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Social Sciences
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Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
Top-3 citing journals

Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
(836 citations)

Early Childhood Education Journal
(242 citations)

Reading Teacher
(180 citations)
Top-3 organizations

University of South Australia
(21 publications)

Manchester Metropolitan University
(17 publications)

University of Sheffield
(17 publications)

Manchester Metropolitan University
(6 publications)

Florida Atlantic University
(5 publications)

Arizona State University
(4 publications)
Top-3 countries
Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 591

Tracing Plastic Origins: Unveiling the Role of Ocean Currents and Commercial Shipping in Plastic Pollution on Coqueirinho Beach, Brazil
da Luz T.M., de Matos L.P., Malafaia G.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


Caspian — Black Sea Connection During MIS 5 (Late Pleistocene): Evidences from Drilling Data
Yanina T., Semikolennykh D., Sorokin V.
The Caspian and Black Seas are adjacent inland bodies of water, each with its unique palaeogeographic history. The Black Sea has been connected to the World Ocean throughout its Quaternary history. In contrast, the Caspian Sea has been completely isolated since the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene. Since then, the Caspian Sea has occasionally discharged its excess waters through the Manych Depression into the Azov-Black Sea Basin. As a result of this isolation, unique species have developed in the Caspian Sea. The transgressive-regressive cycles of the Caspian Sea are associated with global and regional climate fluctuations since its sea level depends on its water balance. Due to the penetration of Caspian species into the Manych Depression and further into the Azov-Black Sea Basin, it is possible to determine episodes of its transgressive water discharge, assess the characteristics of the existing basins, and correlate these episodes not only with events within the Mediterranean—Black Sea—Caspian corridor but also with global events. The study of the connection between the Black and Caspian Sea basins dates back to the 18th century. Thereafter, numerous publications have addressed various aspects of the palaeogeography of the region. However, the events within these two basins during Marine Isotope Stage 5 (MIS 5) and their scales and characteristics remain debated. This research focused on studying the MIS 5 Epoch, which includes the Holocene-analogous Eemian interglacial period and the transition to the Early Weichselian glacial Epoch. To reconstruct the events in the Black Sea—Manych Depression—Caspian Sea during MIS 5, we conducted lithological, malacofaunistic, and geochronological analysis on six borehole sections in the Northern Caspian, four in the Manych Depression, and three in the northeastern sector of the Black Sea to identify events that occurred in basins, assess their environmental characteristics, conditions of sedimentation and time frames. We have discovered that the Karangatian transgression (analogous to the Eemian transgression in the Mediterranean Sea) ingressed into the Manych Depression 125–110 ka BP (MIS 5e–d) during its maximum phase and formed a gulf there with a water salinity of up to 18‰, featuring Mediterranean mollusc fauna. Later, the waters of the Hyrcanian transgression of the Caspian Sea exceeded the water divide of the Azov-Black Sea and Caspian Sea basins and began to spill over into the Manych Depression. This influx of water resulted in the desalination of the sea gulf that was present there, reducing its salinity to values of less than 14‰. This event occurred around 110–105 ka BP (MIS 5c). The Karangatian waters eventually left the Manych Depression, but Hyrcanian waters continued to flow into the Black Sea until ~ 100 ka BP. This is evidenced by characteristic Hyrcanian species, such as Didacna cristata and D. subcatillus, found in the upper part of Karangatian sediments in the Manych Depression and on the northeastern shelf of the Black Sea. The Hyrcanian water discharge marked the initial flow of Caspian water into the Black Sea during the late Pleistocene, occurring unilaterally without any exchange between these two basins. Reconstructing the transition from the interglacial to the glacial period during MIS 5 can provide valuable insights into the expected changes in the Black Sea—Manych Depression—Caspian Sea system as we move from the current Holocene interglacial into a new glacial period.

Modeling the Impact of Direct Air Capture on Forest Biomass and Population Dynamics
Verma P., Kaur J., Arora M.S., Dogar M.M., Purohit S.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


Soil Moisture Satellite Data Under Scrutiny: Assessing Accuracy Through Environmental Proxies and Extended Triple Collocation Analysis
Pataki A., Bertalan L., Pásztor L., Nagy L.A., Abriha D., Liang S., Singh S.K., Szabó S.
16 different satellite soil moisture (SM) datasets (passive, active, combined, and model data) were compared at the European scale. We hypothesized that SM should be reflected by a variety of environmental factors, such as topography, hydroclimatology, soil characteristics, and biomass. Robust correlation was used to explore the relationship among the satellite data products, and the Recursive Feature Elimination method combined with the Random Forest Regression (RFR) algorithm was used to find the most important variables. Variations in SM-values were analyzed using extended triple collocation analysis (ETC), while the accuracy metrics of the RFR models were summarized through UMAP dimension reduction. The result showed that generally, correlations among the SM products were low (r < 0.5) with some exceptions. GLDAS had the weakest correlation with the other SM products. Using SM as the dependent variable in regression models, model testing showed that GLDAS’s SM was explained with the highest accuracy based on the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (0.631), followed by the SMOPS (0.624). SSM demonstrated the lowest environmental influence (NSE: 0.288). Using UMAP, ETC, it was determined that SMOPS exhibited superior performance in terms of error variance and model accuracy; however, based on the ETC results, GRD.P was deemed the most suitable option. Results called the attention of varying SM values by products, being biased by various environmental factors and the applied technology of the satellites.

A New Composite Hydrological Response Anomalies Index in a Semi-arid Region Based on Random Forest Algorithm
Faouzi E., Arioua A., Abdelrahman K., Kahal A.Y., Karaoui I., Mosaid H., Ismaili M., Ayejoto D.A., Ahamad M.I., Houmma I.H.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


Uncovering Climate and Human Impacts on Water Storage Dynamics in the Water-Stressed Arabian Basin
Pradipta A., Makkawi M., Sharif H., Kaka S., Al-Shaibani A.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


Determining Robust Optimal Pumping Solutions in a Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifer Using a Robust Decision-Making Approach and Bargaining Theory to Resolve Multiple Sources of Uncertainty
Ranjbar A., Cherubini C., Baldock T.
This paper analyses the impact of heterogeneity in the horizontal hydraulic conductivity field (
) on the optimal pumping scenarios in a coastal aquifer and presents a multi-objective management framework to select robust optimal scenarios under high levels of uncertainty. Model speed is significantly improved by training an M5 Decision Tree (MDT) algorithm as a fast surrogate model for the density-dependent flow (DDF) in the SEAWAT code. The developed Tree model was linked to a non-dominated genetic algorithm (NSGAII) to determine Pareto optimal solutions, with the aim of maximizing total pumping volume and minimizing saltwater intrusion in a real case study, i.e., the Qom-Kahak aquifer, Iran. A linear sensitivity analysis explores the relationship between Pareto curves in response to variations in calibrated values of
to quantify robust scenarios by a robust decision-making technique. Finally, the conflict resolution between minimum saltwater intrusion length, maximum pumping rate and robustness values is solved using a non-cooperative Nash bargaining theory. Results indicate that maintaining discharge from the pumping wells located far from 3 observation points in the case study, especially near the Salt Lake boundary, increases uncertainty in the Pareto solutions, where increasing
by up to 30% of calibrated values induces a maximum 12% shift in the Pareto front for the scenario which led to high saltwater intrusion lengths. Moreover, the non-robust scenario causes the saltwater intrusion
$$\overline{SWI }$$
zone to sharply advance to the area with a large number of pumping wells, while the scenario with high Nash product values led to a relatively uniform salinized zone which satisfies the allowed SWI length in 5 agricultural zones. In total, the developed MDT-NSGAII model is a computationally effective simulation–optimization model to find the Pareto front with 55 decision variables while achieving a 95% reduction in CPU time compared to the SEAWAT-NSGAII technique.

Mapping Real Estate-induced Urban Expansion in Delhi NCR: A Synergy of Artificial Intelligence and Geospatial Models
Naikoo M.W., Shahfahad, Talukdar S., Rihan M., Ishtiaq M., Roy S.S., Rahman A.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


AI Meets the Eye of the Storm: Machine Learning-Driven Insights for Hurricane Damage Risk Assessment in Florida
Arachchige S.M., Pradhan B.
Due to Florida’s exposure to hurricanes originating from both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, hurricane risk assessments serve as a critical tool for mitigating potential impacts. This is the first novel study to develop a machine learning based risk assessment for hurricane induced flood damage, which demonstrates the potential of granular building level insurance data from 1985 to 2024, enriched with remote sensing derived variables. The stacked ensemble machine learning model predicted hurricane flood damage with an MAE of 11.3% at a granular ZIP Code Tabulation Area level (ZCTA). The model’s explainability tools determined that building property value was a significant predictor of hurricane damage, as it correlated with property size, complex architectural design, and proximity to waterfront locations, all of which affect potential repair costs. Other predictive factors include construction year, occupancy type, and flood zone designation. Partial dependency plots (PDPs) identified that northwest Florida is particularly susceptible to hurricane damage, attributed to the Gulf of Mexico’s warm and shallow waters than eastern Florida’s cooler Atlantic conditions and steep ocean floor. Miami’s significant coastal urbanisation, rendered it a hotspot despite southeast Florida’s overall low hurricane risk. Similarly Jacksonville in north-eastern Florida was identified as a hotspot due to compounded flooding from storm surge and nearby river systems. Partial dependency plots also quantified the significant positive impact of 1970s building code regulation. Future studies should examine coastal morphology, landfall angle, and proximity to barrier islands. A study limitation is that insurance data may be an imperfect representation of Florida, due to underinsurance and inability to afford insurance.

High-Precision Real-Time Flow Prediction in a Multi-tributary River System: A Bio-inspired Dynamic Neural Network Model
Yang J., Liu B., Xu M., Marcos-Martinez R., Gao L.
Floods are among the most severe natural disasters globally, particularly in densely populated areas with extensive agriculture, concentrated rivers, and abundant rainfall. In recent years, human activities have altered river confluence conditions, exacerbating the frequency and severity of floods. To address the limitations of existing multi-tributary stream flow prediction models, which suffer from poor real-time performance and low prediction accuracy, we developed a bio-inspired neural network (Bio-NN) model motivated by a cooperative regulation mechanism in biological systems. Considering the problem that there is less feedback information in existing neural networks, the proposed model combines a biohormone multi-level nonlinear feedback regulation mechanism with a neural network. This enhances traditional neural networks by improving network structure and dynamically incorporating feedback information, allowing real-time optimization and improving optimization speed and precision over time. We tested the Bio-NN model by applying it to predict river flow along the lower Murray River in Australia. To obtain deeper insights into the performance of Bio-NN, indicators such as NSE, RSR, PCC, and KGE, were determined in the basin. The simulation demonstrated its superior performance, achieving a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE) of 0.991, root mean squared to standard deviation ratio (RSR) of 0.096, a Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PCC) of 0.996, and a Kling-Gupta efficiency coefficient (KGE) of 0.995. Compared to a back propagation neural network (BP-NN), a dynamic learning BP-NN, and a self-feedback BP-NN, the Bio-NN showed significant improvements in prediction performance: improved by 8-65% (NSE), 4-28% (PCC), 67-85% (RSR), 9-27% (KGE). The results underscore Bio-NN’s capability to significantly enhance the accuracy and stability of flood prediction models.

Maritime Cryogenic Antarctic Soils as a Non-obvious Methane Source
Evgrafova S.Y., Kadutskiy V.K., Bakalenko B.I., Tikhonov A.G., Lupachev A.V., Abakumov E.V., Mavlyudov B.R., Korets M.A., Florinsky I.V., Timshin A.A., Masyagina O.V.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


Effect of Land use and Land Cover Change on Soil Erosion and Soil Organic Carbon Stock in Southeastern Tunisia
Mnasri H., Abdelkarim B., Nunes A., Purohit S., Sahnoun H., Mahmoudi S.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


Unveiling the Role of Western Pacific Subtropical High in Urban Heat Islands Using Local Climate Zones Coupled WRF-BEP/BEM
Zhou K., Zhong L., Liu J., Wang Z., Liu J.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


Hydrogeological Characterization of the Multilayer Aquifer System in the Tunisian-Algerian Border Region Using Geological and Geophysical Techniques
Chibani A., Hadji R., Hamed Y., Gentilucci M., Shuhab K., Khalil R., Asghar B., Farid Z.
Earth Systems and Environment
citations by CoLab: 0


How Long-Term Orchard Management Revitalizes Soil Health beyond the Topsoil
Rezapour S., Nouri A., Alamdari P.
Soil health is a key indicator of agronomic, economic, and environmental functions, yet its significance in deeper soil layers, especially in deep-rooted orchard systems, remains largely unexplored. This study examines soil health index (SHI) in topsoil and subsoil across various soil classes in long-term apple orchards. We measured 27 soil health indicators to develop a soil health framework for apple orchards using 240 soil samples. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between topsoil and subsoil for most indicators, including soil stability index (93 to 132%), organic carbon (100 to 130%), macronutrients (40 to 147%), and heavy metals (8 to 75%), while bulk density (1 to 5%), total soil pore spaces (4 to 12%), pH (0.03 to 0.12 unit), calcium carbonates (6 to 21%), and cation exchange capacity (7 to 18%) showed no significant differences. In the topsoil, the liner-SHI and non-linear-SHI scores ranged between 0.5 and 0.9 and 0.3 to 0.6 compared with the subsoil with corresponding ranges of 0.4 to 0.77 and 0.32 to 0.56, respectively. Both the liner-SHI and non- linear-SHI scores were higher in the topsoil, explaining 25–29% of the variance in apple productivity. Our results bring further insight into a quantitative method for assessing soil health at the soil type-scale and creatively analyzes the changes of SHIs with soil depth and their relationship with product performance in the apple orchards under long-term continuous intensive practices.
Citing journals
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
836 citations, 9.4%
Early Childhood Education Journal
242 citations, 2.72%
Reading Teacher
180 citations, 2.02%
Reading Research Quarterly
148 citations, 1.66%
Early Child Development and Care
125 citations, 1.41%
119 citations, 1.34%
Frontiers in Psychology
110 citations, 1.24%
Early Education and Development
104 citations, 1.17%
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
103 citations, 1.16%
Bilingual Research Journal
88 citations, 0.99%
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
84 citations, 0.94%
Journal of Early Childhood Research
82 citations, 0.92%
Journal of Literacy Research
75 citations, 0.84%
Reading and Writing
74 citations, 0.83%
Education Sciences
70 citations, 0.79%
Language and Education
69 citations, 0.78%
Journal of Research in Childhood Education
69 citations, 0.78%
Handbook of Research on Teaching Methods in Language Translation and Interpretation
67 citations, 0.75%
Cases on Instructional Technology in Gifted and Talented Education
67 citations, 0.75%
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
64 citations, 0.72%
Linguistics and Education
63 citations, 0.71%
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood
63 citations, 0.71%
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
61 citations, 0.69%
International Journal of Early Years Education
59 citations, 0.66%
Education and Information Technologies
58 citations, 0.65%
Australian Journal of Language and Literacy
57 citations, 0.64%
Education 3-13
57 citations, 0.64%
Early Years
54 citations, 0.61%
Journal of Language, Identity and Education
48 citations, 0.54%
47 citations, 0.53%
British Journal of Educational Technology
46 citations, 0.52%
Computers and Education
46 citations, 0.52%
Reading Psychology
44 citations, 0.49%
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
43 citations, 0.48%
Cambridge Journal of Education
40 citations, 0.45%
English Teaching
36 citations, 0.4%
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
36 citations, 0.4%
International Multilingual Research Journal
36 citations, 0.4%
Journal of Research in Reading
35 citations, 0.39%
Global Studies of Childhood
34 citations, 0.38%
Literacy Research and Instruction
33 citations, 0.37%
First Language
30 citations, 0.34%
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
29 citations, 0.33%
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education
29 citations, 0.33%
International Journal of Early Childhood
29 citations, 0.33%
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
28 citations, 0.31%
Review of Educational Research
28 citations, 0.31%
Frontiers in Education
28 citations, 0.31%
International Journal of Educational Research
27 citations, 0.3%
Urban Education
27 citations, 0.3%
Developmental Education for Young Children
27 citations, 0.3%
Teaching and Teacher Education
26 citations, 0.29%
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
25 citations, 0.28%
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools
24 citations, 0.27%
24 citations, 0.27%
Journal of Children and Media
24 citations, 0.27%
Teachers College Record The Voice of Scholarship in Education
24 citations, 0.27%
Interactive Learning Environments
22 citations, 0.25%
Child Language Teaching and Therapy
22 citations, 0.25%
Theory into Practice
21 citations, 0.24%
Qualitative Research
21 citations, 0.24%
TESOL Quarterly
20 citations, 0.22%
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
20 citations, 0.22%
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
20 citations, 0.22%
Reading and Writing Quarterly
19 citations, 0.21%
Research Papers in Education
19 citations, 0.21%
Language, Culture and Curriculum
19 citations, 0.21%
19 citations, 0.21%
Journal of Child Language
18 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
18 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
18 citations, 0.2%
Children's Literature in Education
18 citations, 0.2%
18 citations, 0.2%
British Educational Research Journal
17 citations, 0.19%
Review of Education
17 citations, 0.19%
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice
17 citations, 0.19%
TESOL Journal
16 citations, 0.18%
Thinking Skills and Creativity
16 citations, 0.18%
International Journal of Bilingualism
15 citations, 0.17%
Review of Research in Education
15 citations, 0.17%
Communication Disorders Quarterly
15 citations, 0.17%
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
15 citations, 0.17%
Infant and Child Development
15 citations, 0.17%
Literacy Studies
15 citations, 0.17%
McGill Journal of Education
15 citations, 0.17%
Cognitive Development
14 citations, 0.16%
Qualitative Inquiry
14 citations, 0.16%
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education
14 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention
14 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Second Language Writing
13 citations, 0.15%
Anthropology and Education Quarterly
13 citations, 0.15%
Computers in the Schools
13 citations, 0.15%
Pedagogy, Culture and Society
13 citations, 0.15%
Educational Research Review
13 citations, 0.15%
Visual Communication
13 citations, 0.15%
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy
13 citations, 0.15%
Children's Geographies
13 citations, 0.15%
Emergent Literacy
13 citations, 0.15%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
12 citations, 0.13%
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
12 citations, 0.13%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
Taylor & Francis
2174 citations, 24.44%
1644 citations, 18.48%
971 citations, 10.92%
Springer Nature
921 citations, 10.35%
647 citations, 7.27%
IGI Global
255 citations, 2.87%
Cambridge University Press
177 citations, 1.99%
163 citations, 1.83%
Frontiers Media S.A.
151 citations, 1.7%
131 citations, 1.47%
American Speech Language Hearing Association
66 citations, 0.74%
John Benjamins Publishing Company
63 citations, 0.71%
Early Childhood Australia
63 citations, 0.71%
Australian Reading Association
53 citations, 0.6%
Walter de Gruyter
50 citations, 0.56%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
49 citations, 0.55%
Oxford University Press
39 citations, 0.44%
Consortium Erudit
36 citations, 0.4%
American Educational Research Association
28 citations, 0.31%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
27 citations, 0.3%
Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
19 citations, 0.21%
IOP Publishing
14 citations, 0.16%
Hindawi Limited
14 citations, 0.16%
13 citations, 0.15%
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
11 citations, 0.12%
10 citations, 0.11%
National Documentation Centre (EKT)
10 citations, 0.11%
9 citations, 0.1%
Stockholm University Press
9 citations, 0.1%
9 citations, 0.1%
Scientific Research Publishing
8 citations, 0.09%
Scandinavian University Press / Universitetsforlaget AS
8 citations, 0.09%
University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)
8 citations, 0.09%
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
7 citations, 0.08%
AIP Publishing
7 citations, 0.08%
University of Chicago Press
7 citations, 0.08%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
7 citations, 0.08%
S. Karger AG
7 citations, 0.08%
7 citations, 0.08%
7 citations, 0.08%
6 citations, 0.07%
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
5 citations, 0.06%
Equinox Publishing
5 citations, 0.06%
EDP Sciences
4 citations, 0.04%
4 citations, 0.04%
Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique
4 citations, 0.04%
Grupo Comunicar, Colectivo Andaluz de Educacion en Medios de Comunicacion
4 citations, 0.04%
UCL Institute of Education
4 citations, 0.04%
JMIR Publications
4 citations, 0.04%
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
4 citations, 0.04%
Harvard Education Publishing Group
4 citations, 0.04%
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Arastirmalari Dergisi
4 citations, 0.04%
The Royal Society
3 citations, 0.03%
Hacettepe University
3 citations, 0.03%
Springer Publishing Company
3 citations, 0.03%
3 citations, 0.03%
Association for Learning Technology
3 citations, 0.03%
The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (KASA)
3 citations, 0.03%
Academic Journals
3 citations, 0.03%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
3 citations, 0.03%
Human Kinetics
3 citations, 0.03%
Hogrefe Publishing Group
3 citations, 0.03%
American Marketing Association
2 citations, 0.02%
Edinburgh University Press
2 citations, 0.02%
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
2 citations, 0.02%
University of Illinois Press
2 citations, 0.02%
Peeters Publishers
2 citations, 0.02%
MIT Press
2 citations, 0.02%
2 citations, 0.02%
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2 citations, 0.02%
Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education
2 citations, 0.02%
Masaryk University Press
2 citations, 0.02%
Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication Sciences
2 citations, 0.02%
LESS Catholic University - Sao Paulo
2 citations, 0.02%
Scientific Methodical Center
2 citations, 0.02%
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
2 citations, 0.02%
SingHealth Academy
2 citations, 0.02%
Bureau of Scientific Publications of the Foundation for Education, Science and Technology
2 citations, 0.02%
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
2 citations, 0.02%
China Science Publishing & Media
2 citations, 0.02%
Annual Reviews
2 citations, 0.02%
Mark Allen Group
2 citations, 0.02%
2 citations, 0.02%
Syncsci Publishing Pte., Ltd.
2 citations, 0.02%
Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli Universitesi SBE Dergisi
2 citations, 0.02%
AOTA Press
2 citations, 0.02%
e-Kafkas Egitim Arastirmalari Dergisi
2 citations, 0.02%
AMO Publisher
2 citations, 0.02%
World Scientific
1 citation, 0.01%
IOS Press
1 citation, 0.01%
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
1 citation, 0.01%
1 citation, 0.01%
Michigan State University Press
1 citation, 0.01%
Liverpool University Press
1 citation, 0.01%
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
1 citation, 0.01%
1 citation, 0.01%
1 citation, 0.01%
South African Speech And Hearing Association
1 citation, 0.01%
1 citation, 0.01%
Universiti Putra Malaysia
1 citation, 0.01%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations
University of South Australia
21 publications, 3.02%
Manchester Metropolitan University
17 publications, 2.44%
University of Sheffield
17 publications, 2.44%
University of British Columbia
16 publications, 2.3%
Arizona State University
12 publications, 1.72%
Columbia University
11 publications, 1.58%
Towson University
11 publications, 1.58%
Macquarie University
10 publications, 1.44%
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
10 publications, 1.44%
Ohio State University
10 publications, 1.44%
University of Arizona
10 publications, 1.44%
Brock University
10 publications, 1.44%
Sheffield Hallam University
9 publications, 1.29%
New York University
8 publications, 1.15%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
8 publications, 1.15%
Florida Atlantic University
8 publications, 1.15%
University of Colorado Boulder
8 publications, 1.15%
Queensland University of Technology
7 publications, 1.01%
University of Sydney
7 publications, 1.01%
Clemson University
7 publications, 1.01%
University of Toronto
7 publications, 1.01%
Indiana University Bloomington
7 publications, 1.01%
University of Stavanger
6 publications, 0.86%
Vanderbilt University
6 publications, 0.86%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
6 publications, 0.86%
University of Gothenburg
5 publications, 0.72%
Western Sydney University
5 publications, 0.72%
University of Cambridge
5 publications, 0.72%
University of Queensland
5 publications, 0.72%
University of Illinois at Chicago
5 publications, 0.72%
Georgia State University
5 publications, 0.72%
Boston College
5 publications, 0.72%
Purdue University
5 publications, 0.72%
University of Victoria
5 publications, 0.72%
Western University
5 publications, 0.72%
Uppsala University
4 publications, 0.57%
Pennsylvania State University
4 publications, 0.57%
University of Auckland
4 publications, 0.57%
University of Melbourne
4 publications, 0.57%
Griffith University
4 publications, 0.57%
Charles Sturt University
4 publications, 0.57%
University of Texas at Austin
4 publications, 0.57%
University of Minnesota
4 publications, 0.57%
York University
4 publications, 0.57%
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
4 publications, 0.57%
Stockholm University
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Helsinki
3 publications, 0.43%
Umeå University
3 publications, 0.43%
Aarhus University
3 publications, 0.43%
Florida State University
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Strathclyde
3 publications, 0.43%
Deakin University
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Wollongong
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Cape Town
3 publications, 0.43%
Harvard University
3 publications, 0.43%
University of California, Los Angeles
3 publications, 0.43%
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Leeds
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Texas at El Paso
3 publications, 0.43%
Toronto Metropolitan University
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Calgary
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Alberta
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Kentucky
3 publications, 0.43%
Miami University
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Tennessee
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Plymouth
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Prince Edward Island
3 publications, 0.43%
University of Cyprus
2 publications, 0.29%
Tel Aviv University
2 publications, 0.29%
Lund University
2 publications, 0.29%
Halmstad University
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Gävle
2 publications, 0.29%
Jönköping University
2 publications, 0.29%
Dalarna University
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Oulu
2 publications, 0.29%
University College London
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Warwick
2 publications, 0.29%
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Oslo
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Nottingham
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Southampton
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Otago
2 publications, 0.29%
Australian Catholic University
2 publications, 0.29%
University of the Witwatersrand
2 publications, 0.29%
George Washington University
2 publications, 0.29%
Boston University
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Mauritius
2 publications, 0.29%
Korea University
2 publications, 0.29%
North Carolina State University
2 publications, 0.29%
George Mason University
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Washington
2 publications, 0.29%
San Diego State University
2 publications, 0.29%
University of California, Irvine
2 publications, 0.29%
University of South Florida
2 publications, 0.29%
Western Michigan University
2 publications, 0.29%
Saginaw Valley State University
2 publications, 0.29%
Wayne State University
2 publications, 0.29%
Lancaster University
2 publications, 0.29%
University of Seville
2 publications, 0.29%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations in 5 years
Manchester Metropolitan University
6 publications, 3.19%
Florida Atlantic University
5 publications, 2.66%
Arizona State University
4 publications, 2.13%
University of Gothenburg
3 publications, 1.6%
University of Stavanger
3 publications, 1.6%
Macquarie University
3 publications, 1.6%
Clemson University
3 publications, 1.6%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
3 publications, 1.6%
University of Toronto
3 publications, 1.6%
Lund University
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Helsinki
2 publications, 1.06%
Halmstad University
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Oulu
2 publications, 1.06%
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
2 publications, 1.06%
Aarhus University
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Strathclyde
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Auckland
2 publications, 1.06%
Columbia University
2 publications, 1.06%
North Carolina State University
2 publications, 1.06%
George Mason University
2 publications, 1.06%
Towson University
2 publications, 1.06%
New York University
2 publications, 1.06%
Ohio State University
2 publications, 1.06%
San Diego State University
2 publications, 1.06%
Western Michigan University
2 publications, 1.06%
Boston College
2 publications, 1.06%
Lancaster University
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Seville
2 publications, 1.06%
University of British Columbia
2 publications, 1.06%
Purdue University
2 publications, 1.06%
Sheffield Hallam University
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Victoria
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Calgary
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Kentucky
2 publications, 1.06%
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
2 publications, 1.06%
Miami University
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Colorado Denver
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Colorado Boulder
2 publications, 1.06%
Indiana University Bloomington
2 publications, 1.06%
University of Tennessee
2 publications, 1.06%
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University
1 publication, 0.53%
Shiraz University
1 publication, 0.53%
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Cyprus
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Science, Malaysia
1 publication, 0.53%
Uppsala University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Gävle
1 publication, 0.53%
Södertörn University
1 publication, 0.53%
Jönköping University
1 publication, 0.53%
East China Normal University
1 publication, 0.53%
Autonomous University of Barcelona
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Jyväskylä
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Oslo
1 publication, 0.53%
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
1 publication, 0.53%
Roskilde University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Nottingham
1 publication, 0.53%
National Tsing Hua University
1 publication, 0.53%
Birmingham City University
1 publication, 0.53%
Pennsylvania State University
1 publication, 0.53%
Iowa State University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Canterbury
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Melbourne
1 publication, 0.53%
Deakin University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of South Australia
1 publication, 0.53%
Edith Cowan University
1 publication, 0.53%
Charles Darwin University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Cape Town
1 publication, 0.53%
University of the Witwatersrand
1 publication, 0.53%
George Washington University
1 publication, 0.53%
Boston University
1 publication, 0.53%
Walter Sisulu University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Illinois at Chicago
1 publication, 0.53%
West Virginia University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Washington
1 publication, 0.53%
Midwestern University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Arizona
1 publication, 0.53%
Illinois State University
1 publication, 0.53%
Chicago State University
1 publication, 0.53%
Henan Institute of Science and Technology
1 publication, 0.53%
Changwon National University
1 publication, 0.53%
Georgia State University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of South Florida St. Petersburg
1 publication, 0.53%
University of South Florida
1 publication, 0.53%
Vanderbilt University
1 publication, 0.53%
Autonomous University of Madrid
1 publication, 0.53%
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
1 publication, 0.53%
Dublin City University
1 publication, 0.53%
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
1 publication, 0.53%
Wayne State University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Macau
1 publication, 0.53%
Simon Fraser University
1 publication, 0.53%
Queen's University at Kingston
1 publication, 0.53%
St. Cloud State University
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Minnesota
1 publication, 0.53%
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Maryland, Baltimore
1 publication, 0.53%
University of Maryland, College Park
1 publication, 0.53%
Western Carolina University
1 publication, 0.53%
Villanova University
1 publication, 0.53%
Erasmus University Rotterdam
1 publication, 0.53%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing countries
USA, 321, 46.12%
321 publications, 46.12%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 115, 16.52%
United Kingdom
115 publications, 16.52%
Australia, 82, 11.78%
82 publications, 11.78%
Canada, 61, 8.76%
61 publications, 8.76%
Sweden, 19, 2.73%
19 publications, 2.73%
Norway, 12, 1.72%
12 publications, 1.72%
Netherlands, 10, 1.44%
10 publications, 1.44%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 10, 1.44%
New Zealand
10 publications, 1.44%
China, 9, 1.29%
9 publications, 1.29%
Finland, 6, 0.86%
6 publications, 0.86%
South Africa
South Africa, 6, 0.86%
South Africa
6 publications, 0.86%
Israel, 5, 0.72%
5 publications, 0.72%
Denmark, 4, 0.57%
4 publications, 0.57%
Ireland, 4, 0.57%
4 publications, 0.57%
France, 3, 0.43%
3 publications, 0.43%
Spain, 3, 0.43%
3 publications, 0.43%
Singapore, 3, 0.43%
3 publications, 0.43%
Turkey, 3, 0.43%
3 publications, 0.43%
Italy, 2, 0.29%
2 publications, 0.29%
Cyprus, 2, 0.29%
2 publications, 0.29%
Mauritius, 2, 0.29%
2 publications, 0.29%
UAE, 2, 0.29%
2 publications, 0.29%
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea, 2, 0.29%
Republic of Korea
2 publications, 0.29%
Portugal, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Argentina, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Hungary, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Greece, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Iran, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Colombia, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Malaysia, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Malta, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Mexico, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Romania, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, 1, 0.14%
Saudi Arabia
1 publication, 0.14%
Slovakia, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Philippines, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Japan, 1, 0.14%
1 publication, 0.14%
Show all (7 more) | |
Publishing countries in 5 years
USA, 97, 51.6%
97 publications, 51.6%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 15, 7.98%
United Kingdom
15 publications, 7.98%
Canada, 14, 7.45%
14 publications, 7.45%
Australia, 9, 4.79%
9 publications, 4.79%
Norway, 7, 3.72%
7 publications, 3.72%
Sweden, 7, 3.72%
7 publications, 3.72%
China, 4, 2.13%
4 publications, 2.13%
Finland, 4, 2.13%
4 publications, 2.13%
Ireland, 3, 1.6%
3 publications, 1.6%
Spain, 3, 1.6%
3 publications, 1.6%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 3, 1.6%
New Zealand
3 publications, 1.6%
Denmark, 2, 1.06%
2 publications, 1.06%
South Africa
South Africa, 2, 1.06%
South Africa
2 publications, 1.06%
Portugal, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Argentina, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Greece, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Iran, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Italy, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Cyprus, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Colombia, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Malaysia, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Netherlands, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, 1, 0.53%
Saudi Arabia
1 publication, 0.53%
Slovakia, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Turkey, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
Japan, 1, 0.53%
1 publication, 0.53%
1 profile journal article
Jesson Rebecca
38 publications,
236 citations
h-index: 9