishing countries in 5 years
USA, 174, 57.81%
174 publications, 57.81%
Germany, 1, 0.33%
1 publication, 0.33%
Thailand, 1, 0.33%
1 publication, 0.33%
South Africa
South Africa, 1, 0.33%
South Africa
1 publication, 0.33%