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AJOB Empirical Bioethics
Top-3 citing journals

AJOB Empirical Bioethics
(98 citations)

BMC Medical Ethics
(85 citations)

American Journal of Bioethics
(81 citations)
Top-3 organizations

University of Pennsylvania
(29 publications)

Columbia University
(19 publications)

Johns Hopkins University
(19 publications)

University of Pennsylvania
(14 publications)

Columbia University
(10 publications)

Harvard University
(10 publications)
Top-3 countries
Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 176

Mobile-First Usability Guideline for Responsive E-Commerce Websites
Kumar B.A.
Handheld devices such as smartphones, tablets, and PDAs are commonly used for online shopping. In order to satisfy web page requests on these devices, web developers are using a responsive web design approach, where websites dynamically adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. One of the challenges faced by web developers is to provide a usable experience across different devices. Motivated by this, a mobile-first usability guideline was established by extracting good usability practices from five popular responsive e-commerce websites. Validation of the usability guideline was conducted, and results indicate that it will have a positive impact on the overall user experience.

Challenges and Factors Influencing the Adoption of Internet Banking in Qatar
Alsalem A., Abu-Shanab E.A.
The evolution of the Internet and smartphones, people are able to use Internet banking (IB). In addition, banks are able to reduce their operational costs and attract more customers when utilizing IB. The Covid-19 Virus outbreak in encouraged clients to use IB to limit their physical interactions with others. This research utilized the extended Unified Theory for Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT-II) to assess how bank customers adopt IB. 375 online surveys were collected to test eight hypotheses. Results indicated that Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Security, and Habit were significant predictors of the behavioral intentions to use IB, while Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Conditions, Perceived Value, were insignificant. Age was used as a moderator to habit-behavioral intentions relationship, but data failed to support its role. The overall coefficient of determination was 0.86, which exceeded the original model. Further discussions and conclusions are reported at the end of the paper.

Squiride Rank
Sankpal L.J., Patil S.H.
The proposed SquiRide Rank algorithm is designed by integrating the Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA) with the Rider Optimization Algorithm (ROA), respectively. The concept of fictional computing and the foraging behavior realize the re-ranking process more effectively in the web environment. However, the features extracted from the web pages makes the process more effective and achieve global optimal solution through the fitness measure. The proposed SquiRide Rank algorithm effectively captures and analyzes the ranking scores of different search engines in order to generate the re-ranked score result. However, the proposed SquiRide Rank algorithm provides satisfactory results using the metrics, like precision, recall, and F-measure, which acquired with the values of 0.964, 0.996, and 0.980, respectively.

Security Framework for Tuberculosis Health Data Interoperability Through the Semantic Web
Lima V.C., Pellison F.C., Bernardi F.A., Alves D., Rijo R.P.
One of the critical challenges in health information systems is interoperability. The clinical, strategic, and operational decision depends on quality data and the ability to exchange data inter-systems and inter-health organizations. The Semantic Web plays a cornerstone role as a technology to enable functional and semantic interoperability without substantial changes in existing systems and to improve data sharing capabilities and, consequently, its quality and completeness. However, a common concern is data security. In this context, this research proposes a framework for securing health data, with a real case scenario focused on tuberculosis data exchange over the Semantic Web. The needs of security for the Semantic Web were satisfied, helping to build trust in the data and promoting its use in contexts that were not initially created to openly disseminate data without a significant technological apparatus.

Commerce Web-Portal Redesigning Based on Usability Evaluation
Sakulin S., Alfimtsev A., Kalgin Y., Devyatkov V.
Redesigning of the whole portal or some of its webpages does not always lead to a positive result despite the designers' expectations. Nowadays the opinion on how to carry out the redesign of web portals varies. A web portal being in service and in a wide use, a sudden change in its design may result in a drop of the number of clients. The usability evaluation has become important to make a decision on what design of webpages to choose. The paper proposes a method to redesign of commercial web-portals which is based on usability evaluation of some webpages. The evaluation can be undertaken by surveying the staff of the business organization where such a web portal is being developed. The hierarchy made of the Choquet integrals aggregates the results of the questionnaire and allows for the interdependencies between individual metrics of usability. Then, a decision about the redesign of a certain webpage is made on the basis of the aggregated results. The described experiment has shown a great impact of this innovative approach.

The Role of Virtual Reality to Enhance Cultural Communication
Abokhoza R.R., Sobieh Y.M.
This paper aimed to recognize the role of virtual reality to enhance cultural communication by allowing to the participators who divided into three groups to watch the same substance in three different displays—virtual reality, normal video, images and text—to measure the process of retrieving information or events with a specific cue. The results of the study indicate that the virtual world experience enhances people's awareness of the culture. This new medium, VR, allows for participants to be immersed in the culture in ways that are not possible through the use of other media. Also, it can have an effective impact in cultural communication by allowing the participators to be virtually present at civilized events.

Exploring the Limitations of Responsive Design Through a Case Study Approach
Almeida F., Monteiro J.A.
Having an online presence is essential for any company regardless of its size and type of business. Users are currently striving to interact with companies through the web, regardless of their access device. In this sense, responsive web design emerged as a very useful technique that allows the dynamic adaptation of the design regardless of the size and resolution of the access device. Despite the unequivocal advantages associated with this technique, there are also limitations which turn this approach not feasible or advisable for all projects. This study, through the realization of five case studies, seeks to identify the main limitations of responsive design and responsive design frameworks. Additionally, this study suggests further development models that may be more effective in the dynamic adaptation of the design and contents according to the features of the access device, such as the adoption of adaptive design, use of native apps, and hybrid models.

An Information Retrieval System Based on Multiple Portlets
Vaz G.J., Barbedo J.G.
Information retrieval systems built with a service-oriented architecture have numerous advantages, and portlets are a key technology to implement services which interact with each other in the presentation layer. This work presents an efficient approach for the communication between the components of an information retrieval system based on multiple portlets in a single user interface. It also presents the architecture and the main methods of the system implemented as a case of use for this approach. It is shown that the proposed solution yields the best inter-portlet communication mechanism in each situation, while possessing the ability to deliver aggregated search and superior user experience.

Ontology-Based Analysis of Website Structure for Benchmarking in Retail Business
Vlahovic N., Brljak A., Pejic-Bach M.
With the growing trend of digital transformation, electronic business has become a crucial part of business operations for many companies. Some of the most critical steps in successful transformation pertain not only to data and information acquisition and digitalization but also to adequate publishing and organization of these information resources. Companies share information through their websites, so the structuring of the web content becomes critical during the digital transformation of business. In this paper, the authors present a conceptual model of the managerial tool that is based on semantic analysis of web sites in order to obtain information about the structure of web sites in a particular domain. The resulting ontological model contains information about best practices in web information organization and can be a valuable resource for management when deciding on the organization of their own web content. The system is based on grounded theory and uses current information retrieval methods, natural language processing, semantic networks, and ontologies.

QoS-Based Collaborative Filtering for Web Service Mining
Feddaoui I., Felhi F., Algarni F., Akaichi J.
Stored information in the databases is heterogeneous, from various sources, and of large volumes. The web service selection becomes nontrivial, as the users are easily overloaded by vast amount candidates. Using the keyword-based search method, users are struggling to choose the best web services among those having similar features. In the traditional methods, the users set different constraints and QoS parameters of a web service from what's claimed by the provider. Moreover, different researches challenge this problem, introducing semantic discovery process to enable relevant and desired search results. These approaches don't give importance to users' opinions and the selection history. The classical development of the ontology is typically entirely based on high human participation. In this paper, the authors use ontology-based querying, user profile to know the history, new collaborative filtering to calculate user, and query similarity and QoS as the final step for web service selection. The approach combines the syntactic and semantic methods to increase the selection precision.

A Survey on Privacy Preservation in Location-Based Mobile Business
Aloui A., Kazar O.
In mobile business (m-business), a client sends its exact locations to service providers. This data may involve sensitive and private personal information. As a result, misuse of location information by the third party location servers creating privacy issues for clients. This paper provides an overview of the privacy protection techniques currently applied by location-based mobile business. The authors first identify different system architectures and different protection goals. Second, this article provides an overview of the basic principles and mechanisms that exist to protect these privacy goals. In a third step, the authors provide existing privacy protection measures.

Impact of E-Services Quality on E-Loyalty in Paltel E-Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable
Alkhateeb M.A.
E-loyalty has received great interest from researchers as a key element for customer retention and the growth of firms as well as gaining new customers. This study aims to investigate the impact of the electronic website services quality on e-loyalty in the companies listed within Paltel using electronic satisfaction as a mediating variable. Seven dimensions of e-service quality are examined including content, structure, interaction, presentation, responsiveness, e-security, and reliability. The quantitative research approach is conducted on the returned 393 valid surveys. The findings revealed and emphasized the role played by e-satisfaction as a mediating variable between the independent variable's dimensions and the independent variable.

A Predictive Maintenance Planning System Implemented on a Web Platform
Romeira B., Moura A., Oliveira Santos J.P.
Predictive maintenance predicts failures and determines the equipment's remaining useful life, which provides maintenance time to plan their interventions, preventing breakdowns or reducing their impact. This paper presents a software application, implemented in a web platform, to support the implementation of a predictive maintenance plan. The developed system currently monitors certain parameters of a plastic injection molding machine. Furthermore, this system has real-time alerts that notify the maintenance team when the measured temperatures are outside the defined limits. Some extras were added, such as the report page, which calculates, automatically, performance indicators, the access management page, and a page that permits the realization of autonomous maintenance interventions, the verification of its fulfilment, and the visualization of the performed interventions' results. After the system's implementation, it was tested in real operating conditions. Following the test time, it was concluded that the desired parameters were measured correctly, which supported the work's continuation.

Rosa F.D., Junior L.A., Bonacin R., Jino M.
Security assessment is crucial to the implementation and use of secure web portals. Literature reports studies about knowledge representation models for systems assessment and information security areas; however, there is a lack of conceptual formalization for the security assessment area. The security assessment ontology (SecAOnto) objective is to formalize knowledge on security assessment. It is based on ontologies, taxonomies, vocabularies, glossaries, and market guidelines. This paper presents an application of SecAOnto with the objective of identifying concepts in descriptions of security assessment items; the coverage of security characteristics is determined by using a coverage calculus algorithm. The application of SecAOnto and of the coverage calculus algorithms to the well-known standard ISO/IEC 27001 highlights its expressiveness. The proposal is useful for security experts and researchers in the context of security assessment, as well as to support web-based conceptual architectures.

Exploring the Use of Social Media Platforms by Public Universities
Halaweh M., Elbahi M., Kamel A., Kabha R., Yousef R.
The use of social media platforms by university students and teachers has been found to facilitate the learning and teaching processes. This includes providing opportunities for students to share and discuss relevant ideas and issues, thus making the task more enjoyable and raising the level of achievement. This study explored the use of social media platforms by public universities in Egypt. It investigated how these universities utilized social media platforms, and whether they are used for educational purposes or not. The data was collected from 21 universities using a questionnaire survey of 2100 undergraduate and postgraduate students. The official social media pages of each university were surveyed and analyzed using content analysis method. The results revealed that the use of social media platforms by public universities was for the purpose of communicating with the general public more than the students. This study also found that the majority of students consider social media platforms of their universities to be useless and not supporting their academic studies. This paper offers practical implications and recommendations for universities' decision makers and social media developers.
Citing journals
AJOB Empirical Bioethics
98 citations, 3.26%
BMC Medical Ethics
85 citations, 2.83%
American Journal of Bioethics
81 citations, 2.7%
Nursing Ethics
46 citations, 1.53%
46 citations, 1.53%
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
43 citations, 1.43%
Journal of Medical Ethics
41 citations, 1.37%
Journal of Genetic Counseling
25 citations, 0.83%
Genetics in Medicine
22 citations, 0.73%
Ethics & human research
22 citations, 0.73%
Journal of Medical Internet Research
22 citations, 0.73%
HEC Forum
19 citations, 0.63%
European Journal of Human Genetics
19 citations, 0.63%
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
18 citations, 0.6%
BMJ Open
18 citations, 0.6%
Journal of General Internal Medicine
17 citations, 0.57%
17 citations, 0.57%
Hastings Center Report
17 citations, 0.57%
Research Ethics
17 citations, 0.57%
Journal of Community Genetics
16 citations, 0.53%
Patient Education and Counseling
16 citations, 0.53%
Clinical Trials
16 citations, 0.53%
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
15 citations, 0.5%
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
15 citations, 0.5%
Journal of Pediatrics
14 citations, 0.47%
JAMA network open
14 citations, 0.47%
Journal of Clinical Ethics
14 citations, 0.47%
Social Science and Medicine
13 citations, 0.43%
BMC Health Services Research
13 citations, 0.43%
Learning Health Systems
13 citations, 0.43%
Frontiers in Public Health
13 citations, 0.43%
BMC Medical Education
13 citations, 0.43%
Health Expectations
13 citations, 0.43%
AJOB Neuroscience
12 citations, 0.4%
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics
12 citations, 0.4%
Revista Bioética
12 citations, 0.4%
Accountability in Research
11 citations, 0.37%
11 citations, 0.37%
SSRN Electronic Journal
11 citations, 0.37%
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
11 citations, 0.37%
Journal of Personalized Medicine
10 citations, 0.33%
Ethics, Medicine and Public Health
10 citations, 0.33%
Critical Care Medicine
10 citations, 0.33%
Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology
9 citations, 0.3%
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
9 citations, 0.3%
Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics
9 citations, 0.3%
Frontiers in Medicine
9 citations, 0.3%
Pediatric Blood and Cancer
8 citations, 0.27%
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
8 citations, 0.27%
Clinical Ethics
8 citations, 0.27%
American Journal of Human Genetics
8 citations, 0.27%
Journal of Advanced Nursing
8 citations, 0.27%
BMC Nursing
8 citations, 0.27%
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
7 citations, 0.23%
Science and Engineering Ethics
7 citations, 0.23%
Medical Care
7 citations, 0.23%
7 citations, 0.23%
Prenatal Diagnosis
7 citations, 0.23%
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
7 citations, 0.23%
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities
7 citations, 0.23%
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health
7 citations, 0.23%
Personalized Medicine
6 citations, 0.2%
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
6 citations, 0.2%
Fertility and Sterility
6 citations, 0.2%
BMC Palliative Care
6 citations, 0.2%
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications
6 citations, 0.2%
Annals of Internal Medicine
6 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Nursing Management
6 citations, 0.2%
6 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Religion and Health
6 citations, 0.2%
BMC Public Health
6 citations, 0.2%
New Genetics and Society
6 citations, 0.2%
British Journal of Nursing
6 citations, 0.2%
American Journal of Critical Care
6 citations, 0.2%
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
6 citations, 0.2%
Citizen Science Theory and Practice
6 citations, 0.2%
Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology
5 citations, 0.17%
Molecular genetics & genomic medicine
5 citations, 0.17%
Contemporary Clinical Trials
5 citations, 0.17%
Supportive Care in Cancer
5 citations, 0.17%
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy
5 citations, 0.17%
Digital Health
5 citations, 0.17%
Journal of Perinatology
5 citations, 0.17%
Canadian Journal of Bioethics
5 citations, 0.17%
Research Involvement and Engagement
5 citations, 0.17%
5 citations, 0.17%
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
5 citations, 0.17%
BMC Medical Research Methodology
5 citations, 0.17%
JMIR Formative Research
5 citations, 0.17%
JCO Oncology Practice
5 citations, 0.17%
JMIR Research Protocols
5 citations, 0.17%
Journal of Palliative Medicine
4 citations, 0.13%
Palliative and Supportive Care
4 citations, 0.13%
The International Journal of Qualitative Methods
4 citations, 0.13%
Palliative Medicine
4 citations, 0.13%
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
4 citations, 0.13%
Clinical Genetics
4 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Nursing Administration
4 citations, 0.13%
Academic Medicine
4 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
4 citations, 0.13%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
Springer Nature
627 citations, 20.89%
358 citations, 11.93%
Taylor & Francis
333 citations, 11.09%
276 citations, 9.19%
266 citations, 8.86%
Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
102 citations, 3.4%
79 citations, 2.63%
Oxford University Press
72 citations, 2.4%
72 citations, 2.4%
JMIR Publications
62 citations, 2.07%
Frontiers Media S.A.
60 citations, 2%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
52 citations, 1.73%
Cambridge University Press
31 citations, 1.03%
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
28 citations, 0.93%
Mary Ann Liebert
27 citations, 0.9%
American Medical Association (AMA)
25 citations, 0.83%
16 citations, 0.53%
Annual Reviews
14 citations, 0.47%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
14 citations, 0.47%
American Academy of Pediatrics
12 citations, 0.4%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
12 citations, 0.4%
University Pub. Group
12 citations, 0.4%
11 citations, 0.37%
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
11 citations, 0.37%
Duke University Press
10 citations, 0.33%
Mark Allen Group
9 citations, 0.3%
American Thoracic Society
8 citations, 0.27%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
8 citations, 0.27%
IGI Global
8 citations, 0.27%
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
7 citations, 0.23%
AACN Publishing
7 citations, 0.23%
Walter de Gruyter
6 citations, 0.2%
American College of Physicians
6 citations, 0.2%
Ubiquity Press
6 citations, 0.2%
F1000 Research
6 citations, 0.2%
IOS Press
5 citations, 0.17%
University of Montreal
5 citations, 0.17%
5 citations, 0.17%
S. Karger AG
5 citations, 0.17%
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
4 citations, 0.13%
American Psychiatric Association Publishing
4 citations, 0.13%
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
3 citations, 0.1%
University of Chicago Press
3 citations, 0.1%
3 citations, 0.1%
Health Affairs (Project Hope)
3 citations, 0.1%
Oncology Nursing Society
3 citations, 0.1%
CMA Impact Inc.
3 citations, 0.1%
University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)
3 citations, 0.1%
Society of Hospital Medicine
3 citations, 0.1%
Research Square Platform LLC
3 citations, 0.1%
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
2 citations, 0.07%
ifmbe proceedings
2 citations, 0.07%
Society for Translational Oncology
2 citations, 0.07%
American Veterinary Medical Association
2 citations, 0.07%
European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
2 citations, 0.07%
Joint Commission Resources Inc.
2 citations, 0.07%
Hindawi Limited
2 citations, 0.07%
Consortium Erudit
2 citations, 0.07%
2 citations, 0.07%
2 citations, 0.07%
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
2 citations, 0.07%
American Marketing Association
1 citation, 0.03%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
1 citation, 0.03%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
1 citation, 0.03%
American Society for Microbiology
1 citation, 0.03%
American Diabetes Association
1 citation, 0.03%
MIT Press
1 citation, 0.03%
The Company of Biologists
1 citation, 0.03%
South African Assn. For The Advancement Of Science
1 citation, 0.03%
American Society of Nephrology
1 citation, 0.03%
Canadian Evaluation Society
1 citation, 0.03%
Edizioni Minerva Medica
1 citation, 0.03%
AME Publishing Company
1 citation, 0.03%
Western University
1 citation, 0.03%
Massachusetts Medical Society
1 citation, 0.03%
European Respiratory Society (ERS)
1 citation, 0.03%
Societe Francaise de Sante Publique
1 citation, 0.03%
U.S. Agency for International Development
1 citation, 0.03%
American Society for Nutrition
1 citation, 0.03%
Vilnius University Press
1 citation, 0.03%
American Public Health Association
1 citation, 0.03%
Moffitt Cancer Center
1 citation, 0.03%
Korean Academy of Medical Sciences
1 citation, 0.03%
Acilim Yayincilik
1 citation, 0.03%
Association of Military Surgeons of the US
1 citation, 0.03%
1 citation, 0.03%
CSIRO Publishing
1 citation, 0.03%
Japan Prosthodontic Society
1 citation, 0.03%
Virtus Interpress
1 citation, 0.03%
PAGEPress Publications
1 citation, 0.03%
Baishideng Publishing Group
1 citation, 0.03%
Kamla Raj Enterprises
1 citation, 0.03%
Human Kinetics
1 citation, 0.03%
The Pennsylvania State University Press
1 citation, 0.03%
Environmental Health Perspectives
1 citation, 0.03%
1 citation, 0.03%
Federation of State Medical Boards
1 citation, 0.03%
Harborside Press, LLC
1 citation, 0.03%
Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman
1 citation, 0.03%
Show all (69 more) | |
Publishing organizations
University of Pennsylvania
29 publications, 9.18%
Johns Hopkins University
19 publications, 6.01%
Columbia University
19 publications, 6.01%
Harvard University
16 publications, 5.06%
University of Washington
16 publications, 5.06%
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
16 publications, 5.06%
Stanford University
15 publications, 4.75%
University of Oxford
14 publications, 4.43%
Duke University
14 publications, 4.43%
University of California, San Francisco
13 publications, 4.11%
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
12 publications, 3.8%
Baylor College of Medicine
10 publications, 3.16%
University of Melbourne
8 publications, 2.53%
University of Chicago
8 publications, 2.53%
University of Michigan
8 publications, 2.53%
Mayo Clinic
8 publications, 2.53%
Murdoch Children's Research Institute
7 publications, 2.22%
Northwestern University
7 publications, 2.22%
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
7 publications, 2.22%
University of Cincinnati
7 publications, 2.22%
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
7 publications, 2.22%
University of Basel
6 publications, 1.9%
Cornell University
6 publications, 1.9%
University of Minnesota
6 publications, 1.9%
Seattle Children's Hospital
6 publications, 1.9%
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
5 publications, 1.58%
Pennsylvania State University
5 publications, 1.58%
Monash University
5 publications, 1.58%
George Washington University
5 publications, 1.58%
Brigham and Women's Hospital
5 publications, 1.58%
Loyola University Chicago
5 publications, 1.58%
McGill University
5 publications, 1.58%
Emory University
5 publications, 1.58%
Indiana University School of Medicine
5 publications, 1.58%
Case Western Reserve University
4 publications, 1.27%
New York University
4 publications, 1.27%
Ohio State University
4 publications, 1.27%
University of California, Los Angeles
4 publications, 1.27%
University of California, San Diego
4 publications, 1.27%
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
4 publications, 1.27%
Oakland University
4 publications, 1.27%
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
4 publications, 1.27%
University of Tokyo
4 publications, 1.27%
University of Maryland, Baltimore
4 publications, 1.27%
University of Louisville
4 publications, 1.27%
Cleveland Clinic
4 publications, 1.27%
University of Utah
4 publications, 1.27%
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
4 publications, 1.27%
ETH Zurich
3 publications, 0.95%
Yale University
3 publications, 0.95%
Deakin University
3 publications, 0.95%
University of Cape Town
3 publications, 0.95%
Oregon Health & Science University
3 publications, 0.95%
Boston Children's Hospital
3 publications, 0.95%
University of Texas at Austin
3 publications, 0.95%
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
3 publications, 0.95%
University of British Columbia
3 publications, 0.95%
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
3 publications, 0.95%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
3 publications, 0.95%
University of Toronto
3 publications, 0.95%
University of Granada
3 publications, 0.95%
Indiana University Bloomington
3 publications, 0.95%
Lurie Children's Hospital
3 publications, 0.95%
National Human Genome Research Institute
3 publications, 0.95%
American University of Beirut
2 publications, 0.63%
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Cambridge
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Bergen
2 publications, 0.63%
King's College London
2 publications, 0.63%
Maastricht University
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Edinburgh
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Southern California
2 publications, 0.63%
Drexel University
2 publications, 0.63%
Michigan State University
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Sydney
2 publications, 0.63%
Victoria University (Australia)
2 publications, 0.63%
Barwon Health
2 publications, 0.63%
Georgetown University
2 publications, 0.63%
Washington University in St. Louis
2 publications, 0.63%
Chinese University of Hong Kong
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Missouri–Kansas City
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Illinois at Chicago
2 publications, 0.63%
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
2 publications, 0.63%
Massachusetts General Hospital
2 publications, 0.63%
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
2 publications, 0.63%
University of California, Irvine
2 publications, 0.63%
Vanderbilt University
2 publications, 0.63%
University of St Andrews
2 publications, 0.63%
Boston College
2 publications, 0.63%
McMaster University
2 publications, 0.63%
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
2 publications, 0.63%
Brown University
2 publications, 0.63%
Addis Ababa University
2 publications, 0.63%
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Guelph
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Alabama at Birmingham
2 publications, 0.63%
University of Nebraska Medical Center
2 publications, 0.63%
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
1 publication, 0.32%
Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute
1 publication, 0.32%
Tel Aviv University
1 publication, 0.32%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations in 5 years
University of Pennsylvania
14 publications, 9.66%
Columbia University
10 publications, 6.9%
Harvard University
10 publications, 6.9%
University of Washington
9 publications, 6.21%
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
9 publications, 6.21%
Stanford University
7 publications, 4.83%
Baylor College of Medicine
7 publications, 4.83%
University of California, San Francisco
5 publications, 3.45%
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
5 publications, 3.45%
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
4 publications, 2.76%
University of Oxford
4 publications, 2.76%
Johns Hopkins University
4 publications, 2.76%
Northwestern University
4 publications, 2.76%
Ohio State University
4 publications, 2.76%
University of Chicago
4 publications, 2.76%
University of Michigan
4 publications, 2.76%
McGill University
4 publications, 2.76%
University of Tokyo
4 publications, 2.76%
Pennsylvania State University
3 publications, 2.07%
University of Melbourne
3 publications, 2.07%
Murdoch Children's Research Institute
3 publications, 2.07%
Loyola University Chicago
3 publications, 2.07%
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
3 publications, 2.07%
Oakland University
3 publications, 2.07%
University of British Columbia
3 publications, 2.07%
University of Maryland, Baltimore
3 publications, 2.07%
Emory University
3 publications, 2.07%
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
3 publications, 2.07%
Seattle Children's Hospital
3 publications, 2.07%
University of Utah
3 publications, 2.07%
ETH Zurich
2 publications, 1.38%
Drexel University
2 publications, 1.38%
Georgetown University
2 publications, 1.38%
George Washington University
2 publications, 1.38%
Washington University in St. Louis
2 publications, 1.38%
Oregon Health & Science University
2 publications, 1.38%
Case Western Reserve University
2 publications, 1.38%
Duke University
2 publications, 1.38%
Brigham and Women's Hospital
2 publications, 1.38%
Boston Children's Hospital
2 publications, 1.38%
University of California, Los Angeles
2 publications, 1.38%
University of Texas at Austin
2 publications, 1.38%
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2 publications, 1.38%
University of Minnesota
2 publications, 1.38%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
2 publications, 1.38%
University of Toronto
2 publications, 1.38%
University of Granada
2 publications, 1.38%
University of Louisville
2 publications, 1.38%
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
2 publications, 1.38%
University of Cincinnati
2 publications, 1.38%
Lurie Children's Hospital
2 publications, 1.38%
National Human Genome Research Institute
2 publications, 1.38%
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
1 publication, 0.69%
Technical University of Munich
1 publication, 0.69%
University of New South Wales
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Basel
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Milan
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Dundee
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Oslo
1 publication, 0.69%
King's College London
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Manchester
1 publication, 0.69%
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
1 publication, 0.69%
Tokyo University of Science
1 publication, 0.69%
National University of Singapore
1 publication, 0.69%
Michigan State University
1 publication, 0.69%
Cornell University
1 publication, 0.69%
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
1 publication, 0.69%
North Dakota State University
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Auckland
1 publication, 0.69%
Monash University
1 publication, 0.69%
Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne
1 publication, 0.69%
Royal Women's Hospital
1 publication, 0.69%
Barwon Health
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Cape Town
1 publication, 0.69%
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
1 publication, 0.69%
Groote Schuur Hospital
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Lagos
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Missouri–Kansas City
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Illinois at Chicago
1 publication, 0.69%
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
1 publication, 0.69%
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
1 publication, 0.69%
New York University
1 publication, 0.69%
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute
1 publication, 0.69%
Massachusetts General Hospital
1 publication, 0.69%
University of California, San Diego
1 publication, 0.69%
San Diego State University
1 publication, 0.69%
University of California, Riverside
1 publication, 0.69%
Rush University
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Chicago Medical Center
1 publication, 0.69%
Vanderbilt University
1 publication, 0.69%
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
1 publication, 0.69%
University of Botswana
1 publication, 0.69%
Botswana-Baylor Children's Clinical Center of Excellence
1 publication, 0.69%
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
1 publication, 0.69%
Western Michigan University
1 publication, 0.69%
University of St Andrews
1 publication, 0.69%
Boston College
1 publication, 0.69%
McGill University Health Centre
1 publication, 0.69%
Kobe University Hospital
1 publication, 0.69%
Kobe University
1 publication, 0.69%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing countries
USA, 234, 74.05%
234 publications, 74.05%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 23, 7.28%
United Kingdom
23 publications, 7.28%
Canada, 22, 6.96%
22 publications, 6.96%
Australia, 14, 4.43%
14 publications, 4.43%
Italy, 11, 3.48%
11 publications, 3.48%
Switzerland, 10, 3.16%
10 publications, 3.16%
Netherlands, 9, 2.85%
9 publications, 2.85%
Belgium, 6, 1.9%
6 publications, 1.9%
Japan, 6, 1.9%
6 publications, 1.9%
Norway, 5, 1.58%
5 publications, 1.58%
South Africa
South Africa, 4, 1.27%
South Africa
4 publications, 1.27%
Spain, 3, 0.95%
3 publications, 0.95%
Germany, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
China, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
Ghana, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
Israel, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
Iran, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
Ireland, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
Lebanon, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
Mexico, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 2, 0.63%
New Zealand
2 publications, 0.63%
Tanzania, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
Uganda, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
Ethiopia, 2, 0.63%
2 publications, 0.63%
France, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Argentina, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Botswana, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Brazil, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Denmark, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Zimbabwe, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Cameroon, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Lithuania, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Nigeria, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Peru, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea, 1, 0.32%
Republic of Korea
1 publication, 0.32%
Romania, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Singapore, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Thailand, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Chile, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Sweden, 1, 0.32%
1 publication, 0.32%
Show all (10 more) | |
Publishing countries in 5 years
USA, 104, 71.72%
104 publications, 71.72%
Canada, 12, 8.28%
12 publications, 8.28%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 8, 5.52%
United Kingdom
8 publications, 5.52%
Australia, 5, 3.45%
5 publications, 3.45%
Belgium, 4, 2.76%
4 publications, 2.76%
Switzerland, 4, 2.76%
4 publications, 2.76%
Japan, 4, 2.76%
4 publications, 2.76%
Netherlands, 3, 2.07%
3 publications, 2.07%
Spain, 2, 1.38%
2 publications, 1.38%
Italy, 2, 1.38%
2 publications, 1.38%
Germany, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
France, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Botswana, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Ghana, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Iran, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Ireland, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Nigeria, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 1, 0.69%
New Zealand
1 publication, 0.69%
Norway, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Singapore, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Tanzania, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Chile, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
Ethiopia, 1, 0.69%
1 publication, 0.69%
South Africa
South Africa, 1, 0.69%
South Africa
1 publication, 0.69%