The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science
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The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science
Top-3 citing journals

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(575 citations)

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
(37 citations)
Top-3 organizations

Carnegie Mellon University
(160 publications)

Stanford University
(99 publications)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(51 publications)
Top-3 countries
Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 7455

Modeling and Analysis of Induction Machines Containing Space Harmonics Part I: Modeling and Transformation
Fudeh H., Ong C.
The coupled-circuit approach is used to derive a mathematical model of a general m-n winding machine in which all MMF harmonics are taken into account. The model, which is applicable to both squirrel cage and phase- wound rotors, has provision for cage rotors with non-integral number of rotor bars per stator pole-pair. The effects of the transformations from polyphase to a-P-0 and to d-q-0 on the machine equations are analyzed. It is shown that the polyphase to a-P-0 transformation, when applied to the stator and rotor of the m-n winding machine, divides the harmonics into different groups of harmonics with possible interaction, whereupon each group of harmonics can then be represented by an a-P or a zero component circuit. This result shows that the usual assumption of representing the cage rotor by independent harmonics circuits is, in general, not valid. It is also shown that the polyphase to rotating d-q transformation is applicable when only one harmonic from each a-P component is to be considered, otherwise a new problem of separating the harmonic voltages within each a-P component is created.

A Computerized, Cluster Based Method of Building Representative Models of Distribution Systems
Willis H., Tram H., Powell R.
An automatic, computerized procedure is used to generate a representative model of a large distribution system. Although the distribution system may have hundreds of feeders, the representative model has only 12, reducing manpower and computer costs in studying major issues such as voltage regulation, equipment loading, and operating policy. This computerized procedure reduces the distribution system to a 12 feeder model using a clustering method that groups feeders into sets of feeders with similar characteristics.

Kalman Filtering Applied to Power System Measurements Relaying
Wood H.C., Johnson N.G., Sachdev M.S.
Digital protection algorithms are becoming more complex as the cost of computational equipment continues to decrease. In particular, optimal response digital filters, such as Kalman filters, can be implemented on presently available devices. Optimal filters are not yet extensively applied because they appear complex and engineers have not become familiar with their use. This paper presents the basics of the Kalman filtering technique in power systems terminology and illustrates its use for estimating rotating phasors. Sample designs are presented for voltage and current phasor estimation during system transients. A method for including decaying dc and harmonic frequency components in the filter design is also described and sample results are presented.

Optimal Dynamic Dispatch Owing to Spinning-Reserve and Power-Rate Limits
van den Bosch P.P.
This paper deals with the formulation and solution of the optimal dynamic dispatch problem owing to spinning-reserve and power-rate limits. The power production of a thermal unit is considered as a dynamic system, which limits the maximum increase and decrease of power. The solution is obtained with a special projection method having conjugate search directions that quickly and accurately solves the associated non-linear programming problem with up to 2400 variables and up to 9600 constraints.

A Hybrid State Estimator: Solving Normal Equations By Orthogonal Transformations
Monticelli A., Murari C.A., Wu F.
The standard approach to the solution of the weighted least square (WLS) state estimation in power system is the iterative normal equations method. Occasional ill-conditioning has been experienced with this method. Recently alternative solution approaches based on orthogonal transformations have been proposed. Sparsity generally suffers in these methods. In this paper, the network condition which causes ill- conditioning is studied. A hybrid approach which enjoys the same numerical robustness of the orthogonal methods with sparsity close to the standard WLS method is presented. The modification needed to implement the hybrid method on an existing standard WLS state estimation program is quite small.

Production Simulation for Power System Studies
Yamayee Z., Hakimmashhadi H.
Predicting expected generation for different power plants as well as the system's total expected production cost is an integral part of quantitative power system analyses. Numerous publications presenting exact as well as approximate methods of solving stochastic production simulation problem exist in the literature. However, there is no one publication where a comprehensive review of this extremely important topic is presented. Such a review is the subject of this paper.

Problems Encountered With The Average Potential Method of Analyzing Substation Grounding Systems
Garrett D., Pruitt J.
This paper describes some problems which can be encountered when using the average potential method to analyze sub- station grounding systems. Several examples are shown which illustrate how some of the assumptions made in developing the average potential method affect the accuracy of the results. The sources of error in some of these assumptions are explored. The paper concludes that caution should be exercised in interpreting the results of this analysis technique and suggests further research to determine the error to be expected and/or corrections to the method.

Development and Field-Data Evaluation of Single-Eng Fault Locator for Two-Thermal HVDV Transmission Lines Part I: Data Collection System and Field Data
Ando M., Schweitzer E., Baker R.
A prototype data collection system was developed in order to acquire field data as a part of the development of HVDC fault location techniques. The system was installed at the Celilo Converter Station of the Pacific HVDC Intertie, owned by the U. S. Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Administration in May, 1983. It monitors two line voltages, one neutral voltage, and two line currents. It also has an event detection function to trigger saving data onto a diskette. In this paper (Part I) the data collection system hardware is described, and several field data are plotted and analyzed. Development of an HVDC fault location algorithm and its evaluation using field data are given in the second paper, Part II.

Development and Field-Data Evaluation of Single-End Fault Locator for Two-Terminal HVDV Transmission Lines-Part 2 : Algorithm and Evaluation
Ando M., Schweitzer E., Baker R.
A new technique for locating faults on a two-terminal HVDC transmission line which uses information from only one end of the line is developed and analyzed. The new technique uses successive reflections generated by faults. Using a differentiator and smoother the slopes of the transients are computed. Furthermore, the best estimated peaks of the slopes for the first two consecutive transients are obtained. The time interval between these two peaks is proportional to the fault location. The new technique is referred to as simple passive reflectometer (SPR). Field data obtained at the Celilo converter station of the Pacific HVDC Intertie (see the companion paper [1]) are used to evaluate the SPR. The agreement with a two-ended system is within one mile over the length of the 850-mile Pacific HVDC Intertie transmission line.

Travelling-Wave Techniques Applied to the Protection of Teed Circuits:- Principle of Travelling-Wave Techniques
McLaren P., Rajendra S.
The use of fault initiated travelling-wave components in the protection of power lines can provide for faster relay operation. This paper describes the development of several new techniques based on the high frequency travelling-wave information contained in the post-fault voltage and current signals for the protection of teed circuits. The techniques developed have been incorporated in a generalised algorithm for application as a high speed direct-intertrip distance scheme.

Travelling-Wave Techniques Applied to the Protection of Teed Circuits:- Multi-Phase/Multi-circuit Sytstem
McLaren P., Rajendra S.
In a preceding paper [1], the authors had described new techniques based on the h.f. travelling-wave information contained in the post fault voltage and current signals. In an attempt to present the underlying principles without undue complications, the study was limited to a lossless, frequency independent single phase line model.

Optimal Static Dispatch With Linear, Quadratic and Non-Linear Functions of the Fuel Costs
Den Bosch P.P.
This paper describes and compares several fast algorithms for the solution of the static dispatch problem for thermal power units without transmission losses. Both linear, quadratic and non-linear functions are discussed to describe the fuel costs. Moreover, units that use two fuels at the same time and units with fuel constraints are discussed.

Planning Demand-Management Programs Based Upon Customers' Perceived Value
Sanghvi A., Levy R., Wharton J.
This paper describes a new customer preference based approach for planning demand- management programs. It utilizes the concept of perceived value of electric service to consumers. After introducing and defining this concept, its central role in major aspects of utility planning is discussed.

Cancellation of Harmonic Noise in Distribution Line Communications
Trussell H., Wang J.
Adaptive least mean square (LMS) filters are shown to be effective in reducing harmonic noise on distribution power lines. The efficiency of these filters can be improved by imposing constraints.

A Complex Y-Matric Algorithm for Transient-Stability Study
Vuong G., Valette A.
The algorithm reported here has been implemented on IREQ's Transient Stability program (ST600) since 1980. Its strong convergence allowed many severe disturbances on Hydro-Quebec's system to be properly simulated. No convergence problems directly attributable to the basic algorithm have been observed.
Citing journals
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
575 citations, 13.67%
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
39 citations, 0.93%
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
37 citations, 0.88%
36 citations, 0.86%
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
29 citations, 0.69%
Proceedings of the IEEE
29 citations, 0.69%
Speech Communication
27 citations, 0.64%
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
25 citations, 0.59%
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
24 citations, 0.57%
IEEE Expert
24 citations, 0.57%
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
18 citations, 0.43%
IEEE Transactions on Computers
17 citations, 0.4%
IEEE Transactions on Communications
17 citations, 0.4%
IEEE Micro
17 citations, 0.4%
Formal Methods in System Design
16 citations, 0.38%
IEEE Access
16 citations, 0.38%
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
14 citations, 0.33%
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
14 citations, 0.33%
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
14 citations, 0.33%
Electronics Letters
14 citations, 0.33%
The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science
14 citations, 0.33%
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems
13 citations, 0.31%
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
12 citations, 0.29%
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
12 citations, 0.29%
12 citations, 0.29%
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
11 citations, 0.26%
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
11 citations, 0.26%
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
10 citations, 0.24%
IEE Proceedings - Circuits Devices and Systems
10 citations, 0.24%
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II Analog and Digital Signal Processing
10 citations, 0.24%
9 citations, 0.21%
AICHE Journal
9 citations, 0.21%
Journal of Systems Architecture
9 citations, 0.21%
International Journal of Computer Vision
9 citations, 0.21%
Applied Intelligence
9 citations, 0.21%
Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications
9 citations, 0.21%
Formal Aspects of Computing
9 citations, 0.21%
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
9 citations, 0.21%
Computational Intelligence
9 citations, 0.21%
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
9 citations, 0.21%
SSRN Electronic Journal
9 citations, 0.21%
Handbook of Pragmatics
9 citations, 0.21%
ACM Computing Surveys
8 citations, 0.19%
Chemistry of Materials
8 citations, 0.19%
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
8 citations, 0.19%
International Journal of Intelligent Systems
8 citations, 0.19%
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I Fundamental Theory and Applications
8 citations, 0.19%
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques
8 citations, 0.19%
IEEE Communications Magazine
7 citations, 0.17%
Machine Learning
7 citations, 0.17%
Journal of Automated Reasoning
7 citations, 0.17%
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
7 citations, 0.17%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
7 citations, 0.17%
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
7 citations, 0.17%
Future Generation Computer Systems
7 citations, 0.17%
Journal of Applied Physics
7 citations, 0.17%
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
7 citations, 0.17%
International Journal of Parallel Programming
7 citations, 0.17%
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics
7 citations, 0.17%
Journal of Chemical Physics
6 citations, 0.14%
Parallel Computing
6 citations, 0.14%
Knowledge Engineering Review
6 citations, 0.14%
6 citations, 0.14%
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
6 citations, 0.14%
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
6 citations, 0.14%
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
6 citations, 0.14%
International Journal of Speech Technology
6 citations, 0.14%
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
6 citations, 0.14%
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
6 citations, 0.14%
Molecular Physics
6 citations, 0.14%
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
6 citations, 0.14%
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
6 citations, 0.14%
Advances in Space Research
6 citations, 0.14%
IEE Proceedings F Radar and Signal Processing
6 citations, 0.14%
Artificial Life and Robotics
5 citations, 0.12%
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
5 citations, 0.12%
Cognitive Science
5 citations, 0.12%
Machine Translation
5 citations, 0.12%
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
5 citations, 0.12%
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
5 citations, 0.12%
Studies in Computational Intelligence
5 citations, 0.12%
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
5 citations, 0.12%
New Generation Computing
5 citations, 0.12%
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM
5 citations, 0.12%
Procedia Computer Science
5 citations, 0.12%
Neural Networks
5 citations, 0.12%
Multimedia Tools and Applications
5 citations, 0.12%
MRS Proceedings
5 citations, 0.12%
Applied Mechanics and Materials
5 citations, 0.12%
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
5 citations, 0.12%
Current Issues in Electronic Modeling
5 citations, 0.12%
Internet and Communications
5 citations, 0.12%
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
4 citations, 0.1%
Artificial Intelligence Review
4 citations, 0.1%
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing
4 citations, 0.1%
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
4 citations, 0.1%
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
4 citations, 0.1%
4 citations, 0.1%
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
4 citations, 0.1%
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
4 citations, 0.1%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
Springer Nature
982 citations, 23.35%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
738 citations, 17.55%
284 citations, 6.75%
93 citations, 2.21%
Taylor & Francis
87 citations, 2.07%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
87 citations, 2.07%
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
56 citations, 1.33%
Cambridge University Press
49 citations, 1.17%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
47 citations, 1.12%
42 citations, 1%
World Scientific
26 citations, 0.62%
AIP Publishing
23 citations, 0.55%
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
20 citations, 0.48%
Hindawi Limited
15 citations, 0.36%
John Benjamins Publishing Company
13 citations, 0.31%
Trans Tech Publications
13 citations, 0.31%
11 citations, 0.26%
EDP Sciences
10 citations, 0.24%
The Royal Society
10 citations, 0.24%
9 citations, 0.21%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
9 citations, 0.21%
IGI Global
9 citations, 0.21%
Oxford University Press
8 citations, 0.19%
IOP Publishing
8 citations, 0.19%
Pleiades Publishing
7 citations, 0.17%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
7 citations, 0.17%
Frontiers Media S.A.
7 citations, 0.17%
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
6 citations, 0.14%
SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng
6 citations, 0.14%
MIT Press
5 citations, 0.12%
5 citations, 0.12%
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
4 citations, 0.1%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
4 citations, 0.1%
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
4 citations, 0.1%
ASME International
4 citations, 0.1%
SAE International
4 citations, 0.1%
Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE Japan)
4 citations, 0.1%
Walter de Gruyter
3 citations, 0.07%
3 citations, 0.07%
Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
3 citations, 0.07%
The Electrochemical Society
3 citations, 0.07%
Annual Reviews
3 citations, 0.07%
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
3 citations, 0.07%
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
2 citations, 0.05%
Fuji Technology Press
2 citations, 0.05%
IWA Publishing
2 citations, 0.05%
Zhejiang University Press
2 citations, 0.05%
2 citations, 0.05%
Thomas Telford
2 citations, 0.05%
American Psychological Association (APA)
2 citations, 0.05%
Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka
2 citations, 0.05%
Physical Society of Japan
2 citations, 0.05%
Tech Science Press
2 citations, 0.05%
University of California Press
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
1 citation, 0.02%
Morgan & Claypool Publishers
1 citation, 0.02%
University of Chicago Press
1 citation, 0.02%
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
1 citation, 0.02%
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
1 citation, 0.02%
Japan Society of Applied Physics
1 citation, 0.02%
NACE International
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
Information Processing Society of Japan
1 citation, 0.02%
Society for Neuroscience
1 citation, 0.02%
The Korean Society of Precision Engineering
1 citation, 0.02%
Korean Meteorological Society
1 citation, 0.02%
Ceramic Society of Japan
1 citation, 0.02%
canadian conference on electrical and computer engineering
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
Wuhan University
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
Science in China Press
1 citation, 0.02%
proceedings of the international symposium on multiple-valued logic
1 citation, 0.02%
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
1 citation, 0.02%
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
1 citation, 0.02%
National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)
1 citation, 0.02%
National Library of Serbia
1 citation, 0.02%
OAE Publishing Inc.
1 citation, 0.02%
New Technologies Publishing House
1 citation, 0.02%
American Astronomical Society
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
Geological Society of London
1 citation, 0.02%
Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
1 citation, 0.02%
American Psychiatric Association Publishing
1 citation, 0.02%
1 citation, 0.02%
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers (IEICE)
1 citation, 0.02%
Duzce Universitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi
1 citation, 0.02%
Japan Society of Geoinformatics
1 citation, 0.02%
Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics
1 citation, 0.02%
Show all (62 more) | |
Publishing organizations
Carnegie Mellon University
160 publications, 7.46%
Stanford University
99 publications, 4.61%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
51 publications, 2.38%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
47 publications, 2.19%
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
40 publications, 1.86%
University of California, Berkeley
40 publications, 1.86%
Eindhoven University of Technology
37 publications, 1.72%
Delft University of Technology
36 publications, 1.68%
Columbia University
25 publications, 1.16%
Yale University
24 publications, 1.12%
University of California, Los Angeles
22 publications, 1.03%
University of Cambridge
21 publications, 0.98%
University of Michigan
21 publications, 0.98%
University of Pennsylvania
19 publications, 0.89%
North Carolina State University
18 publications, 0.84%
University of Maryland, College Park
18 publications, 0.84%
University of Edinburgh
17 publications, 0.79%
California Institute of Technology
17 publications, 0.79%
University of Texas at Austin
17 publications, 0.79%
University of South Africa
16 publications, 0.75%
University of Minnesota
16 publications, 0.75%
University of Mannheim
16 publications, 0.75%
Ohio State University
15 publications, 0.7%
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
14 publications, 0.65%
Cornell University
14 publications, 0.65%
Georgia Institute of technology
13 publications, 0.61%
University of Waterloo
13 publications, 0.61%
New York University
12 publications, 0.56%
Syracuse University
11 publications, 0.51%
Chonbuk National University
10 publications, 0.47%
University of California, Davis
10 publications, 0.47%
University of Toronto
10 publications, 0.47%
Beihang University
9 publications, 0.42%
Sorbonne University
9 publications, 0.42%
National University of Singapore
9 publications, 0.42%
Pennsylvania State University
9 publications, 0.42%
Princeton University
9 publications, 0.42%
Illinois Institute of Technology
9 publications, 0.42%
University of California, Irvine
9 publications, 0.42%
University of Tokyo
9 publications, 0.42%
Polytechnic University of Catalonia
9 publications, 0.42%
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
8 publications, 0.37%
University of Southern California
8 publications, 0.37%
Hamburg University
8 publications, 0.37%
University of Victoria
8 publications, 0.37%
University of Calgary
8 publications, 0.37%
Ames Research Center
8 publications, 0.37%
Michigan State University
7 publications, 0.33%
Washington University in St. Louis
7 publications, 0.33%
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
6 publications, 0.28%
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
6 publications, 0.28%
Imperial College London
6 publications, 0.28%
Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre
6 publications, 0.28%
Kyoto University
6 publications, 0.28%
University of Porto
6 publications, 0.28%
University of Alberta
6 publications, 0.28%
Polytechnic University of Milan
5 publications, 0.23%
Johns Hopkins University
5 publications, 0.23%
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
5 publications, 0.23%
Harvard University
5 publications, 0.23%
Northeastern University
5 publications, 0.23%
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
5 publications, 0.23%
Utrecht University
5 publications, 0.23%
AGH University of Krakow
5 publications, 0.23%
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
4 publications, 0.19%
Technical University of Munich
4 publications, 0.19%
ETH Zurich
4 publications, 0.19%
Sapienza University of Rome
4 publications, 0.19%
Technical University of Denmark
4 publications, 0.19%
University of Washington
4 publications, 0.19%
University of California, San Diego
4 publications, 0.19%
Dartmouth College
4 publications, 0.19%
Technical University of Braunschweig
4 publications, 0.19%
Fujitsu Limited
4 publications, 0.19%
Nippon Electric Company
4 publications, 0.19%
Kumamoto University
4 publications, 0.19%
Meiji University
4 publications, 0.19%
Sandia National Laboratories
4 publications, 0.19%
University of Twente
3 publications, 0.14%
Tampere University
3 publications, 0.14%
University of Cagliari
3 publications, 0.14%
Tokyo Institute of Technology
3 publications, 0.14%
University of Melbourne
3 publications, 0.14%
Boston University
3 publications, 0.14%
George Mason University
3 publications, 0.14%
Oregon State University
3 publications, 0.14%
Osaka University
3 publications, 0.14%
McGill University
3 publications, 0.14%
University of British Columbia
3 publications, 0.14%
Queen's University at Kingston
3 publications, 0.14%
University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
3 publications, 0.14%
University of Rostock
3 publications, 0.14%
Purdue University
3 publications, 0.14%
Brown University
3 publications, 0.14%
University of Siegen
3 publications, 0.14%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
3 publications, 0.14%
Kyushu Institute of Technology
3 publications, 0.14%
Chiba University
3 publications, 0.14%
University of Ottawa
3 publications, 0.14%
Florida Atlantic University
3 publications, 0.14%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing countries
USA, 1270, 59.18%
1270 publications, 59.18%
France, 107, 4.99%
107 publications, 4.99%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 95, 4.43%
United Kingdom
95 publications, 4.43%
Japan, 85, 3.96%
85 publications, 3.96%
Germany, 77, 3.59%
77 publications, 3.59%
Canada, 77, 3.59%
77 publications, 3.59%
Netherlands, 67, 3.12%
67 publications, 3.12%
Italy, 35, 1.63%
35 publications, 1.63%
China, 29, 1.35%
29 publications, 1.35%
Belgium, 28, 1.3%
28 publications, 1.3%
Australia, 19, 0.89%
19 publications, 0.89%
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea, 19, 0.89%
Republic of Korea
19 publications, 0.89%
Brazil, 17, 0.79%
17 publications, 0.79%
South Africa
South Africa, 16, 0.75%
South Africa
16 publications, 0.75%
Spain, 15, 0.7%
15 publications, 0.7%
Sweden, 13, 0.61%
13 publications, 0.61%
Poland, 12, 0.56%
12 publications, 0.56%
Austria, 11, 0.51%
11 publications, 0.51%
Portugal, 10, 0.47%
10 publications, 0.47%
Israel, 9, 0.42%
9 publications, 0.42%
Singapore, 9, 0.42%
9 publications, 0.42%
Chile, 9, 0.42%
9 publications, 0.42%
Denmark, 8, 0.37%
8 publications, 0.37%
Pakistan, 8, 0.37%
8 publications, 0.37%
Finland, 8, 0.37%
8 publications, 0.37%
Switzerland, 8, 0.37%
8 publications, 0.37%
Hungary, 5, 0.23%
5 publications, 0.23%
India, 5, 0.23%
5 publications, 0.23%
Egypt, 3, 0.14%
3 publications, 0.14%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 3, 0.14%
New Zealand
3 publications, 0.14%
Russia, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Ukraine, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Greece, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Mexico, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Norway, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Turkey, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Angola, 1, 0.05%
1 publication, 0.05%
Argentina, 1, 0.05%
1 publication, 0.05%
Venezuela, 1, 0.05%
1 publication, 0.05%
Jordan, 1, 0.05%
1 publication, 0.05%
Iran, 1, 0.05%
1 publication, 0.05%
Ireland, 1, 0.05%
1 publication, 0.05%
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, 1, 0.05%
Saudi Arabia
1 publication, 0.05%
Slovakia, 1, 0.05%
1 publication, 0.05%
Tunisia, 1, 0.05%
1 publication, 0.05%
Show all (15 more) | |