2006 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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journal names
2006 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
Top-3 citing journals

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(75 citations)

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
(60 citations)

Empirical Software Engineering
(55 citations)
Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 108
Milling characteristics of cutting-type rice milling machine according to the rotating speed of the main shaft
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 1
Effect of biochar application on growth of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis)
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 4
Profit efficiency and constraints analysis of shea butter industry: northern region of Ghana
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 1
Alternanthera mosaic virus - an alternative ‘model’ potexvirus of broad relevance
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 2
Impact of 25-hydroxyvitamin D on productive performance of gestating sows
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 1
A study on the establishment of isolation distances for environmental release of biotech crops
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 3
Poultry industry of Bangladesh: entering a new phase
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 12
Comparative study of growth performances of six different Korean native chicken crossbreeds from hatch to twelve weeks of age
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 2
Comparison of soil nutrients, pH and electrical conductivity among fish ponds of different ages in Noakhali, Bangladesh
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 4
Effect of feed flavor and sweetener on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and diarrhea score in weaning pigs
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 1
Effect of organic medicinal charcoal supplementation in finishing pig diets
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 1
Chemical composition of different parts of ramie (Boehmeria nivea)
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 3
Enhancing the accounting record keeping practices of advanced agricultural managers: Policy implications
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 1
Fluoride in soil and plant
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 36
Analysis of the effects of operating point of tractor engine on fatigue life of PTO gear using simulation
Lee P., Chung S., Choi C., Park Y., Kim Y.
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
citations by CoLab: 2
Citing journals
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
75 citations, 5.35%
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
60 citations, 4.28%
Empirical Software Engineering
55 citations, 3.92%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
28 citations, 2%
Information and Software Technology
24 citations, 1.71%
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
16 citations, 1.14%
Software Quality Journal
14 citations, 1%
Software Testing Verification and Reliability
14 citations, 1%
Journal of Software Evolution and Process
13 citations, 0.93%
Journal of Systems and Software
12 citations, 0.86%
IEEE Access
12 citations, 0.86%
Software - Practice and Experience
10 citations, 0.71%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
9 citations, 0.64%
7 citations, 0.5%
IET Software
7 citations, 0.5%
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
7 citations, 0.5%
2006 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
7 citations, 0.5%
Automated Software Engineering
6 citations, 0.43%
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
6 citations, 0.43%
IEEE Transactions on Reliability
6 citations, 0.43%
Science of Computer Programming
6 citations, 0.43%
Software and Systems Modeling
6 citations, 0.43%
Advances in Computers
5 citations, 0.36%
Requirements Engineering
5 citations, 0.36%
IEEE Software
5 citations, 0.36%
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
5 citations, 0.36%
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
4 citations, 0.29%
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
4 citations, 0.29%
International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes
4 citations, 0.29%
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
4 citations, 0.29%
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
4 citations, 0.29%
Handbook of Research on Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
4 citations, 0.29%
Information Sciences
3 citations, 0.21%
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
3 citations, 0.21%
Journal of Computer Science and Technology
3 citations, 0.21%
Soft Computing
3 citations, 0.21%
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
3 citations, 0.21%
Cluster Computing
3 citations, 0.21%
SSRN Electronic Journal
3 citations, 0.21%
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
3 citations, 0.21%
SN Computer Science
3 citations, 0.21%
2008 12th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
3 citations, 0.21%
Studies in Computational Intelligence
2 citations, 0.14%
ACM Computing Surveys
2 citations, 0.14%
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
2 citations, 0.14%
Multiagent and Grid Systems
2 citations, 0.14%
Science China Information Sciences
2 citations, 0.14%
Knowledge-Based Systems
2 citations, 0.14%
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
2 citations, 0.14%
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
2 citations, 0.14%
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
2 citations, 0.14%
Expert Systems
2 citations, 0.14%
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA)
2 citations, 0.14%
Procedia Computer Science
2 citations, 0.14%
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
2 citations, 0.14%
Journal not defined
2 citations, 0.14%
IEEE Systems Journal
2 citations, 0.14%
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
2 citations, 0.14%
Computer Science Review
2 citations, 0.14%
Advanced Materials Research
2 citations, 0.14%
CSI Transactions on ICT
2 citations, 0.14%
2 citations, 0.14%
Critical Infrastructure Protection II
2 citations, 0.14%
Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering
2 citations, 0.14%
Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering
2 citations, 0.14%
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
1 citation, 0.07%
Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience
1 citation, 0.07%
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management
1 citation, 0.07%
Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's International Computer Software and Applications Conference
1 citation, 0.07%
Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
1 citation, 0.07%
International Journal of Information Security
1 citation, 0.07%
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
1 citation, 0.07%
Computer Science Education
1 citation, 0.07%
Evolving Systems
1 citation, 0.07%
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS
1 citation, 0.07%
Information (Switzerland)
1 citation, 0.07%
1 citation, 0.07%
Environmental Modelling and Software
1 citation, 0.07%
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
1 citation, 0.07%
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
1 citation, 0.07%
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation
1 citation, 0.07%
1 citation, 0.07%
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
1 citation, 0.07%
ACM Transactions on Computing Education
1 citation, 0.07%
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control
1 citation, 0.07%
Journal of Computing and Information Technology
1 citation, 0.07%
Interacting with Computers
1 citation, 0.07%
Computers and Graphics
1 citation, 0.07%
Future Generation Computer Systems
1 citation, 0.07%
Journal of Computer Science
1 citation, 0.07%
Evolutionary Intelligence
1 citation, 0.07%
Review of Scientific Instruments
1 citation, 0.07%
World Wide Web
1 citation, 0.07%
Journal of Testing and Evaluation
1 citation, 0.07%
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology
1 citation, 0.07%
International Journal of Computers and Applications
1 citation, 0.07%
International Journal of Semantic Computing
1 citation, 0.07%
Microsystem Technologies
1 citation, 0.07%
Information Systems and e-Business Management
1 citation, 0.07%
IBM Journal of Research and Development
1 citation, 0.07%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
403 citations, 28.72%
Springer Nature
273 citations, 19.46%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
150 citations, 10.69%
71 citations, 5.06%
48 citations, 3.42%
IGI Global
16 citations, 1.14%
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
7 citations, 0.5%
World Scientific
5 citations, 0.36%
IOS Press
4 citations, 0.29%
4 citations, 0.29%
3 citations, 0.21%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
3 citations, 0.21%
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers (IEICE)
3 citations, 0.21%
Taylor & Francis
2 citations, 0.14%
Oxford University Press
2 citations, 0.14%
Trans Tech Publications
2 citations, 0.14%
AIP Publishing
2 citations, 0.14%
Science in China Press
2 citations, 0.14%
Walter de Gruyter
1 citation, 0.07%
1 citation, 0.07%
King Saud University
1 citation, 0.07%
Frontiers Media S.A.
1 citation, 0.07%
1 citation, 0.07%
electronic proceedings in theoretical computer science, eptcs
1 citation, 0.07%
Science Publications
1 citation, 0.07%
IBM Corp.
1 citation, 0.07%
Polish Maintenance Society
1 citation, 0.07%
Ain Shams University
1 citation, 0.07%
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
1 citation, 0.07%
ASTM International
1 citation, 0.07%