Religious Studies
70 citations, 9.06%
58 citations, 7.5%
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
51 citations, 6.6%
Philosophy Compass
27 citations, 3.49%
19 citations, 2.46%
15 citations, 1.94%
Philosophia (United States)
11 citations, 1.42%
Res Philosophica
10 citations, 1.29%
10 citations, 1.29%
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja
10 citations, 1.29%
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology
9 citations, 1.16%
European Journal for Philosophy of Religion
9 citations, 1.16%
8 citations, 1.03%
Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion
8 citations, 1.03%
Philosophical Quarterly
7 citations, 0.91%
6 citations, 0.78%
Inquiry (United Kingdom)
6 citations, 0.78%
Resources Policy
6 citations, 0.78%
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge
5 citations, 0.65%
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
5 citations, 0.65%
5 citations, 0.65%
Philosophical Studies
4 citations, 0.52%
4 citations, 0.52%
American Philosophical Quarterly
4 citations, 0.52%
Journal of Disability and Religion
4 citations, 0.52%
Acta Analytica
4 citations, 0.52%
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
3 citations, 0.39%
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
3 citations, 0.39%
History and Philosophy of Logic
3 citations, 0.39%
Journal of the American Philosophical Association
3 citations, 0.39%
Philosophy and Social Criticism
3 citations, 0.39%
The Philosophical Forum
3 citations, 0.39%
Journal of Positive Psychology
3 citations, 0.39%
Bogoslovni Vestnik
3 citations, 0.39%
Journal of Religious Ethics
3 citations, 0.39%
Religionsphilosophie nach Kant
3 citations, 0.39%
Frontiers in Psychology
2 citations, 0.26%
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
2 citations, 0.26%
Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
2 citations, 0.26%
Kerygma und Dogma
2 citations, 0.26%
International Journal of Philosophical Studies
2 citations, 0.26%
Dialogue-Canadian Philosophical Review
2 citations, 0.26%
2 citations, 0.26%
Religion, Brain and Behavior
2 citations, 0.26%
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
2 citations, 0.26%
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
2 citations, 0.26%
Philosophia Reformata
2 citations, 0.26%
The Monist
2 citations, 0.26%
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
2 citations, 0.26%
Open Theology
2 citations, 0.26%
2 citations, 0.26%
Studies in East European Thought
2 citations, 0.26%
Social Epistemology
2 citations, 0.26%
SSRN Electronic Journal
2 citations, 0.26%
2 citations, 0.26%
Modern Believing
2 citations, 0.26%
Belgrade Philosophical Annual
2 citations, 0.26%
Journal of Religion
1 citation, 0.13%
Critical Horizons
1 citation, 0.13%
Nursing Ethics
1 citation, 0.13%
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
1 citation, 0.13%
Theology and Science
1 citation, 0.13%
Journal of Ethics
1 citation, 0.13%
Mental Health, Religion and Culture
1 citation, 0.13%
Palgrave Communications
1 citation, 0.13%
Asian Philosophy
1 citation, 0.13%
Theory and Research in Education
1 citation, 0.13%
Implicit Religion
1 citation, 0.13%
1 citation, 0.13%
Advances in Multimedia
1 citation, 0.13%
Intellectual History Review
1 citation, 0.13%
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy
1 citation, 0.13%
Philosophy of Science
1 citation, 0.13%
Heythrop Journal - Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology
1 citation, 0.13%
Harvard Theological Review
1 citation, 0.13%
Journal of Intelligence
1 citation, 0.13%
European Journal of Philosophy
1 citation, 0.13%
Revue Philosophique de la France et de La Etranger
1 citation, 0.13%
Human Studies
1 citation, 0.13%
Southern Journal of Philosophy
1 citation, 0.13%
1 citation, 0.13%
Journal for General Philosophy of Science
1 citation, 0.13%
Philosophical Investigations
1 citation, 0.13%
Technological and Economic Development of Economy
1 citation, 0.13%
Journal of Business Ethics
1 citation, 0.13%
1 citation, 0.13%
Philosophical Psychology
1 citation, 0.13%
Journal of Chinese Sociology
1 citation, 0.13%
Journal of Critical Realism
1 citation, 0.13%
1 citation, 0.13%
Grazer Philosophische Studien
1 citation, 0.13%
1 citation, 0.13%
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics
1 citation, 0.13%
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
1 citation, 0.13%