International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Springer Nature
Springer Nature
ISSN: 22107703, 22107711

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International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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Publications found: 1259
Superposition of an optical vortex and a plane wave with linear polarization states at the tight focus
Kotlyar V.V., Stafeev S.S., Telegin M.A., Kozlova E.S.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 1
Open Access
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 |  Abstract
We analyze the sharp focusing of the superposition of a vortex laser beam with topological charge n and linear polarization and a plane wave with the same linear polarization directed along the horizontal axis. Using the Richards-Wolf formalism, analytical expressions are obtained for the intensity distribution and longitudinal projection of the spin angular momentum (SAM) in the focal plane. It is shown that for even and odd numbers n the intensity and SAM have different symmetries: for even n they are symmetric with respect to both Cartesian axes, and for odd n they are symmetric only with respect to the vertical axis. The intensity distribution has 2n local maxima at the focus, and the intensity on the optical axis is nonzero for any n. The distribution of the longitudinal SAM (spin density) in the focal plane has (n+2) subwavelength regions with a positive SAM and (n+2) regions with a negative SAM, the centers of which alternately locate on a circle of a certain radius centered at the optical axis. Such an alternating-spin pattern demonstrates the spin Hall effect at the focus. At the focus, the negative and positive spins are mutually compensated, meaning that the total spin is zero.
Spin Hall effect of linearly polarized light passed through a metasurface
Nalimov A.G., Kovalev A.A.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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The density of the longitudinal component of the spin angular momentum (SAM) vector is calculated for a paraxial vector Gaussian beam with a periodic one-dimensional modulation. For the beam under consideration, the SAM in the initial plane is zero and the polarization is inhomogeneous and linear. When this beam propagates in free space, due to periodic modulation it is effectively divided into two beams with left-handed and right-handed elliptical polarization. That is, in the cross section of the beam, regions with spins of different signs are separated in space, which is a manifestation of the spin Hall effect. This beam can be formed using a metasurface whose transmission periodically depends on one coordinate.
Automatic mosaic method of remote sensing images based on machine vision
Gao S.P., Xia M., Zhang S.J.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 1
Open Access
Open access
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote sensing is a commonly used technical means in modern science and technology, but currently, remote sensing images captured by UAVs need to be spliced to obtain more comprehensive information. However, current image stitching techniques generally have shortcomings such as a small number of extracted features, low matching accuracy, and poor stability. To address the above issues, this study proposes an improved remote sensing image mosaic model on the bias of the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm. Firstly, in this study, aiming at the problem that traditional SIFT cannot meet the requirements of feature extraction and matching for unconventional remote sensing images and special texture images, normalized cross correlation (NCC) and Forstner operator are introduced to optimize it, namely, a SIFT-NCC model is constructed. On this basis, for remote sensing images with high resolution and a wide range, this study further proposes a remote sensing image automatic mosaic model that combines point features and line features. That is, a linear segment detector (LSD) is introduced to extract the line features of remote sensing images. The experimental verification results of the final SIFT-NCC-LSD show that the matching accuracy for remote sensing images with different characteristics can reach over 95 %. Therefore, SIFT-NCC-LSD has good applicability.
Amplification of UV radiation and gain mechanisms in ZnO films with loose-packed structure
Zadorozhnaya L.A., Tarasov A.P., Lavrikov A.S., Kanevsky V.M.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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The modern demands for miniaturization of optoelectronic devices, in particular, for the UV range, are inextricably linked with the improvement of fabrication technologies for the corresponding photonic nano/micro objects and the study of their radiative properties. In this work, the method of pyrolytic carbothermal synthesis, which is a modification of the thermal evaporation method, was used to fabricate microcrystalline ZnO films with laser properties. The influence of the size and packing type of ZnO microcrystallites in the films on their emissive properties were revealed. The films with relatively large microcrystallites (10–15 µm in size on average) were found to exhibit UV amplified spontaneous emission at room temperature. The possibility of additional enhancement of this emission and its two-threshold behavior in loose-packed regions of such films were found for the first time. It was shown that the observed phenomenon is due to the competition between two gain mechanisms, which are assumed to arise predominantly in different regions of microcrystallites as a result of exciton-phonon and exciton-electron interaction processes. As the temperature decreases, the dominant gain mechanism gradually changes to exciton-exciton scattering, regardless of the type of film structure. The results obtained open up the possibilities of the thermal evaporation synthesis to a wider extent and can be useful in interpreting the optical gain mechanisms in ZnO micro- and nanostructures.
Using a multimode fiber to improve data transfer rates
Timofeev A.L., Sultanov A.K., Meshkov I.K., Gizatulin A.R., Bagmanov V.K.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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The possibilities of using spatial separation of channels in a multimode fiber are considered. When information is transmitted through a multimode fiber, a large number of errors arise due to mode dispersion, mode-to-mode interference and other sources. It is shown that if the fiber data transmission utilizes not an image corresponding to the original digital array but an image hologram, it is possible to use a specific property of holography – the divisibility of a hologram, thus ensuring the restoration of the original image from a highly distorted hologram or its fragment. The virtual optical object for which a hologram is constructed is a point source on a black background, and information is included in the coordinates of the radiation source. The result of encoding is the simplest hologram – a Fresnel zone plate, with the coordinates of the plate center carrying the encoded information. At the receiver, the purpose of decoding is not to restore the brightness of each point of the transmitted hologram, but to calculate the coordinates of the center of the Fresnel zones. This is what makes this method highly resistant to all types of distortion. A description of the numerical simulation is given, the results of which show that when moving from using a single-mode optical fiber for digital data communication to a multimode fiber for image transmission with the number of modes N=4096, a 128-fold increase in the transmission speed can be achieved, with mode dispersion distorting up to 20% of the received image.
Energy rule for enhancing the spin Hall effect in superposition of axisymmetric beams with cylindrical and linear polarization
Kovalev A.A., Kotlyar V.V.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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We study the spin angular momentum of a superposition of two vector light beams radial symmetry, one has cylindrical polarization and another – linear. Both beams can have an arbitrary radial shape. An analytical expression is obtained for the spin angular momentum and two its properties are proven. The first one is that changing weight coefficients of the superposition does not changes the shape of the spin angular momentum density distribution, whereas the intensity shape can change. The second property is that the maximal spin angular momentum density is achieved when both constituent beams in the superposition have equal energy.
Formation of laser beams with a structured polarization distribution for the fabrication of spiral microreliefs in thin films of chalcogenide glasses
Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Ivliev N.A., Porfirev O.P.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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We propose a method of the formation of spiral-shaped microreliefs in thin films of chalcogenide glasses. The method is based on projection lithography using laser beams with a structured polarization distribution. To control the polarization of the initial laser beam, a spatial light modulator HOLOEYE LC 2012 is used. It is shown that changing the contrast of the mask images displayed on the modulator display affects the convexity/concavity of the formed profiles. This approach can be effectively used for the direct laser fabrication of more complex nano-/microelements, as well as their arrays.
Model of light bullet propagation in LiF crystal
Kuznetsov A.V.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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A numerical model is developed for simulation of the propagation of a light bullet in LiF crystal and the formation of a colored track. The model reproduces the previously observed longitudinal oscillations in the concentration of color centers in the track and oscillations in the track width. For the first time, the phase shift between these oscillations is numerically reproduced.
Sharp focusing of a hybridly polarized optical vortex
Stafeev S.S., Zaitcev V.D., Kotlyar V.V.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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In this work, using the Richards-Wolf formalism, we consider the sharp focusing of optical vortices with hybrid polarization, which combines the properties of azimuthal and circular polarizations. It is shown that these beams have a number of unique properties: the intensity pattern in such beams is rotating with distance from the focal spot and the longitudinal component of the spin angular momentum is asymmetrically shaped.
Comparative performance evaluation of classical methods and a deep learning approach for temperature prediction in fiber optic specklegram sensors
Vélez F.J., Arango J.D., Aristizábal V.H., Trujillo C.A., Herrera-Ramírez J.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 1
Open Access
Open access
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In this study, an algorithm based on convolutional neural networks is employed as an interrogation method for a fiber specklegram sensor. This algorithm is compared with conventional interrogation methods, including correlation between images, measurement of optical power, and radial moments. Fiber specklegram sensors have room for improvement as conventional methods only consider a single characteristic of the specklegram for variable prediction, thus failing to leverage the full spectrum of information within the specklegram. Consequently, the approach put forth here introduces a convolutional neural network for the extraction of specklegram features, accompanied by an artificial neural network for variable regression. The specklegrams used in this investigation are obtained through simulating temperature disturbances in a multimode fiber using the Finite Elements Method. The results reveal prediction RMSE errors ranging from 10.26°C for the first radial moment to 1.42°C for the proposed algorithm. These findings underscore the effectiveness of the proposed strategy in enhancing sensor performance and robustness, all while upholding their cost-efficiency.
On estimating the local entropy of an image in a sliding window
Sergeyev V.V., Bavrina A.Y., Zaitsev I.D., Lazutov M.Y., Shapiro D.A.
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 1
Open Access
Open access
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The paper considers a number of issues related to the calculation of the local entropy in a sliding window for image processing tasks. A new algorithm for entropy estimation is proposed, which has several times lower computational complexity than the known ones. The algorithm is based on the approximate representation of the histogram in the form of a truncated series expansion over some system of orthogonal basis functions, recursive calculation of the coefficients of this expansion in a sliding window and subsequent recalculation of the coefficients into the entropy estimate. Questions of an orthogonal basis selection for representing the local histogram as a truncated series are considered and the appropriateness of using the Haar basis is shown. A technique of constructing hierarchical approximator, which realizes fast recalculation of histogram decomposition coefficients into entropy value, is described. The theoretical statements of the paper are verified by experiments on the Earth remote sensing images.
Production processes optimization through machine learning methods based on geophysical monitoring data
Osipov A.V., Pleshakova E.S., Gataullin S.T.
Samara National Research University
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 6
Open Access
Open access
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The purpose of the article is to create an effective method for low-delay monitoring of the operating state of a drill string and a drill bit without interfering with the proper drilling process. For the drilling process to be continuously controlled, an experimental setup that operates by utilizing the phase-metric method of control was developed. Any movement of the bit causes a change in the electrical characteristics of the probing signal. To obtain a stable signal from a bit immersion depth of up to 250 m, a frequency of probing electrical signals of 166 Hz and an amplitude of up to 500 V were used; the sampling rate of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) was 10101 Hz. To identify the state of the drill string and the bit based on graphs of time-dependences of changes in the probing signal electrical characteristics, the present authors investigated a number of deep learning methods. Based on the results of the study, a series of capsular neural network methods ( CapsNet ) was chosen. The authors developed modifications of 2D-CapsNet: windowed Fourier transform (WFT) - 2D-CapsNet and frequency slice wavelet transform (FSWT) - 2D-CapsNet. Both of these methods showed a 99% accuracy in determining the transition between two layers of rocks with different properties, which is 2–3% higher than the currently used measurement-while-drilling (MWD) and logging-while-drilling (LWD) rock surveys. Both of these methods unambiguously reveal self-oscillations in the drill string. When determining a fully serviceable bit in the case of self-oscillations, the (FSWT) - 2D-CapsNet method showed an accuracy of 99%.
Insight into plasmonics: resurrection of modern-day science (invited)
Butt M.A.
Samara National Research University
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 6
Open Access
Open access
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Plasmonics is a field of research and technology that focuses on the interaction between light and free electrons in a metal structure called plasmon. The study of plasmonics has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential for several applications and its ability to manipulate light at nanoscale dimensions. Plasmonics enables the control of light at the nanoscale, far beyond the diffraction limit of conventional optics. This allows for the development of new devices and technologies with enhanced performance and functionality. In this paper, recent advances in plasmonics in medicine, agriculture, agriculture, environmental monitoring, lasers and solar energy harvesting are reviewed. Despite these promising prospects, plasmonic devices must overcome obstacles such as significant energy losses, complicated production processes, and the need for better material characteristics. Plasmonics will continue to advance because of ongoing work in nanotechnology, material science, and engineering, which will make it a more significant field with a wide range of usages in the future. In the end, the advantages and the limitations related to the realization of plasmonic devices in the real world are discussed.
Spin-orbit interaction in quasi-monochromatic singular beams
Egorov Y.A., Rubass A.F.
Samara National Research University
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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It is shown that the magnitude of the spin-orbit coupling is the energy efficiency of energy transfer between orthogonally polarized beam components. The energy efficiency changes as the Gaussian beam propagates through the anisotropic crystal. For a fundamental Gaussian beam, the energy efficiency cannot exceed 50%, and for elegant Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian beams of higher orders, the energy efficiency can reach a value close to 100%. At the same time, for ordinary higher-order Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian mode beams, the energy efficiency can only slightly exceed 50%. It is shown that zero-order Bessel-Gaussian beams are capable of achieving an energy efficiency close to 100% when an axial optical vortex is generated in the orthogonally polarized beam component when passing through an anisotropic medium, in both monochromatic and polychromatic light. It is shown that for elegant polychromatic Laguerre-Gaussian or Hermite-Gaussian beams, the energy efficiency is reduced to a value not exceeding 50%. The spin moment is compensated by a change in the orbital momentum of the entire beam, which occurs as a result of the difference in topological charge (TC) in the orthogonally polarized components by 2 units.
Automatic 4-mirrors system for alignment of high-power laser radiation
Toporovsky V.V., Alexandrov A.G., Galaktionov I.V., Rukosuev A.L., Kudryashov A.V.
Samara National Research University
Computer Optics 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
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This paper presents the automated system for minimizing the deviation of the path of passage and the divergence of a secondary radiation source with parameters similar to ones of the main beam of a high-power Ti:Sa laser using mirrors in kinematic mounts on the motorized stages. As an alignment laser, the diode laser with a fiber output was used with radiation characteristics coinciding with the parameters of the main beam (wavelength, beam diameter). The successive approximation algorithm was used to minimize the beam deflection. The positioning accuracy and beam size matching were analyzed on the near-field camera and were equaled to 28.6 µm along the X-axis and 26.4 µm along the Y-axis. Beam size mismatch was equaled to 0.151 mm. The pointing accuracy was analyzed on the far-field sensor and equaled 15.34 µrad along the X axis and 12.03 µrad along the Y axis. The curvature of the wavefront was 0.06 µm.


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