Head of Laboratory

Filatov, A V

DSc in Biological/biomedical sciences, Professor
Authorization required.
Lab team

The main directions of scientific activity:

Analysis of long-term B-cell immunological memory after SARS-CoV-2 infection;

Analysis of neutralizing antibodies after vaccination/SARS-CoV-2 infection;

Antigenic mapping of SARS-CoV-2 variants;

Reprogramming of memory B cells to create producers of human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies;

Creation of a feeder-free system for in vitro stimulation of B lymphocytes using multimerized proteins containing the CD40L receptor domain;

Transduction of human B lymphocytes using adenoassociated viruses of various serotypes;

Studying the features of the B-cell response to the major allergen of birch pollen Bet v 1;

To study the relationship of allergic sensitization with serum IgE levels;

To study the differentiation antigens of human leukocytes, in particular the pathways of phosphorylation of CD45 associated protein (CD45-AP) and its role in the activation of human lymphocytes

  1. Flow-through cell sorting
  2. Work with eukaryotic cells: CRISPR-Cas9 cell modification, production of stably transduced cell lines, knockdown, superexpression, functional tests
  3. Gel electrophoresis
  4. Work with eukaryotic cells: cultivation, transfection, infection
  5. Cloning
  6. CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing Technology
  7. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
  8. Fluorescence microscopy
  9. Hybrid technology
  10. Flow cytometry
  11. Spectrofluorometry
A Filatov
Head of Laboratory
Prilipov, Alexey G
Alexey Prilipov
Senior Researcher
Lushova, Alexandra A
Alexandra Lushova
Junior researcher
Byazrova, Maria G
Maria Byazrova
Junior researcher
Astakhova, Ekaterina Andreevna
Ekaterina Astakhova 🤝
Research assistant
Sukhova, Maria M
Maria Sukhova
Research assistant
Mikhailov, Artem A
Artem Mikhailov
Research assistant

Research directions

Phosphorylation pathways of CD45 associated protein (CD45-AP) and its role in human lymphocyte activation processes

CD45 phosphatase controls the phosphorylation level of a number of receptors and signaling molecules in lymphocytes and is thus an important regulator of the activation process of lymphocytes. However, what controls the activity of CD45 itself remains unclear to date. The so-called "CD45 associated protein" (CD45-AP) can claim to be a regulator. This protein forms a supramolecular complex not only with CD45, but also interacts with the CD4 coreceptor and Lck kinase. There are good reasons to believe that the CD45-AP protein performs some important but as yet unknown functions in the cell. First of all, the association of CD45-AP with CD45, CD4 and Lck is obviously not accidental, but reflects the close interactions between these molecules. Secondly, it is known that CD45-AP protein can be phosphorylated, and this is an indication of its possible regulatory role of CD45-AP protein. Thirdly, the degree of its phosphorylation depends on the activation of the cell. The aim of the project is to clarify the function of the CD45-AP molecule. The CD45-AP protein does not belong to any known protein family and has no homologues. The domain organization of this protein is unknown, and the function has not been determined, therefore, completely new scientific tasks will have to be solved in this study.

From immune recognition of the major allergen of birch pollen Bet v 1 to specific diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive strategies for birch pollen allergy

The aim of the project is not only to develop a specific treatment for birch pollen allergy, but also, for the first time in the world, to lay the foundation for prevention and immunity strategies to prevent the development of allergies during school age.

Creation of antigen-specific immortalized clones of human B lymphocytes intended for the production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies have proven effective in the treatment of a number of oncological and autoimmune diseases. Currently, therapeutic antibodies of human origin are obtained by phage display or using hybridomic technology using mice transgenic by human Ig. However, these approaches are either time-consuming or difficult to access, which limits the range of antibodies generated. The problem of rapid production of therapeutic antibodies can be solved if an effective way of immortalizing human B lymphocytes in vitro is found. It is known that human T-lymphocyte clones are easily obtained in the presence of interleukin 2 and antigen-presenting cells loaded with the target antigen. Attempts to force human B lymphocytes to proliferate in vitro culture have been made for a long time, for example, using the Epstein-Barr virus in combination with ligands of toll-like receptors TLR-7 and TLR-9 (Lanzavecchia 2018). Despite some progress in this direction, the proliferative potential of human B cells remains limited. Recently, Kwakkenbos et al. (2016) demonstrated that interleukin 21 (IL21) in combination with the CD40L molecule expressed on the surface of feeder cells induces powerful proliferation of human B cells. In our preliminary experiments, we found that under these conditions, B cells actively divide, secrete Ig and acquire the phenotype of activated lymphocytes, but by about day 10, the proliferation potential decreases and lymphocytes die by apoptosis. It can be assumed that the combined effect of stimulation and anti-apoptotic reprogramming will overcome the proliferative barrier. To obtain overexpression of the BCL-6 and BCL-XL anti-apoptotic genes, we will use tape and/or retroviral delivery. The novelty of the project lies in the fact that in addition to the known stimuli IL21 and CD40L, we will use the BAFF factor (B-cell activating factor), which selectively increases the survival of plasmoblasts. In addition, we will create a seedless B-lymphocyte activation system. To do this, a recombinant CD40L protein will be obtained, which is fused with the Fc fragment of Ig through an isoleucine zipper (Fig. 1, zajavka.pdf). This will make it possible to obtain the CD40L molecule in hexameric form, which is necessary for its effective action outside the feeder cells. The chimeric CD40L-Fc sorbed onto plastic in the presence of soluble IL21 will stimulate human B lymphocytes. The absence of feeder cells will simplify the stimulation procedure and facilitate the early selection of the most affine clones. In this way, we will be able to combine stimulation with the cloning and testing of antigen-specific B lymphocytes. To obtain antigen-specific immortalized B clones from the blood of volunteers immunized with one of the approved vaccines or who have had an infectious disease, plasmoblasts will be isolated, which will be stimulated and reprogrammed as described above. The antigenic specificity of B-cell clones will be characterized in enzyme immunoassay, Western Blot and ELISpot tests with vaccine antigen. Using high-throughput sequencing, we will compare the repertoires of variable Ig genes before and after stimulation. This will answer the question of whether IL21/CD40L stimulation is accompanied by the process of hypermutations in the Ig genes. In addition, complete DNA sequences of conjugated light and heavy Ig chains will be determined in selected B-cell clones by Sanger sequencing. Using these sequences, it will be possible to produce antigen-specific recombinant antibodies. Three laboratories specializing in immunology, molecular biology and functional genomics will participate in the study. The result of the work will be the creation of a new method of stimulation and immortalization of human B lymphocytes, which will make it easy in the future to obtain therapeutically suitable antibodies of completely human origin.

Development of a technological platform for the emergency creation of means for the prevention and therapy of viral infections using the example of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies

At the moment, therapeutic antibodies to all known strains of coronavirus, including omicron, have been obtained, and the main task is to obtain universal antibodies that will recognize all possible variants of the virus. The S-protein, which is necessary for the virus to enter human cells, is constantly being replaced, and thus the virus escapes destruction by antibodies, so the main goal is to obtain antibodies to precisely those sections of the S-protein that remain common to all variants of the virus. It can be expected that drugs based on such antibodies will be able to successfully prevent infection or severe disease in people from high-risk groups: the elderly, cancer patients, people with various immunodeficiency, etc.

Analysis of long-term B-cell immunological memory after SARS-CoV-2 infection

To predict the further spread of COVID-19, knowledge about the duration of immunological memory for coronavirus antigens is necessary. The effectiveness of the vaccines being developed will also be determined by the resistance of immunological memory against SARS-CoV-2. Acquired immunity consists of three components: humoral, as well as T- and B-cell memory. All three components are involved in the creation and maintenance of immunological protection against SARS-CoV-2. The published data mainly relate to humoral immunological memory for SARS-CoV-2. They indicate that antibody-level memory persists for at least several months. It has also been shown that the T-cell response to SARS-CoV-2 is quite productive. The least studied issue remains the formation and duration of B-cell memory after a coronavirus infection. A number of publications have described memory B cells that form shortly after COVID-19, but in these works memory B cells were used exclusively as a source of Ig genes for the subsequent production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. The issues of formation and duration of B-cell memory were not considered in these works. Recently, we conducted a study of B-cell immunity in the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The study included more than 100 patients with COVID-19. We found that memory B cells are actively formed during the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection. It has also been shown that memory B cells, when stimulated, are able to differentiate into antibody-secreting cells that produce virus-binding and virus-neutralizing antibodies. As far as we know, this is the first study in which the quantitative determination of SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody-secreting cells was performed using the ELISpot method. The data we have obtained are a good starting point for studying long-term B-cell memory after a coronavirus infection. The project will study the dynamics of memory B cells in patients who have been ill with COVID-19 for 3 years. First of all, the study will include former patients for whom memory B cells have already been identified during the acute phase of COVID-19. Testing of memory B cells will be carried out using the ELISpot method developed by us using the recombinant surface Spike protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus as an antigen. Since memory B cells are resting lymphocytes, to stimulate antibody production, we will activate B cells in vitro for 7 days using a toll-like receptor agonist 9 or a combination of IL-21/CD40L. In parallel, we will also determine the virus-binding and virus-neutralizing activity of serum antibodies. Testing of virus-neutralizing activity will be carried out using a biosafety system based on a lentivirus pseudotyped with S protein from SARS-CoV-2. We will compare the dynamics of virus-specific memory B cells with the kinetics of humoral immunological memory. We will stain antigen-specific memory B cells with coronavirus Spike protein conjugated with phycoerythrin. Antigen-specific lymphocytes will be sorted and Ig genes will be sequenced from single cells. This will allow us to determine the dynamics of the B-cell receptor repertoire. The project will be implemented in close cooperation with the FNCC FMBA clinic, which has now been completely redesigned into an infection center for the treatment of COVID-19. The obtained data on B-cell immunological memory will help in building an epidemiological model of coronavirus infection, as well as to answer the question of the possibility of reinfection with coronavirus. The results of the project will also be important for evaluating the effectiveness of the vaccines being developed against SARS-CoV-2.

Reprogramming of memory B cells to create producers of human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies

Reprogramming of memory B cells to create producers of human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies
The term reprogramming is usually used to refer to the return of mature specialized cells to the state of induced pluripotent stem cells. In our project, we use this term in relation to methods that allow in vitro cultivation to direct cell differentiation in the desired direction. B cells are an important part of the immune system, they are responsible for the production of antibodies. In their development, B cells undergo a complex differentiation pathway from immature B cells to memory cells and plasma cells. Compared with other types of immunocompetent cells, B-lymphocyte differentiation remains an insufficiently studied process that is difficult to model and reproduce in vitro. Stimulation of B cells with the help of interleukins (IL), as well as the CD40 receptor ligand (CD40L) leads to the formation of plasmoblasts, which enter apoptosis after a short time. In order to change this trajectory of development and obtain stably proliferating and secreting B cells, they must be reprogrammed, for example, by introducing the BCL-6 and BCL-XL genes. Forced expression of the transcription factor BCL-6 will ensure stable proliferation, and the BCL-XL protein will protect against apoptosis. Previously, we worked out the conditions for in vitro stimulation of B lymphocytes and transduction using a lentiviral vector, followed by cultivation for several months (RNF project No. 19-15-00331). At the same time, B cells retained the phenotype of plasmoblasts, secreted Ig and proliferated. Unfortunately, the level of proliferation remained low, which did not allow cloning, as well as increasing the significant biomass necessary for biotechnological production of preparative amounts of human monoclonal antibodies. In order to achieve stable proliferation of B cells and obtain producers of human monoclonal antibodies, we propose to optimize the process of reprogramming B cells in several directions. We will use peripheral blood or lymph nodes as a source of B-lymphocytes. After immunomagnetic separation and isolation of antigen-specific cells, we will stimulate B lymphocytes in vitro in the presence of IL-21 and feeder cells carrying CD40L. As an alternative, a seedless system will be developed, where (a) the recombinant CD40L protein hexamerized by the adiponectin domain will be used as CD40L; (b) extracellular vesicles carrying CD40L; (c) bacteriophage T4 decorated with CD40L. The reprogramming of CD40L/IL-21-simulated B lymphocytes will be carried out by transduction by viruses carrying the BCL-6 and BCL-XL genes. To deliver genes to memory B cells, we will use lentiviruses pseudotyped with various envelope proteins (VSV-G, RD114, H/F and BaEV). Much attention in the project will be paid to the use of adenoassociated viruses (AAV) for reprogramming memory B cells. We will compare the effectiveness of different serotypes: AAV2, AAV6, AAV-DJ. To maintain stable expression of the BCL-6 and BCL-XL genes, we compare cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoters and the eukaryotic promoter EF-1a. We will evaluate the success of B-lymphocyte reprogramming by cell phenotype, as well as by the production of antibodies, which will be determined by ELISA, ELISpot and virus neutralization. Solving these tasks will allow us to obtain stably proliferating lines of B cells secreting human monoclonal antibodies, which will subsequently be used in immunotherapy. In the future, reprogramming of B cells can also be used to treat immunodeficiency diseases associated with defects in the development and differentiation of B lymphocytes.

Comparison of circulating and tissue-resistant memory B cells in the formation of long-term immunity

Comparison of circulating and tissue-resistant memory B cells in the formation of long-term immunity
Adaptive immunity can be conditionally divided into three branches: T-cell immunity, B-cell immunity and humoral immunity represented by antibodies. Antibody immunity is formed as a result of activation, proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocytes, which emphasizes the importance of studying primarily the B-cell link. The total pool of lymphocytes can be conditionally divided into those that circulate in the blood and those that are tissue-resistant. Due to the inaccessibility of tissue-resistant lymphocytes, at the moment the main studies on the study of long-term cellular memory have been performed only taking into account the lymphocytes circulating in the blood. Thus, it is still unknown how legitimate it is to extrapolate the results obtained for human blood B lymphocytes to the entire immune system. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and subsequent active vaccination with the Russian Sputnik-V vaccine provided a convenient opportunity for a comparative study of tissue and circulating cellular immunity. In this study, we plan to compare the antigen-specific immune response of circulating and tissue-resistant memory B cells in patients who have been ill with SARS-CoV-2 or vaccinated with Sputnik-V. The data obtained will help in decision-making in the field of personalized healthcare and policies to combat infectious diseases. The relevance of the project lies in the fact that long-term B-cell memory in tissues is a little-studied area of research. Understanding the processes of formation of long-term B-cell memory in human tissues after vaccination or previous infections is necessary to assess protective immunity. The novelty of the project lies in the fact that for the first time a comparative functional analysis of tissue-resistant and circulating antigen-specific B lymphocytes will be carried out in donors who have had COVID-19 or vaccinated Sputnik-V. Based on the results obtained, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the differences in the formation of long-term cellular memory in patients who underwent COVID-19 and volunteers vaccinated with Sputnik-V. In addition, the results we have obtained can be used to develop a universal platform for obtaining human coins. It is planned to form two cohorts of donors, each of which will include from 10 to 20 participants. The first group will consist of patients who have been ill with COVID-19, the second from non-ill vaccinated donors. Parallel samples of blood and palatine tonsils will be collected from each participant of the study. Samples of non-ill and unvaccinated volunteers will be collected as a control. The repertoire of circulating and tissue-resident memory B cells will be compared. To do this, RBD+ B memory cells will be sorted from parallel samples of the patient's tonsils and blood. B-lymphocyte clones will be obtained from single cells by in vitro stimulation. The clone's supernatants will be tested for virus-neutralizing ability against the Wuhan variant of the coronavirus, as well as its mutant variants. This approach will allow us to evaluate the virus-neutralizing activity of individual memory B cells, which will provide an opportunity to analyze the quality of long-term B-cell memory in individual patients. It is planned to analyze the repertoire of antigen-specific B lymphocytes by sequencing clones that neutralize SARS-CoV-2 and/or its mutant variants. The study will involve young specialists from two laboratories with experience in the field of immunology, cellular and molecular biology.

Publications and patents



Lab address

Москва, Каширское ш., 24
Authorization required.