Lecture Notes in Computer Science
575 цитирований, 13.72%
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
39 цитирований, 0.93%
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
37 цитирований, 0.88%
36 цитирований, 0.86%
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
29 цитирований, 0.69%
Proceedings of the IEEE
29 цитирований, 0.69%
Speech Communication
27 цитирований, 0.64%
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
25 цитирований, 0.6%
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
24 цитирования, 0.57%
IEEE Expert
24 цитирования, 0.57%
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
18 цитирований, 0.43%
IEEE Transactions on Computers
17 цитирований, 0.41%
IEEE Transactions on Communications
17 цитирований, 0.41%
IEEE Micro
17 цитирований, 0.41%
Formal Methods in System Design
16 цитирований, 0.38%
IEEE Access
15 цитирований, 0.36%
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
14 цитирований, 0.33%
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
14 цитирований, 0.33%
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
14 цитирований, 0.33%
Electronics Letters
14 цитирований, 0.33%
The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science
14 цитирований, 0.33%
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems
13 цитирований, 0.31%
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
12 цитирований, 0.29%
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
12 цитирований, 0.29%
11 цитирований, 0.26%
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
11 цитирований, 0.26%
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
11 цитирований, 0.26%
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
10 цитирований, 0.24%
IEE Proceedings - Circuits Devices and Systems
10 цитирований, 0.24%
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II Analog and Digital Signal Processing
10 цитирований, 0.24%
9 цитирований, 0.21%
AICHE Journal
9 цитирований, 0.21%
Journal of Systems Architecture
9 цитирований, 0.21%
International Journal of Computer Vision
9 цитирований, 0.21%
Applied Intelligence
9 цитирований, 0.21%
Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications
9 цитирований, 0.21%
Formal Aspects of Computing
9 цитирований, 0.21%
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
9 цитирований, 0.21%
Computational Intelligence
9 цитирований, 0.21%
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
9 цитирований, 0.21%
SSRN Electronic Journal
9 цитирований, 0.21%
Handbook of Pragmatics
9 цитирований, 0.21%
ACM Computing Surveys
8 цитирований, 0.19%
Chemistry of Materials
8 цитирований, 0.19%
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
8 цитирований, 0.19%
International Journal of Intelligent Systems
8 цитирований, 0.19%
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I Fundamental Theory and Applications
8 цитирований, 0.19%
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques
8 цитирований, 0.19%
IEEE Communications Magazine
7 цитирований, 0.17%
Machine Learning
7 цитирований, 0.17%
Journal of Automated Reasoning
7 цитирований, 0.17%
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
7 цитирований, 0.17%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
7 цитирований, 0.17%
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
7 цитирований, 0.17%
Future Generation Computer Systems
7 цитирований, 0.17%
Journal of Applied Physics
7 цитирований, 0.17%
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
7 цитирований, 0.17%
International Journal of Parallel Programming
7 цитирований, 0.17%
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics
7 цитирований, 0.17%
Journal of Chemical Physics
6 цитирований, 0.14%
Parallel Computing
6 цитирований, 0.14%
Knowledge Engineering Review
6 цитирований, 0.14%
6 цитирований, 0.14%
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
6 цитирований, 0.14%
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
6 цитирований, 0.14%
International Journal of Speech Technology
6 цитирований, 0.14%
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
6 цитирований, 0.14%
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
6 цитирований, 0.14%
Molecular Physics
6 цитирований, 0.14%
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
6 цитирований, 0.14%
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
6 цитирований, 0.14%
Advances in Space Research
6 цитирований, 0.14%
IEE Proceedings F Radar and Signal Processing
6 цитирований, 0.14%
Artificial Life and Robotics
5 цитирований, 0.12%
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Cognitive Science
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Machine Translation
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Studies in Computational Intelligence
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
5 цитирований, 0.12%
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
5 цитирований, 0.12%
New Generation Computing
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Procedia Computer Science
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Neural Networks
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Multimedia Tools and Applications
5 цитирований, 0.12%
MRS Proceedings
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Applied Mechanics and Materials
5 цитирований, 0.12%
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Current Issues in Electronic Modeling
5 цитирований, 0.12%
Internet and Communications
5 цитирований, 0.12%
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
4 цитирования, 0.1%
Artificial Intelligence Review
4 цитирования, 0.1%
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing
4 цитирования, 0.1%
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
4 цитирования, 0.1%
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
4 цитирования, 0.1%
4 цитирования, 0.1%
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
4 цитирования, 0.1%
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
4 цитирования, 0.1%