Qualitative Research Journal

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Attributive verbalization of dream in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts
Gubanov S.A.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The purpose of research is to study the i individual style specificity of the attribute verbalization of the conceptual meaning of «dream» in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts, during which it is planned to identify the role of the epithetization process in the individual style system of the poet, the semantic content of the concept «dream» in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts, as well as the types of epithet words, verbalizing this meaning.Methods. On the basis of cognitive-semantic, component, lexical-semantic, semantic analysis of dictionary definitions, as well as statistical methods of analysis, the attribute verbalization of the concept «dream» in the texts of M. Tsvetaeva is analyzed. The comparison of the methods of attribute verbalization of this concept in the poet’s idiostyle and in language use was carried out on the basis of the M. Tsvetaeva’s texts and the «Dictionary of Epithets of the Russian Literary Language».The results. The considered types of epithet words that verbalize the attribute nomination of dream in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts made it possible to record a partial coincidence of the qualitative attributes of this object of epithetization with usage, while the majority of epithet words demonstrate non-usual lexical compatibility. The epithet paradigm is represented by various modifications of epithet words from simple to complex and compound. It has been proven that this specificity of the characteristic verbalization of a dream is associated with the poet’s individual style, occasional word creation, and reflection on epithet words.Conclusion. Attributive verbalization of the qualitative characteristics of an object is one of the peculiarities of M. Tsvetaeva’s individual style. The usual attributes of the concept «dream» are realized in its idiolect, but are subject to the author’s reflection and rethought. The selection and emphasizing of occasional attributes of an object occurs throughout the entire creative process and is expressed in non-standard epithet complexes. This trend is associated with M. Tsvetaeva’s focus on the subjective perception of reality, the focus on the ultimate expression of the quality of an object.
A practical component in the development of the discipline «Food Culture of the Peoples of the World»
Smirnova M.A., Solovyanova M.V.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The relevance of the study is due to the need for students to develop practical skills as part of the development of the training course «Food culture of the peoples of the world» for students of the training direction 43.03.03 «Hotel business», profile «Restaurant activity».The purpose of the article is to analyze the practical component in the development of the discipline «Food culture of the peoples of the world» and determine its importance for the formation of professional competencies of future specialists in the field of tourism and hospitality.The tasks follow from the research topic and consist in revealing the essence of the discipline «Food culture of the peoples of the world»; to consider its practical component; to conduct a study of the intercultural level of the clientele of Kursk catering enterprises used for practical training by students of the training direction 43.03.03 «Hospitality», the profile «Restaurant activity»; to develop recommendations for improving the training course.The research methodology includes analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, which were supplemented by methods of observation, conversation, and questioning.The result of the study was the development of recommendations for improving the practical component of the discipline «Food culture of the peoples of the world» for students of the training direction 43.03.03 «Hotel business», profile «Restaurant activity».
Spatial culture code as an element of the metaphorization process
Porechnaia V.I.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The study of the concept and essence of space, the characteristics of its perception and verbalization has become widespread in various fields of knowledge, including in the cognitive field of linguistic research. Space is of particular importance for the individual, since through its prism the perception of reality takes place. The article examines the peculiarities of formation of a trope with spatial semantics as a result of the action of the metaphorization mechanism.The purpose of the research: to determine the meaning of the spatial culture code in the formation of a trope with spatial semantics.Methods of the research: descriptive, comparative, component analysis method.The results: along with the perceived similarity conceptualized at the level of cognition between the cognitive-perceptual-affective experience of an individual, its object and components as a result of metaphorization operations (analogization, similarity and resemblance), the spatial culture code takes part in the metaphorization process. It has been established that spatial perception is a complex process that combines perceptual and cognitive elements. The result of the perception of space (image) is a significant element of the individual’s perceptual experience, which is the basis of the process of metaphorization, as a result of which a trope with spatial semantics is formed. This type of trope can be based on both a spatial and non-spatial image, since lexemes that verbalize a trope with spatial meaning can change the semantics during the operation of the cognitive mechanism of metaphorization.The conceptualization of perceptual-cognitive-affective experience is not identical among representatives of different linguistic cultures. Tropes with spatial semantics have cultural markings due to the changing experience of an individual’s interaction with the reality.Conclusion: the process of metaphorization is influenced by the spatial culture code.
Comparative Analysis of the French-Russian Dictionary by N.P. Makarov (1910), the New French-Russian Dictionary by V.G. Gak, K.N. Ganshina (2006) and the Electronic Dictionary "Multitran"
Burunsky V.M., Golubova M.Y., Chunihina A.A.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The article is devoted to a comparison of paper and electronic French-Russian dictionaries. The material for the study was dictionary entries starting with the letter p from the French-Russian dictionary by N.P. Makarov, the new French-Russian dictionary by V.G. Gak and K.A. Ganshina and the Multitran electronic dictionary. The advantages and disadvantages of various types of dictionaries are considered. In the analyzed dictionaries there is an expansion of the semantic field. We are talking about words in which the development of the expressed meaning is noted as a result of historical, technical and scientific progress. There is no reduction in the semantic volume of lexical units in the Multitran dictionary. At the same time, the lexical meaning of words changes in the electronic dictionary. There is an increase in the number of lexical units in the New French-Russian Dictionary, as well as in the Multitran dictionary. This is due to the following factors: a change in the structure of the word as an object of social and cultural heritage; borrowing a word from another language; the emergence of new words to designate objects and phenomena that were previously absent in culture, science, technology and art. Some lexemes have seen a complete reduction in their semantic scope; in other words, some words have become obsolete and, in turn, have completely fallen out of use. Thus, some lexemes that are present in the dictionary of N.P. Makarov, were not included in the dictionaries of V.G. Gak and Multitran. We can note the appearance of a large number of borrowings and neologisms in the Multitran dictionary. The article also concludes about some advantages and disadvantages of the electronic dictionary in some respects.
South African English: social and linguistic aspects
Bocharova E.A.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The research work is devoted to the analysis of the English language variability specific characteristics in the context of modern community globalization process. The research proves that the English language variant, adapting to the realities of local languages and cultures, acquires new sociolinguistic properties. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of such a variant of the English language as the South African English which was formed during the contact interaction of the British English language and the autochthonous languages and cultures of South Africa. The key properties of the South African English are revealed on the basis of methods groups: analysis and synthesis; comparative analysis; and the method of component analysis. The key attention is paid to the historical process formation of South African English and to the development of the English language and its role in the life of South Africa. The complex nature of long-term historical inter language and intercultural interaction has led to the formation of a heterogeneous structure of South African society, is which is presented by Europeans, numerous local peoples, Indians and their descendants living on the same territory. The complex differentiation of South African society has defined a unique variety of languages, dialects, and sociolects, among which English has a special social prestige and unites all other languages. Having a multicomponent structure, sociolinguistic differentiation of South African society contributed to the emergence and functioning a series of South African English variants types in one territory. These types are: Black South African English, White South African English, Coloured South African English. The English language of each sociolinguistic group has unique features that manifest themselves to a greater extent at the phonetic level.
Development of adaptive coping strategies of students in a university setting (on the example of the Educational and Practical Center for Conflict Resolution of Southwestern State University)
Ivanova T.V., Soshina K.V.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The purpose of the study. A significant task today is to increase the socio-psychological well-being of students in a university setting. Due to the increased intensity of educational activity, its complexity, and multitasking, the mental stress of students is increasing. Significant stress factors are the new social situation of development; the situation of external assessment in the process of intellectual tests; individual and personal characteristics of participants in educational relations; students' concerns about the ability to cope with educational tasks.The purpose of our work is to explore the possibilities of using the potential of the Educational and Practical Conflict Resolution Center of Southwestern State University for the development of adaptive coping strategies of students.In our work, we investigated the preferred coping strategies of students, offered recommendations for creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' coping strategies that contribute to successful adaptation to the conditions.Methods. Theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific sources on the research problem was used in the work; empirical research methods: testing using the following techniques: "Questionnaire of coping methods" by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman (Ways of Coping Questionnaire – WCQ), adapted by the Bekhterev National Research Institute; "Coping behavior in stressful Situations" by N. Endler, J. Parker.Results. In the process of empirical research, it was revealed that the most characteristic for students in a stressful situation is coping, focused on avoidance, which manifests itself in distraction. That is, a significant number of students prefer not to solve the problem, but to distract themselves from it by other activities.Among the methods of coping behavior, "escape-avoidance" is pronounced, which most researchers consider to be maladaptive. Coping strategies "distancing" and "positive reassessment" are significantly expressed, which are aimed not at solving the problem, but at reducing emotional involvement in it, preventing emotional reactions to frustration.Conclusion. Thus, there is an obvious need for students to develop problem-oriented coping strategies. In particular, the strategies of "self-control" and "solution planning", which will help students direct their efforts to a rational solution of the problem.
Strategies of Direct and Indirect Verbal Expression of Negative Evaluation in Russian and Vietnamese Political Discourse
Nguyet Nguyen T.M.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The article examines strategies and tactics of verbal expression of negative evaluation frequently used in Russian and Vietnamese political discourse. The relevance of this research is underlined by the significant role of political discourse in societal and individual life, the lack of studies exploring pragmalinguistic aspects of Vietnamese political discourse, and the absence of comparative analysis of Russian and Vietnamese political discourse. The purpose of this work is to investigate the strategies and tactics of verbal expression of negative evaluation in Russian and Vietnamese political discourse, to delve into the tactics of implementing the main strategies, to identify similarities and differences in their application, and to explain the latter through politeness theory. The study is conducted on the material of parliamentary communication of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Methods used include descriptive, comparative, classification, functional-pragmatic methods, as well as content analysis. The findings show that Russian and Vietnamese politicians employ two basic strategies – direct and indirect expression of negative evaluation, along two auxiliary strategies of mitigation and intensification. Each strategy has a set of tactics, frequency of application of which differs between the two political discourses, but still generally adhere to norms of institutional political communication and the principle of politeness. Thus, the use and combination of various strategies and tactics of expressing negative evaluation in Russian and Vietnamese political discourse not only serve to express the speaker’s negative attitude towards the object of evaluation and to influence the listener’s attitude towards this object, but also contribute to fulfilling parliamentary functions and maintaining communicators’ “face”.
Features of the relationship of asthenia and emotional intelligence of student volunteers at different level of their emotional burnout
Molchanova L.N., Koroleva S.I.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The high demand for volunteering in various fields has shown the invaluable contribution that volunteers can make to the development of the social sphere. At the same time, most areas of volunteer activity are associated with high emotional stress, which, without proper support, can lead to various unfavorable psychological states, including asthenia and emotional burnout. So, the purpose of the study is to study the relationship between asthenia and emotional intelligence in student volunteers with different levels of emotional burnout. 40 volunteer students of the FSBEI HE KSMU took part in the study. The total sample was divided into two experimental groups of 13 people each (33% of the entire sample): experimental group No. 1 included student volunteers with a low level of emotional burnout, and experimental group No. 2 - with a high level. Psychodiagnostics was carried out using the Asthenic State Scale (ASS) method by L.D. Malkova (adapted by T.G. Chertova) and the “Professional Burnout” (PV) questionnaire (Russian version by N.E. Vodopyanov, E.S. Starchenkova). The study revealed relationships between indicators of asthenia and emotional exhaustion in volunteers, as well as between indicators of asthenia and emotional intelligence in volunteers with a low level of emotional burnout. Thus, increasing the level of emotional intelligence of volunteers, namely, understanding their own and others’ emotions, can act as a resource in the prevention of not only emotional burnout, but also asthenia.
A catalogue of colour terms: principles of selection and structure
Rossal V.V.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Author of the article motivates the principles of the formation of the catalogue of colour terms in the Russian language which can serve as an effective tool of pre-translation analysis while translating foreign texts into Russian.The article contains the basis of the principle of vocabulary retrieval from lexicographic sources based on the semantic principles that prove to be significant for translation; the necessity of etymological analysis of the analysed word; the consideration of figurative meanings and connotations.The author explains the choice of the number of dictionaries used for the cataloguing, reasons the necessity of using national text corpora, literary fiction and lexicographic research aimed at colour terms analysis and demonstrates examples of vocabulary description from the catalogue.Twelve basic colour terms are chosen as hypernyms and compose twelve semantic fields. The principles of hyponyms identification established by the author reason the choice of the vocabulary for the catalogue, but the semantic fields are purposefully open and can be equipped with more hyponyms extracted from the historical texts or formed in the process of word formation in the language. The author shows the principle giving an example of the semantic field of the white colour and showing the outline of the analysis of the colour terms алебастровый / alabaster showing the steps of the catalogue entry formation.In the course of the research were used following methods: definitional, componential and etymological analyses, which helped to thoroughly explore all the significant features of the colour terms in the Russian language.The research has a pragmatic scope and can be used while translating into Russian colour terms of different languages.
Development of an experimental oculographic test battery as part of a software and hardware complex for diagnosing the tendency to computer gaming addiction
Kaydalova D.A., Kuznetsova A.A.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Currently, the problem of determining the state of the individual in the «norm-pathology» continuum for non-chemical addictions remains relevant. Our analysis of diagnostic materials allows us to conclude that the vast majority of methods for diagnosing computer gaming addiction are foreign clinical scales translated into Russian, built on the basis of the clinical criteria of the American Psychiatric Association. In connection with this fact, as well as the rapid development of society and the digitalization the practical psychology are needed to modern and effective psychodiagnostic techniques.The research was carried out with the financial support of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere» (Innovation Promotion Fund) within the framework of the implementation of innovation project.Purpose of the study - to develop an experimental oculographic test battery for diagnosing computer gaming addiction.Methods. In the empirical research of the first stage of work we used the following methods: clinical conversation; psychodiagnostic methods: method of multilateral personality research by S. Hathaway, J. McKinley (adapted by F.B. Berezina, M.P. Miroshnikova), style of self-regulation of behavior by V.I. Morosanova, questionnaire of volitional self-control by A.G. Zverkova, E.V. Eidman, Distress, Depression, Anxiety and Somatization Questionnaire by B. Terluin (adapted by A.B. Smulevich). To assess oculomotor reactions (fixation duration, number of fixations), we used the GP3 Gazepoint remote software and hardware system for assessing oculomotor reactions.We used the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (p ≤ 0.05) for study the relationships between the structural-dynamic parameters of oculomotor reactions and the personal characteristics of respondents.Results. During the first stage of the work, we obtained the following scientific results: requirements for digital images that make up visual stimuli, and for the visual stimuli themselves have been formulated; stimulus images have been developed to assess the tendency to computer gaming addiction; we was carried out a comparative analysis and studied the relationship between the structural and dynamic parameters of oculomotor reactions and the personal characteristics of respondents; we has been developed the experimental oculographic test battery to diagnose computer gaming addiction.Conclusion. Requirements for visual stimuluses will become part of the guidelines to the oculographic test battery, which will be developed in the second stage of work. Comparative analysis made it possible to identify the most effective visual stimulus that we included in the experimental oculographic test battery.
Excursion quest as a tool for developing socio-cultural competence of foreign students
Amelina I.O.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The article is devoted to revealing the features of quest technology in the educational process, conducting a “live” excursion quest for the development of sociocultural competence of foreign students.The relevance of the study lies in the need to study the features of creating and conducting excursion quests in the preparation of foreign students.The purpose of the study is to consider the features of conducting a “live” excursion quest in a foreign audience, to analyze the effectiveness of integrating such a quest into the educational process as a tool for developing sociocultural competence at the pre-university stage. In accordance with the stated purpose of the study, the following tasks are identified: developing a “live” quest as part of a museum excursion; conducting a test to determine the degree of effectiveness of integrating the quest into the educational process.The development and testing of the quest was carried out on the basis of Southwest State University as part of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the pre-university stage.During the research process, theoretical, empirical, pedagogical methods were used, such as analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, descriptive method when disclosing the content of the developed excursion quest, and a statistical method when determining the level of formation of students’ socio-cultural knowledge.The research material was a developed excursion quest designed to work with foreign citizens as part of a visit to the city’s local history museum at the stage of pre-university preparation.An excursion quest is a promising technology for achieving educational goals when teaching foreign citizens. Quest technology updates the language knowledge, communication skills and abilities of students, while stimulating their cognitive activity and developing such important personality qualities as intelligence, attentiveness, and independence. Sociocultural competence is an integral part of foreign language communicative competence, and a “live” excursion quest, used within the framework of linguoeducation in a foreign audience, is capable, with careful preparation, of effectively introducing foreign speakers to the culture of the country in the context of real urban space, expanding their knowledge of culturally oriented vocabulary, and emphasizing the importance of sociocultural observation.
About pejorative vocabulary in the fiction of A.P. Gaidar
Kochergina I.V.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the pejorative vocabulary in the fiction of the famous Soviet writer, classic of children's literature Arkady Petrovich Gaidar. Much attention is paid to various approaches to words expressing human emotions and their place in linguistics.Methods. To achieve the purpose and objectives of the study, various methods used in the study of idiolects and individual lexical groups were used: quantitative, descriptive, comparative.The results of the study showed that pejorative vocabulary occupies a special place in various languages of the world, with the help of it not only the qualities and actions of a person are exposed, but also irony is expressed in relation to the object of speech. The language of A.P. Gaidar's fiction is rich in colloquial colloquial words, among which the pejoratives stand out. These words are actively used in the speech of both adult characters and children in the works of the writer. With the help of pejorative vocabulary, characters express various emotions: from anger to kind ridicule. Special attention is paid to the fact that the subject of Arkady Gaidar's work changes depending on the events that took place in his life. Accordingly, the number and variety of swear words used in his works are changing. In the first period of creativity, where the author describes the brutal events of the Civil War, the pejoratives expressing anger, rage, and neglect are numerically superior to the same words used in the second period. In the works that tell about the peaceful and peaceful life of a person, swear words most often express irony, behind a negative emotion at first glance hides a kind attitude towards a person. Children's speech is the most indicative in this regard. In addition, Gaidar's works are characterized by the repeated use of single-root pejoratives.Conclusion. The conducted research has shown that the use of pejorative vocabulary helps the writer to show the relationship of the characters, their characters, qualities. In addition, the use of swear words helps to create an atmosphere of relaxed and simple life for an ordinary person, which is definitely a Gaidar method in literature.
Image Advertising: Realising Metaphorical Potential of Polycode Text of Image Advertising
Annenkova A.V.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of metaphorical potential of polycode texts of image advertising in modern mass media.The relevance is determined by the increased interest in advertising as well as the change in the functional orientation of advertising by implicit knowledge usage.The purpose of the research is to study some peculiarities of multimodal conceptual metaphor in polycode text of image advertising, in particular the implementation of the cognitive mechanism of metaphorical transfer when perceiving metaphorical images encoded in the advertising, and the subsequent formation of an internal image of an advertising object in an individual lexicon.The objectives of the study are to consider the notion of image advertising and its structural and compositional features, use of metaphor in the advertising along with the analysis of the cognitive-psychological impact of images created by multimodal conceptual metaphors on an individual.The object of the study is a polycode image advertising text of verbal and nonverbal architectonics.The subject of the study is the functional potential of metaphor and metaphorical constructs in terms of their contextual interrelation. The following research methods are used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study, descriptive method, discursive analysis.Interest in the study of the functional potential of image advertising is due to its impact on the consciousness of the target audience. The pragmatic orientation of advertising determines its logical and emotional content, the specificity of verbal and non-verbal components and their structural and compositional organisation. Use of multimodal metaphors is an effective technique for creating a memorable image of advertising as it triggers complex psychological mechanisms that directly influence associative thinking and individual lexicon of a respondent connecting an external image created in an advertisement and an internal image formed by an individual in their individual lexicon. Thus the imagery of metaphor not only shows the phenomena of reality but due to the manipulating techniques influence the respondent transforming their attitude to the reality shown in advertising.
Modern Approach to the Concept of Educational Motivation in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language: Criteria for Formation
Leshutina I.A., Lyovushkina A.M.
Southwest State University
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
This article is focused on the study of the modern approach to motivation, the description of the motivational system and its components that are important in the teaching Russian as a foreign language. The study identifies and analyses key components of the motivational system in the teaching of foreign (Russian) language, which are motives, factors of forming motivation, methods and tools that influence the involvement of students in the educational process. A detailed description of the motivational structure in the framework of modern learning, which is considered as a holistic system, including several key components, allows to form a clearer idea of what influences the motivation of modern students, what needs to be considered when teaching Russian as a foreign language to achieve the best results.The motivation of educational activities is directly related to such parameters as values, changes in the general culture of society, the level of technological progress, the complexity of knowledge acquisition. The interest of learners is constantly changing, depending both on the characteristics of society as a whole and on the individual characteristics of each individual. The personal component is an important part of changing the educational motivation, which depends directly on the individual’s aspirations, the ways they choose to achieve the goals. It is also important to define the value of a sphere of life of each individual, which is based on a hierarchy of their needs. The description of the components of the motivational system is given in the context of the modern educational environment and is based on psychological and psycholinguistic features of teaching foreign language communication.The results of the study may be interesting in the linguo-didactical understanding of the components and structure of the motivational system, which provides the creation of an relevant educational environment, which becomes a factor in achieving results in the study of a foreign language.


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