Top-3 citing journals
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(2441 citations)
Computer Communications
(532 citations)
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
(474 citations)
Top-3 organizations
Georgia Institute of technology
(23 publications)
Stanford University
(14 publications)
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
(14 publications)
Top-3 countries
Most cited in 5 years
Citing journals
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2441 citations, 9.16%
Computer Communications
532 citations, 2%
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
474 citations, 1.78%
Computer Networks
411 citations, 1.54%
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
241 citations, 0.9%
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
220 citations, 0.83%
Computer Communication Review
177 citations, 0.66%
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
164 citations, 0.62%
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
161 citations, 0.6%
IEEE Access
130 citations, 0.49%
Information Processing and Management
124 citations, 0.47%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
119 citations, 0.45%
Performance Evaluation
112 citations, 0.42%
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
109 citations, 0.41%
Expert Systems with Applications
107 citations, 0.4%
IEEE Transactions on Communications
105 citations, 0.39%
SSRN Electronic Journal
101 citations, 0.38%
IEEE Transactions on Computers
96 citations, 0.36%
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
94 citations, 0.35%
IEEE Communications Magazine
85 citations, 0.32%
Journal of Systems and Software
84 citations, 0.32%
84 citations, 0.32%
Computer Standards and Interfaces
82 citations, 0.31%
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
82 citations, 0.31%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
79 citations, 0.3%
Information and Software Technology
78 citations, 0.29%
76 citations, 0.29%
Scientific Reports
72 citations, 0.27%
Studies in Computational Intelligence
69 citations, 0.26%
International Journal of Communication Systems
59 citations, 0.22%
IEEE Network
55 citations, 0.21%
Information Sciences
54 citations, 0.2%
Physical Review E
52 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Information Science
51 citations, 0.19%
Knowledge-Based Systems
51 citations, 0.19%
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
51 citations, 0.19%
Decision Support Systems
48 citations, 0.18%
Information Retrieval
47 citations, 0.18%
ACM Computing Surveys
47 citations, 0.18%
Journal of Informetrics
46 citations, 0.17%
Knowledge and Information Systems
46 citations, 0.17%
World Wide Web
44 citations, 0.17%
Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications
44 citations, 0.17%
Proceedings of the IEEE
44 citations, 0.17%
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
43 citations, 0.16%
Internet Research
42 citations, 0.16%
European Transactions on Telecommunications
42 citations, 0.16%
IEEE Internet Computing
39 citations, 0.15%
Software - Practice and Experience
37 citations, 0.14%
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
36 citations, 0.14%
Formal Aspects of Computing
35 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
33 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Computer Science and Technology
31 citations, 0.12%
Telecommunication Systems
30 citations, 0.11%
Social Network Analysis and Mining
30 citations, 0.11%
Journal of Lightwave Technology
29 citations, 0.11%
Procedia Computer Science
29 citations, 0.11%
European Journal of Operational Research
28 citations, 0.11%
Applied Network Science
28 citations, 0.11%
Journal of Network and Computer Applications
28 citations, 0.11%
Science of Computer Programming
28 citations, 0.11%
Multimedia Tools and Applications
28 citations, 0.11%
Data and Knowledge Engineering
27 citations, 0.1%
26 citations, 0.1%
Theoretical Computer Science
26 citations, 0.1%
Interacting with Computers
26 citations, 0.1%
Operating Systems Review (ACM)
26 citations, 0.1%
25 citations, 0.09%
ACM Transactions on the Web
25 citations, 0.09%
Communications of the ACM
25 citations, 0.09%
Advances in Computers
25 citations, 0.09%
24 citations, 0.09%
European Physical Journal B
24 citations, 0.09%
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
23 citations, 0.09%
IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)
23 citations, 0.09%
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
23 citations, 0.09%
IEEE Multimedia
23 citations, 0.09%
ACM Transactions on Information Systems
23 citations, 0.09%
IEEE Personal Communications
23 citations, 0.09%
23 citations, 0.09%
Informatik aktuell
23 citations, 0.09%
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
22 citations, 0.08%
Journal of Systems Architecture
21 citations, 0.08%
Information and Management
21 citations, 0.08%
Online Information Review
21 citations, 0.08%
Wireless Networks
20 citations, 0.08%
Wireless Personal Communications
20 citations, 0.08%
Computers in Human Behavior
20 citations, 0.08%
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
20 citations, 0.08%
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
20 citations, 0.08%
Formal Methods in System Design
19 citations, 0.07%
Journal of Supercomputing
19 citations, 0.07%
Computers and Electrical Engineering
19 citations, 0.07%
Information Processing Letters
19 citations, 0.07%
Performance Evaluation Review
19 citations, 0.07%
IEE Proceedings - Communications
19 citations, 0.07%
Journal of Documentation
18 citations, 0.07%
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
18 citations, 0.07%
Providing Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Environments, Proceedings of the 18th International Teletraffic Congress - ITC-18
18 citations, 0.07%
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
17 citations, 0.06%