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journal names
Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen
Top-3 citing journals

Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen
(1445 citations)

Physiologia Plantarum
(494 citations)

Journal of Plant Physiology
(419 citations)
Top-3 organizations

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
(105 publications)

Humboldt University of Berlin
(62 publications)

Friedrich Schiller University Jena
(48 publications)
Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 1004

Describing Severe Disability
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.
The term severe disability is primarily used in reference to people with severe to profound cognitive and adaptive functioning impairments associated with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and/or cerebral palsy. However, the term severe disability could also be applied to some individuals with traumatic brain injury and various neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and other motor neuron diseases. This chapter describes a range of conditions associated with severe disability. The cognitive and adaptive functioning limitations of people with severe disabilities, and associated learning and behavioral characteristics, are also reviewed.

Effective Communication Using Picture Exchange
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.
Pictures and related types of communication symbols (e.g., line drawings, photographs) represent forms of aided augmentative and alternative communication that are widely used with individuals with severe disabilities and limited or no speech. This chapter will describe how pictures have been used to enhance the communicative functioning of nonverbal and minimally verbal individuals with severe disabilities. Key aspects of the extensive research on the use of picture exchange as a form of communication for people with severe disabilities are reviewed. Strengths and limitations of using pictures as a mode of communication will also be addressed. What research can affirm about picture communication and where further research may be needed are also discussed.

Enhancing Natural Gestures
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.
Use of natural gestures—such as pointing, head nodding, and waving—may represent a viable and effective communication strategy for some people with severe disabilities. The chapter describes different types of natural gestures and reviews intervention literature aimed at teaching and enhancing the use of natural gestures for communication purposes for people with severe disabilities. The reviewed literature indicates that natural gestures can be taught and enhanced by the application of systematic instructional tactics, such as verbal prompting, response shaping, and reinforcement. Limitations of the literature are discussed and indications for the use of natural gestures are considered.

Communicating with Speech-Generating Devices
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.
Speech-generating devices are increasingly being used as an alternative to speech for nonverbal individuals and to augment natural speech production in minimally verbal people. This chapter describes speech-generating devices and provides an overview of the intervention literature on teaching speech-generating device use to people with different disability conditions. Indications, potential advantages, and contraindications for the use of speech-generating devices are delineated. Factors to consider when implementing an intervention aimed at teaching functional use of speech-generating devices are discussed.

Use of Tangible Symbols
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.
Tangible symbol sets typically consist of three-dimensional miniature objects or parts of objects that relate in some way to corresponding real-world referents. Various types of tangible objects have been used as communication symbols for nonverbal and minimally verbal people with severe disabilities. This chapter provides an overview of the literature on teaching people with severe disabilities to communicate using tangible symbols. Indications and contraindications for the use of tangible symbols are delineated. Factors to consider when implementing an intervention aimed at teaching the functional use of tangible symbols are discussed.

Assistive Technology Solutions for Enabling People with Intellectual and Motor or Sensory-Motor Disabilities to Access Communication Events
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.
The chapter reviews the use of assistive technology in intervention programs to make communication events accessible to people with intellectual, motor, or sensory-motor disabilities. The first three sections of the chapter focus on programs for people with the most difficult conditions and most limited communication options. The fourth section of the chapter focuses on programs for people who would be capable of making multiple requests if provided with adequate request tools. The fifth section of the chapter focuses on programs directed at helping people interact with distant partners and engage in other types of functional activity. The final three sections of the chapter analyze (a) the conditions necessary to make the programs and related technology solutions applicable and effective, (b) the level of accessibility and practicality of the programs, and (c) the question of whether the programs are temporary or long-term solutions.

Visual Strategies for Receptive Communication
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.
Visual strategies are widely used to support the receptive communication of individuals with severe disabilities. This chapter describes various forms of visual strategies that have been used to enhance receptive communication with nonverbal and minimally verbal individuals with severe disabilities. The strengths and limitations of these visual strategies to support receptive communication are addressed. This chapter also provides a selective overview of research on the use of three strategies (i.e., augmented input, Social Stories™, and visual activity schedules) that have been used to enhance receptive communication skills of people with limited or no speech. Directions for future research in this area will be discussed.

Teaching Manual Signs
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.
Manual signing is a type of unaided communication strategy that is frequently considered for nonverbal and minimally verbal people with severe disabilities. A considerable amount of research has focused on evaluating procedures for teaching manual signing as an alternative or supplement to speech. This chapter provides an overview of the literature on teaching manual sign-based communication strategies to people with severe disabilities. Indications and contraindications for the use of manual signing are delineated. Factors to consider when implementing manual signing interventions are discussed.

Communication Impairment and Assessment
Functional Assessment for Challenging Behaviors
citations by CoLab: 0
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.

Prelinguistic Communication
Functional Assessment for Challenging Behaviors
citations by CoLab: 0
Sigafoos J., Lancioni G.E., O’Reilly M.F.

From Kanner to DSM-V
Pascarella L., Erickson C., Minshawi N.F.
This chapter provides a comprehensive historical overview of the evolution of the autism diagnosis from its initial identification by Leo Kanner in 1943, through various Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) editions, to its current conceptualization in the DSM-5. It highlights Kanner’s groundbreaking work in distinguishing autism from childhood schizophrenia and traces the subsequent refinements in diagnostic criteria, reflecting a growing understanding and differentiation of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Additionally, it discusses the challenges of diagnosis and the implications of the changing criteria for both prevalence and services. This chapter emphasizes the importance of early and accurate diagnosis for effective intervention and the ongoing debate around diagnostic standards in the DSM-5.

Use of Visual Supports with Young Children with Autism
Rentschler L.F., Hume K.A., Wong C., Plavnic J., Schultz T.
This updated chapter presents the research-base and new directions for visual supports, a commonly used intervention strategy for people with autism. Broadly defined as “a visual display that supports the learner engaging in a desired behavior or skills independent of additional prompts” (Hume et al., J Autism Dev Disord 51:4013–4032.
, 2021, p. 4026), visual supports take on a number of forms and functions. These include, but are not limited to, photographs, icons, written words, objects, furniture arrangement, schedules, videos, maps, labels, organizational systems, timelines, and scripts (Hume, Overview of visual supports. National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
, 2008) and have proven effective in both supporting skill acquisition (i.e., task engagement, independent performance) and decreasing maladaptive behavior (i.e., self-injurious behavior) across age ranges and settings. Visual supports are recognized as an evidence-based practice by the National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence & Practice (NCAEP; Hume et al., J Autism Dev Disord 51:4013–4032.
, 2021). However, the application of visual supports, the efficacy of their application, as well as the appropriateness of their use with very young children with autism remains less understood and less studied than their application to the school-age population. This updated chapter reviews the most recent literature and describes the rationale for the use of visual supports in the broader early intervention field and the application to early intervention settings with young children with autism. Specific supports identified in the literature will be highlighted, including environmental supports, visual schedules, visual cues, scripts, electronic visual supports, and video-based instruction, along with recommendations for future use and study.

Measures Used to Screen and Diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Children
Tevis C., Matson J.L.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication as well as the presence of restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs). The onset of these symptoms occurs in early development, and early identification is often crucial to obtaining timely intervention services. As a result, several level 1 and level 2 screening tools are available to determine whether a child may be at risk for ASD, thus requiring further assessment. If an assessment is warranted, then measures utilizing clinician-rated observations, diagnostic interviews, or informant-based checklists can provide information on social and behavioral functioning across multiple contexts. Reviews of the psychometric properties, strengths and limitations, and recommendations of various screening and diagnostic measures will be discussed.

Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Intervention and Family Supports
Lequia J., Machalicek W., Didden R., Lang R., Green V., Sigafoos J., Lancioni G., O’Reilly M.F., Watson L.
This chapter highlights the unique challenges and needs of families with autistic children, emphasizing the critical role of parental involvement and sibling engagement in early interventions. It reviews evidence-based practices for parent- and sibling-mediated interventions, family support mechanisms, and strategies to improve parental mental health. The chapter underscores the importance of personalized, family-centered approaches that address the diverse needs of family members, advocating for future research to further enhance support systems and intervention strategies for these families.

Naturalistic Developmental-Behavioral Interventions for Early Autism: Characteristics and Effects
Avila-Pons V.M., Rogers S.J.
Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBIs) are a class of interventions that result from integrating behavioral and developmental sciences, building on evidence from the science of learning and the development of infants, toddlers, and young children across various domains. This chapter discusses the common elements and procedures that comprise the defining characteristics of NDBIs; examines the efficacy of these interventions as a class by conducting a systematic review of the findings from clinical trials of NDBI studies; and aims to assist practitioners, parents, and researchers to distinguish NDBIs from other treatments in their efforts to find and deliver sound, evidence-based intervention approaches for young autistic children.
Citing journals
Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen
1445 citations, 8.86%
Physiologia Plantarum
494 citations, 3.03%
Journal of Plant Physiology
419 citations, 2.57%
357 citations, 2.19%
301 citations, 1.85%
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie
292 citations, 1.79%
Biologia Plantarum
271 citations, 1.66%
Plant Science
166 citations, 1.02%
Plant, Cell and Environment
157 citations, 0.96%
New Phytologist
136 citations, 0.83%
135 citations, 0.83%
Marine Biology
120 citations, 0.74%
Journal of Phycology
116 citations, 0.71%
Plant Science Letters
116 citations, 0.71%
Journal of Applied Phycology
106 citations, 0.65%
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
105 citations, 0.64%
Photosynthesis Research
102 citations, 0.63%
Science of the Total Environment
98 citations, 0.6%
Plant Growth Regulation
94 citations, 0.58%
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics
85 citations, 0.52%
85 citations, 0.52%
Theoretical And Applied Genetics
76 citations, 0.47%
Journal of Plant Nutrition
75 citations, 0.46%
Transgenic Crops III
71 citations, 0.44%
Proceedings in Life Sciences
70 citations, 0.43%
Zeitschrift für allgemeine Mikrobiologie
69 citations, 0.42%
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
64 citations, 0.39%
Frontiers in Plant Science
64 citations, 0.39%
Journal of Experimental Botany
64 citations, 0.39%
Plant Molecular Biology
62 citations, 0.38%
Botanica Acta
62 citations, 0.38%
Environmental Pollution
61 citations, 0.37%
61 citations, 0.37%
Environmental and Experimental Botany
60 citations, 0.37%
Scientific Reports
60 citations, 0.37%
Journal of Basic Microbiology
60 citations, 0.37%
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
60 citations, 0.37%
Plant and Soil
60 citations, 0.37%
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
58 citations, 0.36%
Coral Reefs
58 citations, 0.36%
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
58 citations, 0.36%
Photochemistry and Photobiology
57 citations, 0.35%
Marine Pollution Bulletin
57 citations, 0.35%
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
56 citations, 0.34%
Plant Physiology
55 citations, 0.34%
American Journal of Botany
55 citations, 0.34%
MGG Molecular & General Genetics
55 citations, 0.34%
FEBS Letters
52 citations, 0.32%
Plant Cell Reports
52 citations, 0.32%
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants
51 citations, 0.31%
International Review of Cytology
50 citations, 0.31%
Folia Microbiologica
47 citations, 0.29%
Journal of Phytopathology
47 citations, 0.29%
Scientia Horticulturae
47 citations, 0.29%
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
46 citations, 0.28%
Advances in Botanical Research
45 citations, 0.28%
Algal Research
45 citations, 0.28%
Freshwater Biology
44 citations, 0.27%
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection
43 citations, 0.26%
Frontiers in Marine Science
43 citations, 0.26%
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
42 citations, 0.26%
42 citations, 0.26%
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
41 citations, 0.25%
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
41 citations, 0.25%
Plant Breeding
40 citations, 0.25%
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
39 citations, 0.24%
38 citations, 0.23%
Archives of Microbiology
38 citations, 0.23%
Plant Journal
35 citations, 0.21%
Remote Sensing
33 citations, 0.2%
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
33 citations, 0.2%
Marine Environmental Research
32 citations, 0.2%
Aquatic Toxicology
32 citations, 0.2%
Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Biophysics
32 citations, 0.2%
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
31 citations, 0.19%
Marine Ecology - Progress Series
31 citations, 0.19%
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
31 citations, 0.19%
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
30 citations, 0.18%
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
30 citations, 0.18%
Journal of Biological Chemistry
30 citations, 0.18%
29 citations, 0.18%
Acta Botanica Neerlandica
29 citations, 0.18%
Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation
28 citations, 0.17%
Plant Systematics and Evolution
28 citations, 0.17%
Plant and Cell Physiology
28 citations, 0.17%
Acta Biotechnologica
28 citations, 0.17%
FEMS Microbiology Letters
27 citations, 0.17%
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
26 citations, 0.16%
Bioresource Technology
26 citations, 0.16%
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant
26 citations, 0.16%
26 citations, 0.16%
Inland Water Biology
25 citations, 0.15%
24 citations, 0.15%
Journal of Marine Systems
24 citations, 0.15%
The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Pharmacology
24 citations, 0.15%
Journal of Experimental Biology
23 citations, 0.14%
Weed Science
23 citations, 0.14%
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
23 citations, 0.14%
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde
23 citations, 0.14%
Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics
23 citations, 0.14%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
5413 citations, 33.19%
Springer Nature
3529 citations, 21.64%
2340 citations, 14.35%
Taylor & Francis
627 citations, 3.84%
321 citations, 1.97%
Oxford University Press
227 citations, 1.39%
Frontiers Media S.A.
166 citations, 1.02%
Pleiades Publishing
145 citations, 0.89%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
95 citations, 0.58%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
64 citations, 0.39%
Cambridge University Press
63 citations, 0.39%
51 citations, 0.31%
Walter de Gruyter
45 citations, 0.28%
American Society for Microbiology
41 citations, 0.25%
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
40 citations, 0.25%
Inter-Research Science Center
35 citations, 0.21%
33 citations, 0.2%
The Royal Society
31 citations, 0.19%
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
29 citations, 0.18%
CSIRO Publishing
28 citations, 0.17%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
27 citations, 0.17%
Canadian Science Publishing
26 citations, 0.16%
The Company of Biologists
25 citations, 0.15%
22 citations, 0.13%
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
22 citations, 0.13%
22 citations, 0.13%
Annual Reviews
18 citations, 0.11%
15 citations, 0.09%
IOP Publishing
14 citations, 0.09%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
14 citations, 0.09%
University of Chicago Press
13 citations, 0.08%
11 citations, 0.07%
American Geophysical Union
11 citations, 0.07%
Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
10 citations, 0.06%
The Russian Academy of Sciences
10 citations, 0.06%
Akademiai Kiado
9 citations, 0.06%
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
8 citations, 0.05%
Asian Network for Scientific Information
8 citations, 0.05%
American Society for Horticultural Science
8 citations, 0.05%
Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
8 citations, 0.05%
Science Alert
8 citations, 0.05%
Scientific Societies
7 citations, 0.04%
Institute of Experimental Botany
7 citations, 0.04%
Pensoft Publishers
6 citations, 0.04%
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
6 citations, 0.04%
Gabonatermesztesi Kutato Kozhasznu Tarsasag/Cereal Research Non-Profit Company
6 citations, 0.04%
Hindawi Limited
6 citations, 0.04%
International Association for Plant Taxonomy
5 citations, 0.03%
eLife Sciences Publications
5 citations, 0.03%
Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
5 citations, 0.03%
King Saud University
4 citations, 0.02%
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics (NAS Ukraine)
4 citations, 0.02%
Japanese Society of Breeding
4 citations, 0.02%
Academic Journals
4 citations, 0.02%
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
4 citations, 0.02%
EDP Sciences
3 citations, 0.02%
Crop Science Society of America
3 citations, 0.02%
National Research Council Canada
3 citations, 0.02%
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
3 citations, 0.02%
The Genetics Society of Japan
3 citations, 0.02%
Scientific Research Publishing
3 citations, 0.02%
Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
3 citations, 0.02%
3 citations, 0.02%
Rockefeller University Press
2 citations, 0.01%
IOS Press
2 citations, 0.01%
Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
2 citations, 0.01%
AIP Publishing
2 citations, 0.01%
Microbiology Society
2 citations, 0.01%
2 citations, 0.01%
Eco-Vector LLC
2 citations, 0.01%
IWA Publishing
2 citations, 0.01%
Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria
2 citations, 0.01%
Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering
2 citations, 0.01%
2 citations, 0.01%
American Society of Brewing Chemists
2 citations, 0.01%
American Bryological & Lichenological Society
2 citations, 0.01%
Torrey Botanical Society
2 citations, 0.01%
Instituto de Tecnologia do Parana
2 citations, 0.01%
S. Karger AG
2 citations, 0.01%
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
2 citations, 0.01%
2 citations, 0.01%
2 citations, 0.01%
Environmental Health Perspectives
2 citations, 0.01%
RIOR Publishing Center
2 citations, 0.01%
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology
2 citations, 0.01%
World Scientific
1 citation, 0.01%
1 citation, 0.01%
Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
1 citation, 0.01%
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
1 citation, 0.01%
American Physiological Society
1 citation, 0.01%
Mary Ann Liebert
1 citation, 0.01%
1 citation, 0.01%
HACCP Consulting
1 citation, 0.01%
Soil Science Society of America
1 citation, 0.01%
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
1 citation, 0.01%
University of Notre Dame
1 citation, 0.01%
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
1 citation, 0.01%
Portland Press
1 citation, 0.01%
1 citation, 0.01%
Zhejiang University Press
1 citation, 0.01%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing organizations
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
105 publications, 4.61%
Humboldt University of Berlin
62 publications, 2.72%
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
48 publications, 2.11%
University of Greifswald
47 publications, 2.07%
Jai Narain Vyas University
40 publications, 1.76%
Punjab Agricultural University
39 publications, 1.71%
University of Lodz
36 publications, 1.58%
Banaras Hindu University
31 publications, 1.36%
Goethe University Frankfurt
25 publications, 1.1%
Leipzig University
24 publications, 1.05%
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
21 publications, 0.92%
University of Burdwan
19 publications, 0.83%
Charles University
18 publications, 0.79%
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
17 publications, 0.75%
Hamburg University
16 publications, 0.7%
University of Göttingen
16 publications, 0.7%
University of Rostock
16 publications, 0.7%
University of Vienna
16 publications, 0.7%
Heidelberg University
15 publications, 0.66%
Mohanlal Sukhadia University
14 publications, 0.62%
University of Pisa
14 publications, 0.62%
Jawaharlal Nehru University
13 publications, 0.57%
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
13 publications, 0.57%
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
13 publications, 0.57%
ETH Zurich
12 publications, 0.53%
Eötvös Loránd University (University of Budapest)
12 publications, 0.53%
University of Hohenheim
12 publications, 0.53%
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
12 publications, 0.53%
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
12 publications, 0.53%
University of Szeged
11 publications, 0.48%
Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10 publications, 0.44%
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
10 publications, 0.44%
University of Delhi
9 publications, 0.4%
Panjab University
9 publications, 0.4%
Kiel University
9 publications, 0.4%
Lomonosov Moscow State University
8 publications, 0.35%
Gujarat University
8 publications, 0.35%
National Botanical Research Institute
8 publications, 0.35%
North-Eastern Hill University
8 publications, 0.35%
Philipps University of Marburg
8 publications, 0.35%
Technical University of Munich
7 publications, 0.31%
University of Tsukuba
7 publications, 0.31%
University of Calcutta
6 publications, 0.26%
University of Allahabad
6 publications, 0.26%
University of Lucknow
6 publications, 0.26%
University of Birmingham
6 publications, 0.26%
University of Ibadan
6 publications, 0.26%
Ruhr University Bochum
6 publications, 0.26%
Jagiellonian University
6 publications, 0.26%
University of Stuttgart
6 publications, 0.26%
Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.22%
Punjabi University
5 publications, 0.22%
Uppsala University
5 publications, 0.22%
University of Bern
5 publications, 0.22%
Paris Cité University
5 publications, 0.22%
Lancaster University
5 publications, 0.22%
Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
5 publications, 0.22%
Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn
5 publications, 0.22%
Tokai University
5 publications, 0.22%
University of Graz
5 publications, 0.22%
Ain Shams University
5 publications, 0.22%
University of Guelph
5 publications, 0.22%
Institute of Basic Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.18%
University of Liège
4 publications, 0.18%
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
4 publications, 0.18%
Technische Universität Dresden
4 publications, 0.18%
University of Copenhagen
4 publications, 0.18%
University of Ferrara
4 publications, 0.18%
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
4 publications, 0.18%
Helmholtz Zentrum München
4 publications, 0.18%
Brigham Young University
4 publications, 0.18%
Bach Institute of Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.13%
University of Hyderabad
3 publications, 0.13%
Saurashtra University
3 publications, 0.13%
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University
3 publications, 0.13%
Aarhus University
3 publications, 0.13%
Michigan State University
3 publications, 0.13%
University of Adelaide
3 publications, 0.13%
Clemson University
3 publications, 0.13%
University of Cologne
3 publications, 0.13%
Justus Liebig University Giessen
3 publications, 0.13%
Purdue University
3 publications, 0.13%
University of Tokyo
3 publications, 0.13%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
3 publications, 0.13%
Osaka Metropolitan University
3 publications, 0.13%
University of Sheffield
3 publications, 0.13%
Université Clermont Auvergne
3 publications, 0.13%
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
3 publications, 0.13%
University of Stirling
3 publications, 0.13%
Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.09%
University of Kashmir
2 publications, 0.09%
Bharathidasan University
2 publications, 0.09%
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
2 publications, 0.09%
Sambalpur University
2 publications, 0.09%
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya
2 publications, 0.09%
University of Zurich
2 publications, 0.09%
University College London
2 publications, 0.09%
University of Oxford
2 publications, 0.09%
University of Oslo
2 publications, 0.09%
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
2 publications, 0.09%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing countries
Germany, 769, 33.79%
769 publications, 33.79%
India, 338, 14.85%
338 publications, 14.85%
Poland, 88, 3.87%
88 publications, 3.87%
USSR, 67, 2.94%
67 publications, 2.94%
USA, 54, 2.37%
54 publications, 2.37%
Czech Republic
Czech Republic, 52, 2.28%
Czech Republic
52 publications, 2.28%
Hungary, 51, 2.24%
51 publications, 2.24%
Czechoslovakia, 45, 1.98%
45 publications, 1.98%
Russia, 44, 1.93%
44 publications, 1.93%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 41, 1.8%
United Kingdom
41 publications, 1.8%
Japan, 31, 1.36%
31 publications, 1.36%
Austria, 29, 1.27%
29 publications, 1.27%
Belgium, 27, 1.19%
27 publications, 1.19%
Canada, 26, 1.14%
26 publications, 1.14%
Switzerland, 25, 1.1%
25 publications, 1.1%
Italy, 24, 1.05%
24 publications, 1.05%
France, 21, 0.92%
21 publications, 0.92%
Bulgaria, 16, 0.7%
16 publications, 0.7%
Egypt, 16, 0.7%
16 publications, 0.7%
Yugoslavia, 14, 0.62%
14 publications, 0.62%
Australia, 10, 0.44%
10 publications, 0.44%
Netherlands, 10, 0.44%
10 publications, 0.44%
Estonia, 9, 0.4%
9 publications, 0.4%
Slovakia, 9, 0.4%
9 publications, 0.4%
Sweden, 8, 0.35%
8 publications, 0.35%
Serbia, 7, 0.31%
7 publications, 0.31%
Greece, 6, 0.26%
6 publications, 0.26%
Denmark, 6, 0.26%
6 publications, 0.26%
Nigeria, 6, 0.26%
6 publications, 0.26%
Ukraine, 4, 0.18%
4 publications, 0.18%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 4, 0.18%
New Zealand
4 publications, 0.18%
Norway, 4, 0.18%
4 publications, 0.18%
Ireland, 3, 0.13%
3 publications, 0.13%
Spain, 3, 0.13%
3 publications, 0.13%
Cuba, 3, 0.13%
3 publications, 0.13%
Israel, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Romania, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Croatia, 2, 0.09%
2 publications, 0.09%
Belarus, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
China, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Azerbaijan, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Guatemala, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Georgia, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Zambia, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Iraq, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Kuwait, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Latvia, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Lithuania, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Moldova, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Nepal, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
Finland, 1, 0.04%
1 publication, 0.04%
South Africa
South Africa, 1, 0.04%
South Africa
1 publication, 0.04%
Show all (22 more) | |