Lecture Notes in Computer Science
389 citations, 10.37%
Information and Software Technology
113 citations, 3.01%
Journal of Systems and Software
88 citations, 2.35%
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
87 citations, 2.32%
Empirical Software Engineering
54 citations, 1.44%
Science of Computer Programming
34 citations, 0.91%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
33 citations, 0.88%
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
33 citations, 0.88%
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
31 citations, 0.83%
Software - Practice and Experience
27 citations, 0.72%
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
22 citations, 0.59%
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
21 citations, 0.56%
IET Software
21 citations, 0.56%
Software Quality Journal
20 citations, 0.53%
Requirements Engineering
20 citations, 0.53%
IEEE Access
20 citations, 0.53%
IEE Proceedings - Software
20 citations, 0.53%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
18 citations, 0.48%
Software and Systems Modeling
16 citations, 0.43%
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management
14 citations, 0.37%
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
14 citations, 0.37%
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
12 citations, 0.32%
Journal of Software Evolution and Process
12 citations, 0.32%
Automated Software Engineering
11 citations, 0.29%
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
11 citations, 0.29%
Studies in Computational Intelligence
10 citations, 0.27%
IEEE Transactions on Computers
10 citations, 0.27%
Formal Aspects of Computing
10 citations, 0.27%
Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience
9 citations, 0.24%
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
9 citations, 0.24%
Reliability Engineering and System Safety
9 citations, 0.24%
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
9 citations, 0.24%
IEEE Software
9 citations, 0.24%
Procedia Computer Science
8 citations, 0.21%
Information Systems Research
8 citations, 0.21%
Information Sciences
7 citations, 0.19%
ACM Computing Surveys
7 citations, 0.19%
Future Generation Computer Systems
7 citations, 0.19%
Wireless Personal Communications
7 citations, 0.19%
Applied Soft Computing Journal
7 citations, 0.19%
Decision Support Systems
7 citations, 0.19%
Computer Standards and Interfaces
7 citations, 0.19%
Applied Mechanics and Materials
7 citations, 0.19%
SSRN Electronic Journal
7 citations, 0.19%
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
6 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Computer Science and Technology
6 citations, 0.16%
Computer Communications
6 citations, 0.16%
Information Systems
6 citations, 0.16%
Soft Computing
6 citations, 0.16%
International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes
6 citations, 0.16%
SpringerBriefs in Mathematics
6 citations, 0.16%
Handbook of Research on Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
6 citations, 0.16%
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design
5 citations, 0.13%
Theoretical Computer Science
5 citations, 0.13%
Journal of Systems Architecture
5 citations, 0.13%
5 citations, 0.13%
Cluster Computing
5 citations, 0.13%
Critical Infrastructure Protection II
5 citations, 0.13%
Software Process: Improvement and Practice
5 citations, 0.13%
Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's International Computer Software and Applications Conference
4 citations, 0.11%
Journal of Computer and System Sciences
4 citations, 0.11%
Information Technology and People
4 citations, 0.11%
Expert Systems with Applications
4 citations, 0.11%
4 citations, 0.11%
Expert Systems
4 citations, 0.11%
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
4 citations, 0.11%
Communications of the ACM
4 citations, 0.11%
Software Testing Verification and Reliability
4 citations, 0.11%
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
4 citations, 0.11%
Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences
4 citations, 0.11%
Information and Organization
4 citations, 0.11%
Performance Evaluation
4 citations, 0.11%
Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics
4 citations, 0.11%
2006 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
4 citations, 0.11%
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
3 citations, 0.08%
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
3 citations, 0.08%
Multiagent and Grid Systems
3 citations, 0.08%
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
3 citations, 0.08%
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A/Chung-kuo Kung Ch'eng Hsuch K'an
3 citations, 0.08%
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
3 citations, 0.08%
Journal of Computer Languages
3 citations, 0.08%
Knowledge-Based Systems
3 citations, 0.08%
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
3 citations, 0.08%
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
3 citations, 0.08%
International Journal of Information Management
3 citations, 0.08%
Information Systems Journal
3 citations, 0.08%
Nuclear Engineering and Design
3 citations, 0.08%
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
3 citations, 0.08%
3 citations, 0.08%
Information Economics and Policy
3 citations, 0.08%
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
3 citations, 0.08%
Advances in Engineering Software
3 citations, 0.08%
International Journal of Web Services Research
3 citations, 0.08%
Lab on a Chip
3 citations, 0.08%
3 citations, 0.08%
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
3 citations, 0.08%
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
3 citations, 0.08%
Business and Information Systems Engineering
3 citations, 0.08%
Journal not defined
3 citations, 0.08%
Computers and Operations Research
3 citations, 0.08%