Borovskaya, Tatyyana Gennadyevna

DSc in Biological/biomedical sciences, Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences 
Borovskaya T.G., Vychuzhanina A.V., Ligacheva A.A., Shchemerova Y.A., Sandrikina L.A., Madonov P.G., Rakitin F.A., Goldberg V.E., Dygai A.M.
2023-11-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The pharmacological activity of granulocyte CSF (G-CSF) immobilized using electron-beam synthesis nanotechnology (imG-CSF) was evaluated in an experimental model of ovarian reserve depletion. The effectiveness of the drug was compared with that of its unmodified form. Depletion of the ovarian follicular pool in female Sprague-Dawley rats was caused by a single intravenous injection of the antitumor drug etoposide in the maximum tolerated dose. The effectiveness of the studied drugs was assessed by serum concentration of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) measured by ELISA and by the number of primordial, two-layer, multilayer, and atretic follicles counted on serial sections of the ovaries (5-μm thick; through the entire organ) stained with hematoxylin and eosin. It was found that imG-CSF prevents depletion of the ovarian reserve in the model used, which was confirmed by high AMH concentration and higher numbers of primordial, two- and multilayer follicles in comparison with the corresponding parameters in the control (etoposide), and by a decrease in the severity of atretic processes. Unmodified form of the drug demonstrated lower efficiency.
Borovskaya T.G., Vychuzhanina A.V., Shchemerova Y.A., Kseneva S.I., Fomina T.I., Bokhan E.A., Goldberg V.E.
2023-09-06 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
Currently, cytostatic drugs are widely used not only in cancer treatment, but also in the treatment of autoimmune infammatory diseases. A favorable prognosis of the disease, ability to reproduce, young age and the absence of children serve as an incentive to decide on the need for childbearing. There is concern, that the mutagenic effects of chemotherapy in germ cells, the ability to induce epigenetic changes in them, may have phenotypic manifestations in offspring. Conception in the early stages after treatment (impact on mature and differentiating germ cells) has been proven to increase the risk of defective offspring. Data on the health of the offspring of patients conceived in the long term after treatment (impact on stem spermatogenic cells) are contradictory. The aim of the study was to assess long-term toxic effects of cytostatic drugs in the male rat offspring copulated in terms corresponding to the effect on stem spermatogonial cells (SSCs). Material and Methods. The experiments were carried out on autobred male Wistar rats (n=140), aged 2.5 months, 70 of which made up the group of intact animals. The effect of cytostatic drugs (etoposide, irinotecan, cisplatin, carboplatin, methotrexate, farmorubicin, and paclitaxel) injected 3 and 6 months before mating was assessed on the offspring of intact female and male rats. Results. The male rat offspring treated with cytostatic drugs was found to be viable. Gross external developmental anomalies were detected in 2 cases. In several offspring, a slowdown in physical development, decrease in the rate of formation of sensory-motor refexes and learning ability were observed. The most toxic drugs were etoposide and paclitaxel. Conclusion. The offspring of rats treated with cytostatic drugs in terms corresponding to the effect on the SSCs is at risk. The degree of severity of long-term effects varies signifcantly and depends on the type of the drugs used. A decrease in the ability to learn is the most frequently detected abnormalities in offspring. Judging by the timing of conception after cytostatic exposure, a signifcant increase in the period of time after the administration of the drug before mating is not always justifed.
Borovskaya T.G., Bokhan E.A., Vychuzhanina A.V., Shchemerova Y.A., Goldberg V.E.
2023-08-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Borovskaya T.G., Vychuzhanina A.V., Shchemerova Y.A., Buravlev E.V., Chukicheva I.Y., Kuchin A.V.
2022-10-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
We studied the effect of antioxidants dibornol (2,6-diisobornyl-4-methylphenol) and its derivative (4-hydroxymethyl-2,6-diisobornylphenol), members of the alkylated phenols group, on the redox potential of male germ cells and their morphological and functional state in the rat model of pathospermia. Pharmacological effect was observed in animals treated with dibornol. The studied compounds led to the normalization of the antioxidant—prooxidant balance. However, the value of this indicator against the background of treatment with dibornol derivative attested to a shift in the redox balance of cells towards reduction reactions.
Borovskaya T.G., Grigor’eva V.A., Shchemerova Y.A., Bokhan E.A., Vychuzhanina A.V., Kamalova S.I., Goldberg V.E.
2022-07-19 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
Delayed gonadotoxic effects were revealed in outbred male sexually mature rats (SD) after exposure to paclitaxel in the prepubertal period, and the possibility of their correction with p-tyrosol was shown. It was found, that administration of paclitaxel does not inhibit the ability of animals to conceive, but impairs the reserve capacity of the testicular tissue. In intact female rats crossed with male rats receiving paclitaxel, increased post-implantation fetal death was observed. Combined administration of paclitaxel and p-tyrosol alleviated the delayed effects of the cytostatic treatment on the prepubertal testis.
Borovskaya T.G., Grigor’eva V.A., Shchemerova Y.A., Kamalova S.I., Vychuzhanina A.V., Krivova N.A., Zaeva O.B., Goldberg V.E., Dygai A.M.
2022-03-30 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The regenerative properties of p-tyrosol were investigated in a model of testicular insufficiency caused by a toxic effect on spermatogonial stem cells (single administration of paclitaxel in the maximum tolerable dose). Against the background of p-tyrosol administration, we observed an increase in the number of normal spermatogonia and Sertoli cells, stimulation of spermatogenesis, and renewal of the spermatogenic tissue. The treatment with p-tyrosol also led to a decrease in DNA damage in cells of the testicular tissue. These changes were accompanied by a decrease in the level of free radicals, an increase in antioxidant protection, and normalization of the redox potential.
Rybalov M.A., Borovets S.Y., Al-Shukri S.K., Borovskaya T.G., Vychuzhanina A.V., Kamalova S.I., Apryatina V.A.
2022-03-22 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Оценить эффективность ректального введения исследуемого вещества цинка аргинил-глицината дигидрохлорид (ЦАГ) в дозе 16 мг на 1 кг массы тела в экспериментальной модели мужской инфертильности (патозооспермии) и сравнить полученные результаты с имеющимися в настоящее время данными клинических исследований. МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ В исследовании использованы 30 аутбредных крыс-самцов линии Wistar половозрелого возраста (11 нед), распределенных в три группы. В 1-ю группу (фон) включены интактные животные, во 2-ю группу (контроль) — крысы, получавшие свечи без действующего вещества (плацебо), в 3-ю группу (опытную) — животные, которым вводили ЦАГ в дозе 16 мг на 1 кг массы тела. Исследуемые вещества вводили ректально, в виде желатиновых свечей, один раз в день ежедневно в течение 5 дней до и 5 дней после введения этопозида (доза 30 мг на 1 кг массы тела), моделирующего патологию (для групп 2 и 3). Через сутки после последнего введения определяли показатели, характеризующие морфофункциональное состояние мужских половых клеток. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Выявлена фармакологическая активность ЦАГ в эксперименте при олигозооспермии, астенозооспермии и тератозооспермии, которая характеризовалась высокой степенью выраженности; различия статистически значимы по сравнению с показателями в 1-й и 2-й группах. ВЫВОДЫ Полученные экспериментальные данные о действии цинка аргинил-глицината дигидрохлорид соответствуют результатам клинических исследований лекарственного препарата простатилен АЦ. Одним из действующих веществ этого препарата является исследуемый комплекс, эффективность его доказана в условиях реальной клинической практики при лечении больных с хроническим простатитом и нарушенной фертильностью, что позволяет рекомендовать использование данного вещества в андрологической практике в составе комбинированных лекарственных средств для лечения различных видов патоспермии.
Borovskaya T.G., Kamalova S.I., Kuchin A.V., Chukicheva I.Y., Buravlev E.V., Krivova N.A., Zaeva O.B., Vychuzhanina А.V., Shchemerovа Y.A., Grigorieva V.A., Neplokhov E.A., Vasilevsky R.P., Poluektova M.E.
2021-09-25 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Introduction. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common urological disorder in older men. It is characterized by the development of glandularstromal hyperplasia of the prostate with the formation of new glandular structures and subsequent symptoms from the lower urinary tract. It has now been established that the pathogenesis of this disease is multifactorial and one of the possible mechanisms for the development of BPH is oxidative stress. Purpose. Study of the effect of phenols with a bulky isobornyl substituent (2,6-diisobornyl-4-methylphenol and 4-hydroxymethyl-2,6-diisobornylphenol)on the growth of experimental BPH and the antioxidant balance of prostate cells in comparison with Prostamol Uno. Materials and мethods. Experiments were carried out on 50 male Wistar rats. BPH was caused by daily administration of sulpiride (60 days) to male rats of late reproductive age. After 2 months, the animals were weighed and sacrificed in a CO2 chamber. The mass, mass coefficient, volume of the lateral lobe of the pancreas were determined, morphological analysis was performed. Investigated prooxidant and antioxidant activity. The results were processed by the method of variation statistics using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric U test. Results. The efficacy of the investigated drugs in BPH decreased in the following sequence: sulpiride + substance 4-hydroxymethyl-2,6-diisobornylphenol (HDB) → sulpiride + substance Dibornol (DB) → sulpiride + Prostamol Uno (PU). When comparing the results of evaluating the anti-prooxidant status with the therapeutic effect of the studied drugs, it was found that isobornylphenols, which are highly effective as prostatotropic drugs, did not show a more significant effect, compared to PU, on the redox potential of prostatic tissue cells. Conclusions. Drugs DB, HDB, PU have a normalizing effect on the level of severity of redox reactions in the sulpiride model of BPH.
Borovskaya T.G., Shchemerova Y.A., Bokhan E.A., Grigor’eva V.A., Vychuzhanina A.V., Poluektova M.E., Goldberg V.E., Dygai A.M.
2021-05-29 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The morphological and functional state of the reproductive system was studied in male outbred rats (SD stock) and male F1(CBA×C57BL/6) mice after long-term (3 months) methotrexate administration. The drug was administered subcutaneously once a week for 4 weeks, the dose for male rats was 1 mg/kg, for male mice 2.2 mg/kg. It was found that male rats retained the ability to conceive, their reproductive potential was not limited by increased risk of embryo death. At the same time, signs of astheno- and pathospermia were revealed. The testicular tissue was characterized by reduced content of the sources of the proliferative pool of spermatogenesis. In mice treated with methotrexate, increased content of DNA breaks was detected in the testicular cells.
Borovskaya T.G., Goldberg V.E., Poluektova M.E., Vychuzhanina A.V., Shchemerovа Y.A., Grigoreva V.A., Ligacheva A.A., Bokhan E.A.
2021-03-06 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The purpose of the study was a comparative experimental assessment of long-term toxic effects of cytostatic drugs (epirubicin, etoposide, platidiam, carboplatin, paclitaxel) on the female reproductive function and search for pharmacological ways to reduce them.Material and Methods. Experiments were carried out on 200 outbred male rats, Wistar stock, 2.5 months old. Antitumor drugs were administered once, intravenously, in maximum tolerated dose. The reproductive status in rats was assessed 90 and 180 days after injection of cytostatic drugs. Correction of ovariotoxicity of cytostatic drugs was carried out using a recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (rhG-CS F, Neupomax, FARMSTA NDA RT-UfaVITA OJSC , Russia) and liquid extract of Scutellaria Baikalsky («GNTsLS », Kharkov). The mating and fertility ability of female rats as well as pre- and post-implantation fetal mortality were determined. Ovarian reserve was evaluated using morphological analysis of the ovaries using quantitative assessments of structural damage. Concentration of anti-Muller hormone in the blood of adult rats-females receiving etoposide and rhG-CS F were evaluated by enzyme immunoassay (IFA, ELISA , Cloud clone, Corp. Wuhan). Statistical processing of obtained experimental data was performed using Mann-Whitney U-test and Fisher angular transformation.Results. The mating and fertility ability of animals was found to be persisted. However, signs of early depletion of the ovarian reserve and a decrease in reproductive potential were observed. The risk of early menopause was increased to a greater extent after using epirubicin, etoposide and paclitaxel, and to a lesser extent after platidiam and carboplatin. The reproductive potential of animals was reduced due to increased fetal death. Platinum-containing drugs were found to be the most toxic. G-CS F was the effective drug for protecting the ovarian reserve from cytostatic effects. The use of Scutellaria baicalensis extract increased the reproductive potential of animals by reducing the rate of embryonic death. 
Asiedu-Gyekye I.J., Borovskaya T.G., Poluektova M.E., Vychuzhanina А.V., Shchemerovа Y.А., Kamalova S.I., Grgoreva V.A., Amoateng P., Kukuia K.E., Kwapong A.A., Allotey Babington L., Amponsah S.K., N’guessan B.B.
Journal of Toxicology scimago Q3 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-01-12 citations by CoLab: 2 PDF Abstract  
Unsweetened natural cocoa (UNCP) was evaluated for reproductive toxicity in rats. A preliminary genotoxic potential was evaluated by the DNA comet assay test using C57Bl/6 mice. Both therapeutic dose (TD; 900 mg/kg) and high dose (HD; 9000 mg/kg) of UNCP were used. White Wistar rats were used in two experimental groups. The females received UNCP 15 days before crossing with untreated males. The males received UNCP for 48 days before mating with untreated females. Subacute toxicity was observed during a 14-day oral administration of UNCP. Results show that a high tail DNA% was observed with methyl mesylate administration in all tissues analysed. The lowest tail DNA% value was observed in the liver (1.64 ± 0.26) and kidney (1.63 ± 0.30) during UNCP (TD) administration. UNCP did not induce observable physical congenital malformations on the pubs of treated female and male rats, lacks genotoxic potential, and did not adversely affect pregnancy index, pub weights, and survival index, but UNCP exhibited proimplantation potential ( p > 0.05 ).
Borovskaya T.G., Vychuzhanina A.V., Grigor’eva V.A., Kollantay O.V., Goldberg V.E., Dygai A.M.
2020-06-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
The effect of p-tyrosol on the spontaneous level of DNA damage in the cells of the bone marrow, liver, kidney, and rectum of mice (series I) and on the genotoxic effects of cytostatic drugs with different mechanisms of action in rat testicular cells (series II) was studied by DNA comet assay on C57BL/6 mice. p-Tyrosol was administered in a dose of 40 mg/kg once (series I) or for 5 days before and 5 days after cytostatic exposure (busulfan, paclitaxel, methotrexate; series II). It was found that p-tyrosol reduced spontaneous level of DNA damage in all studied organs. p-Tyrosol exhibited an antigenotoxic effect with respect to the DNA-damaging action of methotrexate and produced no genoprotective effect in case of busulfan and paclitaxel.
Коненков В.И., Рачковская Л.Н., Летягин А.Ю., Боровская Т.Г., Шурлыгина А.В., Робинсон М.В., Королев М.А., Котлярова А.А., Попова Т.В., Рачковский Э.Э., Вычужанина А.В., Машанова В.А., Полуэктова М.Е.
2020-03-17 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
Проведено исследование эмбриотоксического действия нормотимического лекарственного средства на основе комплекса лития цитрата, полиметилсилоксана, оксида алюминия (далее — комплекс лития) в антенатальном и постнатальном периодах развития. Установлено, что в результате применения комплекса лития в дозах 400 и 2000 мг/кг 1 раз в день внутрижелудочно с 1-го по 19-й и с 6-го по 20-й день беременности у крыс выявляется ряд эмбриотоксических эффектов, зависящих от дозы препарата и проявляющихся как в антенатальном, так и постнатальном периоде. В антенатальном периоде развития потомства животных, получавших комплекс лития в течение всего периода беременности, выявлено повышение частоты гибели эмбрионов и плодов до имплантации на (17,5 ± 3,1) % (доза 2000 мг/кг), а после имплантации — на (26,6 ± 5,2) % (доза 2000 мг/кг) и на (15 ± 2,3) % (доза 400 мг/кг), увеличение числа плодов с кровоизлияниями в коже на 12,4 % (доза 2000 мг/кг) и патологическими изменениями внутренних органов в среднем на 50 % (доза 2000 мг/кг) и на 30,7 % (доза 400 мг/кг). В постнатальном периоде развития потомства животных, получавших комплекс лития на 6 – 20-й дни беременности в дозе 2000 мг/кг, выявлено снижение индекса выживаемости крысят на 57,7 %, замедление у них скорости физического развития на 32,4 % и формирования сенсорно-двигательных рефлексов на 21,7 %, снижение способности к обучению и адаптивному поведению на 46,9 % (p < 0,05) Таким образом, препарат обладает дозозависимой эмбриотоксичностью средней степени выраженности, проявляющейся в анте- и постнатальном периоде развития потомства.
Borovskaya T.G., Goldberg V.E., Poluektova M.E., Shchemerovа Y.A., Vychuzhanina A.V., Grigoreva V.A., Kollantay O.V., Kamalova S.I.
2020-03-03 citations by CoLab: 0
Borovskaya T.G., Kamalova S.I., Grigor’eva V.A., Poluektova M.E., Vychuzhanina A.V., Kuchin A.V., Chukicheva I.Y., Buravlev E.V., Fomina T.I., Plotnikov M.B., Goldberg V.E., Dygai A.M.
2019-09-01 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Experimental model of sulpiride-provoked benign prostatic hyperplasia was employed to comparatively assess the effect of phenolic antioxidants (dihydroquercetin, p-thyrozol, dibornol, and prostagenin) on prostate morphology. All examined agents decreased the degree of hyperplasia in acinar epithelium; the greatest efficacy was demonstrated by prostagenin. Moreover, dihydroquercetin and p-thyrozol increased the cross-section area of acinar lumina and prostate volume, which is inadmissible in this pathology. These results suggest that the use of phenolic antioxidants in the therapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia should be strictly controlled.
Virchea L., Frum A., Georgescu C., Pecsenye B., Máthé E., Mironescu M., Crăciunaș M., Totan M., Tănăsescu C., Gligor F.
Pharmaceutics scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2025-03-05 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 2
Lung cancer is the second cause of death in the world, being the most common type of cancer. Conventional therapies are not always recommended due to the particularities of patients. Thus, there is a need to develop new anticancer therapeutic agents. Medicinal plants constitute a source of bioactive compounds with therapeutic potential in lung cancer. The purpose of our narrative review is to evaluate and summarize the main studies on the cytotoxic effects of ten medicinal plants and their extracts, volatile oils, and bioactive compounds. We have also included studies that reported protective effects of these natural products against chemotherapy-induced toxicity. Studies were identified by assessing five databases using specific keywords. The investigated natural products possess cytotoxic effects on lung cancer cell cultures. Several mechanisms of action have been proposed including cell death by apoptosis, necrosis or autophagy, cell cycle arrest, the modulation of signaling pathways (PI3K/Akt and MAPK), the inhibition of migration, invasion and metastasis, antiangiogenesis, and targeting inflammation. Different bioactive compounds exhibit protective effects against chemotherapy-induced toxicity. Studies have shown promising results. To develop new therapeutic agents useful in treating lung cancer, the plants included in this review should be more deeply investigated to reveal their molecular mechanisms of action.
Ayhan İ., Turkmen N., Taslidere A., Aydin M., Ciftci O.
2025-01-16 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
ABSTRACTPaclitaxel (PAC), derived from Taxus brevifolia, is used to treat solid tumours but causes reproductive toxicity due to oxidative stress, affecting sperm quality and testicular tissue. Nerolidol (NRL), an antioxidant sesquiterpene alcohol, has not been studied for its potential to reduce PAC‐induced reproductive damage. This study investigates NRL's ability to mitigate PAC‐induced reproductive toxicity in rats. Forty healthy adult male Spraque Dawley rats were randomly divided into four equal groups (Control, PAC, NRL, PAC + NRL). PAC was given intraperitoneally at a dose of 2 mg/kg once a week for 4 weeks. NRL was given orally at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks. Control group received PAC and NRL vehicles. After 4 weeks, testis tissue samples were collected, and parameters, including oxidants, antioxidants, sperm motility, density, abnormal spermatozoon ratios and cytokines, were measured. PAC administration increased oxidant levels and decreased antioxidant enzyme activities. Nerolidol mitigated these alterations significantly. Similarly, PAC elevated IL‐1, IL‐6, TNF‐α levels and lowered IL‐10 levels, these effects attenuated by nerolidol in the PAC + NRL group. In conclusion, it was determined that PAC induces reproductive toxicity through oxidative stress, and NRL demonstrates potential in ameliorating these effects through its antioxidant activity.
Karamanolis N.N., Kounatidis D., Vallianou N.G., Dimitriou K., Tsaroucha E., Tsioulos G., Anastasiou I.A., Mavrothalassitis E., Karampela I., Dalamaga M.
Antibiotics scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2024-12-25 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
Cancer persists as a significant global health challenge, claiming millions of lives annually despite remarkable strides in therapeutic innovation. Challenges such as drug resistance, toxicity, and suboptimal efficacy underscore the need for novel treatment paradigms. In this context, the repurposing of antibiotics as anti-cancer agents has emerged as an attractive prospect for investigation. Diverse classes of antibiotics have exhibited promising anti-cancer properties in both in vitro and in vivo studies. These mechanisms include the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, generation of reactive oxygen species, and inhibition of key regulators of cell proliferation and migration. Additional effects involve the disruption of angiogenesis and modulation of pivotal processes such as inflammation, immune response, mitochondrial dynamics, ferroptosis, and autophagy. Furthermore, antibiotics have demonstrated the potential to enhance the efficacy of conventional modalities like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, while alleviating treatment-induced toxicities. Nevertheless, the integration of antibiotics into oncological applications remains contentious, with concerns centered on their disruption of gut microbiota, interference with immunotherapeutic strategies, contribution to microbial resistance, and potential association with tumorigenesis. This narrative review explores the mechanisms of antibiotics’ anti-cancer activity, addresses controversies about their dual role in cancer biology, and envisions future perspectives that include the development of novel derivatives and innovative frameworks for their incorporation into cancer treatment paradigms.
Pagano G., Lyakhovich A., Thomas P.J., Catalayud F.V., Tiano L., Zatterale A., Trifuoggi M.
Inflammopharmacology scimago Q1 wos Q1
2024-12-10 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
An extensive body of literature has associated cancer with redox imbalance and inflammatory conditions. Thus, several studies and current clinical practice have relied on the use of anticancer drugs known to be associated with prooxidant state. On the other hand, a number of studies have reported on the effects of several antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents and of mitochondrial cofactors (also termed mitochondrial nutrients, MNs) in counteracting or slowing carcinogenesis, or in controlling cancer growth. In the available literature, a body of evidence points on the roles of anti-inflammatory agents and of individual MNs against carcinogenesis or in controlling cancer cell proliferation, but only a few reports on the combined use of two or the effect of three MNs. These combinations are proposed as potentially successful tools to counteract carcinogenesis in prospective animal model studies or in adjuvant cancer treatment strategies. A “triad” of MNs are suggested to restore redox balance, mitigate side effects of prooxidative anticancer drugs, or aid in cancer prevention and/or adjuvant therapy. By elucidating their mechanistic underpinnings and appraising their clinical efficacy, we aim to contribute with a comprehensive understanding of these therapeutic modalities.
Badykova K.M., Kitaeva Y.S., Praskurnichij E.A., Nagieva A.R., Kuzneczova E.V.
2024-11-20 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is characterized by a discharge of bone mass, which contributes to the development of pathological fractures. Hodgkin's lymphoma can cause a violation of bone microarchitectonics. The development of Hodgkin's lymphoma is characteristic of young people, on average from 16 to 35 years old. Early diagnosis of osteoporosis in young patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma is an urgent issue due to a prolonged asymptomatic decrease in bone mineral density, with the development of pathological fractures. AIMS: to study the risk factors for a decrease in bone mineral density in patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma who received pathogenetic therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: the study included 63 patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma and 30 volunteers from the control group. All patients answered the questionnaire questions in order to identify risk factors for osteoporosis. Common risk factors included: gender, age, body mass index; fractures in the history of the patient and his immediate family; taking hormone replacement therapy, proton pump inhibitors, glucocorticosteroids; the presence of concomitant diseases; the presence of amenorrhea in women; physical activity level and calcium intake. Specific factors include the use of chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis in order to identify the most significant risk factors. RESULTS: osteopenia and osteoporosis are a serious complication of antitumor therapy of Hodgkin's lymphoma in young people. Unfortunately, today a small number of researchers are engaged in the problem of identifying predictors of osteoporosis in young patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Because of this study, the most significant risk factors for the development of osteoporosis were identified, namely low physical activity, taking proton pump inhibitors and glucocorticosteroids, as well as the development of secondary postcytostatic amenorrhea in women. CONCLUSIONS: timely diagnosis and prevention of osteoporosis in young patients will prevent a decrease in bone mineral density and reduce the risks of early disability in this category of patients.
Borovskaya T.G., Vychuzhanina A.V., Schemerova Y.A., Stremlina L.A., Chukicheva I.Y., Kuchin A.V., Goldberg V.E., Dygai A.M.
2024-09-28 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
In male C57BL/6 mice (8-12 weeks) and male Wistar rats (12 weeks), the effect of dibornol (2,6-diisobornyl-4-methylphenol) on the level of spontaneous DNA damage in cells of the bone marrow, liver, kidneys, and rectum of mice (series I) and genotoxic effects in rat testicular cells after administration of cytostatic drugs with different mechanisms of action (series II) were studied using the DNA comet assay. In series I, dibornol was intragastrically administered to mice once at doses of 200, 400, and 2000 mg/kg; in series II, dibornol was intragastrically administered to rats at a dose of 10 mg/kg for 5 days before and 5 days after the cytostatic treatment (methotrexate, doxorubicin). It was found that dibornol in all studied doses did not produce the genotoxic (carcinogenic) effect and reduced the level of spontaneous DNA damage in the bone marrow. After combined administration of cytostatic drugs (doxorubicin, methotrexate) and dibornol, the level of DNA breaks was reduced to 38.5 and 49% of the control, respectively.
Amara A.A., El-Masry M.H., Salem G.A., Baghdadi H.H.
Gels scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2024-06-29 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 2
Several cottonseed varieties are cultivated in different countries. Each variety produces a different amount of gossypol as a natural toxic compound. The rising interest in cottonseed products (oil and feed) increases the demand for establishing simple methods for gossypol detection. Silica gel-based methods are ideal for its isolation, purification, and characterization. Silica gel-based methods are variants and can be used as simple methods for tracking plants’ compounds. In this study, gossypol was isolated, characterized, and purified as gossypol acetic acid in the form of yellow crystals. Methods used for its characterization were TLC, preparative TLC, silica gel column, UV/IR spectrophotometer, and HPLC (robust spherical silica gel). A comparative study between its amount in both the Egyptian and Chinese varieties was performed. Under the experimental conditions, the Egyptian’s cottonseed contains 8.705 gm/kg, while the Chinese’s cottonseed contains 5.395 gm/kg. The TLC used in this study proved to be fast, accurate, and inexpensive. It can be used for gossypol acetic acid evaluation and quantification. Additionally, using TLC as a pre-purification step will give a pre-judgment for the sample’s purity and quality. This step will protect the expensive HPLC silica gel-based column from any unexpected impurities. During each step, the silica gel itself could be simply removed by paper filtration. Collectively, the different silica gel-based methods as well as the other used methods are recommended for better Gossypol acetic acid isolation, purification, and characterization, as well as for maintaining HPLC columns.
Markowska A., Antoszczak M., Markowska J., Huczyński A.
Cancers scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2024-06-20 citations by CoLab: 3 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
Chemotherapy is one of the leading cancer treatments. Unfortunately, its use can contribute to several side effects, including gynotoxic effects in women. Ovarian reserve suppression and estrogen deficiency result in reduced quality of life for cancer patients and are frequently the cause of infertility and early menopause. Classic alkylating cytostatics are among the most toxic chemotherapeutics in this regard. They cause DNA damage in ovarian follicles and the cells they contain, and they can also induce oxidative stress or affect numerous signaling pathways. In vitro tests, animal models, and a few studies among women have investigated the effects of various agents on the protection of the ovarian reserve during classic chemotherapy. In this review article, we focused on the possible beneficial effects of selected hormones (anti-Müllerian hormone, ghrelin, luteinizing hormone, melatonin), agents affecting the activity of apoptotic pathways and modulating gene expression (C1P, S1P, microRNA), and several natural (quercetin, rapamycin, resveratrol) and synthetic compounds (bortezomib, dexrazoxane, goserelin, gonadoliberin analogs, imatinib, metformin, tamoxifen) in preventing gynotoxic effects induced by commonly used cytostatics. The presented line of research appears to provide a promising strategy for protecting and/or improving the ovarian reserve in the studied group of cancer patients. However, well-designed clinical trials are needed to unequivocally assess the effects of these agents on improving hormonal function and fertility in women treated with ovotoxic anticancer drugs.
Kankılıç N.A., Küçükler S., Gür C., Akarsu S.A., Akaras N., Şimşek H., İleritürk M., Kandemir F.M.
2024-06-16 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract   Cites 1
AbstractPaclitaxel (PTX), which is actively used in the treatment of many types of cancer, has a toxic effect by causing increased oxidative stress in testicular tissues. Naringin (NRG) is a natural flavonoid found in plants, and its antioxidant properties are at the forefront. This study aims to investigate the protective feature of NRG in PTX‐induced testicular toxicity.Thirty‐five male Sprague rats were divided into five groups: control, NRG, PTX, PTX + NRG50, and PTX + NRG100. Rats were administered PTX (2 mg/kg, BW) intraperitoneally once daily for the first 5 days. Then, between the 6th and 14th days, NRG (50 and 100 mg/kg) was administered orally once a day.NRG reduced PTX‐induced lipid peroxidation and increased testicular tissue antioxidant capacity (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione). While NRG reduces the mRNA expression levels of nuclear factor kappa B, tumor necrosis factor‐alpha, interleukin‐1 beta, cyclooxygenase‐2, interleukin‐6, inducible‐nitric oxide synthase, mitogen‐activated protein kinase 14 (MAPK)14, MAPK15, c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase, P53, Apaf1, Caspase3, Caspase6, Caspase9, and Bax in testicular tissues; it caused an increase in Nrf2, HO‐1, NQO1 and Bcl‐2 levels. NRG also improved the structural and functional integrity of testicular tissue disrupted by PTX. PTX‐induced sperm damage was alleviated by NRG.NRG showed a protective effect by alleviating the PTX‐induced testicular toxicity by increasing oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, and autophagy.
Zakirova A.M., Moroz T.B., Pokrovskaya E.M., Faizullina R.A., Khaliullina S.V., Vakhitov K.M., Sadrieva L.N., Sabirzyanova M.G., Shayapova D.T., Samorodnova E.A., Palmova L.Y., Kadriev A.G., Rashitova E.L., Zaripov I.R., Kadriev D.A.
2024-02-27 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
Introduction. Despite numerous scientific works devoted to the problem of acute respiratory diseases, its relevance does not decrease throughout the world, since serious complications with an unfavorable prognosis are possible.Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of preventive antiviral therapy in children with recurrent respiratory pathology.Materials and methods. Under observation were 43 children (average age 7.43 ± 3.05 years) with recurrent respiratory pathology, who underwent health treatment in the summer period once for 14 days. The main group consisted of 22 children who were prescribed the antiviral therapy as a monotherapy for prophylactic use. The comparison group included 21 patients who underwent preventive treatment using nasopharyngeal irrigation with local antiseptic chemicals. The observation period was 3 months after prophylactic treatment.Results and discussion. After preventive treatment, the total number of episodes of ARI during the observation period in the main group in relation to the comparison group was according to nosologies: acute pharyngitis (p = 0.0317), exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis (p = 0.0137), acute rhinitis (p = 0.0692), rhinosinusitis (p = 0.0429). In the main group, during the observation period, when episodes of upper respiratory tract diseases occurred, antibacterial drugs were prescribed statistically significantly less frequently (p = 0.0296). After the preventive course, compared with the initial data, there was a decline in the number of cases of upper respiratory tract diseases per child on average per quarter. Thus, in the main group, a more pronounced significant difference was revealed in all nosological forms (acute rhinitis, rhinosinusitis p = 0.0081, acute pharyngitis p = 0.0129, tonsillopharyngitis p = 0.0384). In the comparison group – respectively: p = 0.0426; 0.0387; 0.0439.Conclusions. Carrying out preventive treatment as monotherapy in children with recurrent respiratory pathology demonstrated high effectiveness (86.37%) of the antiviral therapy.
Borovskaya T.G., Vychuzhanina A.V., Ligacheva A.A., Shchemerova Y.A., Sandrikina L.A., Madonov P.G., Rakitin F.A., Goldberg V.E., Dygai A.M.
2023-11-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 2
The pharmacological activity of granulocyte CSF (G-CSF) immobilized using electron-beam synthesis nanotechnology (imG-CSF) was evaluated in an experimental model of ovarian reserve depletion. The effectiveness of the drug was compared with that of its unmodified form. Depletion of the ovarian follicular pool in female Sprague-Dawley rats was caused by a single intravenous injection of the antitumor drug etoposide in the maximum tolerated dose. The effectiveness of the studied drugs was assessed by serum concentration of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) measured by ELISA and by the number of primordial, two-layer, multilayer, and atretic follicles counted on serial sections of the ovaries (5-μm thick; through the entire organ) stained with hematoxylin and eosin. It was found that imG-CSF prevents depletion of the ovarian reserve in the model used, which was confirmed by high AMH concentration and higher numbers of primordial, two- and multilayer follicles in comparison with the corresponding parameters in the control (etoposide), and by a decrease in the severity of atretic processes. Unmodified form of the drug demonstrated lower efficiency.
Ayhan S., Hancerliogullari N., Guney G., Gozukucuk M., Caydere M., Guney S.S., Tokmak A., Ustun Y.
Journal of Ovarian Research scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2023-09-02 citations by CoLab: 3 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
Abstract Background We aimed to determine whether adding metformin to carboplatin treatment would reduce the damage to ovarian reserve associated with carboplatin use. Methods We included 35 adult female non-pregnant albino Wistar rats approximately three months old, weighing 220–310 g. The rats were divided into five groups of seven rats according to the treatment they received. Carboplatin and salin was given to Group 2, and carboplatin plus metformin was given to Group 3. Group 4 was administered only metformin. Group 5 was administered only salin. Carboplatin was given to Groups 2 and 3 as a single dose on the 15th day, while metformin was given to Groups 3 and 4 during the 28-day experiment. After oophorectomy, histopathologic analyses of primordial, primary, secondary, and tertiary Graff follicles according to the epithelial cells surrounding the oocyte and total follicular number were conducted per section. Serum Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), tissue catalase, and malonyl dialdehyde levels were measured and compared within each group. Results The baseline and 15th-day serum AMH values of the menstrual cycle were compared among the groups, and no statistically significant differences were observed (p > 0.05). Group 3, which was given both carboplatin and metformin, had statistically significantly higher 28th-day AMH levels than Group 2, which was given only carboplatin and saline (p < 0.001). The number of primordial follicles in Group 3 was found to be statistically significantly higher than in Group 2 (p < 0.001). Tissue catalase enzyme levels in Group 3 were statistically significantly higher than in Group 2 (p < 0.001). Tissue malondialdehyde levels in Group 2 were statistically significantly higher than tissue malondialdehyde levels in Groups 3 and 4 (p < 0.001). Conclusions Metformin may attenuate carboplatin-induced ovarian damage, possibly through its antioxidative effects.
Moslehi A.H., Hoseinpour F., Saber A., Akhavan Taheri M., Hashemian A.H.
Food and Chemical Toxicology scimago Q1 wos Q1
2023-09-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 1
Cisplatin can lead to infertility due to its negative impact on the uterus and ovaries. This study aimed to explore the effects of Inositol and vitamin C on cisplatin-induced infertility. Forty-eight adult female Wistar rats were divided into eight groups (N = 6) and orally treated for 21 days. The treatments were as follows: negative control (saline), positive control (saline and cisplatin injected into the abdomen on day 15), T1–T3: rats given vitamin C (150 mg/kg), Inositol (420 mg/kg), and vitamin C + Inositol, respectively, along with cisplatin injected into the abdomen on day 15, T4–T6: rats given only vitamin C, Inositol, and vitamin C + Inositol, respectively. Vitamin C and Inositol enhanced cisplatin-induced histopathological improvements in the uterus and ovaries, raising progesterone and estradiol serum levels. Furthermore, the supplements enhanced ESR1 gene expression in the uterus and ovary, reducing uterine and ovarian apoptosis caused by cisplatin through modulation of caspase 3, 8, and Bcl-2 gene levels. These substances decreased ovarian and uterine malondialdehyde levels, boosted total antioxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase, and alleviated oxidative stress. The findings reveal that vitamin C and Inositol shield against cisplatin-related infertility by reducing oxidative stress and apoptosis in the uterus and ovaries.
Ding J., Wang J., Cai X., Yin T., Zhang Y., Yang C., Yang J.
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2022-06-01 citations by CoLab: 13 Abstract  
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is one of the cytokines which plays important roles in embryo implantation and normal pregnancy. At the maternal-fetal interface, G-CSF can be synthesized by multiple cells, and participates in regulation of trophoblast development, endometrial decidualization, placental metabolism and angiogenesis. Moreover, as an important medium of intercellular communication, G-CSF has also been shown to exert key roles in crosstalk between cellular components at the maternal-fetal interface. Recently, our study demonstrated that G-CSF derived from M2 macrophage could promote trophoblasts invasion and migration through activating PI3K/AKT/Erk1/2 pathway, thereby involving in normal pregnancy program. Herein, we will summarize the role and regulation of G-CSF in normal pregnancy and reproductive-related disease, and the clinical applications of G-CSF in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization with thin endometrium, repeated implantation failure, and women suffered with recurrent spontaneous abortion.
2022-01-01 citations by CoLab: 3528
Evans E.P., Scholten J.T., Mzyk A., Reyes-San-Martin C., Llumbet A.E., Hamoh T., Arts E.G., Schirhagl R., Cantineau A.E.
Redox Biology scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-10-01 citations by CoLab: 75 Abstract  
To date 15% of couples are suffering from infertility with 45-50% of males being responsible. With an increase in paternal age as well as various environmental and lifestyle factors worsening these figures are expected to increase. As the so-called free radical theory of infertility suggests, free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an essential role in this process. However, ROS also fulfill important functions for instance in sperm maturation. The aim of this review article is to discuss the role reactive oxygen species play in male fertility and how these are influenced by lifestyle, age or disease. We will further discuss how these ROS are measured and how they can be avoided during in-vitro fertilization.
Symeonidis E.N., Evgeni E., Palapelas V., Koumasi D., Pyrgidis N., Sokolakis I., Hatzichristodoulou G., Tsiampali C., Mykoniatis I., Zachariou A., Sofikitis N., Kaltsas A., Dimitriadis F.
Antioxidants scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-09-27 citations by CoLab: 28 PDF Abstract  
Male infertility, a relatively common and multifactorial medical condition, affects approximately 15% of couples globally. Based on WHO estimates, a staggering 190 million people struggle with this health condition, and male factor is the sole or contributing factor in roughly 20–50% of these cases. Nowadays, urologists are confronted with a wide spectrum of conditions ranging from the typical infertile male to more complex cases of either unexplained or idiopathic male infertility, requiring a specific patient-tailored diagnostic approach and management. Strikingly enough, no identifiable cause in routine workup can be found in 30% to 50% of infertile males. The medical term male oxidative stress infertility (MOSI) was recently coined to describe infertile men with abnormal sperm parameters and oxidative stress (OS), including those previously classified as having idiopathic infertility. OS is a critical component of male infertility, entailing an imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants. ROS abundance has been implicated in sperm abnormalities, while the exact impact on fertilization and pregnancy has long been a subject of considerable debate. In an attempt to counteract the deleterious effects of OS, urologists resorted to antioxidant supplementation. Mounting evidence indicates that indiscriminate consumption of antioxidants has led in some cases to sperm cell damage through a reductive-stress-induced state. The “antioxidant paradox”, one of the biggest andrological challenges, remains a lurking danger that needs to be carefully avoided and thoroughly investigated. For that reason, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) emerged as a viable ancillary tool to basic semen analysis, measuring the overall balance between oxidants and antioxidants (reductants). A novel biomarker, the Male infertility Oxidative System (MiOXSYS®), is a paradigm shift towards that goal, offering a quantification of OS via a quick, reliable, and reproducible measurement of the ORP. Moderation or “Μέτρον” according to the ancient Greeks is the key to successfully safeguarding redox balance, with MiOXSYS® earnestly claiming its position as a guarantor of homeostasis in the intracellular redox milieu. In the present paper, we aim to offer a narrative summary of evidence relevant to redox regulation in male reproduction, analyze the impact of OS and reductive stress on sperm function, and shed light on the “antioxidant paradox” phenomenon. Finally, we examine the most up-to-date scientific literature regarding ORP and its measurement by the recently developed MiOXSYS® assay.
Borovskaya T.G., Kamalova S.I., Kuchin A.V., Chukicheva I.Y., Buravlev E.V., Krivova N.A., Zaeva O.B., Vychuzhanina А.V., Shchemerovа Y.A., Grigorieva V.A., Neplokhov E.A., Vasilevsky R.P., Poluektova M.E.
2021-09-25 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Introduction. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common urological disorder in older men. It is characterized by the development of glandularstromal hyperplasia of the prostate with the formation of new glandular structures and subsequent symptoms from the lower urinary tract. It has now been established that the pathogenesis of this disease is multifactorial and one of the possible mechanisms for the development of BPH is oxidative stress. Purpose. Study of the effect of phenols with a bulky isobornyl substituent (2,6-diisobornyl-4-methylphenol and 4-hydroxymethyl-2,6-diisobornylphenol)on the growth of experimental BPH and the antioxidant balance of prostate cells in comparison with Prostamol Uno. Materials and мethods. Experiments were carried out on 50 male Wistar rats. BPH was caused by daily administration of sulpiride (60 days) to male rats of late reproductive age. After 2 months, the animals were weighed and sacrificed in a CO2 chamber. The mass, mass coefficient, volume of the lateral lobe of the pancreas were determined, morphological analysis was performed. Investigated prooxidant and antioxidant activity. The results were processed by the method of variation statistics using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric U test. Results. The efficacy of the investigated drugs in BPH decreased in the following sequence: sulpiride + substance 4-hydroxymethyl-2,6-diisobornylphenol (HDB) → sulpiride + substance Dibornol (DB) → sulpiride + Prostamol Uno (PU). When comparing the results of evaluating the anti-prooxidant status with the therapeutic effect of the studied drugs, it was found that isobornylphenols, which are highly effective as prostatotropic drugs, did not show a more significant effect, compared to PU, on the redox potential of prostatic tissue cells. Conclusions. Drugs DB, HDB, PU have a normalizing effect on the level of severity of redox reactions in the sulpiride model of BPH.
Li G., Zhang P., You Y., Chen D., Cai J., Ma Z., Huang X., Chang D.
Frontiers in Pharmacology scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-09-06 citations by CoLab: 15 PDF Abstract  
Asthenozoospermia (AZS), is a common cause of male infertility. Currently, most drugs for azoospermia lack desirable therapeutic efficiency, therefore developing new drug therapy is important. Qiangjing tablets could enhance renal function and improve sperm quality. The purpose of this study was to examine whether Qiangjing tablets could improve the reproductive function in azoospermia rats through activating the Nrf2/ARE pathway, and how to regulate energy metabolism and oxidative stress in this process. Sperm motility, sperm concentration and sperm viability were detected by WLJY-9000 Weili Digital Color Sperm Quality Detection System. HE staining was used to observe the pathological condition of testis in AZS rats. Cell apoptosis was analyzed by Tunnel staining and flow cytometry. The changes of mitochondrial membrane potential were detected by JC-1. The levels of Estradiol, testosterone and luteinizing hormone, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) were detected by ELISA. The effects of Qiangjing Tablets on GC-1 spgs and Nrf2 protein were investigated through CCK-8 assay and western blot. The expression levels of HO-1, Keap1, and P-Nrf2 were detected by western blot. The results demonstrated that Qiangjing tablets upregulated levels of sperm motility, sperm concentration and sperm viability, which was shown to significantly increase levels of HO-1, Keap1, P-Nrf2, Estradiol and testosterone, along with increasing the activity of SOD, GSH-Px and GSH and suppressing the MDA content, luteinizing hormone and Vimentin level. Qiangjing tablets could significantly inhibit spermatogenic cells apoptosis and promote GC-1 spgs viability, increase PE/FITC ratio, mitochondrial membrane potential and reduc oxidative stress. Qiangjing tablets protected spermatogenic cell to upregulate male sex hormoneto, improved the sperm quality and reproductive function in AZS rats via activating the Keap/Nrf2 signaling pathway.
Nguyen C.T., Niauri D.A., Tapilskaya N.I., Gzgzyan A.M.
2021-06-17 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is a hematopoietic glycoprotein that promotes proliferation, differentiation and activation of myeloid lineage cells. The abundant presence of G-CSF receptors in the female reproductive system highlights its possible importance in oogenesis, ovulation, implantation, and pregnancy development. This literature review describes the main aspects of G-CSF use in reproductive medicine, such as ovulation induction in women with the luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome, the improvement of folliculogenesis, overcoming repeated implantation failures, therapy of thin endometrium and recurrent pregnancy loss.
Borovskaya T.G., Shchemerova Y.A., Bokhan E.A., Grigor’eva V.A., Vychuzhanina A.V., Poluektova M.E., Goldberg V.E., Dygai A.M.
2021-05-29 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The morphological and functional state of the reproductive system was studied in male outbred rats (SD stock) and male F1(CBA×C57BL/6) mice after long-term (3 months) methotrexate administration. The drug was administered subcutaneously once a week for 4 weeks, the dose for male rats was 1 mg/kg, for male mice 2.2 mg/kg. It was found that male rats retained the ability to conceive, their reproductive potential was not limited by increased risk of embryo death. At the same time, signs of astheno- and pathospermia were revealed. The testicular tissue was characterized by reduced content of the sources of the proliferative pool of spermatogenesis. In mice treated with methotrexate, increased content of DNA breaks was detected in the testicular cells.
Boriollo M.F., Alves V.E., Silva T.A., Silva J.J., Barros G.B., Dias C.T., Höfling J.F., Oliveira N.M.
2021-05-01 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract  
Abstract This study evaluated the genotoxicity of lyophilized glycolic extract of Theobroma cacao Linné seeds (TCL), using the micronucleus assay in bone marrow of mice. The interaction between TCL and doxorubicin (DXR) was also analyzed. Experimental groups were evaluated 24-48 h after treatment with N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea (NEU: 50 mg/kg), DXR (5 mg/kg), NaCl (145 mM), TCL (0.5-2 g/kg), and TCL (2 g/kg) in combination with DXR (antigenotoxic assays). Analysis of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs) showed no significant differences between all the treatment doses of TCL and NaCl control. Mice experimentally treated with DXR and NEU significantly induced MNPCEs. However, a significant reduction of MNPCEs was also observed when TCL was administered in combination with the chemotherapeutic agent DXR. The analysis of the PCE/NCE ratio revealed no significant differences between the NaCl control, all doses of TCL, and DXR. However, there were significant differences in the PCE/NCE ratio between positive NEU control and all other treatments. The PCE/NCE ratio observed after treatment with TCL and DXR showed significant differences and intermediate values to controls (NaCl and NEU). This study suggests absence of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of TCL, regardless of dose, sex, and time. TCL reduced genotoxic effects induced by DXR, suggesting potential antigenotoxic effects.
Adinani H., Campbell L., El-Mallawany N.K., Slone J., Mehta P., Bacha J.
Children scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-04-02 citations by CoLab: 6 PDF Abstract  
Treating Kaposi sarcoma (KS) in children, adolescents, and young adults (AYA) remains a challenge in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) where chemotherapy options and availability are limited. We describe a retrospective cohort review of pediatric patients with KS treated with paclitaxel in Mbeya, Tanzania, between 1 March 2011 and 31 December 2019. Paclitaxel was given to patients who had KS relapse, a contraindication to bleomycin, vincristine, and doxorubicin (ABV), special circumstances in which a clinician determined that paclitaxel was preferable to ABV, or experienced treatment failure, defined as persistent KS symptoms at the completion of treatment. All patients also received multidisciplinary palliative care. Seventeen patients aged 5.1–21.3 years received paclitaxel, of whom 47.1% (8/17) had treatment failure, 29.4% (5/17) received paclitaxel as initial treatment, and 23.5% (4/17) had relapsed. All HIV positive patients (16/17) were given anti-retroviral therapy (ART) and 87.5% (14/16) achieved viral load <1000 cp/mL. At censure, 82.3% (14/17) of patients were alive—71.4% (10/14) achieved complete clinical remission and 28.6% (4/14) achieved a partial response. The median follow up was 37.3 months (range 8.0–83.5, IQR 19.7–41.6), and no patients were lost to follow up. In this cohort, high rates of long-term survival and favorable outcomes were possible with paclitaxel treatment.
Sênos Demarco R., Jones D.L.
2021-04-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
Germline stem cells (GSCs) are crucial for the generation of gametes and propagation of the species. Both intrinsic signaling pathways and environmental cues are employed in order to tightly control GSC behavior, including mitotic divisions, the choice between self-renewal or onset of differentiation, and survival. Recently, oxidation-reduction (redox) signaling has emerged as an important regulator of GSC and gamete behavior across species. In this review, we will highlight the primary mechanisms through which redox signaling acts to influence GSC behavior in different model organisms (Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculus). In addition, we will summarize the latest research on the use of antioxidants to support mammalian spermatogenesis and discuss potential strategies for regenerative medicine in humans to enhance reproductive fitness.
Mostafa Nayel D., Salah El Din Mahrous H., El Din Khalifa E., Kholeif S., Mohamed Elhady G.
2021-03-10 citations by CoLab: 7 PDF
Okkay U., Ferah Okkay I., Cicek B., Aydin I.C., Ertugrul M.S., Bayram C., Senyayla S., Sezen S., Mendil A.S., Guven L., Hacimuftuoglu A.
Andrologia scimago Q2 wos Q3
2021-03-02 citations by CoLab: 17 Abstract  
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Achillea millefolium extract in paclitaxel-induced testicular toxicity in rats. The groups were designed as (1) control, (2) paclitaxel (8 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), (3) paclitaxel (8 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) + Achillea millefolium (200 mg/kg, orally for 14 consecutive days) and (4) paclitaxel (8 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) + Achillea millefolium (400 mg/kg, orally for 14 consecutive days). Serum levels of testosterone, luteinising hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, as well as total antioxidant capacity and total oxidant status were measured one day after receiving the last dose of Achillea millefolium extract. Testicular superoxide dismutase activity, malondialdehyde, tumour necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1β levels, the expressions of nuclear factor kappa B and caspase-3 were evaluated. In addition, testicular sections were evaluated histopathologically and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine was detected immunohistochemically. Achillea millefolium improved the levels of luteinising hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone, upregulated testicular antioxidant enzymes and downregulated inflammation. Furthermore, we observed that Achillea millefolium restored testicular histopathological structure and significantly suppressed oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis by reducing the expression of caspase-3. Taken together, our results suggest that Achillea millefolium has protective effects against paclitaxel-induced testicular toxicity and is a promising natural product with the potential to improve male fertility.
Vallet N., Boissel N., Elefant E., Chevillon F., Pasquer H., Calvo C., Dhedin N., Poirot C.
Oncologist scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-01-29 citations by CoLab: 11 PDF Abstract  
Abstract Background Preventing premature ovarian failure (POF) is a major challenge in oncology. With conventional regimens, cytotoxicity-associated POF involves primordial follicles (PF) pool depletion by apoptosis or overactivation mechanisms, notably mediated by the ABL/TAp63 and PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways. New anticancer treatments have been designed to target pathways implicated in tumor growth. Although concerns regarding fertility arise with these targeted therapies, we hypothesized that targeted therapies may exert off-tumor effects on PF that might delay POF. We provide an overview of evidence concerning these off-tumor effects on PF. Limitations and future potential implications of these findings are discussed. Design PubMed was searched by combining Boolean operators with the following keywords: fertility, ovarian, follicle, anti-tumoral, cancer, targeted, cytotoxic, and chemotherapy. Results Cisplatin-related PF apoptosis via the ABL/TAp63 pathway was targeted with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, imatinib, in mice, but effects were recently challenged by findings on human ovarian xenografts in mice. In cyclophosphamide-treated mice, PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway inhibition with mTOR inhibitors and AS101 preserved the PF pool. Proteasome and GSK3 inhibitors were evaluated for direct and indirect follicle DNA damage prevention. Surprisingly, evidence for cytotoxic drug association with PF pool preservation was found. We also describe selected non-anticancer molecules that may minimize gonadotoxicity. Conclusion Not all anticancer treatments are associated with POF, particularly since the advent of targeted therapies. The feasibility of associating a protective drug targeting PF exhaustion mechanisms with cytotoxic treatments should be evaluated, as a way of decreasing the need for conventional fertility preservation techniques. Further evaluations are required for transfer into clinical practice. Implications for Practice Anticancer therapies are associated with infertility in 10%–70% of patients, which is the result of primordial follicles pool depletion. Alone or associated with gonadotoxic treatments, some targeted therapies may exert favorable off-targets effects on the primordial follicle pool by slowing down their exhaustion. Current evidence of these effects relies on murine models or human in vitro models. Evaluation of these protective strategies in humans is challenging; however, if these results are confirmed with clinical and biological data, it not only could be a new approach to female fertility preservation but also would change standard fertility strategies.
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Total publications
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Publications years
1995-2023 (29 years)
Metrics description

Fields of science

General Medicine, 52, 89.66%
General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, 48, 82.76%
Cancer Research, 4, 6.9%
Oncology, 4, 6.9%
Pharmacology, 2, 3.45%
Toxicology, 2, 3.45%
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, 1, 1.72%
Reproductive Medicine, 1, 1.72%
History, 1, 1.72%
Family Practice, 1, 1.72%
Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1, 1.72%
Embryology, 1, 1.72%



Citing journals

Journal not defined, 8, 5.19%
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Organizations from articles

Organization not defined, 10, 17.24%

Countries from articles

Russia, 53, 91.38%
Country not defined, 8, 13.79%
USSR, 4, 6.9%
Germany, 1, 1.72%
Ghana, 1, 1.72%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 23, 15.13%
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Citing countries

Russia, 51, 33.55%
Country not defined, 19, 12.5%
Turkey, 18, 11.84%
USA, 16, 10.53%
China, 10, 6.58%
United Kingdom, 4, 2.63%
Egypt, 4, 2.63%
India, 4, 2.63%
Poland, 4, 2.63%
Germany, 3, 1.97%
Iran, 3, 1.97%
Italy, 3, 1.97%
Canada, 3, 1.97%
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Ghana, 2, 1.32%
Spain, 2, 1.32%
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Bulgaria, 1, 0.66%
Hungary, 1, 0.66%
Greece, 1, 0.66%
Israel, 1, 0.66%
Libya, 1, 0.66%
Malaysia, 1, 0.66%
Morocco, 1, 0.66%
Nigeria, 1, 0.66%
Netherlands, 1, 0.66%
Pakistan, 1, 0.66%
Republic of Korea, 1, 0.66%
Romania, 1, 0.66%
Saudi Arabia, 1, 0.66%
Finland, 1, 0.66%
Japan, 1, 0.66%
USSR, 1, 0.66%
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  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.