Laboratory of Gene Cell Therapy
The laboratory of Gene cell Therapy was established as part of the Institute in June 2016. Since its creation, the head of the laboratory has been entrusted to a graduate of the FFM, Ph.D. P.I. Makarevich, who heads it to the present day. Research topics: Gene and cell therapy, based on the fundamental mechanisms of tissue regeneration and renewal known to science, are the main methods of modern regenerative medicine. The main directions of scientific work: 1) Fundamental principles and new methods of direct gene therapy for stimulation of angio-, neurogenesis and tissue regeneration. 2) Study of the mechanisms of human tissue regeneration without scar formation and protection of damaged tissues from fibrosis 3) Creation of tissue engineering structures (cell layers) and their use for modeling the microenvironment of stem cells — "cell niches" 4) Development of new methods for modifying postnatal stem cells using viruses and the creation of cellular products based on them