Urban Studies
44 цитирования, 5.27%
City and Community
23 цитирования, 2.75%
Urban Geography
20 цитирований, 2.4%
Environment and Planning A
16 цитирований, 1.92%
11 цитирований, 1.32%
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
11 цитирований, 1.32%
11 цитирований, 1.32%
10 цитирований, 1.2%
Journal of Planning Education and Research
9 цитирований, 1.08%
Project Management Journal
8 цитирований, 0.96%
8 цитирований, 0.96%
SSRN Electronic Journal
8 цитирований, 0.96%
International Journal of Tourism Cities
7 цитирований, 0.84%
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
7 цитирований, 0.84%
Gender, Place, and Culture
7 цитирований, 0.84%
Research in Urban Sociology
7 цитирований, 0.84%
Australian Planner
6 цитирований, 0.72%
Housing Studies
6 цитирований, 0.72%
Journal of Planning Literature
6 цитирований, 0.72%
Journal of Urban Affairs
6 цитирований, 0.72%
Ethnic and Racial Studies
5 цитирований, 0.6%
Urban Book Series
5 цитирований, 0.6%
Tourism Management
5 цитирований, 0.6%
Urban Affairs Review
5 цитирований, 0.6%
4 цитирования, 0.48%
Journal of Urban Design
4 цитирования, 0.48%
Geography Compass
4 цитирования, 0.48%
Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE
4 цитирования, 0.48%
Annals of the American Association of Geographers
4 цитирования, 0.48%
4 цитирования, 0.48%
African Studies
4 цитирования, 0.48%
Moravian Geographical Reports
4 цитирования, 0.48%
European Planning Studies
4 цитирования, 0.48%
Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services
4 цитирования, 0.48%
Journal of Urbanism
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Sociological Forum
3 цитирования, 0.36%
3 цитирования, 0.36%
The American Sociologist
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Housing Policy Debate
3 цитирования, 0.36%
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Progress in Human Geography
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Canadian Geographer / Geographie Canadien
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Habitat International
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Environment, Development and Sustainability
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Tourism Geographies
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Cultural Studies
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Population, Space and Place
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Big Data Analytics for Smart Urban Systems
3 цитирования, 0.36%
Journal of Cleaner Production
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Papers in Regional Science
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Regional Studies
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Annual Review of Sociology
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Amerasia Journal
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Symbolic Interaction
2 цитирования, 0.24%
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Urban Design International
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Journal of Poverty
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Journal of Economic Geography
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Event Management
2 цитирования, 0.24%
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Climate and Development
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Sport in Society
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Social Sciences
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Progress in Planning
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Spatial Economic Analysis
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography
2 цитирования, 0.24%
American Behavioral Scientist
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Urban Policy and Research
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Cogent Business and Management
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Urban Forum
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Social Forces
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Springer Climate
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Local Economy
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Planning Theory and Practice
2 цитирования, 0.24%
International Journal of Tourism Research
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Journal of Sport and Tourism
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Planning Perspectives
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Journal of Global Sport Management
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Urban Research and Practice
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Environment and Urbanization ASIA
2 цитирования, 0.24%
International Review of Sociology
2 цитирования, 0.24%
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Social and Cultural Geography
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Regional Research of Russia
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
2 цитирования, 0.24%
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Small Business Economics
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Housing, Theory and Society
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Professional Geographer
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Geographical Journal
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Urban Climate
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research
2 цитирования, 0.24%
Lien social et Politiques
2 цитирования, 0.24%