Shvedovskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna

PhD in Psychology


Lomonosov Moscow State University
1995 — 2000, Specialist, Faculty of Psychology
Shvedovskaya A.A., Roshchina I.F., Kalantarova M.V., Khromov A.I.
2024-11-27 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
<p><strong>Background.</strong> In Russia, the problem of maintaining cognitive well-being at a later age and helping elderly patients with dementia is an urgent task in the areas of healthcare and social protection of the population. The dynamics of the demographic situation in the country shows that by 2030, the older generation will make up almost a third of the population. At the same time, Russia is among the countries with the largest number of people with dementia. The aim of this study was the cultural adaptation of the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) program for elderly people with cognitive decline and dementia in a Russian-speaking sample with a pilot study of the use of CST in residential institutions on a group of elderly people with mild dementia. <strong>Methods.</strong> Cultural adaptation of the program was carried out within the framework of the Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy (FMAP) approach. The study used the official Russian translation of the manual for specialists conducting group classes &ldquo;Making a Difference.&rdquo; The sample consisted of several groups: (a) specialists (psychologists, medical workers, social workers) who participated in surveys with the aim of cultural adaptation of the management and procedure of the CST program, as well as receiving feedback after its implementation (n=25); (b) elderly people who participated in surveys for the purpose of cultural adaptation of stimulus material for the CST program (n=60, age 55&ndash;81 years (M=67.6, SD=6.2)); (c) elderly people with mild cognitive decline who participated in the pilot implementation of the CST program (n=5, age 68&mdash;83 years (M=75.8), MMSE and MoCA (n=5, M = 24.8 and 21.6, SD = 0.4 and 2.5, respectively). Six surveys were conducted: three in the form of face-to-face group discussions, two in the form of individual interviews, one survey was conducted online. Directed observation of the participants of the pilot study was also conducted (monitoring of progress, monitoring of support). The results are presented within the framework of the five stages of FMAP according to the &ldquo;bottom-up&rdquo; principle applied to the CST intervention. Results of surveys and observations received during the pilot study regarding feedback from program participants, staff of a residential facility for elderly patients with cognitive deficits, and group leaders were analyzed. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The basic principles, structure of the intervention program and activities proposed in the CST manual are acceptable for use with Russian-speaking elderly people with mild dementia. The &ldquo;Making a Difference&rdquo; manual, translated into Russian and culturally adapted, is ready for use and further large-scale implementation of the intervention. The prospects for the study include assessment of effectiveness of CST on a Russian sample in various conditions (in the process of implementation), as well as development an online version of CST for the elderly population.</p>
Shvedovskaya A.A., Roschina I., Kalantarova M., Shvedovskiy E.F., Hromov A.I.
2024-11-27 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US">Background. </span><span lang="EN-US">In Russia, the problem of maintaining cognitive well-being at a later age and helping elderly patients with dementia is an urgent task in the areas of healthcare and social protection of the population. The dynamics of the demographic situation in the country shows that by 2030, the older generation will make up almost a third of the population. At the same time, Russia is among the countries with the largest number of people with dementia. The aim of this study was the cultural adaptation of the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) program for elderly people with cognitive decline and dementia in a Russian-speaking sample with a pilot study of the use of CST in residential institutions on a group of elderly people with mild dementia. Methods. Cultural adaptation of the program was carried out within the framework of the Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy (FMAP) approach. The study used the official Russian translation of the manual for specialists conducting group classes &ldquo;Making a Difference.&rdquo; The sample consisted of several groups: (a) specialists (psychologists, medical workers, social workers) who participated in surveys with the aim of cultural adaptation of the management and procedure of the CST program, as well as receiving feedback after its implementation (n=25); (b) elderly people who participated in surveys for the purpose of cultural adaptation of stimulus material for the CST program (n=60, age 55&ndash;81 years (M=67.6, SD=6.2)); (c) elderly people with mild cognitive decline who participated in the pilot implementation of the CST program (n=5, age 68&mdash;83 years (M=75.8), MMSE and MoCA (n=5, M = 24.8 and 21.6, SD = 0.4 and 2.5, respectively). Six surveys were conducted: three in the form of face-to-face group discussions, two in the form of individual interviews, one survey was conducted online. Directed observation of the participants of the pilot study was also conducted (monitoring of progress, monitoring of support). The results are presented within the framework of the five stages of FMAP according to the &ldquo;bottom-up&rdquo; principle applied to the CST intervention. Results of surveys and observations received during the pilot study regarding feedback from program participants, staff of a residential facility for elderly patients with cognitive deficits, and group leaders were analyzed. Conclusions. The basic principles, structure of the intervention program and activities proposed in the CST manual are acceptable for use with Russian-speaking elderly people with mild dementia. The &ldquo;Making a Difference&rdquo; manual, translated into Russian and culturally adapted, is ready for use and further large-scale implementation of the intervention. The prospects for the study include assessment of effectiveness of CST on a Russian sample in various conditions (in the process of implementation), as well as development an online version of CST for the elderly population.</span></p>
Avdeeva N.N., Shvedovskaya A.A., Andreeva A.D., Burlakova I.A., Enikolopov S.N., Zaretsky V.K., Zakharova E.I., Kochetova Y.A., Poskakalova T.A.
2024-03-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
<p>The article provides a transcript of the speeches of the speakers of the Round Table "Functional psychological literacy of parents and teachers as a condition for building effective communication with a child", held at the Moscow State University of Psychological and Education on April 25, 2023. The Round Table addressed the problems of modern "psychology for life": the formation of functional psychological literacy of school teachers and parents in the sphere of communication and interaction with children. The speeches of the speakers of the Round Table were devoted to modern ideas about psychological literacy in psychology; approaches and researches in the field of formation of psychological literacy within the systems "teacher-pupil", "parent-child"; formation of functional psychological literacy of school teachers in communication with pupils; knowledge, skills, abilities of parents in interaction with a child; risk factors in the development of functional psychological literacy in communication and interaction with a child of parents and teachers in the sphere of communication and interaction with a child. Video recording of the speeches is given on the official video channel of</p>
Марголис А., Сорокова М., Шепелева Е., Гаврилова Е., Расходчикова М., Шведовская А., Дробязько А., Вихристюк О., Прокопьева Л., Лисицына А., Радчикова Н., Виноградов А.
Voprosy Obrazovaniya scimago Q3 wos Q4 Open Access
2023-12-27 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The article presents experiment findings to verify the educational activities program in the field of COVID-19 vaccine prevention for students. The study was conducted at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, the analytical sample size is N = 780. Five aspects (as measuring scales) of attitudes towards vaccination against COVID-19 were identified: the benefits of vaccination against coronavirus for a person and society; denial of the coronavirus danger and hope for natural immunity; fear of the side effects of vaccination against coronavirus and distrust of vaccination safety information; confidence in the serious negative consequences of the coronavirus vaccine; disbelief in the proven effectiveness of Russian vaccines at the international level. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of 4 strategies for influencing student's attitudes to vaccination against COVID-19 was carried out: lectures only (CG), lectures in combination with seminars / webinars in the traditional format (EG1), with discussions of real life cases related to vaccination and its effects (EG2), with holding student's debates (EG3). There are no gender differences between groups. There are differences in age, but the mean difference does not exceed 2 years. At the ascertaining stage, there are no differences on the scales; at the control stage, differences are revealed. On all 5 scales, positive and negative effects in the whole sample are almost equally likely. It was not possible to single out a fundamentally best strategy for educational influence. In general, the effectiveness of educational activities is somewhat greater when conducting lectures in combination with various kinds of seminars compared to lectures alone, but the effectiveness is low everywhere. Cohen's d standard effect sizes do not exceed 0,44. Slightly higher is efficiency when conducting lectures in combination with traditional seminars / webinars or case studies. The student's debates holding strategy did not meet expectations. A number of significant correlations were found between various aspects of attitudes towards vaccination with natural science literacy, logical thinking, verbal intelligence, the degree of fear of COVID-19, personal and situational anxiety. All correlations are weak, but their direction is as expected.
Margolis A.A., Sorokova M.G., Shvedovskaya A.A.
2022-11-08 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
The article presents the findings of a study on the learning format preferences in students of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (N=761) in February-March 2022. Face-to-face learning (FTF) was chosen by 10,8% of students, blended learning (lectures in distance format, seminars and practical classes in-person) (BL) — 39,7%, distance learning (DL) — 49,5%. There were no differences between the 3 groups by gender and age. In the BL group, compared to the DL group, logical thinking (p=0,001) and verbal intelligence (p=0,003) are better developed, natural science literacy rates are higher (p=0,018), there is a better understanding of the vaccination benefits against COVID-19 for the individual and society (p=0,016) and less confidence in serious negative consequences of the coronavirus vaccine (p=0,005). In the FTF group, compared to the DL group, there is a lower fear of COVID-19 disease (p=0,050) and a higher estimate of the vaccination benefits against COVID-19 for an individual and society (p=0,050). Cluster analysis using K-means method identified 2 clusters. Cluster 1 includes respondents with more developed logical thinking, verbal intelligence, better natural science literacy, better understanding of the vaccination benefits against COVID-19 for a person and society and less prone to various fears, doubts, underestimation of the danger of coronavirus and distrust of vaccination. In Cluster 1, as compared to Cluster 2, the share of respondents preferring BL prevails (44,4% vs 37,1%), and the share of those who prefer DF is lower (43,8% vs 52,6%); the differences are significant at the trend level. The shares of respondents preferring FTF are practically the same and make up only about 10%. Using the method of logistic regression analysis, 4 statistically significant predictors were identified and a model was built to predict the respondents’ choice of the BL vs DL. The older the respondent, the more pronounced his/her fear of COVID-19, the lower his/her logical thinking, and the less confident (s)he is in the vaccination benefits against coronavirus for the individual and society, the more likely (s)he is to prefer DL over BL. Conversely, BL is more likely to be preferred over DL by younger respondents with higher logical reasoning scores, less fear of COVID-19 disease, and greater confidence in the vaccination benefits against coronavirus for the individual and society. The overall prediction accuracy of the model is 60,4%.
Roschina I., Kalantarova M., Shvedovskaya A.A., Hromov A.
2022-10-16 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract  
The problem of preventing factors associated with the risks of cognitive decline and hindering active longevity in old age is becoming increasingly important. According to the United Nations in 2019, about 10% of the total population in the world is over the age of 65, and by 2050 this figure will already be 20%. The syndrome of mild cognitive decline is considered as a transitional state between normal physiological aging and dementia. The two modern approaches to the prevention of cognitive impairment during aging are presented. Methods for the prevention of cognitive impairments are proposed to be considered according to the level of organization of mental activity, to which they mainly appeal: based on the semantic level (training) and the level of personal meanings (stimulation programs). The experience of preventing cognitive decline in the elderly within the framework of the program of psychosocial therapy and neurocognitive rehabilitation at the “Memory Clinic” (Russia) and the “Cognitive Stimulation Therapy” (CST) program (Great Britain) is described.
Марголис А.А., Сорокова М.Г., Шведовская А.А., Радчикова Н.П.
2022-09-30 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Представлены результаты исследования по разработке и стандартизации опросника «Шкала отношения к вакцинации от COVID-19» («COVID-19 vaccine attitude scale», COVID-19 VAS). Выборку исследования составили 1965 студентов бакалавриата, специалитета и магистратуры в возрасте от 16 до 60 лет, из них женщин 1592 (81%), мужчин 373 (19%), средний возраст M = 24.7, SD = 8.4, Me = 21.0. База исследования — ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет». В структуру опросника вошли пять шкал, выделенные методом эксплораторного факторного анализа: шкала 1 «Польза вакцинации от COVID-19 для человека и общества», шкала 2 «Страх побочных эффектов вакцинации от COVID-19 и недоверие к информации о безопасности вакцинирования», шкала 3 «Отрицание опасности коронавируса и надежда на естественный иммунитет», шкала 4 «Уве­рен­ность в серьезных негативных последствиях вакцины от коронавируса» и шкала 5 «Неверие в доказанность эффективности российских вакцин на международном уровне». Статистически доказана конструктная валидность опросника. Конфир­ма­торный факторный анализ показал удовлетворительное соответствие эмпирических данных структуре опросника. Шкалы коррелируют между собой на среднем уровне, направления связей соответствуют ожидаемым. Статистически подтверждена высокая внутренняя надежность всех шкал с помощью коэффициента a Кронбаха. Подтверждена удо­влетворительная конвергентная валидность соответствующих шкал опросника «Шка­ла отношения к вакцинации от COVID-19» с естественно-научной грамотностью, интеллектом и страхом заболевания COVID-19. Все корреляции слабые, но теоретически ожидаемые и объяснимые. Ста­ти­стически доказана дифференциальная валидность. Рассчитаны станайны. Опросник может быть рекомендован для применения в студенческой среде в целях подготовки, проведения и оценки результативности просветительских мероприятий по профилактике вакцинирования от COVID-19.
Meshcheryakov B.G., Ponomareva V.V., Shvedovskaya A.A.
2022-01-01 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
Background. ! is paper presents the results of a study into the breadth, dynamics, and diversity of the interdisciplinary branch of cultural-historical psychology. ! e scatter of thematic areas within the cultural-historical approach indicates the urgent need to continue a systematic and holistic analysis of research related to cultural-historical topics in the context of its various directions and research groups. Design. A bibliometric analysis of scienti" c publications indexed by the Web of Science CC was carried out for the 2010–2020 period . Our previous bibliographic study (Rubtsov et al., 2019) revealed that the number of publications on cultural-historical psychology and citations of them, has recently increased, although unevenly. Results. According to our results, the number of publications on cultural-historical psychology is growing unevenly; publications from Russia and the United States made up almost equal shares of the sample, and third place was taken by England, followed by Finland and Sweden. ! e top 10 journals fell into two subject areas: Psychology and Education and Educational Research. With regard to the geographical location of the publishing houses of the top 10 journals, the highest number was taken by England and Russia. ! e dominant areas of research were teacher education, university education, and learning activity. Conclusion. ! e most frequently used terms were Vygotsky, activity approach, CHAT, CHP, ZPD, and learning activity.
Novikova-Grund M.V., Rusakovskaya O.A., Shvedovskaya A.A., Andrianova S.B.
2021-12-31 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
Parental attitudes towards children are one of the key categories of parenting. With the aim to investigate the attitude of mothers who have schizophrenia towards their children we used psychosemiotic approach and the procedure of biclustering. We hypothesized that there are statistically significant differences in semantic operational parameters between mothers suffering from schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, and a control group. 30 participants of the clinical group ― mothers of children 0–18 y.o (Age (years): M=39.3, SD=7.54; Duration of psychiatric observation (years): M=10.45, SD=7.84) suffering from schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder were recruited from patients of the women’s ward of Moscow psychiatric hospital. 30 mothers of the control group were recruited according to the age of their children, similar to the age of the children’s age in the clinical group (Age: M=35.06, SD=4.97). Psychosemiotic analysis was applied to the texts of the semi-structured parental essay in the incomplete-sentence form (test “Рarental composition”). Statistical analysis confirmed the relevance of psychosemiotic parameters. The psychosemiotic analysis of the text with the procedure of biclustering showed that three of the lists of binary parameters: Opposition, Quality/Situation, Present/Future show regular combinations that differ in healthy and ill mothers, and the probability of accidental coincidences can be excluded. Combination “the absence of opposition, situatedness, the future time” was detected only in the texts of mothers of the clinical group. To our mind, it describes a weak parent who cannot withstand ambivalence and sees his child in the perspective of an abstract future.
Rubtsov V.V., Margolis A.A., Kudryavtsev V.T., Shvedovskaya A.A.
Cultural-Historical Psychology scimago Q1 wos Q4 Open Access
2020-04-03 citations by CoLab: 0
Galasyuk I.N., Shinina T.V., Shvedovskaya A.A., Morozova I.G., Efremova E.V., Nguyen T.H., Nguyen T.L.
2019-12-30 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
The article discusses the role of child interaction with a significant adult (parent, kindergarten teacher, caregiver) in child’s neurocognitive development within socio-cultural contexts of Russia and Vietnam.The article presents the results of a pilot study that included focus group interviews with kindergarten specialists from Russia and Vietnam.The pilot study sample consisted of 74 participants (72 women, 2 men), aged 32 to 54 years (M = 43.04; SD = 6.61).Of these, Russian participants (10 cities) — 42 people (40 women and 2 men) aged 32 to 50 (M = 40.19; SD = 6.28) and Vietnamese participants (1 city) — 32 people (32 women) aged 38 to 54 years (M = 46.67; SD = 5.12).The interviews followed the questionnaire developed by the authors.It consisted of 21 open-ended questions grouped in 3 blocks: Block 1.What characteristics and skills should be developed during early childhood? Where and how should these be developed? Block 2.How are children under 3 years of age developed? Block 3.Who is involved in the development of a child under 3 years of age? A comparative analysis of the responses of the Russian and Vietnamese kindergarten specialists revealed no significant differences between the groups, which suggests similarities in educational and developmental strategies of young children in a kindergarten environment.
Rubtsov V.V., Margolis A.A., Shvedovskaya A.A., Ponomareva V.V.
Cultural-Historical Psychology scimago Q1 wos Q4 Open Access
2019-12-28 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
One of the significant indicators for assessing the severity of the international transfer of scientific knowledge in the field of cultural-historical psychology and the activity approach is the nature of quoting key concepts and the main representatives of the approach in foreign sources. The article provides a bibliometric analysis of publications in Russian and English in order to identify the representation of key concepts of cultural-historical psychology in Russian and international publications in scientific journals for the period 2009—2019. A bibliometric analysis of publications (scientific articles) was carried out on the basis of the Russian Scientific Index citations (RSCI), Web of Science and Google Academy. A sample of 5669 publications. A list of key concepts and names of the main representatives of the cultural-historical approach in the amount of 27 words for bibliometric analysis is determined. The list of keywords is based on an expert assessment of leading Russian experts in the field of cultural-historical psychology. The number of experts was 50 people. Indicators of the h-Index (RSCI) of experts are from 8 to 32. A positive trend is revealed in increasing the growth rate of the number of publications containing key concepts of cultural-historical psychology in both Russian and English. The importance of individual thematic areas of research within the framework of one scientific field — cultural-historical psychology is shown.
Shvedovskaya A.A., Erkenova F.S.
2018-05-18 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The article presents the results of the main directions of the exposition activity of the Moscow State University of Psychological and Education (MSUPE) presented at the 5th Moscow International Education Fair (MIEF), which was held April 18—21, 2018 in Moscow. The inclusive education was the key theme for the Moscow State University of Psychological and Education at MIEF. The content component of the university's exposure: three clusters, seven speakers, more than 60 thematic stands. Attention is drawn to the breadth of the participation of the MSUPE in discussing the issues of the ecosystem of education.
Rubtsov V.V., Semya G.V., Shvedovskaya A.A.
2017-01-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
The article presents the results of the monitoring Key Outcomes of the National Strategy on Action for Children for 2012—2017, commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by the Moscow State Psychological University of Psychology and Education. The main results of the implementation of the six main directions of the implementation of the National Strategy are discussed: “Family Childhood Saving Policy”, “Access to Quality Education and Upbringing, Cultural Development and Information Security for Children”, “Healthcare Friendly to Children and Healthy Lifestyles”, “Equal Opportunities for Children, who need special care of the state”, “Creating a system of protection and ensuring the rights and interests of children and child-friendly justice”,“ Children — participants in the implementation of the National Strategy gii”.The goals and tasks of the Decade of Childhood proclaimed by the President of the Russian Federation are considered.
Semya G.V., Tarasova A.E., Volchanskaya V.O.
2024-12-27 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
<p>The article examines the established practice of legal regulation of the institution of a substitute family. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities and differences in the forms of placement of orphaned children, and their stimulation. Within the framework of the study, legal conflicts in the development of the institution of adoption have been identified, promising directions for eliminating the noted legal problems have been proposed. The influence of current state directions is analyzed: preservation of the blood family, prevention of social orphanhood, support for adoption. In the course of the study, a survey was conducted of employees of guardianship and guardianship authorities, specialists of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, candidates for substitute parents, parents and adoptive parents. The aim is to study support measures that contribute to the increase in the number of adoptions, with an emphasis on legal regulation, ensuring the child's right to a family, maintaining family ties, including socio-psychological aspects. The results obtained make it possible to take into account specific law enforcement difficulties in the implementation of activities to choose the form of placement of a child and ensure his right to a family. Proposals have been formulated on measures to support the institution of adoption of difficult-to-accommodate categories of children.</p>
Avdulova T.P., Krotova T.V., Khuzeeva G.R.
2024-12-18 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
<p>This article reveals the problem of the relationship between the strategies of interaction of parents with preschool children and ideas about parenting in the context of studying the phenomenon of conscious parenting. Conscious and responsible parenting is considered as a transformation of the activity of education in line with higher mental functions modeled by society. Strategies of interaction of parents with a child reflect, to a greater extent, the behavioral component, while various ideas about parenting reflect, to a greater extent, the cognitive and emotional component of conscious and responsible parenting. The results showed that in the structure of strategies of interaction with a child, parents prefer explanatory and coping strategies. That is, in the parental subculture, these types of interaction are considered the most approved and acceptable in raising children. These strategies are directly correlated with such ideas about their parenting as the breadth of the value sphere in the field of raising children, acceptance of their own parenting, a positive attitude to the main institutions of socialization of the child and a high level of awareness of the age characteristics of the child. The variability of individual interaction strategies is determined by the nature of the connection between different interaction strategies. The results of the study allow us to develop technologies for educating and supporting parents. Diagnostic methods can be used as a tool for forming the metacognitive component of parenting, enhancing awareness of various aspects of the child's socialization.</p>
Shvedovskaya A.A., Roshchina I.F., Kalantarova M.V., Khromov A.I.
2024-11-27 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 2
<p><strong>Background.</strong> In Russia, the problem of maintaining cognitive well-being at a later age and helping elderly patients with dementia is an urgent task in the areas of healthcare and social protection of the population. The dynamics of the demographic situation in the country shows that by 2030, the older generation will make up almost a third of the population. At the same time, Russia is among the countries with the largest number of people with dementia. The aim of this study was the cultural adaptation of the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) program for elderly people with cognitive decline and dementia in a Russian-speaking sample with a pilot study of the use of CST in residential institutions on a group of elderly people with mild dementia. <strong>Methods.</strong> Cultural adaptation of the program was carried out within the framework of the Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy (FMAP) approach. The study used the official Russian translation of the manual for specialists conducting group classes &ldquo;Making a Difference.&rdquo; The sample consisted of several groups: (a) specialists (psychologists, medical workers, social workers) who participated in surveys with the aim of cultural adaptation of the management and procedure of the CST program, as well as receiving feedback after its implementation (n=25); (b) elderly people who participated in surveys for the purpose of cultural adaptation of stimulus material for the CST program (n=60, age 55&ndash;81 years (M=67.6, SD=6.2)); (c) elderly people with mild cognitive decline who participated in the pilot implementation of the CST program (n=5, age 68&mdash;83 years (M=75.8), MMSE and MoCA (n=5, M = 24.8 and 21.6, SD = 0.4 and 2.5, respectively). Six surveys were conducted: three in the form of face-to-face group discussions, two in the form of individual interviews, one survey was conducted online. Directed observation of the participants of the pilot study was also conducted (monitoring of progress, monitoring of support). The results are presented within the framework of the five stages of FMAP according to the &ldquo;bottom-up&rdquo; principle applied to the CST intervention. Results of surveys and observations received during the pilot study regarding feedback from program participants, staff of a residential facility for elderly patients with cognitive deficits, and group leaders were analyzed. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The basic principles, structure of the intervention program and activities proposed in the CST manual are acceptable for use with Russian-speaking elderly people with mild dementia. The &ldquo;Making a Difference&rdquo; manual, translated into Russian and culturally adapted, is ready for use and further large-scale implementation of the intervention. The prospects for the study include assessment of effectiveness of CST on a Russian sample in various conditions (in the process of implementation), as well as development an online version of CST for the elderly population.</p>
Shvedovskaya A.A., Roschina I., Kalantarova M., Shvedovskiy E.F., Hromov A.I.
2024-11-27 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract   Cites 2
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US">Background. </span><span lang="EN-US">In Russia, the problem of maintaining cognitive well-being at a later age and helping elderly patients with dementia is an urgent task in the areas of healthcare and social protection of the population. The dynamics of the demographic situation in the country shows that by 2030, the older generation will make up almost a third of the population. At the same time, Russia is among the countries with the largest number of people with dementia. The aim of this study was the cultural adaptation of the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) program for elderly people with cognitive decline and dementia in a Russian-speaking sample with a pilot study of the use of CST in residential institutions on a group of elderly people with mild dementia. Methods. Cultural adaptation of the program was carried out within the framework of the Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy (FMAP) approach. The study used the official Russian translation of the manual for specialists conducting group classes &ldquo;Making a Difference.&rdquo; The sample consisted of several groups: (a) specialists (psychologists, medical workers, social workers) who participated in surveys with the aim of cultural adaptation of the management and procedure of the CST program, as well as receiving feedback after its implementation (n=25); (b) elderly people who participated in surveys for the purpose of cultural adaptation of stimulus material for the CST program (n=60, age 55&ndash;81 years (M=67.6, SD=6.2)); (c) elderly people with mild cognitive decline who participated in the pilot implementation of the CST program (n=5, age 68&mdash;83 years (M=75.8), MMSE and MoCA (n=5, M = 24.8 and 21.6, SD = 0.4 and 2.5, respectively). Six surveys were conducted: three in the form of face-to-face group discussions, two in the form of individual interviews, one survey was conducted online. Directed observation of the participants of the pilot study was also conducted (monitoring of progress, monitoring of support). The results are presented within the framework of the five stages of FMAP according to the &ldquo;bottom-up&rdquo; principle applied to the CST intervention. Results of surveys and observations received during the pilot study regarding feedback from program participants, staff of a residential facility for elderly patients with cognitive deficits, and group leaders were analyzed. Conclusions. The basic principles, structure of the intervention program and activities proposed in the CST manual are acceptable for use with Russian-speaking elderly people with mild dementia. The &ldquo;Making a Difference&rdquo; manual, translated into Russian and culturally adapted, is ready for use and further large-scale implementation of the intervention. The prospects for the study include assessment of effectiveness of CST on a Russian sample in various conditions (in the process of implementation), as well as development an online version of CST for the elderly population.</span></p>
Kashirskiy D.V., Sabelnikova N.V.
2024-09-10 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
<p>The empirical study explores students&rsquo; attitudes towards digital educational technologies and the digitalization of the education system as a whole. The survey, conducted between January and April 2022, shortly after the end of the lockdown, involved students from Russian universities aged from 18 to 38 ( ). The &ldquo;Attitude towards Digitalization&rdquo; questionnaire (D.V. Kashirsky, A.S. Ocheretin) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI-2-S, K. Soto, O. John) were used. The results of the survey revealed the extent to which students mastered the skills necessary for studying in a digital environment and whether these skills influenced their academic success. The study also examined the effect of the digitalization of education on the quality of education and identified the most effective learning formats as reported by respondents. Multiple regression analyses identified personality traits (Big Five factors) that underlie students' attitudes towards the digitalization of education. The results can be used to individualize the educational process at universities when implementing various educational technologies.</p>
Konokotin A.V.
Cultural-Historical Psychology scimago Q1 wos Q4 Open Access
2024-09-05 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
<p>The year 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of cultural and historical psychology. Taking in consideration the growing demand for the ideas and positions of cultural-historical psychology in the world professional community started in 1978 and continues to this day, we have to highlight a number of emerging problems. Without the analysis of these problems it is impossible to further develop the theory itself. Firstly, it is the variety of interpretations and readings of the theoretical foundations of cultural-historical psychology that have emerged over the past decades. Secondly, it is the transformation of the conceptual apparatus of cultural-historical psychology into a "screen" for eclectic and purely empirical constructions of modern research aimed at studying the problems of the development and structure of consciousness and higher psychological functions. At the same time, it is possible to truly understand Vygotsky's concept only on the basis of an analysis of the genesis, content and interrelation of those concepts that make up the methodology of cultural-historical psychology. This article examines the concept of "sign", which is one of the key concepts in the cultural-historical concept of L.S. Vygotsky. The aim is to reconstruct the path that the author of cultural-historical psychology himself took in determining the place and role of this concept in the holistic theoretical and methodological structure of the concept he developed.</p>
Gureyev V.N., Kurmysheva L.K., Mazov N.A.
2024-09-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
This paper presents the results of academic papers that studied Russian academic journals between 2014 and 2024. Problems of the effective development of journals have been discussed intensively for the last 2 years. This is caused mainly by information restrictions, resulting in increased interest in Russian academic journals as viewed from authors, readers (who have partly lost access to international literature), and decision makers in the area of research evaluation. At the same time, the persistent efforts of the expert community in developing journals and increasing their authority in international information space in the last decade have demonstrated high results. This review reveals the main directions of studies of Russian academic journals, as well as highlights those that need to be investigated in the near future. We describe the role and opportunities of academic journals in relation to their bibliometric evaluation, the urgent concerns of peer-review, ethical questions in preparing manuscripts, and the role of university journals in the general group of Russian serials. Concurrently, we detect some technical problems affecting electronic journal systems and the digitization of paper-based archive issues.
Bakhisheva S.M., Golub G.B., Kemeshova A.M., Mukhtar Z.G., Kazhiakparova J.S.
2024-08-10 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
The article deals with the issues related to the definition of students’ competenc-es in the field of self-regulated learning and their assessment in a mixed environment in the con-text of Kazakhstani higher education institution. The aim of the study is to develop an approach to the assessment of self-regulated learning competences of students studying in a blended envi-ronment. The descriptors of competences characterising students’ appropriation of ways of activi-ty were formed; assessment tools have been developed in the form of practice-oriented tasks using the assessment methodology developed by the Samara branch of the RANEPA.The experiment was conducted with the participation of 51 students in the 1st year of the educational programme “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The results of the study allowed us to draw the following conclu-sions: students’ internal resources for regulating their own learning are general competences, which include the following aspects of activity: determining the request for information, extract-ing and primary processing (systematisation) of information, processing information, planning the learning process, evaluating the product and results of learning activities, evaluating and planning their own progression; methods and assessment tools are practice-oriented tasks.
Nabavi M.
Current Psychology scimago Q1 wos Q2
2024-07-05 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
The primary objective of this investigation is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of research outputs in the field of clinical psychology using both bibliometric and altmetric approaches. A list of 179 clinical psychology journals was obtained from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) within the Web of Science (WoS). Altmetric indicators for each journal were then gathered from, with data available for 162 out of the 179 journals. Simultaneously, a collection of highly cited documents published in WoS-indexed journals from 2018 to 2022 was compiled from Scopus. Altmetric data for these highly cited documents (n = 528) were retrieved from Additionally, a detailed analysis was conducted on the topics of highly cited documents, focusing on keywords present in their titles. The study revealed that higher impact journals generally exhibit superior altmetric performance, with Psychological Medicine journal displaying broader coverage across various social media platforms. Document-level analysis indicated that, while editorials and notes garner greater citation and Altmetric Attention Scores (AAS), the citation and AAS differences across article, and review document types were not statistically significant. Furthermore, the study identified a declining trend in AAS from 2018 to 2022. Notably, documents published in 2021 and 2019 had higher median news mentions and X mentions, respectively. In exploring the topics of highly cited documents in clinical psychology, the study found a decreasing coverage of prevalent mental disorders from 2018 to 2022. Specifically, documents related to anxiety disorders and eating disorders exhibited higher citation and altmetric attention, respectively.
Ajsmontas B., Aleksandrova L., Odintsova M., Saitgalieva G.
2024-05-31 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
This chapter focuses on understanding the trajectories and prospects for the developmentDevelopment of inclusiveInclusive higher educationEducation in RussianRussian universities based on the analysisAnalysis of scientific and methodological publications, statistical data and the results of a series of empiricalEmpirical studiesStudies. The chapter analysesAnalysis in detail the mission and tactical tasks of Resource TrainingTraining and Methodological CentersCenter, the network designed to supportSupport universities in the developmentDevelopment of inclusiveInclusive higher educationEducation. The main observationsObservations obtained during an empiricalEmpirical studyStudies of the impact of distance-inclusiveInclusive educationEducation on the personal characteristics associated with achievement and motivation of studentsStudents with disabilitiesDisabilities are presented. In conclusionConclusion, the chapter discusses barriersBarriers and challenges in the developmentDevelopment of inclusiveInclusive higher educationEducation.
Bakhisheva S.M., Tikhonyuk E.V., Mukhtar Z.G., Kinzhekova R.S., Kemeshova A.M.
Obrazovanie i Nauka scimago Q3 wos Q4 Open Access
2024-05-31 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract   Cites 1
Introduction. The present work investigates the issues related to technological and administrative support for the blended learning process in higher education in Kazakhstan.Aim. This article aims to develop an author’s conceptual model of a unified system for managing the blended learning process by defining the evaluation criteria for an optimal educational environment.Methodology and research methods. The research was conducted in four stages using mixed methods. The first stage involved conducting surveys with participants in the educational process to identify the challenges they encountered while working in a digital educational environment and explore potential solutions. The second stage involved developing evaluation criteria for an optimal educational environment for blended learning. The third stage entailed empirical testing of existing educational platforms that are utilised by 33 leading Kazakh universities. The fourth stage witnessed the development of a pilot conceptual model for a unified environment for blended learning.Results. Based on the integration of Learning Activity Management System (LAMS), Learning Management System (LMS), and Education Content Management System (ECMS), a conceptual model of a unified environment for blended learning was developed. The criteria for the optimal educational environment of blended learning were developed to evaluate the technical, functional, and didactic capabilities of educational platforms.Scientific novelty. The study resulted in the development of a conceptual model for a unified environment for managing the blended learning process.Practical significance. The proposed model can be employed by the administrations of top Kazakhstani universities to implement a student-centred approach to the educational process.
Zvereva N.V.
2024-05-28 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
<p>The work is dedicated to the anniversary of the renowned Russian neuropsychologist, I.F. Roshchina, who celebrated her anniversary in January 2024. The article highlights the main milestones in her biography and identifies her main areas of scientific interest, including: the study of normal and pathological aging, the methodology and diagnostic tools of clinical psychology, the theoretical and methodological issues of medical (clinical) psychology, as well as issues related to the training and education of young professionals and the preservation of the traditions of the Moscow School of Clinical Psychology. A brief review of her recent publications reflects I.F. Roshchina's long-standing work as a researcher, teacher, and practitioner. The staff of the Department of Neuro- and Patho-psychology of Development at MSUPE cordially congratulates Irina Fedorovna on her anniversary, wishing her good health, worthy students, and success in the development of neuro-herontology and clinical psychology.</p>
Kaverina M.U., Strunina U.V., Krotkova O.A.
2024-05-28 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
<p>Awareness of cognitive deficits, as a rule, occurs in the form of &laquo;memory complaints&raquo;. Spontaneous narration of problems reveals their semantic hierarchy and can be a model for generating a spontaneous flow of thoughts and memories with the activity of the default brain network. The objective of the study was to study the nature of spontaneously expressed complaints about memory by patients with mild compression of the temporal regions of the resting network of the brain. The study was conducted in a homogeneous clinical group of 48 patients with extracerebral benign neoplasms located in close proximity to the medio-basal parts of the left (25 people) or right (28 people) temporal lobe. The tumor compresses these parts, but does not infiltrate the brain substance. With left-sided compression, complaints about verbal processes dominated, and their quantitative predominance over similar complaints was recorded in the group with right-sided compression and in the control group of healthy subjects (24 people). The severity of cognitive complaints with left-sided exposure to the brain revealed a negative correlation with experimental indicators of the success of spatial distribution of attention and simultaneous perception. With right-sided compression, spontaneously generated cognitive complaints revealed a dependence on the number of recognition errors in the AVP test, but this dependence was paradoxical: the worse this memory indicator was, the fewer cognitive complaints patients presented. The phenomenology of neural network compression makes it possible to register hemispheric specificity in spontaneously generated thoughts and memories.</p>
Zhitkova Y.V., Gasparian A.A., Sarvarova A.F., Korobova D.A., Galyavova F.I., Baynazarova A.I., Khamidullina A.M., Domanskaya E.V.
2024-05-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
Introduction. Cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) used worldwide to treat cognitive impairment has recently attracted interest of Russian medical and scientific minds. However, when applied to Russian-speaking patients with dementia, CST requires adaptation. Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the Russian-language version of CST for Russian-speaking patients with Alzheimer’s disease at the stage of moderate dementia.Materials and мethods. 8 participants involved into the trial were residents of social care center ZILANT diagnosed as dementia patients with Alzheimer’s, aged 76 ± 10.8 years, with the median MMSE score identified 17 ± 5.0. Before implementing the main course of CST developed by E. Spector et al we translated and localized it for Russian patients. The patients undergoing CST were assessed for the state of cognitive functions, everyday activity, mental symptoms, as well as enjoyment and involvement. One of the recruited patients was excluded due to restlessness and anxiety.Results. Seven patients had significantly improved on ADAS-Cog scale (p = 0.002), Lowton&Brody and ADCS-ADL. The NPI scale indicated a reduction in symptoms of delirium and apathy which contributed to a reduction in antipsychotic dosages and a corresponding decrease in caregiver’s distress. The most striking indicator of CST effectiveness was improvements in the patient’s mood and satisfaction, which we view significant in everyday life and as an indicator of CST safety.Conclusion. The Russian-language version of CST proved effective and safe for moderate dementia patients with Alzheimer’s and can be recommended for implementing in clinical practice. This opens up prospects for studying CST as part of various drug strategies in treatment of dementia of various origins.
Shvedovskaya A.A., Roshchina I.F., Kalantarova M.V., Khromov A.I.
2024-11-27 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
<p><strong>Background.</strong> In Russia, the problem of maintaining cognitive well-being at a later age and helping elderly patients with dementia is an urgent task in the areas of healthcare and social protection of the population. The dynamics of the demographic situation in the country shows that by 2030, the older generation will make up almost a third of the population. At the same time, Russia is among the countries with the largest number of people with dementia. The aim of this study was the cultural adaptation of the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) program for elderly people with cognitive decline and dementia in a Russian-speaking sample with a pilot study of the use of CST in residential institutions on a group of elderly people with mild dementia. <strong>Methods.</strong> Cultural adaptation of the program was carried out within the framework of the Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy (FMAP) approach. The study used the official Russian translation of the manual for specialists conducting group classes &ldquo;Making a Difference.&rdquo; The sample consisted of several groups: (a) specialists (psychologists, medical workers, social workers) who participated in surveys with the aim of cultural adaptation of the management and procedure of the CST program, as well as receiving feedback after its implementation (n=25); (b) elderly people who participated in surveys for the purpose of cultural adaptation of stimulus material for the CST program (n=60, age 55&ndash;81 years (M=67.6, SD=6.2)); (c) elderly people with mild cognitive decline who participated in the pilot implementation of the CST program (n=5, age 68&mdash;83 years (M=75.8), MMSE and MoCA (n=5, M = 24.8 and 21.6, SD = 0.4 and 2.5, respectively). Six surveys were conducted: three in the form of face-to-face group discussions, two in the form of individual interviews, one survey was conducted online. Directed observation of the participants of the pilot study was also conducted (monitoring of progress, monitoring of support). The results are presented within the framework of the five stages of FMAP according to the &ldquo;bottom-up&rdquo; principle applied to the CST intervention. Results of surveys and observations received during the pilot study regarding feedback from program participants, staff of a residential facility for elderly patients with cognitive deficits, and group leaders were analyzed. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The basic principles, structure of the intervention program and activities proposed in the CST manual are acceptable for use with Russian-speaking elderly people with mild dementia. The &ldquo;Making a Difference&rdquo; manual, translated into Russian and culturally adapted, is ready for use and further large-scale implementation of the intervention. The prospects for the study include assessment of effectiveness of CST on a Russian sample in various conditions (in the process of implementation), as well as development an online version of CST for the elderly population.</p>
Shvedovskaya A.A., Roschina I., Kalantarova M., Shvedovskiy E.F., Hromov A.I.
2024-11-27 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US">Background. </span><span lang="EN-US">In Russia, the problem of maintaining cognitive well-being at a later age and helping elderly patients with dementia is an urgent task in the areas of healthcare and social protection of the population. The dynamics of the demographic situation in the country shows that by 2030, the older generation will make up almost a third of the population. At the same time, Russia is among the countries with the largest number of people with dementia. The aim of this study was the cultural adaptation of the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) program for elderly people with cognitive decline and dementia in a Russian-speaking sample with a pilot study of the use of CST in residential institutions on a group of elderly people with mild dementia. Methods. Cultural adaptation of the program was carried out within the framework of the Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy (FMAP) approach. The study used the official Russian translation of the manual for specialists conducting group classes &ldquo;Making a Difference.&rdquo; The sample consisted of several groups: (a) specialists (psychologists, medical workers, social workers) who participated in surveys with the aim of cultural adaptation of the management and procedure of the CST program, as well as receiving feedback after its implementation (n=25); (b) elderly people who participated in surveys for the purpose of cultural adaptation of stimulus material for the CST program (n=60, age 55&ndash;81 years (M=67.6, SD=6.2)); (c) elderly people with mild cognitive decline who participated in the pilot implementation of the CST program (n=5, age 68&mdash;83 years (M=75.8), MMSE and MoCA (n=5, M = 24.8 and 21.6, SD = 0.4 and 2.5, respectively). Six surveys were conducted: three in the form of face-to-face group discussions, two in the form of individual interviews, one survey was conducted online. Directed observation of the participants of the pilot study was also conducted (monitoring of progress, monitoring of support). The results are presented within the framework of the five stages of FMAP according to the &ldquo;bottom-up&rdquo; principle applied to the CST intervention. Results of surveys and observations received during the pilot study regarding feedback from program participants, staff of a residential facility for elderly patients with cognitive deficits, and group leaders were analyzed. Conclusions. The basic principles, structure of the intervention program and activities proposed in the CST manual are acceptable for use with Russian-speaking elderly people with mild dementia. The &ldquo;Making a Difference&rdquo; manual, translated into Russian and culturally adapted, is ready for use and further large-scale implementation of the intervention. The prospects for the study include assessment of effectiveness of CST on a Russian sample in various conditions (in the process of implementation), as well as development an online version of CST for the elderly population.</span></p>
Chiang S., Jhong J., Wang C.
2023-09-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
This study investigates whether using group Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) effectively improves functioning among middle-aged and elderly patients with chronic schizophrenia and a below-normal cognitive range. The study included an experimental group (N = 24), which was divided into two sub-groups to receive group CST, and a control group (N = 24), who received treatment as usual (TAU). We assessed cognitive functions using the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE). We evaluated the emotional status, psychotic symptoms, and quality of life using the Geriatric Depression Scale short-form 15 (GDS-15), the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), and the Dementia-Quality of Life (D-QoL) instrument. We performed all measures at three-time points: pre-CST, post-CST, and 3-month follow-up. Results: We found group CST can significantly improve cognitive performance, especially the ability to use new information, after group CST intervention. However, the experimental group did not maintain this effect at the 3-month follow-up. We found group CST can significantly improve cognitive performance, especially the ability to use new information, after group CST intervention. However, the experimental group did not maintain this effect at the 3-month follow-up. This study supports group CST can delay the degradation of some cognitive functions in long-term hospitalized patients with chronic schizophrenia for the duration of the intervention. This finding has important clinical implications for long-term institutionalized middle-aged and elderly chronic schizophrenic patients with a below-normal cognitive range in an aging society.
Cao Y., Wang N., Zhang Q., Shen N., Bai J., Luo X., Liu Y.
Experimental Gerontology scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2023-06-01 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Dementia is characterized by significant cognitive decline that results in disturbance of daily activities. Increasing number of meta-analyses has examined the efficacy of cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) for dementia. However, there is a lack of comprehensive reports that specifically discuss the strength of evidence to support CST for dementia.This study aimed to summarize evidence regarding the efficacy of CST on people with dementia.Umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.We searched Cochrane Library, PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data, China Biology Medicine disc (CBMdisc), and VIP databases from inception to December 31, 2022. The methodological quality of the identified studies was assessed using A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR 2). Studies scoring 9-12 (moderate quality) points or higher were further analyzed using Grades of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) principles.A total of 14 systematic reviews and meta-analyses were included in the umbrella review. The methodological quality of most included reviews was rated as moderate according to AMSTAR 2 rating system. In these studies, we summarized the characteristics of the content, providers, frequency, period and setting of CST, and examined eight health outcomes related to CST, including cognition, depression, behavioral symptoms, quality of life (QoL), activities of daily living (ADL), language and communication, anxiety, and memory. Eleven studies with low to high rating of overall confidence (OC) consistently reported that CST could significantly improve cognition of people with dementia, including high-quality supporting evidence. However, the effect of CST on other health outcomes for people with dementia (e.g., depression, behavioral symptoms, QoL, ADL) is inconsistent, with low- to moderate-quality evidence ratings. Compared with the above results, few studies have reported the effects of CST on communication, anxiety, and memory for people with dementia.In the future, the design and reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses should incorporate high-quality research metrics in accordance with AMSTAR 2 criteria. The current review supports CST as an effective treatment for improving cognitive function in patients with dementia. Multi-component interventions are more effective than single-component interventions and need to be delivered regularly.The protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) database (CRD42022364259).
Peak A.M., Marceaux J.C., Shoji K.D., Valencia J.
Clinical Gerontologist scimago Q1 wos Q2
2023-04-20 citations by CoLab: 2
Roschina I., Kalantarova M., Shvedovskaya A.A., Hromov A.
2022-10-16 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract  
The problem of preventing factors associated with the risks of cognitive decline and hindering active longevity in old age is becoming increasingly important. According to the United Nations in 2019, about 10% of the total population in the world is over the age of 65, and by 2050 this figure will already be 20%. The syndrome of mild cognitive decline is considered as a transitional state between normal physiological aging and dementia. The two modern approaches to the prevention of cognitive impairment during aging are presented. Methods for the prevention of cognitive impairments are proposed to be considered according to the level of organization of mental activity, to which they mainly appeal: based on the semantic level (training) and the level of personal meanings (stimulation programs). The experience of preventing cognitive decline in the elderly within the framework of the program of psychosocial therapy and neurocognitive rehabilitation at the “Memory Clinic” (Russia) and the “Cognitive Stimulation Therapy” (CST) program (Great Britain) is described.
Марголис А.А., Сорокова М.Г., Шведовская А.А., Радчикова Н.П.
2022-09-30 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Представлены результаты исследования по разработке и стандартизации опросника «Шкала отношения к вакцинации от COVID-19» («COVID-19 vaccine attitude scale», COVID-19 VAS). Выборку исследования составили 1965 студентов бакалавриата, специалитета и магистратуры в возрасте от 16 до 60 лет, из них женщин 1592 (81%), мужчин 373 (19%), средний возраст M = 24.7, SD = 8.4, Me = 21.0. База исследования — ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет». В структуру опросника вошли пять шкал, выделенные методом эксплораторного факторного анализа: шкала 1 «Польза вакцинации от COVID-19 для человека и общества», шкала 2 «Страх побочных эффектов вакцинации от COVID-19 и недоверие к информации о безопасности вакцинирования», шкала 3 «Отрицание опасности коронавируса и надежда на естественный иммунитет», шкала 4 «Уве­рен­ность в серьезных негативных последствиях вакцины от коронавируса» и шкала 5 «Неверие в доказанность эффективности российских вакцин на международном уровне». Статистически доказана конструктная валидность опросника. Конфир­ма­торный факторный анализ показал удовлетворительное соответствие эмпирических данных структуре опросника. Шкалы коррелируют между собой на среднем уровне, направления связей соответствуют ожидаемым. Статистически подтверждена высокая внутренняя надежность всех шкал с помощью коэффициента a Кронбаха. Подтверждена удо­влетворительная конвергентная валидность соответствующих шкал опросника «Шка­ла отношения к вакцинации от COVID-19» с естественно-научной грамотностью, интеллектом и страхом заболевания COVID-19. Все корреляции слабые, но теоретически ожидаемые и объяснимые. Ста­ти­стически доказана дифференциальная валидность. Рассчитаны станайны. Опросник может быть рекомендован для применения в студенческой среде в целях подготовки, проведения и оценки результативности просветительских мероприятий по профилактике вакцинирования от COVID-19.
Margolis A.A.
2021-12-30 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
In a pandemic, science literacy is transformed from a subject of sociological research into a question of the survival of society itself. attitude of various groups and individuals to vaccination shows the real state of science literacy and reveals significant problems in its formation. The article examines the main stages in the development of the concept of natural science (science) literacy and the importance of critical science literacy in a stream containing conflicting scientific information and expert opinions. The article demonstrates the ineffectiveness of formation strategies without specially organized work on the development of initial pre-science ideas in children and adults.
Sorokova M.G., Odintsova M., Radchikova N.P.
2021-05-20 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
The article presents a comparative analysis of the academic achievements of students who completed e-courses on mathematical methods in psychology by means of blended learning (N = 404) and online learning (N = 405). The research was carried out at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Students in online learning achieved, on average, higher results compared with the blended learning group in the pre-test, post-test, and final course grades, however, the difference in the means for all 3 indicators is minimal, and the significance of the differences is provided by the large sample size. In a smaller sample, no significant differences in post-test and final course grades were found between the two groups. The academic achievements of graduate and undergraduate students are also practically equal: the differences in the post-test and final grade are on the verge of statistical significance, and the difference in the means is minimal and is only about 1 percentage point, which is consistent with our previous study. The dynamics of changes in the average values for academic achievement indicators in the groups of blended and online learning showed a very pronounced – about 50 percentage points – growth in the posttest indicators compared to the pretest, and then a less pronounced decline in results after1–1.5 months, measured according to the external test, which remain significantly higher than the pre-test. The decline in the online learning group is very minor, i.e., the dynamics is better. The latter result requires further verification under more equalized external testing conditions. The effect of learning in e-courses in both blended and online formats has been statistically proven. The “e-course plus” formula is proposed as a formula for a modern approach in higher education.
Krushelnitskaya O.B., Marinova T.Y., Pogodina A.V., Raskhodchikova M.N., Tolstykh N.N.
Social Psychology and Society scimago Q3 wos Q4 Open Access
2021-04-01 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Regulatory Behavior in the COVID-19 Pandemic: How to Get Students to Comply with It? Objective. Determine the targets and methods of psychological and pedagogical work that aimed increasing the specific normativity of students' behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, on compliance with the mask regime. Background. Due to the situation with COVID-19 pandemic many countries all over the world, including in Russia, introduced the number of tough measures which restricted the behavior and interaction of people. The study focuses on such acute issues as the attitudes of different social groups toward both the disease itself and the measures to combat it, clarification of the reasons and motivations for individuals’ compliance/non-compliance with normative behavior during the pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic actualizes the problems of providing practical psychological assistance to people, including young people, who experience stress and who have difficulties with coping with this situation. Study design. The study was conducted during the increasing spread of the disease and the introduction of an isolation regime. The data obtained was analyzed with reference to the time of the research participants’ questionnaire completion: the first group of students filled the Google forms from 9th to 23rd November 2020 (stage 1); the second group — from 24th November to 8th December 2020 (stage 2). The research analyzed students’ social representations of the pandemic and measures to combat it; peculiarities of attitudes toward various aspects of COVID-19 and toward the normative behavior of young people during the pandemic; subjective experience of danger of the disease and the dominant coping strategies associated with them. Participants. 565 undergraduate students from various faculties of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MGPPU): 504 females, 61males. Measurements. Anonymous survey included closed questions; method of prototypical analysis of social representations (P. Verges); Self-perceived flexible coping with stress (SFCS); The Fear of COVID-19 Scale; SPSS Statistics 20 package (contingency tables with the calculation of the Pearson χ2 test, Spearman's correlation coefficient, Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman tests). Results. Students showed a diverse and often controversial views on COVID-19 and ways prevent its spread. At the core of social representations of the pandemic and protective masks, the most popular are those that reflect the personal restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the inconvenience and displeasure resulted from the compliance with these restrictions . To a smaller extent, there is a fear of getting sick. There are practically no social representations associated with concern over other people, that express a pro-social position. In relation to the mechanisms of compliance with restrictive measures, the opinions of students are heterogeneous: some support the introduction of strict restrictions and consider it rational to have strict external control, while others believe that the fulfillment of sanitary and epidemiological requirements should be an independent decision of a person. The study found the predominant choice of situational and multiple coping strategies by students in response to the emergence of the pandemic situation and the relationship between these types of coping with low level of subjective fear. Nevertheless, with the deterioration of the pandemic situation, students' assessments of the means of informing about COVID-19 and strategies to combat it changed: at the first stage of the study students considered specialists (doctors, scientists) as a reference group, at the second stage — parents and close circle. Social media turned out to be the most insignificant source of information. Main conclusions. The data obtained make it possible to identify the main targets of psychological and pedagogical work with students and to determine the main methods of this work which should include the activity-based inclusion in the solution of group tasks aimed at optimizing the life of people in a pandemic. According to the results of the study, a group of students stood out with a high level of fear experience (32%) and a tendency to non-constructive ways of coping. These students require targeted psychological assistance. As an illustration of the active involvement of students to the problem of COVID prevention, the article describes a competition of creative works of different directions organized by the Faculty of Social Psychology of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education on the topic medical masks use in the context of the "Marathon of Masks" pandemic.
Lissek V., Suchan B.
2021-03-01 citations by CoLab: 65
Werheid K., Schaubs B., Aguirre E., Spector A.
2020-10-30 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Abstract. Cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) is a manualized psychosocial group intervention for people with mild to moderate dementia. Because of its broad scientific evidence and cost effectiveness, CST is now used globally. To ensure replicability and quality standards of the intervention in other cultures, Aguirre et al. (2014) developed guidelines for cultural adaptation of CST based on the formative method for adapting psychotherapy (FMAP). Following this community-based approach, we adapted and translated the English CST manual into German, including multiprofessional focus groups, two adaptation cycles, and two pilot CST groups ( n = 13) in different settings representative of the German healthcare system. Effectiveness in both groups was assessed by pre-post comparison of standard scales on cognition, depression, quality of life, and self-efficacy. We were able to replicate previous findings of improved cognition as measured by the ADAS-Cog, with effect sizes in the same range as in previous randomized controlled trials. Additionally, self-efficacy increased in post-test compared to the pre-test, indicating that CST might trigger cognition through positive, self-rewarding activation.
Kalantarova M., Zavaliy L.B., Borisonik E.V., Subotich M.I., Grechko A.V., Shchelkunova I.G., Petrikov S.S.
2020-10-08 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Focal damage of the brain leads to cognitive impairments, which sufficiently limit the person’s functional capabilities, which, in turn, can lead to secondary disorders of the emotional and personal sphere and social maladjustment. The need to include cognitive rehabilitation in the system of complex treatment methods for patients with focal brain lesions is generally recognized. The article describes methods of neurorehabilitation based on high technologies and indicates their place in the general rehabilitation process. Data yielded by domestic and foreign studies on the effectiveness of digital technologies in the cognitive rehabilitation of patients with focal brain lesions is presented.
Alvares Pereira G., Sousa I., Nunes M.V.
Clinical Gerontologist scimago Q1 wos Q2
2020-10-04 citations by CoLab: 12 Abstract  
Portugal is one of the most aged countries in the world and dementia is increasing among the Portuguese population. It is estimated to affect around 200,000 people in Portugal. There is a clear need for non-pharmacological interventions to ameliorate the symptoms of dementia and improve the quality of life. Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST), a worldwide well-known program developed in the United Kingdom (UK), is recognized as a cost-effective intervention, with benefits both in cognitive function and quality of life of people with mild to moderate dementia. We tested the feasibility and cultural appropriateness and adapted CST to Portuguese people with dementia.The Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy (FMAP) model for cultural adaptation was used. A focus group discussion with health professionals and caregivers provided the basis for cultural adaptation, as well as feedback from participants, caregivers, and facilitators after a pilot study.Some modifications were required, especially related to linguistic issues, in 11 of the 14 CST sessions. The adapted program was found to be acceptable and enjoyable in a small sample of people with dementia in a rehabilitation context.CST seems feasible and culturally appropriate in Portugal. A systematically developed and culturally adapted manual is ready to be used in a large-scale implementation and validation of CST in Portugal.CST is a valid program for the Portuguese culture, contributes to the availability of a structured and effective clinical intervention for PwD in Portugal and to the possibility of comparing programs across countries.
Al-Balas M., Al-Balas H.I., Jaber H.M., Obeidat K., Al-Balas H., Aborajooh E.A., Al-Taher R., Al-Balas B.
BMC Medical Education scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2020-10-02 citations by CoLab: 298 PDF Abstract  
As COVID-19 has been declared as a pandemic disease by the WHO on March 11th, 2020, the global incidence of COVID-19 disease increased dramatically. In response to the COVID-19 situation, Jordan announced the emergency state on the 19th of March, followed by the curfew on 21 March. All educational institutions have been closed as well as educational activities including clinical medical education have been suspended on the 15th of March. As a result, Distance E-learning emerged as a new method of teaching to maintain the continuity of medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic related closure of educational institutions. Distance E-Learning is defined as using computer technology to deliver training, including technology-supported learning either online, offline, or both. Before this period, distance learning was not considered in Jordanian universities as a modality for education. This study aims to explore the situation of distance E-learning among medical students during their clinical years and to identify possible challenges, limitations, satisfaction as well as perspectives for this approach to learning. This cross-sectional study is based on a questionnaire that was designed and delivered to medical students in their clinical years. For this study, the estimated sample size (n = 588) is derived from the online Raosoft sample size calculator. A total of 652 students have completed the questionnaire, among them, 538 students (82.5%) have participated in distance learning in their medical schools amid COVID-19 pandemic. The overall satisfaction rate in medical distance learning was 26.8%, and it was significantly higher in students with previous experience in distance learning in their medical schools as well as when instructors were actively participating in learning sessions, using multimedia and devoting adequate time for their sessions. The delivery of educational material using synchronous live streaming sessions represented the major modality of teaching and Internet streaming quality and coverage was the main challenge that was reported by 69.1% of students. With advances in technologies and social media, distance learning is a new and rapidly growing approach for undergraduate, postgraduate, and health care providers. It may represent an optimal solution to maintain learning processes in exceptional and emergency situations such as COVID-19 pandemic. Technical and infrastructural resources reported as a major challenge for implementing distance learning, so understanding technological, financial, institutional, educators, and student barriers are essential for the successful implementation of distance learning in medical education.
Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
2015-2024 (10 years)
Metrics description


Fields of science

Developmental and Educational Psychology, 14, 60.87%
Social Psychology, 14, 60.87%
Psychology (miscellaneous), 14, 60.87%
Education, 12, 52.17%
Cultural Studies, 5, 21.74%
Applied Psychology, 4, 17.39%
General Medicine, 2, 8.7%
General Psychology, 1, 4.35%



Citing journals

Journal not defined, 1, 1.75%



Organizations from articles

Organization not defined, 5, 21.74%

Countries from articles

Russia, 19, 82.61%
Country not defined, 7, 30.43%
Vietnam, 1, 4.35%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 8, 14.29%

Citing countries

Russia, 37, 66.07%
Country not defined, 18, 32.14%
Kazakhstan, 2, 3.57%
France, 1, 1.79%
USA, 1, 1.79%
Portugal, 1, 1.79%
Vietnam, 1, 1.79%
Indonesia, 1, 1.79%
Iran, 1, 1.79%
Spain, 1, 1.79%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
Associate Professor of the Department of Age Psychology
Employment type
Full time
2001 — present
Head of Information and Publishing Projects Department
Employment type
Full time
2001 — present