Head of Laboratory

Olennikov, Daniil Nikolaevich

DSc in Pharmacy, Professor
Authorization required.
Lab team

The study of the chemical diversity of Eastern Siberia; the study of new natural phenolic and terpene compounds; the study of medicinal plant resources; the development of medicines and biologically active food additives based on Tibetan prescriptions, rational technology, quality control methods and regulatory documentation.

  1. High performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS)
  2. NMR spectroscopy
  3. IR spectroscopy
  4. UV spectroscopy
  5. Mass spectrometry

Research directions

Development of scientific and technical foundations of technology for processing green vegetable waste to create a bioactive complex enriched with flavonoids and polysaccharides

Development of scientific and technical foundations of technology for processing green vegetable waste to create a bioactive complex enriched with flavonoids and polysaccharides
The scientific problem that the project is aimed at solving is the study of the fundamental principles of the technology of processing green waste from plants of the Pumpkin family in industrial vegetable growing. In this regard, within the framework of this project, it is planned to carry out a comprehensive chemical and biological study of cucumber shoots of domestic varieties, create a technology for processing greenhouse waste to obtain a combined flavonoid-polysaccharide preparation and study its lipid-lowering activity.

Publications and patents

Даниил Николаевич Оленников, Надежда Константиновна Чирикова
RU2775065C1, 2022
Нина Игоревна Кащенко, Даниил Николаевич Оленников
RU2712023C1, 2020
Даниил Николаевич Оленников, Янина Геннадьевна Разуваева, Анюта Алексеевна Торопова, Дмитрий Викторович Харжеев
RU2678586C1, 2019
Даниил Николаевич Оленников, Валентина Бимбаевна Хобракова, Евдокия Ринчиновна Будаева
RU2639132C1, 2017

Lab address

Улан-Удэ, ул. Сахьяновой, 6
Authorization required.