Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
2015-2024 (10 years)
Metrics description
A scientist has an h-index if h of his N publications are cited at least h times each, while the remaining (N - h) publications are cited no more than h times each.
The number of the author's publications that received at least 10 links each.
The researcher's m-index is numerically equal to the ratio of his h-index to the number of years that have passed since the first publication.
The geometric mean of the h-index and the number of citations of the most cited article of the scientist.
For a given set of articles, sorted in descending order of the number of citations that these articles received, the g-index is the largest number such that the g most cited articles received (in total) at least g2 citations.
If w articles of a researcher have at least 10w citations each and other publications are less than 10(w+1) citations, then the researcher's w-index is equal to w.
Fields of science
Citing journals
IOP Publishing
28 publications, 38.36%
Pleiades Publishing
12 publications, 16.44%
12 publications, 16.44%
11 publications, 15.07%
Optica Publishing Group
3 publications, 4.11%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
2 publications, 2.74%
Springer Nature
1 publication, 1.37%
1 publication, 1.37%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
1 publication, 1.37%
AIP Publishing
1 publication, 1.37%
Organizations from articles
Countries from articles
Russia, 56, 76.71%
56 publications, 76.71%
Country not defined
Country not defined, 18, 24.66%
Country not defined
18 publications, 24.66%
Vietnam, 3, 4.11%
3 publications, 4.11%
Germany, 2, 2.74%
2 publications, 2.74%
France, 1, 1.37%
1 publication, 1.37%
Belarus, 1, 1.37%
1 publication, 1.37%
USA, 1, 1.37%
1 publication, 1.37%
Italy, 1, 1.37%
1 publication, 1.37%
Serbia, 1, 1.37%
1 publication, 1.37%
Citing organizations
Organization not defined
Organization not defined, 114, 18.94%
Organization not defined
114 citations, 18.94%
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
78 citations, 12.96%
ITMO University
21 citations, 3.49%
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
20 citations, 3.32%
Institute for Automation and Control Processes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
15 citations, 2.49%
Far Eastern Federal University
14 citations, 2.33%
Kurchatov Complex of Crystallography and Photonics of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
12 citations, 1.99%
Lomonosov Moscow State University
11 citations, 1.83%
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 citations, 1.83%
Ural Federal University
11 citations, 1.83%
Dukhov Research Institute of Automatics
11 citations, 1.83%
N. F. Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
11 citations, 1.83%
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
10 citations, 1.66%
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10 citations, 1.66%
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences
10 citations, 1.66%
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
9 citations, 1.5%
Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center
8 citations, 1.33%
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 citations, 1%
Image Processing Systems Institute
6 citations, 1%
University of Duisburg-Essen
6 citations, 1%
Tokai University
6 citations, 1%
Institute of Chemistry of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.83%
Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography
5 citations, 0.83%
University of Hyderabad
5 citations, 0.83%
University of Padua
5 citations, 0.83%
V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.66%
National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
4 citations, 0.66%
Siberian State Industrial University
4 citations, 0.66%
Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials
4 citations, 0.66%
Alagappa University
4 citations, 0.66%
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
4 citations, 0.66%
Cairo University
4 citations, 0.66%
Kunming University of Science and Technology
4 citations, 0.66%
Dublin City University
4 citations, 0.66%
Munich University of Applied Sciences
4 citations, 0.66%
National University of Science & Technology (MISiS)
3 citations, 0.5%
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
3 citations, 0.5%
Tomsk State University
3 citations, 0.5%
Saint Petersburg State University
3 citations, 0.5%
Kemerovo State University
3 citations, 0.5%
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
3 citations, 0.5%
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
3 citations, 0.5%
State Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
3 citations, 0.5%
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.5%
Southwest Jiaotong University
3 citations, 0.5%
Yeungnam University
3 citations, 0.5%
Ruhr University Bochum
3 citations, 0.5%
A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.33%
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.33%
Novosibirsk State University
2 citations, 0.33%
Samara National Research University
2 citations, 0.33%
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
2 citations, 0.33%
Siberian Federal University
2 citations, 0.33%
Bach Institute of Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.33%
![]() Federal Research Centre “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.33%
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
2 citations, 0.33%
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
2 citations, 0.33%
Belarusian State University
2 citations, 0.33%
Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.33%
Institute for Computer Aided Design of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.33%
King Khalid University
2 citations, 0.33%
Urmia University
2 citations, 0.33%
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering
2 citations, 0.33%
Harbin Engineering University
2 citations, 0.33%
Chalmers University of Technology
2 citations, 0.33%
Sun Yat-sen University
2 citations, 0.33%
South-Central Minzu University
2 citations, 0.33%
University of Oslo
2 citations, 0.33%
Guangdong University of Technology
2 citations, 0.33%
Queensland University of Technology
2 citations, 0.33%
University of South China
2 citations, 0.33%
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2 citations, 0.33%
University of Bari Aldo Moro
2 citations, 0.33%
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
2 citations, 0.33%
Anhui University
2 citations, 0.33%
Ningbo University
2 citations, 0.33%
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
2 citations, 0.33%
University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
2 citations, 0.33%
Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.33%
University of Göttingen
2 citations, 0.33%
Federal Institute For Materials Research and Testing
2 citations, 0.33%
University of Kassel
2 citations, 0.33%
University of Wuppertal
2 citations, 0.33%
RIKEN-Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
2 citations, 0.33%
Warsaw University of Technology
2 citations, 0.33%
Damietta University
2 citations, 0.33%
Universidad Industrial de Santander
2 citations, 0.33%
University of West Bohemia
2 citations, 0.33%
A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
National Research University Higher School of Economics
1 citation, 0.17%
Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms SarSc of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
G.G. Devyatykh Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Kirensky Institute of Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute for Physics of Microstructures of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
1 citation, 0.17%
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"
1 citation, 0.17%
T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University
1 citation, 0.17%
Kazan National Research Technological University
1 citation, 0.17%
Saratov State University
1 citation, 0.17%
Belgorod State University
1 citation, 0.17%
Southwest State University
1 citation, 0.17%
Tver State University
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Photon Technologies
1 citation, 0.17%
Khakassian State University named after N. F. Katanov
1 citation, 0.17%
Saratov Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov
1 citation, 0.17%
King Saud University
1 citation, 0.17%
King Abdulaziz University
1 citation, 0.17%
Taif University
1 citation, 0.17%
Umm al-Qura University
1 citation, 0.17%
Taibah University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Tabuk
1 citation, 0.17%
Batterjee Medical College
1 citation, 0.17%
Iran University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Academic Center for Education Culture and Research
1 citation, 0.17%
Middle East Technical University
1 citation, 0.17%
Boğaziçi University
1 citation, 0.17%
Bahcesehir University
1 citation, 0.17%
American University of Sharjah
1 citation, 0.17%
Al Ain University
1 citation, 0.17%
Ataturk University
1 citation, 0.17%
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
1 citation, 0.17%
COMSATS University Islamabad
1 citation, 0.17%
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata
1 citation, 0.17%
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
1 citation, 0.17%
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
1 citation, 0.17%
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
1 citation, 0.17%
Ozyegin University
1 citation, 0.17%
Chandigarh University
1 citation, 0.17%
Delhi Technological University
1 citation, 0.17%
Osmania University
1 citation, 0.17%
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar
1 citation, 0.17%
Cochin University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute
1 citation, 0.17%
Islamic Azad University, Karaj
1 citation, 0.17%
Mahatma Gandhi University
1 citation, 0.17%
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Isfahan
1 citation, 0.17%
Izmir Katip Celebi University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Tübingen
1 citation, 0.17%
Khyber Medical University
1 citation, 0.17%
Al Noor University College
1 citation, 0.17%
Soran University
1 citation, 0.17%
Dijlah University College
1 citation, 0.17%
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry
1 citation, 0.17%
Nguyen Tat Thanh University
1 citation, 0.17%
Hanoi National University of Education
1 citation, 0.17%
Tra Vinh University
1 citation, 0.17%
Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch
1 citation, 0.17%
Kerman University of Medical Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Jiroft University of Medical Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Zhejiang University
1 citation, 0.17%
Peking University
1 citation, 0.17%
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
1 citation, 0.17%
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1 citation, 0.17%
Harbin Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Fudan University
1 citation, 0.17%
Punjabi University
1 citation, 0.17%
Sichuan University
1 citation, 0.17%
Shivaji University
1 citation, 0.17%
Manipal University Jaipur
1 citation, 0.17%
Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management
1 citation, 0.17%
Karpagam Academy of Higher Education
1 citation, 0.17%
Dalian University of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
GLA University
1 citation, 0.17%
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Basque Foundation for Science
1 citation, 0.17%
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Liège
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Science, Malaysia
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Technology, Malaysia
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Strasbourg
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Bayreuth
1 citation, 0.17%
Free University of Berlin
1 citation, 0.17%
Central South University
1 citation, 0.17%
Uttaranchal University
1 citation, 0.17%
Fuzhou University
1 citation, 0.17%
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Helsinki
1 citation, 0.17%
ETH Zurich
1 citation, 0.17%
Wuhan Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Wuhan Polytechnic University
1 citation, 0.17%
Hubei University of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Aalto University
1 citation, 0.17%
Southwest University
1 citation, 0.17%
Eindhoven University of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
China Agricultural University
1 citation, 0.17%
Ocean University of China
1 citation, 0.17%
South China Normal University
1 citation, 0.17%
East China University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Nanchang University
1 citation, 0.17%
Coimbatore Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Inter-University Accelerator Centre
1 citation, 0.17%
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Nizwa
1 citation, 0.17%
Nanyang Technological University
1 citation, 0.17%
National Institute for Materials Science
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland
1 citation, 0.17%
Changzhi College
1 citation, 0.17%
Shanghai University of Engineering Science
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Copenhagen
1 citation, 0.17%
Aarhus University
1 citation, 0.17%
Jiangsu University
1 citation, 0.17%
Yangzhou University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Antwerp
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Cagliari
1 citation, 0.17%
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 citation, 0.17%
William Marsh Rice University
1 citation, 0.17%
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering
1 citation, 0.17%
Chengdu University
1 citation, 0.17%
National Taiwan University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Birmingham
1 citation, 0.17%
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Sydney
1 citation, 0.17%
Jimei University
1 citation, 0.17%
Guizhou University
1 citation, 0.17%
Guizhou Medical University
1 citation, 0.17%
Guizhou Minzu University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Florence
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Pisa
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Rome Tor Vergata
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Catania
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Nanotechnology
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Messina
1 citation, 0.17%
Qingdao University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Qingdao University of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Ferrara
1 citation, 0.17%
Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Glasgow
1 citation, 0.17%
Qufu Normal University
1 citation, 0.17%
Tokyo Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Nanostructured Materials
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Canterbury
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Melbourne
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Queensland
1 citation, 0.17%
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
University of South Australia
1 citation, 0.17%
Swinburne University of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Flinders University
1 citation, 0.17%
Australian Synchrotron
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Pretoria
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Johannesburg
1 citation, 0.17%
University of the Free State
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Port Harcourt
1 citation, 0.17%
Yonsei University
1 citation, 0.17%
Kyung Hee University
1 citation, 0.17%
Sejong University
1 citation, 0.17%
North Carolina State University
1 citation, 0.17%
Chinese University of Hong Kong
1 citation, 0.17%
Busitema University
1 citation, 0.17%
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Chonnam National University
1 citation, 0.17%
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Hong Kong
1 citation, 0.17%
Inha University
1 citation, 0.17%
Los Alamos National Laboratory
1 citation, 0.17%
University of California, Berkeley
1 citation, 0.17%
Chungbuk National University
1 citation, 0.17%
Gyeongsang National University
1 citation, 0.17%
Keimyung University
1 citation, 0.17%
Zhengzhou University
1 citation, 0.17%
Henan Polytechnic University
1 citation, 0.17%
Xinyang Normal University
1 citation, 0.17%
Northeastern University
1 citation, 0.17%
Vienna University of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Kyonggi University
1 citation, 0.17%
Hannam University
1 citation, 0.17%
Nagoya University
1 citation, 0.17%
Osaka University
1 citation, 0.17%
Hunan University
1 citation, 0.17%
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Szeged
1 citation, 0.17%
Northwest Normal University
1 citation, 0.17%
Federal University of Pernambuco
1 citation, 0.17%
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
1 citation, 0.17%
Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth
1 citation, 0.17%
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
1 citation, 0.17%
Chemnitz University of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Michigan Technological University
1 citation, 0.17%
Xinjiang University
1 citation, 0.17%
Lancaster University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Seville
1 citation, 0.17%
Queen's University at Kingston
1 citation, 0.17%
Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Ulm University
1 citation, 0.17%
Barcelona Institute for Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Konstanz
1 citation, 0.17%
Hokkaido University
1 citation, 0.17%
Kiel University
1 citation, 0.17%
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
1 citation, 0.17%
Virginia Commonwealth University
1 citation, 0.17%
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Tokyo
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Maryland, College Park
1 citation, 0.17%
Kansai University
1 citation, 0.17%
Nagaoka University of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Ain Shams University
1 citation, 0.17%
Alexandria University
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Pennsylvania
1 citation, 0.17%
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Toronto
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
1 citation, 0.17%
Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Ljubljana
1 citation, 0.17%
Jožef Stefan Institute
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Murcia
1 citation, 0.17%
Biomedical Research Networking Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine
1 citation, 0.17%
Tanta University
1 citation, 0.17%
Jaume I University
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Materials Science of Seville
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Rochester
1 citation, 0.17%
Instituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria
1 citation, 0.17%
University of North Texas
1 citation, 0.17%
CEU Cardinal Herrera University
1 citation, 0.17%
Al-Azhar University
1 citation, 0.17%
Université Paris-Saclay
1 citation, 0.17%
Chimie ParisTech
1 citation, 0.17%
Paris Sciences et Lettres
1 citation, 0.17%
Polytechnique Montréal
1 citation, 0.17%
University of New Hampshire
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Kafrelsheikh University
1 citation, 0.17%
Assiut University
1 citation, 0.17%
British University in Egypt
1 citation, 0.17%
Ahram Canadian University
1 citation, 0.17%
Suez University
1 citation, 0.17%
National Institute of Standards
1 citation, 0.17%
Politehnica University of Bucharest
1 citation, 0.17%
Riga Technical University
1 citation, 0.17%
Riga Stradiņš University
1 citation, 0.17%
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
1 citation, 0.17%
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
1 citation, 0.17%
University of Rzeszów
1 citation, 0.17%
Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.17%
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
1 citation, 0.17%
Masaryk University
1 citation, 0.17%
Czech Technical University in Prague
1 citation, 0.17%
Central European Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.17%
Citing countries
- We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
- Statistics recalculated daily.