A Conceptual Framework for Fostering Gender Equity in Early Years STEM Education
Gender equity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has been a persistent global issue for decades. In particular, the under-representation of girls in STEM has been highlighted as an ongoing challenge for many countries. Current approaches to promote equitable participation in STEM tend to focus on attracting school-aged girls to STEM. However, there is a growing recognition that addressing gender disparity in STEM should begin in early childhood, as gender norms and stereotypes affecting engagement in STEM emerge early on. In this paper, we explore factors influencing gendered access, engagement, and participation of young children in early years STEM through a critical review of literature on the topic of gender equity in early years STEM education. Informed by this review, we propose a conceptual framework for guiding curriculum design and development that aims to foster gender equity and inclusivity in early years STEM education. Positioning STEM practices and core values at its very heart, encapsulated through three intertwining themes of Everyday STEM, Career Awareness, and Gender Inclusivity, we argue that this framework has the potential to guide researchers, educators and parents in creating equitable opportunities for children of all genders to participate in STEM and in developing their strong sense of belonging in STEM.