Industrial Marketing Management
33 citations, 6.69%
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
20 citations, 4.06%
Journal of Business Research
13 citations, 2.64%
SSRN Electronic Journal
8 citations, 1.62%
Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing
7 citations, 1.42%
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
7 citations, 1.42%
Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities
7 citations, 1.42%
Management Decision
6 citations, 1.22%
Cogent Business and Management
6 citations, 1.22%
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
6 citations, 1.22%
Outsourcing Management for Supply Chain Operations and Logistics Service
6 citations, 1.22%
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
5 citations, 1.01%
Advanced Series in Management
4 citations, 0.81%
Marketing Intelligence and Planning
4 citations, 0.81%
4 citations, 0.81%
International Journal of Emerging Markets
3 citations, 0.61%
Quality and Quantity
3 citations, 0.61%
Journal of Services Marketing
3 citations, 0.61%
Journal of Islamic Marketing
3 citations, 0.61%
International Journal of Logistics Management
3 citations, 0.61%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
3 citations, 0.61%
3 citations, 0.61%
3 citations, 0.61%
Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services
3 citations, 0.61%
Series on Grey System
3 citations, 0.61%
Journal of Intellectual Capital
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Cleaner Production
2 citations, 0.41%
Qualitative Market Research
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Strategic Marketing
2 citations, 0.41%
Behaviour and Information Technology
2 citations, 0.41%
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
2 citations, 0.41%
Cogent Economics and Finance
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Brand Management
2 citations, 0.41%
Business Process Management Journal
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Consumer Marketing
2 citations, 0.41%
Information Systems Frontiers
2 citations, 0.41%
Business Strategy and the Environment
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Travel Research
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
2 citations, 0.41%
European Journal of Marketing
2 citations, 0.41%
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
2 citations, 0.41%
E3S Web of Conferences
2 citations, 0.41%
2 citations, 0.41%
European Business Review
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Supply Chain Management
2 citations, 0.41%
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
2 citations, 0.41%
Social Responsibility Journal
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Critical Realism
2 citations, 0.41%
British Food Journal
2 citations, 0.41%
Production Planning and Control
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
2 citations, 0.41%
Supply Chain Management
2 citations, 0.41%
European Journal of Innovation Management
2 citations, 0.41%
International Review of Sociology
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Transnational Management
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
2 citations, 0.41%
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
2 citations, 0.41%
Administrative Sciences
2 citations, 0.41%
Discover Sustainability
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
2 citations, 0.41%
Social Sciences & Humanities Open
2 citations, 0.41%
SHS Web of Conferences
2 citations, 0.41%
Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Governance and Regulation
2 citations, 0.41%
Optimistic Marketing in Challenging Times: Serving Ever-Shifting Customer Needs
2 citations, 0.41%
IMP Journal
2 citations, 0.41%
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
1 citation, 0.2%
Industry and Higher Education
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Education for Business
1 citation, 0.2%
Australian Journal of Public Administration
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of International Business Studies
1 citation, 0.2%
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
1 citation, 0.2%
Interactive Learning Environments
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
1 citation, 0.2%
The International Journal of Qualitative Methods
1 citation, 0.2%
European Journal of Training and Development
1 citation, 0.2%
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Modelling in Management
1 citation, 0.2%
Marketing Theory
1 citation, 0.2%
Frontiers in Psychology
1 citation, 0.2%
Supply Chain Forum
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
1 citation, 0.2%
Information (Switzerland)
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
1 citation, 0.2%
Qualitative Research in Financial Markets
1 citation, 0.2%
International Journal of Training and Development
1 citation, 0.2%
1 citation, 0.2%
Information Technology and People
1 citation, 0.2%
Psychology and Marketing
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
1 citation, 0.2%
Data Base for Advances in Information Systems
1 citation, 0.2%
1 citation, 0.2%
Global Business Review
1 citation, 0.2%
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
1 citation, 0.2%
Marketing Education Review
1 citation, 0.2%
European Neuropsychopharmacology
1 citation, 0.2%